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“Solar Merida 2008”, of 40 MW, will turn to the referring region into a world-wide one
Merida, 19 sep (EFE). - The project “Solar Merida 2008”, with a power of 40 MW and one investment of 300 million Euros on the part of the societies Solar Park of Extremadura SL (SPEX) and Valverde Sustainable Energies SL, will turn to the referring region into a world-wide one of the photovoltaic solar energy at the end of 2008.
The park will occupy 245 hectares and it will be placed in Merida, in Valverde de Merida and Don Alvaro, according to today explained the president of Ecoenergías of Guadiana SA, one of the integral companies of the project, Jose Luis Joló, at the end of the meeting maintained with the president of the Meeting, Guillermo Fernandez Twig.
One is a combined-arms operation of the two societies, that group to companies like Ecoenergías of Guadiana SA, Deutsche Bank, Elduayen Fotovoltáica SL y Santana Hernández, SA, among others.
In the project the City councils of Merida, Valverde de Merida and Don Alvaro also collaborate.
According to Joló, in the next months the greatest project of Europe and the world will be carried out in the frontier capital “”, with completely German technology, that will generate 72.3 Gigavatios per hour (GWh) annual, sufficient to supply to 80,000 inhabitants during a year.
This energy is equivalent to in daily consumption to the five percent of the consumed historical maximum in the community, explained Joló, in agreement with data of the past month of July.
Society SPEX will contribute 30 megavatios (MW), that will use a technology based on the solar pursuit with two axes.
On the other hand, Valverde Sustainable Energies SL will contribute 10 MW and will use a fixed structure with an innovating system of investments of central currents.
Societies operating consider that the invoicing will be of 950 million Euros in 25 years, that will remain in Extremadura, indicated Joló.
In addition, annually maintenance Euros in and operation of the plant will be reversed around five million.
As far as the jobs, the industralist indicated that the construction of the park will generate 200 jobs, of which 35 will be fixed during the operation of the plant, besides contributing to form a local enterprise weave.
The clean energy generated will avoid, explained, that emits 70,000 tons metric (METRIC TON) of CO2 to the year.
The project will also foment I force of the local electrical infrastructure with the construction of a new substation near “an urban nucleus of great consumption”.
Solar Merida 2008 anticipates in addition the construction give a Technological Center of Renewable Energies of Extremadura, destined to the Investigation, Development and Innovación (I+D+I), as well as to the formation in this matter, that the promoters will put at the disposal of the Meeting and of the University of Extremadura. © EFE 2008
http://www.aol.it/news/story/...-referente-mundial/2261274/index.html |