.....ok, los gehts gen Himmel!:-)

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neuester Beitrag: 14.08.24 16:09
eröffnet am: 12.01.10 10:05 von: Janitus Scho. Anzahl Beiträge: 284
neuester Beitrag: 14.08.24 16:09 von: JuPePo Leser gesamt: 232843
davon Heute: 81
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12.01.10 10:05

673 Postings, 5472 Tage Janitus Schorfos.....ok, los gehts gen Himmel!:-)

Zeitpunkt: 22.03.11 14:24
Aktion: Forumswechsel
Kommentar: Falsches Forum



10.02.10 10:14

673 Postings, 5472 Tage Janitus Schorfos..ist hier eigentlich noch einer mit von der

17.03.10 13:57

673 Postings, 5472 Tage Janitus Schorfoshmmm anscheinend bin

ich hier alleine!:-(  

17.03.10 14:18

3 Postings, 5331 Tage tax2010Endlich eine Antwort

Es ist schwierig zu antworten, wenn man nichts zu sagen hat. Ich wundere mich, dass die Aktie gerade so in Bewegung ist und warte darauf, dass ein belesener Aktionär einen Artikel einstellt und mir Hoffnung gibt. Ich selber habe aktuell nichts gefunden und würde mich über jeden Hinweis freuen.


17.03.10 16:36

673 Postings, 5472 Tage Janitus Schorfos@tax2010

Willkommen im Club!!! Mit wirklich informativen News kann ich leider auch nicht dienen!

Dennoch sagt mir mein gefühl, dass dieser Wert  Potential hat!!

Dauert halt noch bis die 0,50€ Marke passsiert wird aber das wird schon!

Seit wann bist Du dabei?  

17.03.10 16:39

673 Postings, 5472 Tage Janitus Schorfos...sind zwar nicht die neusten News:

München (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Experten von "FOCUS-MONEY" empfehlen die Aktie von Carpathian Gold (Profil) bis 0,30 EUR zu kaufen.

Das Unternehmen besitze ein großes Goldprojekt in Rumänien. Geologen rund um Vorstand Dino Titaro hätten dort bis jetzt 10,75 Mio. Unzen Goldressourcen definieren können. Als Nebenprodukt enthalte das Gestein zudem Kupfer. Dadurch würden die auf das Gold gerechneten Abbaukosten verbilligt. Ein Goldabbau in dem Rovina-Gebiet sei jedoch noch Jahre entfernt. Aus diesem Grund dürfte auch der Anteilsschein noch nicht höher stehen.

Der Markt habe bisher ein zweites Projekt der Kanadier nicht beachtet. Zwar habe die Riacho-dos-Machados-Goldmine in Brasilien nur 1,3 Mio. Unzen bisher bekannte Ressourcen. Doch Carpathian werde die Mine noch 2010 oder Anfang 2011 in Produktion bringen. Das Projekt solle rund 100.000 Unzen pro Jahr abwerfen. Mit dem Cashflow könne Titaro dann Rumänien weiterentwickeln.

Sobald der Markt erkenne, dass das Unternehmen eine produzierende Goldmine aufbaue, sollte die Neubewertung der Aktie stattfinden.

Die Experten von "FOCUS-MONEY" raten die Carpathian Gold bis 0,30 EUR zu kaufen. Da der Titel spekulativ sei sollten Limits gesetzt werden. Ein Stoppkurs sollte bei 0,15 EUR platziert werden. (Ausgabe 33) (06.08.2009/ac/a/a)  

17.03.10 19:45

3 Postings, 5331 Tage tax2010Focus Money

Ich hatte letztes Jahr bereits den Artikel gelesen und zwischendurch immer ein Auge auf diese Aktie. Immer wieder gekauft und verkauft (zu lange Kapitalbindung). Jetzt im Februar wieder eingestiegen und etwas an Weisheit und Geduld im letzten Jahr dazugewonnen. Bleibe also erstmal dabei.



17.03.10 22:06
Ich bin auch noch nicht lange hier! Habe auch nur 10k zu 0,27€.

Habe irgendwie ein gutes Gefühl bei der Sache!

Mal schaun wo wir Mitte des Jahres stehn.  

23.03.10 19:04

673 Postings, 5472 Tage Janitus Schorfos..entwickelt sich doch super!

27.04.10 14:43

673 Postings, 5472 Tage Janitus Schorfos...so hoch waren wir ja noch nie!

Evtl. wird das ja doch noch was!  

23.06.10 13:59

4 Postings, 5241 Tage Vincent SteinDas wird ein Höhenflug...

Irgendwo habe ich gelesen, daß die Kanadier einen Kredit bekommen haben, in Mio. Höhe. Ich finde diesen Artikel leider nicht mehr (ich meine es war auf deren Homepage), aber ich denke damit werden die sich ausbauen können und wenn dann ab 2011 in Brasilien gewinnbringend gefördert wird, dann geht das Papier steil ;-)

25.06.10 18:40

30642 Postings, 6466 Tage KroniosWenn ich mir den Chart anseh...

hab ich ein bissl Galubensprobleme mit dem Abheben.

Überlagert den Chart mal mit Gold (z.B. A0N62G). Dann sieht man ganz deutlich einen schönen regelmässigen Sägezahn. Und der wird nicht durch News gesteuert, oder vom Fundamentalen beeinflusst (siehe Goldchart)... sondern von irgend was anderem :-)  Was könnte das wohl sein? Vielleicht sogar ein schlimmer Spekulant, der die Aktie pushen will, um Leute zum Einsteigen zu bewegen?
Das sollte doch nicht sein.. solche Leute gibts doch gar nicht. Aber wenn es sie gäbe, dann hätte der Chart nen recht regelmässigen Sägezahn gegenüber dem Fundamentalindex...
Jaja, ich weiss, ich mach wieder mal Kursraketen einfach so mies....
Fahne im Fass? .. Haben wir schon...  (Werbetextliches (c) Knetegirl)
Diesen Werbespruch können Sie derzeit noch käuflich erwerben.

22.03.11 14:11

3845 Postings, 5149 Tage DeRojewieder sehr schöne News!

TORONTO, ONTARIO -- (Marketwire) -- 03/22/11 -- Carpathian Gold Inc. (TSX: CPN) (the 'Corporation' or 'Carpathian') is pleased to provide further results from its 35,000 meter planned 2011 drill program at the Corporation's 100% owned Rovina Valley Project ('RVP') in west-central Romania. The RVP includes three Au-Cu porphyries discovered by the Corporation with the focus of the 2011 drilling program on the Au-rich Ciresata Porphyry deposit. The 2011 drill program will focus on defining the limits of the Ciresata deposit, upgrade the inferred resource to the measured plus indicated resource categories, as well as test satellite targets.

Core hole RGD-20 is near the southern edge of the known mineralization halo in an area with sparse drilling and intersected 240 metres of significant gold-copper grades which extends the greater than 0.80 g/t Au-eq grade shell 120 metres to the southwest and contributes higher grades.

Core hole RGD-21 is located at the northwest edge of the present drill pattern and intersected 626 meters of high-grade gold-copper mineralization that extends this zone and is open northwest of the present drill pattern. This drill hole expands the greater than 0.80 g/t Au-eq grade shell significantly from the previous resource estimate in 2008. Highlight intersections from this hole are shown below.

Drill hole    From (m)  To (m) Length (m)  Au (g/t)    Cu (%) Au-eq(i) (g/t)
RGD-20(ii)         310     550        240      0.81      0.16           1.13
  Including       421     497         76      1.01      0.17           1.36
RGD-21(ii)         170     773        603      0.94      0.20           1.34
  Including       170     773        603      0.94      0.20           1.34
  Including       147     629        482      1.06      0.21           1.50
  Including       208     544        336      1.22      0.23           1.70

(i) To estimate Au-eq (Gold Equivalent) a gold price of US $1000 and a
copper price of US $3.00/lb is used. Metallurgical recoveries are not taken
into account. This is consistent with the Au-eq. calculations the
Corporation has used in its recent press releases for Ciresata.
(ii) RGD-20 is located on drill fence 925N and drilled vertical to 778.0 m
depth; RGD-21 is located on drill fence 1140N and drill vertical to 879.7 m
depth. Drill hole locations are shown on Drill-hole Plan Map at

'We continue to be impressed with the drill results from the Ciresata porphyry and look forward to further drill results from our accelerated program', said Dino Titaro, President and CEO of Carpathian.' Mr. Titaro adds, 'The Ciresata porphyry continues to demonstrate its high-grade tenor emphasizing the new gold-rich porphyry class of deposit we have discovered in Romania. We believe that the 2011 drill program could add significantly to the size of this deposit and provide a good basis for pre-feasibility/feasibility studies at the Rovina Valley Project in 2011'.

The Ciresata porphyry system is a blind deposit that begins 40 to 140 m below surface. Drill hole RDG-21 with 626 metres at 0.92 g/t Au and 0.19% Cu extends the high-grade core of Ciresata to the northwest edge of the present drill pattern. This intersection is located 100 metres west of drill hole RGD-17 which intersected 716 metres at 1.14 g/t Au and 0.16% Cu (see Corporation's Press Release dated September 8th, 2010) and indicates this high-grade zone is open to the west and north. Two drill rigs are presently operating at Ciresata with plans to ramp-up to four operating drill rigs in the next 3-4 weeks.

RVP Background Information

RVP is comprised of three Au-Cu porphyry systems (Rovina, Colnic and Ciresata) discovered by the Corporation. From 2006 to 2009, 181 diamond drill holes totaling 71,375 m have been completed on the project. In late 2008, PEG Mining Consultants Inc. ('PEG') completed a NI 43-101 resource estimate ('2008 Resource').

A detailed Preliminary Economic Assessment ('PEA') was released on March 23, 2010. The PEA was completed by PEG, which led a consortium of specialists assembled for the study. The onsite metallurgical facility will include conventional unit operations such as crushing, grinding, froth flotation and dewatering to produce a gold-rich copper flotation concentrate. Ore processing will utilize an industry-standard flotation process-only at a rate of 40,000 tonnes per day to produce a gold-rich saleable copper concentrate. This process does not require the use of cyanide.

A summary of the PEA results is provided below.

--  Average annual gold production of 238,000 ounces per annum for the first
   five years and averaging 196,000 ounces per annum over the mine life of
   19 years, for a total of 3.72 million ounces of recoverable gold over
   the life-of-mine (LOM).

--  Average annual copper production of 53.5 million lbs for the first five
   years and averaging 49.4 million lbs per annum over the19-year mine
   life, totaling 938 million lbs of recoverable copper over LOM.

--  Total gold equivalent ounces produced over the 19-year mine life are
   6.22 million.

--  Total operating cash cost of US $81/oz with copper as a by-product
   credit and US $446/oz gold on a co-product basis (copper cash cost is US
   $1.05/lb on a co-product basis), using metal prices of US $1,000/oz Au
   and US $3.00/lb Cu.

--  At metal prices of US $1,000/oz gold and US $3.00/lb copper the NPV is
   US $1.13 billion based on a 5% discount rate.

--  Project internal rate of return ('IRR') of 24.2%, with an approximate
   3.3-year payback on an initial Project capital expenditure of US $509.4
   million, at a gold price of US $1,000/oz and copper price of US

There has been no previous commercial mining activity at RVP and the proposed mine site footprint as defined by the PEA does not include any known protected heritage sites or archaeological occurrences and has been designed to minimize impact in the nearby communities of Rovina and Bucuresci.

According to the cautionary statement required by NI 43-101, it should be noted that this PEA is preliminary in nature as it includes inferred mineral resources that cannot be categorized as reserves at this time and as such there is no certainty that the preliminary assessment and economics will be realized. The full Study of the PEA is available on www.SEDAR.com.

Sample Protocol

All samples collected from any program in Romania are prepared and analyzed at the independent ALS Romania SRL Laboratory in Gura Rosiei, Romania, owned and operated by ISO Certified ALS-Chemex Laboratory, using industry standard fire assay techniques for gold on 50-gram sample charges with AAS finish. Copper is analyzed using the industry-standard method of aqua-regia digest on a 0.40-gram sub sample with an AAS finish. Coarse blanks, pulp blanks, pulp duplicates, core twins and certified gold and copper standards are inserted on a routine basis. They consist of 15 per cent of submitted samples. In addition, coarse rejects from 3% of the samples are periodically re-submitted for analysis. For the current drill program a minimum of 3% of sample pulps are analyzed at the ISO Certified OMAC Laboratory in Ireland, for check assays. The drill assays reported in this press release are from split HQ and NQ size diamond core with the remaining half retained for reference. All holes at the Ciresata deposit are sampled at one metre intervals through the mineralized zone and two-metre intervals in the upper barren zone.

Mr. Titaro is the qualified person (as defined in National Instrument 43-101) overseeing the design and implementation of the present exploration programs. He is responsible for preparing the technical information contained in this news release.  

22.03.11 19:42

3845 Postings, 5149 Tage DeRojeHeute 12 % :)

Da werden wir wohl morgen wieder die 0,60CAD sehen.  

13.07.11 18:10

287 Postings, 5140 Tage Dak007Bin seit heute auch dabei

13.07.11 18:27

287 Postings, 5140 Tage Dak007Sehr schönes volumen heute

Weiß jemand mehr??  

13.07.11 21:34

287 Postings, 5140 Tage Dak007Carpathian Gold Inc. meldet weitere Bohrergebnisse

13.07.11 21:35

287 Postings, 5140 Tage Dak007Carpathian Gold Inc. meldet weitere Bohrergebnisse

20.07.11 12:53

3 Postings, 5100 Tage Lost PlaceNews

Barrick Gold glaubt an Goldrausch in Rumänien

Der weltweit größte Gold-Produzent mit Sitz im kanadischen Toronto Barrick Gold hat sich dazu entschlossen, bei der rumänischen Explorationsgesellschaft Carpathian Gold entschlossen und will sich auf diese Weise den Zugang zu Gold-Lagerstätten in den Kaparten sichern.




15.09.11 22:57

16.09.11 23:35

23589 Postings, 5533 Tage alice.im.börsenlandniemand mehr da? links v. heute



Press Release Source: Carpathian Gold Inc. On Friday September 16, 2011, 8:00 am EDT

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Sept. 16, 2011) - Carpathian Gold Inc. (TSX:CPN - News; the "Corporation" or "Carpathian") is pleased to report that it has received the Ad Referendum ("AR") for the Licenca Instalacao ("LI") thereby enabling it to proceed with the overall construction of its 100% owned Riacho dos Machados ("RDM") Gold Project, located in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The Corporation will expedite the construction of the project with the targeted goal for the commencement of gold production in late 2012/early 2013 at a nominal anticipated production rate averaging + 94,000 ounces per annum for an initial eight year period.

The Corporation is also pleased to announce that for its mining fleet it has selected Caterpillar ("CAT") equipment for the life of the mine operation. The initial order of mining equipment has been requisitioned and it is anticipated that it will be delivered to the project by second quarter of 2012. A contract mining group has been selected to commence the pre-stripping of the deposit prior to the arrival of the CAT equipment.

Earlier this year, the Corporation announced that it had already acquired the secondary and tertiary crushers, and the ball mill and ancillary grinding equipment, that has a capacity of 9,000 tpd, which will be shipped to the project site this fall. The project currently calls for a 7,000 tpd milling operation.

There are numerous exploration targets on strike of the RDM mine site and exploration drilling will commence on these targets to further enhance both the mine life and annual production rate.

About Carpathian

The Corporation is an exploration and development company whose primary business interest is developing near-term gold production on its 100% owned Riacho dos Machados Gold Project in Brazil, which is currently focusing on activities surrounding permitting and construction, along with progressing its exploration and development plans on its 100% owned Rovina Valley Au-Cu Project located in Romania. On a company wide basis, the Corporation currently hosts NI 43-101 resources of 4.0 million ounces of gold in the measured plus indicated categories and 4.5 million ounces of gold in the inferred category, as well as 759.1 million pounds of copper in the measured plus indicated category and 663.1 million pounds of copper in the inferred category.

The Riacho dos Machados Gold Project is targeted to produce in the order of +/-100,000 ounces of gold per annum, with construction targeted by management to be initiated by mid 2011 with an anticipated goal for the commencement of production in late 2012 or early 2013. The Rovina Valley Project will enhance the Corporations growth profile as a mid-tier gold producer.

Mr. Titaro is the qualified person (as defined in National Instrument 43-101) overseeing the design and implementation of the present work programs. He is responsible for preparing the technical information contained in this news release.

Forward-Looking Statements: This press release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements are frequently characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "Project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate", and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, that address future exploration drilling, exploration activities and events or developments that the Corporation expects, are forward-looking statements. Although the Corporation believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated statements. The Corporation undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.  

20.09.11 17:37

kaum klicks und keine beiträge, komisch. die läuft doch super....was will man mehr 





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