Western Potash Corp. - Kali als Kurstreiber.

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09.09.13 18:45

5805 Postings, 4861 Tage thairatGerüchte

Hattip Privatier50
| 09.09.2013, 15:58 | 202 Aufrufe | 1 | druckversion

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Die Aktie von K+S ist am Montag trotz anhaltend skeptischer Studien an die Dax-Spitze geklettert. Am Nachmittag verteuerten sich die Anteile an dem Dünger- und Salzhersteller um 7,02 Prozent auf 20,30 Euro. Der Dax legte nur 0,09 Prozent zu.

Ein Händler begründete dies mit wieder leicht aufflammenden Spekulationen um Uralkali als Unterstützung. Berichten zufolge könnte Großaktionär Suleiman Kerimov unter Druck geraten, seine Anteil zu verkaufen. Als möglicher Bieter werde unter anderem der Ex-Banker Vladimir Kogan genannt. 'Damit könnte Hoffnung aufkommen, dass die Vertriebsallianzen für Kali nun doch noch wieder aufleben', sagte ein Börsianer. Dass passe zu dem positiven Impuls vom Freitag, als der russische Präsident Vladimir Putin auf eine Lösung im Kalistreit gedrängt hat und sich gegen eine weitere Eskalation aussprach.  

09.09.13 21:21

5805 Postings, 4861 Tage thairatKlartext von John Costigan, Wpx PR

Potash power plays: Russia and China act boldly

Marc Davis, a financial news reporter for BNWnews.ca and former investment industry mining analyst, discusses the future of the junior potash sector with John Costigan, Vice President of Corporate Development for Vancouver-based Western Potash Corp. (TSX: WPX).

MD: Just recently, potash stocks took a big hit across-the-board with the announcement that Russia has decided it may significantly undercut the current price floor of around $400 a tonne for potash by 25 percent or more. Why is this and what does it mean for the global potash industry?

JC: The long-term fundamentals for the potash business suggest there will be very healthy growth well into the future. At Western Potash, we believe that lower potash prices in the near term will logically stimulate demand that should translate into sustainable returns in the long run.

That all said, there’s a current oversupply of potash in the short-term. And we see that reflected in Potash Corp having scaled back its business with mine closures. But they do that on a regular basis in terms of managing the demand/supply ratio. In other words, they’re always cutting back when they need to, in order to support the price of potash.

MD: There’s been a very pronounced downturn in the mining sector over the past two years as the global economic recovery continues to remain quite anemic. This correction has hit precious metals developers and producers particularly hard. Has this also been the case for emerging potash projects in Canada?

JC: Again, we’re still seeing expansion in the fertilizer sector. In fact, global potash consumption is predicted to increase. But we’re seeing a contraction in the mining companies entering the potash sector. Industry players like BPH, Vale, and Rio Tinto are pulling back, partly because of their exposure to iron. By which I mean, they’re unable to fund some of these capital-intensive projects. So they can’t really open up new markets when their conventional markets are falling apart with them posting lower returns in the iron ore business.

Removal of these large in-development capital intensive projects from the line-up will certainly impacts the supply scenario globally. For instance, if you take an in-development eight million tonne-a-year project like Jansen out of the future supply scenario, you now have room for up to three projects the size of Milestone. Hence, we believe potash supply/demand fundamentals will be balanced going forward.

We also believe that lower prices implied in the most recent news out of Russia will take time to hit the market and that the price really only needs to find the level that discourages new entrants in order for it to have a strategic effect. In fact, this is their strategy. This again will impact supply demand ratios. High-cost operators and projects of course are most at risk. But it’s worth noting that Milestone has been engineered as a low-cost producer with a relatively high volume of output, and will not be impacted by this particular move.

MD: In North America, funding for potash juniors and other in-development mineral projects has dried up. Canadian investment banks in Toronto and Vancouver have become risk-averse over the past two years in response to a cyclical downturn in the mining industry.  How has Western Potash responded to this development?

JC: Before this downturn took hold and essentially paralyzed much of the mineral development sector, Western Potash started talking to end users of potash in Asia to see if we could partner-up with a deep-pocketed player that could finance the development of the Milestone project in return for a piece of the action. And we selected a credible Chinese company that has committed to the process of making our Milestone Potash mine a reality. The company is called China BlueChemical Ltd. And it’s a significant player in China’s fertilizer industry. In fact, it generated nearly $2 billion in sales in 2012.

MD: Why exactly did Western Potash choose China BlueChemical as a joint venture partner? In other words, what is it about this particular company that is compatible with Western Potash’s mandate?

JC: China BlueChemical is a fertilizer producer that distributes nitrogen and phosphate throughout China. But they don’t’ have their own potash supplies. So our future together fits very well with their mandate. There are also other large corporate entities that are interested in partnering with us and participating in a future potash sales off-take agreement. This is an incredible vote of confidence, giving us a very clear direction forward.

Furthermore, the CEO of China BlueChemical is now on our board of directors. It’s a very important move that is yet another tremendous vote of confidence in terms of their participation in the Milestone project.  We take that as a clear sign that this mine will be built.

JC: Our Milestone Project in Saskatchewan is now among the most advanced independent undeveloped potash asset in the world. And it sits at the heart of the richest potash fields in the world. So the endorsement of Milestone by China is an indication that the necessary capital for big-scale mining project is still very much available through China. On this note, it’s worth mentioning that China BlueChemical is a subsidiary of CNOOC, an oil-producing flagship SOE that operates in international markets.

This approval of this investment is a tremendous endorsement of the Milestone project. We’ve signed an agreement for $32 million which of course doesn’t make a dent in the financing of the mine. And it’s not meant to. Instead, it’s meant to allow us to pave the way for the major investment which is forthcoming once we finalize the business agreement between China BlueChemical and us and other allied partners that we’ll need to bring on to spread the risk in terms of who will participate in the off-take agreement.

MD: Keeping in mind that China BlueChemical is a60-per-cent owned subsidiary of CNOOC, how does the relationship between the two companies ultimately benefit Western Potash?

JC: When a company such as CNOOC gives you approval, that’s very powerful. It may be possible to take that endorsement, when the time comes, to the banks in order to give them a high level of confidence in the viability of our project.

JC: What they get is a technically de-risked project in Milestone. That being said, we may look at bringing on additional partners to complete to total output of the off-take in order to spread that risk.

And we’ve identified structures that will allow them to participate on a non-dilutive equity basis.  Western Potash’s equity contribution will be the project, itself.

MD: What kind of timeline are we talking about for the building of a 2.8 million tonne-a-year mine at Milestone?

JC: Once we complete the major transaction by getting the initial capital infrastructure monies in the bank, then we can figure out exactly how we’re going to build the mine. The formation of the mine development syndicate to build the mine is the next major milestone for us.

JC: Potash has been identified as a strategic asset for China’s burgeoning agriculture sector. Yet it seems that China will never be able to produce more than 60percent of its overall potash needs. So China will have to continue to import about 40 of its potash needs. Thus, the Chinese are focused on securing long-term potash supplies because it’s an indispensible ingredient in fertilizers. Not only does it significantly boost crop yields, but it also ensures meaningful cost containment. In which case, farmers need to significantly increase their use of potash-based fertilizers. The solution is to capitalize on Canada’s potash riches and its political stability via direct ownership.

JC: They’re currently under-applying their potash application.  So they need to balance that fertilizer use. By which I mean that over-application of phosphate and nitrogen which can leach into the soil and into the water table, which is detrimental to the environment. This can be remedied by using less of these minerals with the addition of potash. Which remarkably improves fertilizer efficiencies.

China is also increasing their agricultural land base by bringing back land that has been out of production for some time. For these reasons, they need to create more yield per acre.

JC: We will always be a Canadian company in many different ways. We will always have Canadian management. The company will also continue to be a Canadian-regulated TSX-listed company that’s governed by Canadian laws and regulations.

It’s also worth noting that the province of Saskatchewan will reap all the benefits in terms of job, taxes, and of course our commitment to being a good corporate citizen.

JC: We’re trading at a significant discount in the marketplace with a market capitalization of less than a $100 million. And in light of the fact that we’re building a $3 billion mine that promises to be a very lucrative business venture for decades to come, there’s a lot of room for improvement in the share price.

Long-term investors should take note of this fact, especially since we’re no longer an exploration company. I believe that most of the hype is out of the potash sector now. We’re now moving into the development space. Also, we also have a clear sense of direction in terms of future funding and how we’re going to build the Milestone mine.  But investors need to be patient. Those who can see this opportunity could be well-rewarded over time.

MD:Thank you, John, for your time.

John Costigan leads the corporate development team at Western Potash Corp. The company is developing a world-class 226 million-tonne potash deposit that iscapable of yielding up to 2.8 million tonnes of potash per annum at pre-tax mining costs of around $62 per tonne for at least 40 years (based on its feasibility study).Additionally, the project is has received full governmental environmental approval. Hence, it is now poised for the commencement of mine construction.

Disclaimer: The principals of BNWNews.ca do not own any shares directly or indirectly in any of the companies mentioned in this interview.


02.10.13 15:23

98 Postings, 6626 Tage sturmhpgeht hier noch was in diesem Forum ?

oder seid ihr alle bei wallstreet-online oder finanztreff.de ?  

03.10.13 13:54

5805 Postings, 4861 Tage thairatJa und nein, warten auf die Inder und dat nächste

wpx zieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehooooooooooooooooooch  

03.10.13 13:57

5805 Postings, 4861 Tage thairatUralkali news

Potash to bottom out, then rebound in 2014 - Uralkali
Reuters – 1 hour 9 minutes ago

In July Uralkali said it had expected global potash prices to decline to below $300 per tonne in the second half due to its decision to leave the trading alliance, down from a previous price of $400 per tonne.
"The (global) price will not drop to $300, but there might be a correction from current levels this year because Belaruskali and other producers' attempts to place volumes could put pressure on the prices," Petrov said.
"All corrections will occur within 2013, reaching a bottom in early 2014 with the contract in China, after which there will be a definite rebound."


Wende im Kali-Streit?
Balsam für die K+S-Aktie
Die Turbulenzen auf dem Kali-Markt haben der Aktie von K+S zu schaffen gemacht. Doch nun gibt es Hoffnungen, dass die Kalipreise wieder steigen. Ein Trostpflaster für den Dax-Titel.

Kurs19.53Differenz absolut0.91Differenz relativ+4.89% In mein Depot
Die Aktie von K+S gewinnt am Vormittag über fünf Prozent und setzt sich damit an die Dax-Spitze. Bereits am Mittwoch hatte sie zugelegt. Ein Aufatmen, nachdem der Titel in den vergangenen drei Wochen wegen der Spekulationen auf fallende Kali-Preise nach der Aufkündigung des Export-Kartells rund 20 Prozent verloren hatte. Auf Jahressicht hat es sogar fast die Hälfte an Wert eingebüßt.

Was Händlern zufolge für die Gegenbewegung gesorgt hat, war ein Bericht des "Wall Street Journal" zu Uralkali vom Abend. Demzufolge dürfte der Großaktionär Suleiman Kerimov seinen 22-prozentigen Anteil am russischen Kali-Weltmarktführer offenbar an heimische Käufer abtreten.

Das Preis-Kartell könnte neu aufgelegt werden

K+S-Aktie erholt sich
Weiter hieß es, dass dann auch die Preiskooperation mit dem weißrussischen Staatskonzern Belaruskali nochmals überprüft werden könnte. Damit gibt es neue Hoffnungen, dass Russland den seit Monaten andauernden Kali-Streit beilegen und das Preis-Kartell mit dem Nachbarn Weißrussland neu auflegen könnte. Ende Juli hatte das russische Unternehmen Uralkali noch seinen Ausstieg aus diesem Gemeinschaftsunternehmen angekündigt und damit für massive Verwerfungen am Kalimarkt gesorgt.

Die neue Wendung im Kali-Streit beflügelt Händlern zufolge die Fantasie für steigende Kali-Preise. Davon profitierten auch die Konkurrenten Potash und Mosaic in den USA. Deren Aktien verbuchten ebenfalls ein Plus.


Stand: 03.10.2013, 09:01



Ausländische Investoren haben kaum Chancen bei Uralkali - Kreise
02.10.2013 | 21:42

Von Alexander Kolyandr

MOSKAU--Der zum Verkauf stehende Anteil am Kaliproduzenten Uralkali wird voraussichtlich an einen russischen Käufer gehen. Den Zuschlag dürfte einer von mehreren reichen Investoren aus dem Land erhalten, obwohl auch ausländische Bieter Interesse gezeigt hätten, sagten mit der Sache vertraute Personen am Mittwoch. Mit einem Deal würde sich die angespannte Situation zwischen Russland und Weißrussland weiter beruhigen.

Der Uralkali-Großaktionär Suleiman Kerimow, der über seine Schweizer Stiftung 21,7 Prozent an dem Unternehmen hält, will seinen Anteil verkaufen. Voraussetzung sei allerdings, dass ein Käufer einen fairen Preis zahle, der den gesamten Konzern mit rund 19 bis 20 Milliarden US-Dollar bewertet, wie andere informierte Personen sagten. Das ist deutlich mehr als der aktuelle Marktwert von etwa 16 Milliarden Dollar.

Mehrere andere russischen Magnaten hätten Interesse an der Kerimow-Beteiligung bekundet, ebenso wie an kleineren Anteilen, die von anderen Großaktionären gehalten werden. Insgesamt stünden bis zu 35 Prozent der Anteile zum Verkauf, wie es hieß.

Staatsfonds und andere Investoren aus Asien hätten an den kleineren Anteilen, die nun zum Verkauf stehen, interessiert gezeigt, sagten die mit den Gesprächen vertrauten Personen. Der Kreml wolle aber, dass das strategisch wichtige Unternehmen unter russischer Kontrolle bleibe.

Der chinesische Staatsfonds China Investment Corp hatte im September eine Option zur Wandlung von Anleihen in Aktien ausgeübt und hält nun 12,5 Prozent an dem Kaliproduzenten. Damit hat China, der weltgrößte Kalikonsument, Anspruch auf einen Sitz im Uralkali-Board. Laut informierten Personen, hätte Peking die Beteiligung gerne auf 25 Prozent aufgestockt, sei damit aber abgeblitzt. Nationale Regierungen hatten in der Vergangenheit ihre Kaliproduzenten immer wieder gegen ausländische Eigentümer verteidigt.  

03.10.13 14:06

5805 Postings, 4861 Tage thairatStake in Russia's Uralkali likely to be sold: news

Stake in Russia's Uralkali likely to be sold: newspaper

n">(Reuters) - A large stake in Russian potash producer Uralkali OAO (URKA.MM ) is likely to be sold to one of several local bidders, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday.

The report, which cited unnamed people close to the discussions, also said the Kremlin is eager to repair a rift with Belarus that led to the collapse in July of the Belarusian Potash Company (BPC), and wants some kind of sales co-operation with Belarus, after a steady slide in prices of the crop nutrient potash.

Uralkali officials could not immediately be reached to comment on the report.

Shares of North American potash producers rallied after the article was published, with Mosaic Co (MOS.N ) rising 3.4 percent in New York by mid-afternoon. Potash Corp of Saskatchewan (POT.TO ) and Agrium Inc (AGU.TO ) were up 2.9 and 1.6 percent respectively in Toronto.

However, there are no buyers close to doing the deal as of now, several sources familiar with the situation told Reuters this week.

"I can't see the buyer now," one of them said.

BPC and North America's Canpotex Ltd controlled nearly 70 percent of globally traded potash, and their producers typically managed supplies to support price. Uralkali, the world's biggest producer, said however when it left BPC that it planned to pursue higher sales volumes.


07.10.13 11:28

5805 Postings, 4861 Tage thairatCanada stoxline: Wpx buy xxxx rating

08.10.13 22:17

5805 Postings, 4861 Tage thairatVideo mit John Costigan, PR Wpx

Die kanadische Western Potash (WKN A0QZLM) treibt die Entwicklung ihres Kaliprojekts Milestone im Süden von Saskatchewan voran. Zuletzt meldete das Unternehmen die rund 30 Mio. Dollar schwere Investition eines chinesischen Partners.

In einem aktuellen Videobericht präsentiert Western Potashs John Costigan anlässlich der Veröffentlichung der Präsentation zum dritten Quartal 2013 die jüngsten Entwicklungen und die Pläne des Unternehmens für die Zukunft und erläutert die Vorteile der Zusammenarbeit mit der chinesischen China Blue.
Video bei:

10.10.13 15:33

98 Postings, 6626 Tage sturmhpDie Meldungen sind wirklich sehr interessant

10.10.13 17:01

5805 Postings, 4861 Tage thairatTja jetzt muss nur noch anner Performance gearbeit

Western Potash 0,282 € -1,05% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -59,07%
       K+S§ 18,775 € +0,83% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   -55,58%

10.10.13 17:05

5805 Postings, 4861 Tage thairatMusste Wpx auf Kuchenuwes K&S thread verteidigen:D

Mußte heute im K&S thread ein paar Mißverständnisse über Western aufklären.

"wer aber denkt, dass Chinesen schenkungsfreudige gutmenschen sind, kann auch anderer Meinung sein."
Da hast du natürlich recht!
Trifft auf Western nur nicht zu:
Noch ein weiteres Detail im Vertrag unterstreicht, dass es die Partner es ernst meinen. Das Investment ist mit einer Abnahmegarantie verbunden. Diese Garantie erstreckt sich über einen Zeitraum von 20 Jahren und betrifft bis zu 1 Million Ton-nen Kali. Der Preis soll sich am Markt orientieren. Diese Vereinbarung ist nicht exklusiv und gibt Western Potash die Möglichkeit, weitere Partner für Offtakes zu finden.

Man darf wohl davon ausgehen, dass die chinesische Seite und insbesondere die chinesischen Bankpartner wissen, mit wem sie es zu tun haben. Ab jetzt verhandelt Western Potash auf Augenhöhe! Das Memorandum of Understanding, das übrigens auf der elektronischen Plattform SEDAR veröffentlicht wurde, wird noch deutlicher. Dort heißt es ausdrücklich, dass die chinesischen JV-Partner bereit sind, bei Verhandlungen mit chinesi-schen Kapitalgebern die Initiative zu ergreifen. („willing to take the lead“). Die Chancen, dass das 3,3 Milliarden Dollar teure Milestone Projekt in Saskatchewan tatsächlich gebaut wird, haben sich deutlich erhöht.
Die Chinesen haben zudem den Vorteil, dass sie sich am Fortschritt, aber evtl. auch an den Fehlern der deutschen K+S orientieren können.
Björn Junker:

11.10.13 12:11

32 Postings, 4030 Tage RockstoneWPX-Management in München, Zürich & Genf

Anfang November ist das Zimtu-Management in München, Zürich und Genf. Werde dabei sein und darüber informieren, denke die Beteiligungen sind im grossen und ganzen recht ansehnlich, allen voran Western Potash und Pacific Potash, sowie Lakeland die mir gefallen und auch mit dabei sind auf dem Road-Trip. Hier weitere Infos: http://www.ariva.de/news/kolumnen/...inen-Metalle-in-Muenchen-4800752  

19.10.13 09:22

5805 Postings, 4861 Tage thairatSTRONG BUY Rating für WPX von http://canada.stoxli

28.10.13 12:41

5805 Postings, 4861 Tage thairatWpx ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeehoooooooooh

Mein Favorit  

12.11.13 08:40

5805 Postings, 4861 Tage thairatExklusiv-Interview: Western Potash

Exklusiv-Interview: Western Potash – „Arbeiten an Optimierung
und Finanzierung von Milestone kommen voran“

Auf der 13. Internationalen Edelmetall- und Rohstoffmesse in München konnten wir am vergangenen Wochenende ein interessantes Gespräch mit John Costigan von Western Potash (WKN A0QZLM) führen. Das kanadische Kaliunternehmen hatte im Juni eine strategische Allianz mit CBC (Canada) Holding abgeschlossen, die unter anderem eine Investition von mehr als 30 Mio. CAD beinhaltete...


20.11.13 12:28

98 Postings, 6626 Tage sturmhpMuss was anderes verdauen

mich beschäftigt gerade der Kurseinbruch bei North America Palladium (NAP)  

21.11.13 11:09

5805 Postings, 4861 Tage thairatPalladium un Palladium Aktie

is leider nicht dat selbe, könnte aber auch mit dem Hebel als Aktie dann up up and away, glt@  

27.11.13 07:42

17 Postings, 5746 Tage pe-hollywoodWie geht es weiter

Damals hat man von einer Verzwanzigfachung gesprochen .... :-)

.... bei den heutigem Kurs könnte man auch das ganze mal 4 multiplizieren hahaha  

29.11.13 14:15

5805 Postings, 4861 Tage thairatGlobal search for potash gathering steam

Global search for potash gathering steam
UPDATED FR 29 NOV 2013, 1:29 PM AEDT

Potash, a key ingredient in fertiliser, is fast becoming one of the most sought after minerals worldwide.

BHP Billiton, which owns the massive Jansen Project in Canada, has recently called potash the fifth pillar of its business, after coal, petroleum, copper and iron ore.

The company has committed to spending $800 million a year on the project which, if it finally goes ahead, will be a multi-billion-dollar one.

Potash demand is expected to grow along with the need to produce more crops and animal feed as the world population increases.

Matthew Trivett, of Patersons Securities, says despite a recent dip in price, companies, especially from China, are on the global hunt for potash.

"We're definitely seeing some movement, especially from the Chinese, not just BHP Billiton.

"A German company, K+S, is another group and it's actually developing a project in Canada, but only about two million tonnes.

"You've also got the China Development bank backing the funding of an Australian-listed company's, Elemental Minerals, privatisation, and another development in the Congo from Mag Industries.

"The Chinese are throwing some money at this industry. You've also got Yanzhou, which is the majority shareholder of Yancoal in Australia, it's also got its foot on some large tenements in Canada.

"So outside of BHP, you can definitely see the Chinese definitely making some moves to securing future supply.



03.12.13 19:04

5805 Postings, 4861 Tage thairatCNOOC has designs for LNG project on BC coast

[This is from where WPX could get its  cheap gas from.Chinese are 'cementing plans']

CNOOC has designs for LNG project on BC coast

China’s CNOOC Ltd. has sketched out designs for a massive new liquefied natural gas project on the British Columbia coast, cementing plans for an energy link between Canada and the fast-growing Pacific market roughly one year after its acquisition of struggling Nexen Inc.


17.12.13 11:28

5805 Postings, 4861 Tage thairatWpx Teil eines chin. Masterplans Washington Post

Christopher DonvilleDec 13, 2013 4:46 pm ET
(Corporate Canada news alerts: SALT CACOL
Dec. 13 (Bloomberg) -- MagIndustries Corp., a China-backed potash company, plans to spend $1.3 billion on a mine to supply farmers in the Asian nation, adding more of the crop nutrient to an industry operating at only 71 percent of global capacity.
MagIndustries, based in Toronto and controlled by Shanghai- based Evergreen Industries Group, is developing the Mengo mine in Republic of Congo, which is scheduled to produce 1.2 million metric tons of potash annually starting in 2015. By tapping other Congo deposits, MagIndustries may eventually boost its output to 5 million tons a year, Chief Executive Officer Longbo Chen said in a Nov. 27 interview from Beijing.
China is the world"s largest consumer of potash, which boosts crops" resistance to drought and strengthens roots, and imports most of its supplies. As domestic demand increases, the country is trying to cut its reliance on foreign producers, such as Russia"s OAO Uralkali, which dominate the $20 billion market, according to Peter Prattas, a Toronto-based analyst at Cantor Fitzgerald LP.
China is preparing "some sort of defense, or plan, to influence future supply, so that the major potash producers don"t have them at their mercy," Prattas said by phone on Dec. 11.
The price of potash delivered to Brazil, a major market for the fertilizer, has fallen 20 percent since the end of July to $330 a metric ton, according to data from Green Markets, a unit of Bloomberg LP, which is the parent of Bloomberg News.
Market Upheaval
The potash market has been in turmoil since the end of July when Uralkali quit a marketing venture with Belarus that accounted for about 40 percent of global exports, and said it would step up output to gain a greater market share. The industry is producing at about 71 percent of capacity this year and won"t exceed 75 percent through 2015, according to Green Markets.
Uralkali"s move has put pressure on its competitors. Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan Inc., the second-largest supplier, said Dec. 3 it will cut about 18 percent of its workforce to reduce production costs amid weaker-than-expected demand. In November, Moody"s Corp. cut its rating on the debt of German producer K+S AG to junk, citing uncertainty about potash prices.
Global potash shipments will be 52 million tons this year, Potash Corp. Chief Executive Officer Bill Doyle said in a Dec. 3 interview. That means MagIndustries" Mengo, located about 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) northeast of Congo"s Atlantic port of Pointe-Noire, would have a capacity equal to 2.3 percent of the current market.
China Push
None of that has deterred China Development Bank Corp. The state-controlled bank will lead a group of lenders contributing $740 million toward Mengo"s construction, MagIndustries said in a Nov. 21 statement. A Beijing-based press officer at the bank didn"t answer two calls made to his mobile phone today.
The accord "increases the likelihood of other Chinese- backed funding for projects such as those in Laos, South America, and others in Africa," Jeremy Redenius, an analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein in London, said in a Nov. 26 note. China imports about 7 million metric tons of the 12 million tons it uses each year, he said.
"China has the economic incentive to fund potash projects around the world to help ensure oversupply and lower prices," Redenius said. "We see evidence of this happening already."
Officials at Evergreen in Shanghai didn"t immediately respond to questions submitted to the company by fax as requested.
Open Market
MagIndustries" Chen denied that Mengo is part of a strategy to suppress potash prices.
"I don"t think our target is to keep the lower price for the Chinese government," he said in the interview. MagIndustries is developing the mine "to assure that Chinese agriculture will get sufficient supply of potash" and will sell the fertilizer at the prevailing price on the international market, he said.
MagIndustries doesn"t just exist to implement Chinese natural-resources and agricultural policy, said Rich Morrow, a company spokesman in Toronto.
"We"re a public company, we have public shareholders who are looking for a return," he said in an interview. He estimates Mengo would be Africa"s largest potash mine.
MagIndustries fell 2.7 percent to 18 Canadian cents at the close in Toronto, giving the company a market value of C$136.1 million ($128.6 million). The shares have gained 89 percent this year, compared with a 34 percent decline in the 56-company S&P/TSX Materials Index.
Australian Mine
Evergreen, a closely held company that also has investments in shipbuilding and logistics, bought a 76 percent stake in MagIndustries in 2011 for $107.9 million including debt, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
Mengo isn"t the only potash project in which Chinese companies have an interest. According to its website, Western Potash Corp., a Vancouver-based company planning to develop a mine in Saskatchewan, is 20 percent-owned by a joint venture between two Chinese companies. John Costigan, Western Potash"s vice president of corporate development, didn"t immediately return a call seeking comment.
In April, Hong Kong-based Dingyi Group Investment Ltd. agreed to buy Australia"s Elemental Minerals Ltd., the developer of the Sintoukola potash project in Republic of Congo, for A$190 million ($169.7 million).
For every $100-a-ton decline in the potash price, China will spend $700 million a year less on the commodity, according to Bernstein"s Redenius.
"The opportunity cost of funding multiple projects like this may be small relative to the potash price reduction," he said.


18.12.13 15:09

27124 Postings, 6137 Tage brunnetaWestern Potash Corp.

Western Potash Corp. (WPX:TSX.V), which has a large mineable potash deposit in Canada. If Western Potash can find $700–900 million ($700–900M) from a strategic investor, it will develop that resource into a mine. It's only a matter of time before this deposit is mined, and I'm very bullish for the mid- to long-term potash price.

Keine Kauf-Verkaufsempfehlung.   "Das Glück des einen ist das Unglück des anderen"

18.12.13 16:03

27124 Postings, 6137 Tage brunnetaBei $ 0,265 hat der Aktienmarktkapitalisierung von

$ 59.980.000

Keine Kauf-Verkaufsempfehlung.   "Das Glück des einen ist das Unglück des anderen"

18.12.13 16:06

27124 Postings, 6137 Tage brunnetaInvestor's Alert

Western Potash Corp. (TSE:WPX)

Keine Kauf-Verkaufsempfehlung.   "Das Glück des einen ist das Unglück des anderen"

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