Die Mail habe ich auch mit kleinem Zusatz im ersten Satz erhalten:
Thanks for your email and I agree with your commentary.
Mein Kommentar war:
Hi Andrew
The letter from the ASX has caused quite a stir among investors in Europe. The course of KNL has broken accordingly.
For clarification and reassurance I have written two contributions. I hope my assumptions turn out to be correct:
To today's story:
People, do not let them drive you crazy. This is a normal process. The stock exchange is obliged to make this request. That's no different at the Nasdaq. The company has to explain how it continues to secure its existence. At the end of the year there were 700,000 cash left. That's enough for a maximum of two months. Everyone was aware that there must still be at least one KE. I think more of two, as I do not think that will be included in the financing for Epanko or Ecograf positions for the general business. You will probably need about 5Mio of KE!
Hard to believe, but this letter from the ASX brings positiv momentum to us investors:
- The management has received a warning shot and needs to intensify its efforts. - The big investors will increase their pressure on the management -Tanzania will realize that if they do not finally come to an end, they will lose hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign exchange at least in the next few years. -Global players interested in battery graphite from EcoGraf plants will accelerate their financing / participation decisions. -The banks, KFW and Co, will accelerate their funding decisions, or they'll have to go without the deal.
Habe keine Bedenken!!! Das wird!!! |