HYON AS - Wasserstoff im maritimen Bereich

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27.01.23 09:52

6105 Postings, 5138 Tage sonnenschein2010News from CEO

„Es gibt keinen Grund zur Panik“, sagt Hyon-Chef Lindtvedt

Das könnte jetzt interessant werden ;-)  

27.01.23 09:57

540 Postings, 1612 Tage TailorCobainInterview Jens Berge

"Konsernsjef Jens Berge i Norwegian Hydrogen bekrefter til Finansavisen at selskapet ikke har solgt aksjer og har uendret eierskap i Hyon. Berge sitter i styret i Hyon og understreker at han snakker som aksjonær. Han er overrasket over at Nel og andre tolker det dithen at lock-up avtalen gikk ut 19. januar.
– Vi har en annen forståelse av avtalen. Transaksjonen ble "ennomført en annen dato i fjor, sier Berge.
I noteringsprospektet står det at emisjonen ble "ennomført 19. januar 2022. Hyon hadde imidlertid første handelsdag på Euronext Growth 14. februar måneden etter.
– Vil dere ta dette videre med relevante instanser?
– Det har vi ikke tatt stilling til. Om de selger nå eller om noen uker, når vi tolker at lock-up avtalen utgår, så er det egentlig det samme. Vi tenker langsiktig og mener Hyon er veldig viktig og interessant. Det å få ut eiere som ikke er engasjert er bare helt topp. Da kommer det forhåpentligvis inn andre som har det langsiktige fokuset vi har.
– Noen har grønt fokus, men velger å gå smalere. Andre investerer i grønt når det er «inn», men ikke ellers. Investorer har ulike motiver og det får være opp til dem. Vi har fullstendig fokus på det grønne skiftet og etablerer oss rundt i hele Norden innenfor maritim infrastruktur og produksjon. Da er det veldig viktig for oss at teknologibedrifter som Hyon utvikler løsninger som denne infrastrukturen vil kreve.
– Har du tanker om hvem kjøperne kan være?
– Vi er med Hyon i mange ulike prosjekter. Vi opplever at kunder, interessenter og partnere rundt Hyon er begeistret for det arbeidet som "øres. Det er garantert mange som synes det Hyon holder på med er mer spennende enn de som nå har solgt seg ut."  

27.01.23 10:35

6105 Postings, 5138 Tage sonnenschein2010durch den Übersetzer gejagt

„CEO Jens Berge von Norwegian Hydrogen bestätigt gegenüber Finansavisen, dass das Unternehmen keine Anteile verkauft hat und unverändert Eigentümer von Hyon ist. Berge sitzt im Vorstand von Hyon und betont, dass er als Anteilseigner spricht. Er ist überrascht, dass Nel und andere dies so interpretieren "Lock-up-Vereinbarung ist am 19. Januar ausgelaufen.
- Wir haben ein anderes Verständnis von der Vereinbarung. Die Transaktion sei "im vergangenen Jahr an einem anderen Datum abgeschlossen worden", sagt Berge.
Im Börsenprospekt heißt es, dass die Emission „am 19. Januar 2022 abgeschlossen wurde. Hyon hatte jedoch seinen ersten Handelstag an der Euronext Growth am 14. Februar des Folgemonats.
- Möchten Sie dies bei den zuständigen Behörden weiterverfolgen?
- Darüber haben wir uns noch nicht entschieden. Ob sie jetzt oder in ein paar Wochen verkauft werden, wenn wir interpretieren, dass die Lock-up-Vereinbarung ausläuft, ist es im Wesentlichen dasselbe. Wir denken langfristig und finden Hyon sehr wichtig und interessant. Es ist einfach großartig, Eigentümer herauszuholen, die nicht verpflichtet sind. Dann kommen hoffentlich andere hinzu, die den langfristigen Fokus haben, den wir haben.
- Einige haben einen grünen Fokus, gehen aber enger. Andere investieren in Grün, wenn es "in" ist, aber nicht anders. Investoren haben unterschiedliche Motive und es liegt an ihnen. Wir konzentrieren uns voll und ganz auf den grünen Wandel und etablieren uns in der gesamten nordischen Region innerhalb der maritimen Infrastruktur und Produktion. Dann ist es uns sehr wichtig, dass Technologieunternehmen wie Hyon Lösungen entwickeln, die diese Infrastruktur benötigt.
- Haben Sie irgendwelche Gedanken darüber, wer die Käufer sein könnten?
- Wir sind mit Hyon in vielen verschiedenen Projekten. Wir stellen fest, dass Kunden, Interessengruppen und Partner rund um Hyon von der Arbeit begeistert sind...  

27.01.23 13:37

136 Postings, 658 Tage freddiemercuryHYON - Projects - Norwegian Hydrogen

Thanx for the article,
do you know what other projects Jens Berge is refering to, in addition to the Hellesylt project ?


27.01.23 13:49
don't know about other projects but time will tell.
I'm surprised about only few changes in ownership during this week
with more than 67 Mio Hyon shares exchanged.  

30.01.23 14:21

136 Postings, 658 Tage freddiemercuryNorwegian Hydrogen MoU Provaris

regarding the MoU between Norwegian Hydrogen and Provaris

here is a short video with the CEO of Provaris regarding this



30.01.23 14:39

136 Postings, 658 Tage freddiemercury40% change in ownership

True, not too many sellers,
But the % the sellers sold ammounted up though.

About 40% stocks of the freeflow were sold (mostly by SAGA and NEL)

sofar we know from the lists that SAGA + NEL amounted up to about 20 Million stocks.
We still dont know who bought stocks on Thursday and Friday last week (2 days delay on the stocklistbook)
That should be about 13+4million stocks = 17million that we dont know before tonight and tomorrow, who bought

But as I can see it, we are now rid of 40% of stocks that owners of them wanted to sell.  (SAGA+NEL and some others)
AS the CEO of Norwegian Hydrogen and the CEO of HYON said,  something along these lines" no need to have owners onboard the  vessel unless they want, if they sell today or in a few weeks,they can just as well sell now"


31.01.23 12:31

136 Postings, 658 Tage freddiemercuryNorwegian Hydrogen - Compressed Hydrogen

this is quite interesting

Provaris (Australia) who just signed a MoU with Norwegian Hydrogen (HYON's largest owner)
just put this out, interesting read



31.01.23 15:08

540 Postings, 1612 Tage TailorCobainProvaris - Project Opportunities

"Provaris managing director Martin Carolan said compression was a proven, safe and reliable method of storing and transporting hydrogen onshore.
The outcomes of this study continue to demonstrate that a compressed hydrogen supply chain for marine storage and transport solution can accelerate the development of greenfield hydrogen export projects with the flexibility to also cater to offshore loading requirements and variable renewable energy production profiles,” he said."

Nice to see that Provaris cooperates with Norwegian Hydrogen. Hopefully HYON`s technology will be used.  

31.01.23 18:29

5076 Postings, 2689 Tage franzelsepCFO step down

31.01.23 19:58

6105 Postings, 5138 Tage sonnenschein2010Hyon Company update


(Oslo, 31 January 2022) HYON AS (HYON) is pleased to invite you to a digital
company update on Friday 3 February 2023 at 08:00 CET.

HYON will be represented by the CEO, Jørn Kristian Lindtvedt, who will hold a
short presentation followed by a Q&A session.

The investor update will be held via Teams via the following link:

31.01.23 22:14

136 Postings, 658 Tage freddiemercuryHYON - Presentation friday 03 Feb 0800 CET

I think this presentation will be worth watching for both people positive or negative to HYON

I will be online, anyone else ?


31.01.23 23:57

136 Postings, 658 Tage freddiemercuryHYON - Presentation friday 03 Feb 0800 CET

Here also the link with the contact details for the CEO, in case you have any questions



If you have any questions in advance of the session, please do not hesitate to contact us at jorn.lindtvedt@hyon.energy  

01.02.23 05:54

540 Postings, 1612 Tage TailorCobain@franzel

Jan Frode worked in Saga and now he is going to work for a Saga Portfolio Company again. No surprise. Plus I was wondering why he is the CFO? You only need a chief if you got employees in your department. A normal Accounting Employee would fit the position perfectly and does maybe not cost as much as a "CFO".  Crucial should be a position in fundings, why I mentioned Norwegian Hydrogen latest staff news and Hyon should hire a marketing manager, because the shareholder communication is not good, but hopefully we see a change after all. Happy to see they are doing a presentation.  

01.02.23 07:30

5076 Postings, 2689 Tage franzelsepPresentation to dilute ahead

So you don't need to pump it again.  

01.02.23 07:40

540 Postings, 1612 Tage TailorCobainstrong assumption

...no pump. Just thoughts, facts, and discussions with stakeholders. I do appreciate your opinion and you are maybe not wrong, even when I doubt it.  

01.02.23 08:11

315 Postings, 1745 Tage globinho86Fakten

CFO weg
CTO weg
2 von 3 der größten Eigentümer weg

Alles im Januar  

01.02.23 09:14

540 Postings, 1612 Tage TailorCobainFakten

-CFO von Saga zu einer Saga Company
-CTO ("ausgeliehen" von Saga und nie direkt von Hyon angestellt) zu Norwegian Hydrogen als Head of Infrastructure -> gerade der größte Owner von Hyon, bleibt also nach wie vor in engen Kontakt mit Hyon

-Saga als Owner raus, finde ich persönlich gut
-Nel als Owner raus, finde ich persönlich nicht gut, aber auch nicht dramatisch.
-hätte ich mir einen neuen industriellen Owner gewünscht? Ja. Kann das noch kommen? Ja.

Ich gehe davon aus, dass die Themen am Freitag thematisiert werden. Also abwarten.

01.02.23 09:49

136 Postings, 658 Tage freddiemercuryHYON - Friday Presentation Feb 03 - 0800 CET

For both parties (positive or negative):

lets see what HYON present on friday. and DO have in mind that there is a Q and A session as well, and people can send in their questions upfront if they want

my view remains the same:

CFO: dont need a CFO comming from Saga in such Company
CTO: he was hired in Saga and rented out to HYON. Now he moved from Saga to Norwegian Hydrogen. There he will be Head of infrastructure, i.e linked with HYON.

but I will not write up/down before the presentation on Friday


01.02.23 13:30

136 Postings, 658 Tage freddiemercuryHYON - MoU with Hexagon Purus etc

HYON have now in addition to the LOI from last week also agreed and MoU!



01.02.23 15:06

29 Postings, 653 Tage SMISENHyon-Mou

01.02.23 16:33

136 Postings, 658 Tage freddiemercuryHYON - Presentation friday 03 Feb 0800 CET

I have seen this article many places today, but easiest to monitor the jungle is probobly to follow on linked in

I think HYON will talk more about this project on Friday maybe ?

I do hope so though


02.02.23 12:13

136 Postings, 658 Tage freddiemercuryHYON - Maritime Hydrogen - onlin Presentation

This is an easier link to use for the presentation tomorrow - from HYON's Linkedin page


Tomorrow we’re hosting a digital company update for our shareholders. CEO Jørn Kristian Lindtvedt will share recent updates on both technology and organization, and we’ll host a live Q&A session.

Join us on Teams at 08:00 CET through the link below!




02.02.23 19:54

29 Postings, 653 Tage SMISENHyon

Has the CEO of HYON (Lindtvedt) commented the presentation tomorrow deeper than above. Do we know precicely what he will present, what projects and so on ?  

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