seinen Aktienanteil mehr als verdoppelt hat... Und die sind dafür bekannt dafür das sie genau Wissen was sie Tun.. The Company's Top 20 major fully paid ordinary shareholders as at the end of June 2011 1 JP Morgan Nominees Australia Limited 91,759,279 19.700 2 Mr Robert Anthony & Mrs Helen Maree Healy 39,024,699 8.378 3 HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited 24,182,720 5.192 4 Bond Street Custodians Limited 12,824,836 2.753 5 National Nominees Limited 11,812,091 2.536 6 Mr Craig Stephen Marshall 10,050,000 2.158 7 Penson Australia Nominees Pty Ltd 4,608,167 0.989 8 Citicorp Nominees Pty Ltd 4,275,316 0.918 9 Comsec Nominees Pty Ltd 4,212,717 0.904 10 Dr Mark Bofinger 3,900,000 0.837 11 Mr John Neville & Mrs Jean Vera Salisbury 3,469,058 0.745 12 Forsyth Barr Custodians Limited 3,455,123 0.742 13 Etrade Australia Nominees Pty Ltd 3,159,800 0.678 14 Mr Haydn Redfern 3,085,110 0.662 15 ABN Amro Clearing Sydney Nominees Pty Ltd 2,885,023 0.619 16 Dr Allan Trench 2,542,610 0.546 17 Mr Zac & Mrs Thelma Rossi 2,190,359 0.470 18 Siteden Pty Ltd 2,169,998 0.466 19 FATS Pty Ltd 2,070,444 0.445 20 Dollbank Pty Ltd 2,051,574 0.440 |