Sunwin´´wo hin ?

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eröffnet am: 19.07.06 11:39 von: Jonni Anzahl Beiträge: 1651
neuester Beitrag: 24.04.21 23:45 von: Mandyajisa Leser gesamt: 435574
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12.02.08 18:45

1144 Postings, 6759 Tage TradingAsketKontostand und Wellness


Sein Wohlbefinden und sein Selbstwertgefühl sollte man NIEMALS and den Kontostand binden!!!
Das macht die Hände zittrig und ruiniert langfristig die Gesundheit.

"Unsere größte Schwäche ist das Aufgeben. Der sicherste Wet zum Erfolg besteht dain, immer wieder einen neuen Versuch zu wagen." - Thomas Edison

18.02.08 10:27

67 Postings, 6838 Tage ponziindirekte empfehlung von

GENESIS PHARMA.ENT.DL-,02 wurde bei bei maydornreport in das depot aufgenommen - genesis ist einer der groesste aktionaere von SUNWIN! d.h. eigentlich ein kauf bei SUNWIN oder ?? :-)
strakes Kaufinteresse in US bei SUWN - Sunwin International Neutr. - "rocket to moon"

18.02.08 11:35

278 Postings, 7020 Tage wolf333Genesis und sunwin

Meiner Meinung nach hat sich genesis schon lange aus sunwin zurückgezogen. Aber ich lasse mich gern eines anderen belehren.
Ob Empfehlungen von maydorn empfehlenswert sind, muß jeder für sich entscheiden...  

21.02.08 20:45

2057 Postings, 7424 Tage Lavatiruhige Zeit nutzen!!

Zur Zeit schlafen die Umsätze im Papier von SUNWIN ein. Jedoch hat sich an dem Potenzial, welches in der Aktie steckt, nichts verändert.

Wer Papiere sucht, welche Potenzial für eine längerfristige Anlage haben, ist (meiner Meinung nach) bei SUNWIN gut aufgehoben.

MfG Lavati  

26.02.08 14:24

1144 Postings, 6759 Tage TradingAsket500 New Grocery Stores Carrying OnlySweet
SUNWIN USA Announces 500 New Grocery Stores Carrying OnlySweet(TM): Financial News - Yahoo! Finance

FRISCO, TX--(MARKET WIRE)--Feb 26, 2008 -- SUNWIN USA, the wholly owned subsidiary of Sunwin International Neutraceuticals, Inc. (OTC BB:SUWN.OB - News), one of the world's leading producers of all natural zero calorie stevia, announced today that leading grocery retailers Giant Eagle, Marsh and HEB stores have received their initial orders for the company's dietary supplement brand OnlySweet(TM). These 500 additional stores increase the brand's exposure to over 3,500 large format grocery stores in the United States including retailers such as Kroger, Meijer and many Albertson's stores.

Jeff Reynolds, President and CEO of SUNWIN USA, stated, "We continue to make progress in securing new distribution with key retailers across the country. Many grocery retailers are looking for new and innovative products that satisfy the growing consumer demand for all natural, zero calorie products. Historically, stevia products could only be found in health and specialty food stores, or sometimes in health food sections of grocery stores at very high prices. We are working very hard to change those trends. Our naturally sweet dietary supplement OnlySweet(TM) is a product that retailers and consumers are excited to see offered in grocery stores, in traditional locations like the baking aisle. Retailers who are viewed as leaders in the industry understand this approach has merit and are supporting our brand. We remain optimistic as we continue to take significant steps forward in the process of building our product brand for the future."  

26.02.08 18:26

79561 Postings, 9125 Tage Kicky+20% in USA

26.02.08 18:52

2622 Postings, 7998 Tage duffyduckjedoch wenig umsatz

26.02.08 20:26

278 Postings, 7020 Tage wolf333wenig Umsatz

Umsatz ist zwar gering, aber gegenüber den vergangenen Tagen anziehend...
In Frankfurt waren recht ordentliche Umsätze!  

27.02.08 14:41

67 Postings, 6838 Tage ponzizum nachdenken!

annahme: derzeit wird sunwin in 3500 stores in USA verkauft: 1 store * 300 $ umsatz pro monat * 12 * 3500 = 12 600 000 $

und zusaetzlich kommen die anderen produkte von SUNWIN noch dazu!

300 $ pro monat sollte wirklich zu machen sein pro store oder?

rechne mal mit 600 $ = 25 200 000 $ nur bei ONLYSWEET!
strakes Kaufinteresse in US bei SUWN - Sunwin International Neutr. - "rocket to moon"

27.02.08 15:29

2622 Postings, 7998 Tage duffyduckmissverständnis!

mit umsatz war der der aktie und nicht der von sunwin gemeint.

27.02.08 16:14

278 Postings, 7020 Tage wolf333gute Nachricht verpufft

Wieder einmal scheint der Kurs von sunwin auf gute Nachrichten kaum positiv zu reagieren. Eröffnung heute an der NASDAQ 0,30 Dollar...  

29.02.08 19:43

278 Postings, 7020 Tage wolf333sunwin hält sich gut

Heute hält sich sunwin - gegen den allgemeinen Trend - recht gut. Aber das ist alles zufallsbedingt, denn die Umsätze sind nicht aussagekräftig...  

02.03.08 17:42

2057 Postings, 7424 Tage LavatiPersonal wird gesucht

SUNWIN USA ist auf der Suche nach einem chinesischen / Englisch bilingual Office Manager / Executive Administrator für unsere corporate office in Frisco, Texas nördlich von Dallas. Dieser Kandidat wird voraussichtlich in der Lage sein fließend kommunizieren mit unseren China Firmenbüro per E-Mail und Telefon. Die Corporate-Büro wird von dieser Person, und berichtet direkt an den Präsidenten und CEO des Unternehmens. Diese Person wird für die Anbindung an die USA SUNWIN Kunden, Vertriebspartner und Lieferanten. Responsibilities will include: allgemeine administrative Aufgaben, Grundkenntnisse Bilanzierung von Umsatz und Kosten, Auftragsabwicklung, Exekutive und administrativen Aufgaben.

Company:  SUNWIN USA, Inc.
Job Title:  Office Manager/Executive Administrator
Job Category:  Administrative/Office/Clerical
Job description:    
SUNWIN USA is looking for a Chinese/English bilingual Office Manager/Executive Administrator for our corporate office in Frisco, Texas north of Dallas. This candidate will be expected to be able to communicate fluently with our China corporate office via email and telephone. The corporate office will be managed by this person, and will report directly to the President & CEO of the company. This person will be responsible for interfacing with SUNWIN USA clients, sales agents and vendors. Responsibilities will include: general administrative duties, basic accounting of sales & costs, order processing, and executive administrative duties.  
Fluent in Chinese and English. Must be able to communicate via email and phone with China based executives. Proficient in the following computer skills: Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Microsoft Outlook. Basic understanding of accounting. Good interpersonal skills, and good communication skills.  

Employment type:  Full Time
Part Time

Salary Range:  Unspecified  
Other Information

Degree:  Bachelors  
Experience (year):  2
Job Location:  Frisco - Texas - USA
Zipcode:  75034
Post Date:  02/02/2008

02.03.08 23:41

1144 Postings, 6759 Tage TradingAsketKräuterkunde nun auch in der FAZ

In der aktuellen Ausgabe der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung gibt es eine große Doppelseite (70,71) mit der Beschreibung der 89 wichtigsten Kräuter, die Karl der Große für sehr wichtig hielt!!!

Zitat:"Weil er sich um sein Volk sorgte, erließ Karl der Große ein Dekret zur Bewirtschaftung der königlichen Güter: In jedem von ihnen sollten Pflanzen angebaut werde, die zur Medikation oder Ernährung unerlässlich waren. Ihre Liste ist ein beeindruckendes Zeugnis mittelalterlicher Botanik."

Literatur: Karl Josef Strank und Jutta Meurers-Balke (Hrsg.) "... dass man im Garten alle Kräuter habe ..." Obst, Gemüse und Kräuter Karl des Großen. Verlag Philip von Zabern. Erscheint Ende März.  

02.03.08 23:42

1144 Postings, 6759 Tage TradingAsketFAS: Unsere Vorbilder - Bionade

In der aktuellen Ausgabe des Frankfuter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung wird im Artikel zu vorbildlichen Unternehmern der Bionade (Ökolimonade) Chef Peter Kowalsky vorgestellt, im gleichen Atemzug mit Dietmar Hopp von SAP und Berthold Leibinger von Trumpf.  

07.03.08 01:04

1144 Postings, 6759 Tage TradingAsketCoca-Cola Exploring Chinese Medicine for Beneficia

Coca-Cola Exploring Chinese Medicine for Beneficial Nutrients

(NaturalNews) The Coca-Cola Company has announced the launch of a new project designed to devise ingredients for beverages from traditional Chinese medicines. Coca-Cola has established a permanent research center in Beijing, at the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. Researchers from the company will work together with staff from the academy to analyze traditional Chinese medicines for potential nutritional benefits, then to figure out ways to incorporate these ingredients into beverage formulas.

The move comes as sales of carbonated beverages continue to decline in the United States and Europe as consumers seek healthier alternatives. According to Coca-Cola Enterprises (CCE), the Coca-Cola Company's primary North American and Western European bottler, CCE sales volume has decreased by 4 percent in North America and continues to face "great challenges" in the United Kingdom. Earnings per share fell nearly 10 percent in 2007.

Overall global revenues, however, increased by 5 percent in the first fiscal quarter. CCE attributed the rise to the strong sales of water, juice and sports drinks in North America and the sale of sugar-free Coke Zero in France and the Netherlands.

Researching Chinese medicine is not Coca-Cola's only tactic for averting falling profits and remaining the largest beverage company in the world. The company has also entered a tentative agreement with coffee company Illy to team up in the sale of ready-to-drink coffee products. The companies hope to have reached a formal agreement by the end of 2007.

"This partnership demonstrates our commitment to meeting evolving consumer demands while creating additional value for our system, our customers and our shareowners," said Coca-Cola Chief Operating Officer Muhtar Kent.

In the United Kingdom, Coke is trying new marketing strategies that include renaming sodas as "carbonated beverages." Thus far, these efforts have seen no apparent return.

"You can call it what you want," countered consumer health advocate Mike Adams, "but it's still sugar water." Adams is the author of The Five Soft Drink Monsters, a book that helps people overcome addiction to soda pop.  

12.03.08 16:52

2057 Postings, 7424 Tage Lavatihoffentlich bald Wochenende

Und dann positive Überraschungen in den Quartalszahlen. Dies scheint momentan die letzte Hoffnung in Bezug auf die Kursentwicklung bei SUNWIN zu sein.

In der letzten Zeit ist der Kurs nur so vor sich hin getümpelt und auf Grund geringer Umsätze, ist die der Kursverlauf auch nicht unbedingt aussagekräftig. Deshalb kann man nur hoffen, das nach den Zahlen wieder etwas Leben in den Kurs kommt. Oder SUNWIN versinkt in der Vertiefung, bis ein positiver Bescheid, in Bezug auf Zulassung von Stevia als Lebensmittel, kommt.  

MfG Lavati  

13.03.08 11:42

1144 Postings, 6759 Tage TradingAsketPepsi Raw
Pepsi Raw

Sieht so aus als werden die zukünftigen "Cola-Kriege" um das Thema Gesundheit geführt!
Neue Pepsi Cola RAW


14.03.08 20:54

2057 Postings, 7424 Tage Lavatiendlich ist es so weit

Da es momentan sonst keine Meldungen zu SUNWIN gibt, sind nun mal wieder Zahlen dran. Heute nach Börsenschluß dürften die Zahlen für`s letzte Quartal kommen. Hoffentlich sind diese positiv.

MfG Lavati

P.S. TradingAsket bleib mit den Berichten zum Thema Gesundheit bitte in dem Zuckerthread.  

17.03.08 20:31

2057 Postings, 7424 Tage LavatiZahlen sind da 43% Umsatzwachstum

                                  NINE MONTHS ENDED JANUARY 31,
                                     -----------------------------         $               %
                                          2008            2007         DIFFERENCE      DIFFERENCE
                                      -----------     -----------     -----------      ----------
Net Revenues .     $16,513,913     $11,562,948     $ 4,950,965         43 %

Cost of Revenues  11,936,500       8,518,605       3,417,895         40 %
                                      -----------     -----------     -----------      ----------
Gross Profit ...          4,577,413       3,044,343       1,533,070         50 %


17.03.08 20:35

2057 Postings, 7424 Tage LavatiWeitere Einzelheiten

Natural Sweetener (Stevioside)

For the nine months ended January 31, 2008, revenues from our stevioside segment increased $3,080,152 or approximately 49% over the same period of the preceding year. During this period, revenues from this segment represented approximately 56% of our total net revenues as compared to approximately 54% for the nine months ended January 31, 2007. We attribute the increase in the net revenues from this segment from the comparable period in fiscal 2007 to increased sales efforts in the PRC and, in part, to our Sunwin Stevia International subsidiary, which represented $440,604 of net revenues from the sale of our OnlySweet(TM) products launched in North America during the current fiscal year. We believe the market for stevioside remains strong as we continue to witness growing demand from consumers globally.

For the nine months ended January 31, 2008, cost of revenues related to our stevioside segment were approximately 78%, remaining relatively constant from the same period of the preceding fiscal year. Local farmers have increased production of stevia leaves in response to growing demand. As a result the supply of stevia leaves has increased and the price of the leaves has stabilized. Furthermore, due to the increased supply, we ceased our policy of contracting local farmers to grow stevia leaves for our designated production. As a result of increased revenues in this segment, our gross profit in this segment increased $741,393, or approximately 57% from the comparable period in fiscal 2007.

- 20 -


For the nine months ended January 31, 2008, operating expenses for our stevioside segment increased $536,748, or approximately 50%. This increase is primarily attributable to the 49% overall increase in sales in this segment as well as additional expenses incurred as we promote our proprietary line of stevioside marketed under the name OnlySweet(TM).

We continue to place emphasis on the expansion of sales of stevioside, in China and other parts of Asia as well as in North America. We also anticipate that revenues from OnlySweet(TM) will increase in fiscal 2008 as we continue to expand the distribution of that product. As a result of the completion of additional manufacturing facilities, which fully commenced operations in July 2007, we now have an aggregate production capacity of 600 tons per annum which we anticipate will be sufficient to meet demand for the balance of fiscal 2008. We anticipate our additional production capacity will be marketed to consumers in China, Japan, South Korea, and other Far East countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and India. During the nine months ended January 31, 2008, we manufactured approximately 295 tons of stevioside, and resold an additional 29 tons of stevioside which we purchased from other manufacturers in an effort to meet customer demand as our newly completed facility continues to expand its capacity. Comparatively during the nine months ended January 31, 2007 we manufactured 145 tons and resold an additional 248 tons which we purchased from other manufacturers. As a result of our additional capacity we anticipate we will continue to increase our production of stevioside during the balance of fiscal 2008.

As we continue to focus on this segment of our business we are dedicated to maximizing our revenues in our stevioside segment. We anticipate operating expenses will continue to increase in future periods as we expand our stevioside operations including increases in marketing expenses. In August 2007, we launched a promotional campaign to help introduce customers to OnlySweet(TM) through in-store floor advertising positioned in the sweetener aisle at approximately 2,000 retail locations. This initiative, recorded as a selling expense, began on August 13, 2007 and continued through October 13, 2007 at a cost of approximately $330,000, which we funded from working capital.

Chinese and Animal Medicines

For the nine months ended January 31, 2008, revenues from our Chinese and animal medicine segment increased $1,883,169, or approximately 35%, from the comparable period in fiscal 2007. During this period, revenues from this segment represented approximately 44% of our total net revenues as compared to approximately 46% for the nine months ended January 31, 2007. While the overall revenues for this segment increased in the fiscal 2008 period from the fiscal 2007 period, as a result of the significant increases in revenues from the natural sweetener (stevioside) segment discussed earlier, the overall impact on our net revenues of revenues from our Chinese and animal segment was diminished. Within our Chinese and animal medicines segment, net revenues related to our traditional Chinese medicine products were $3,977,935 for the nine months ended January 31, 2008 as compared to $2,837,229 for the nine months ended January 31, 2007, an increase of $1,140,706 or approximately 40%. Revenues related to our animal medicine products were $3,212,629 for the nine months ended January 31, 2008 as compared to $2,470,168 for the nine months ended January 31, 2007, an increase of $742,461 or approximately 30%. While we expect revenues from the segment to increase, we expect the percentage of our revenues from this segment as a portion of our overall revenues will continue to decrease as we continue to emphasize our stevioside segment.

- 21 -


For the nine months ended January 31, 2008 cost of revenues in our Chinese and animal medicine segment was $4,645,247, or approximately 65% of net revenues for this segment, as compared to $3,566,111, or approximately 67% of net revenues, for the nine months ended January 31, 2007. As a percentage, cost of revenues decreased primarily due to two factors; the substitution of certain ingredients with less expensive alternatives and efficiencies associated with increased production levels in response to increased sales. Our gross profit in this segment was $2,545,318, an increase of $804,033, or approximately 46%, from our gross profit of $1,741,285 for this segment in the nine months ended January 31, 2007.

For the nine months ended January 31, 2008 operating expenses associated with our Chinese and animal medicine segment were $1,312,320 as compared to $693,259 for the nine months ended January 31, 2007, an increase of $619,061, or approximately 89%. This increase was primarily attributable to the 35% increase in revenues between the periods. We expect operating expenses related to this segment to remain consistent with historical levels.

Corporate and Other

We incur various operating expenses at the corporate level related to legal, auditing, and other professional business consultants. For the nine months ended January 31, 2008 these expenses decreased $212,464, or approximately 26% from the comparable period in fiscal 2007.


For the nine months ended January 31, 2008, we reported total other income of $45,894 as compared to $66,256 for the nine months ended January 31, 2007, a decrease of $20,362. Other income for the nine months ended January 31, 2008 reflects income recognized in our Chinese and animal medicines segment and is attributable to the excess accrual of value added taxes on certain of our animal medicine products which may or may not be subject to value added taxes. Prior to receipt of an official notice from the tax authority, we accrued value added taxes for this segment. Upon notification, the excess accruals, if any, are recorded as other income. For the nine months ended January 31, 2008, we have not recorded an accrual for value added taxes, since we received the notification from the tax authority.

For the nine months ended January 31, 2008, interest income totaled $44,768 as compared to of $57,886 for the nine months ended January 31, 2007, a decrease of $13,118. This reduction reflected interest on our decreased cash position held in bank deposits between the periods.


We reported net income of $1,120,457 for the nine months ended January 31, 2008 as compared to net income of $551,094 for the nine months ended January 31, 2007. The change reflects our increased revenues and increased gross profit margins as compared to the nine months ended January 31, 2007, offset by an increase in general administration expenses at the corporate level and increased selling expenses, primarily due to the overall increase in operational activities in our stevioside segment.

For the nine months ended January 31, 2008 we reported other comprehensive income of $1,677,527, an increase of $1,007,903, or approximately 151%, as compared to the nine months ended January 31, 2007. Other comprehensive income represents an unrealized gain on foreign currency translation and is a non-cash item. As described elsewhere in this report, the functional currency of our Chinese subsidiaries is the RMB. The financial statements of our subsidiaries are translated into U.S. dollars using year-end rates of exchange for assets and liabilities, and average rates of exchange for the period for revenues, costs, and expenses. Net gains and losses resulting from foreign exchange transactions are included in the consolidated statements of operations.

- 22 -  

19.03.08 16:11

2057 Postings, 7424 Tage LavatiRekordergebnis in 2009

Erwartungen steigen

Laiwang Zhang, Präsident und Vorsitzender von Sunwin International Neutraceuticals, erklärte: "Im dritten Quartal konnten wir beginnen, um zu sehen, die Früchte unserer Investitionen in die Produktion und Branding unserer Stevia-Produkte sowie die Einführung von neuen Tierarzneimitteln und RSS-Feeds. Wir sind Fortsetzung unserer Anstrengungen zu erweitern allen Bereichen der Betrieb und die nach wie vor sehr optimistisch, was unsere Sunwin USA und unserer Tochtergesellschaft OnlySweet Produktlinie in Nordamerika. 2008, der Ansicht ist, dass Sunwin ist positioniert, um Erfahrungen kontinuierliches Wachstum sowie Rekordergebnis in 2009. "

22.03.08 12:42

278 Postings, 7020 Tage wolf333sunwin-Kursentwicklung

Das Fiskaljahr 2009 (Mai 2008 bis April 2009) soll ein Rekordjahr für sunwin werden. Wenn die Börsenlogik noch gilt, müsste sich diese "Tatsache" auch bald im kurs niederschlagen, denn an der Börse wird Zukunft gehandelt.  

22.03.08 23:40

1144 Postings, 6759 Tage TradingAsketAnkündigungen

Mir wäre es lieber die würden nicht so viel versprechen und mehr halten!!!
Das USA Geschäft läuft nicht so explosiv wie wir uns das alle aufgrund der Ankündigungen von Sunwin erhofft haben. Aber das Umfeld hat sich die 2 letzten Jahre besser als erwartet entwickelt, siehe Coca-Cola, Pepsi und Co., man braucht sich ja nur mal die Lebensmittelwerbung anzuschauen, da dreht sich alles um Gesundheit ohne Zucker, künstliche Zusatzstoffe usw. Für mich ist das die nächste große Welle, bisher von der Börse noch gar nicht erkannt. Den offiziellen Startschuß muß nun Coca-Cola geben, dann werden wir alle hoffentlich mal wieder positiv üerrascht. Die Erfahrung zeigt, das die ersten Unternehmen auch meistens die führenden bleiben, mal sehen ob Sunwin die Solarworld der gerade im  entstehen begriffenen Stevia-Industrie wird. Auf wiedersehen Zucker!    

22.03.08 23:43

1144 Postings, 6759 Tage TradingAsketDolphin Capital

Kennt ihr die schon?
Da braut sich gerade was großes zusammen.
Geld verdienen mit Kräutern ist stark im kommen.  

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