Zusammenhang von Energienutzung mit Gas vs. Kohle für die Produktion. Wie china den Preis von Dünger runterschraubt.
Klar ist dass es abhängig ist für welchen Boden. Excurs vone einem Uni bericht zur Düngung.
Analysis or Grade
By law, all products sold as fertilizer require uniform labeling guaranteeing the minimum percentage of nutrients. The three-number combination (fertilizer grade or analysis) on the product identifies percentages of nitrogen (N), phosphate (P2O5), and potash (K2O), respectively. For example, a 20-10-5 fertilizer contains 20% nitrogen, 10% phosphate, and 5% potash.
Fertilizer ratio indicates a comparative proportion of nitrogen to phosphate to potash. For example, a 15-10-5 fertilizer has a ratio of 3-2-1, and an 8-12-4 fertilizer has a ratio of 2-3-1. Fertilizer recommendations from a soil test are given in ratios.
When shopping for a fertilizer, select a product with a ratio somewhat similar to that desired. For example, if a soil test recommended a 2-1-0 ratio, the ideal fertilizer would be something like 8-4-0, 10-5-0 or 20-10-0. However, if you cannot find that exact fertilizer, an 8-4-2 would be similar. If a garden soil test calls for a 1-0-0 ratio, a 21-0-0 or 24-2-2 fertilizer would be similar.
http://www.potashcorp.com/industry_overview/2011/nutrients/35/ |