Tradedoubler Comeback & Turnaround!

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18.05.21 08:37

828 Postings, 6203 Tage Dow_JonesTradedoubler Comeback & Turnaround!

Tradedoubler Interim Report January - March 2021
TUE, MAY 18, 2021 08:00 CET
The first quarter January – March 2021
•    Net sales amounted to SEK 357 M (305) an increase of 17% or 24% adjusted for changes in exchange rates compared to the same period last year.

•    Gross profit was SEK 68 M (63), an increase of 8% or 14% adjusted for changes in exchange rates. Gross margin was 19.0% (20.7).

•    Operating costs excluding depreciation and change related items were SEK 52M (49), an increase of 7% or 11% adjusted for changes in exchange rates.

•    EBITDA amounted to SEK 14 M (14). Adjusted for change related items, EBITDA was SEK 16 M (14).

•    Investments in immaterial assets, mainly related to product development, were SEK 7 M (6).

•    Cash flow from operating activities was SEK -13 M (-4) and the sum of cash and interest-bearing financial assets was SEK 64 M (39) at the end of the first quarter. Net cash in the first quarter decreased by SEK -27 M to SEK -57 M.

•    Earnings per share, before and after dilution were SEK -0.00 (-0.12).

Letter from the CEO
The year 2021 started with continued positive business momentum and good results for Tradedoubler. Adjusted for currency effects, revenue grew by 24% compared to last year to 358m SEK and EBITDA, adjusted for change related items, grew by 24% as well to 15,5m SEK. The increase of business is driven by most regions and especially by larger clients. Our influencer platform Metapic and the newly established self-serve platform for smaller clients, TD Grow, has showed good growth momentum during the quarter.  

All regions except of the UK grew their revenues compared to last year, the largest increases are in DACH and in the Nordics. The different growth rates across the regions are mainly explained by the share of the travel segment in their client base. Before the covid-19 pandemic this segment has been particularly large in the UK, in France and in the southern region with Italy and Spain.

In the industry verticals we still see similar trends as we have since the beginning of the pandemic: travel is reduced to very low levels while all other ecommerce verticals continue to grow at good rates. Since mid-March travel increases slightly again but is still on low levels. Q1 was the last quarter with a non-covid / covid comparison.

Larger clients continued to allocate more budgets to affiliate marketing and increased their spendings with partners through our network. This has a large impact on the overall gross margin which has decreased compared to last year to 19% in Q1.

Operating costs increased compared to last year when we were very restrictive about investments due to the uncertain outlook. The increase of costs in 2021 is directly linked to new hires into the growing core business and the further expansion of Metapic and TD Grow.

In product development we have concentrated our efforts on usability and further improvements to our IT infrastructure. The migration of all our systems to the cloud means higher efficiencies and cost savings. The upgrades of our tracking capabilities protect our business against new browser and data protection regulations. In Q2 we will finalize the last parts of these large projects. From there we will operate on a completely re-built technology platform which is a strong asset for the company.

We continue our mission to grow the business of our clients and partners in the best possible way and create meaningful results for all stakeholders. We do that with passion and courage, and I look forward to your company on this journey.

Contact information

Matthias Stadelmeyer, President and CEO, telephone +46 8 405 08 00  
Viktor Wågström, CFO, telephone +46 8 405 08 00  

Other information

This information is information that Tradedoubler AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Swedish Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, at 08.00 CET on 18 May 2021. Numerical data in brackets refers to the corresponding periods in 2020 unless otherwise stated. Rounding off differences may arise.

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19 Postings ausgeblendet.

26.08.21 08:10

828 Postings, 6203 Tage Dow_JonesTradedoubler kommt Morgen mit Zahlen!

Wir stehen zwangsläufig vor einer völligen Neubewertung - stay tuned!  

26.08.21 09:29

191 Postings, 1427 Tage Aloha2021Also... den ganzen news, die man sich selber zusammensuchen kann/muss ueber Tradedoubler stehen wir nach Q1 Quartalsgewinn mit einem moeglichen Q2 Quartalsgewinn morgen vor einer kompletten Neubewertung. Bleibe dabei, dass erinnert wahnsinnig an Ad Pepper vor Jahren bei unter 1 EUR... Wir wissen, was dann passiert ist. Und heute ist die Situation ungleich besser. Nullzinsniveau, Riesenbedarf an M&A Aktivitaeten und hier mit Tradedoubler eine komplett unter dem Radar fliegende Bude mit aktuell laecherlichen 30 Mio EUR Market Cap. Wenn da man im Hintergrund nicht an nem BO gearbeitet wird....  

26.08.21 12:21

828 Postings, 6203 Tage Dow_JonesTradedoubler wird zertifizierter Partner von TikTo

..und erreicht damit komplett neue Zielgruppen!

Diese News wurde Anfang Q2 gemeldet, selbstverständlich nur auf der Webpage;) Der Impact dieser News, siehe Link, wird mittelfristig noch einen großen Impact haben. In dem Zusammenhang könnte man sich eine ähnliche Kooperation zwischen TikTok und Shopify mal genauer anschauen..Siehe Link
TikTok is moving into e-commerce. The company announced this morning an expanded partnership with e-commerce platform Shopify, as well as a pilot test of TikTok Shopping among select Shopify merchants across the U.S., U.K. and Canada in the weeks to come. The social video platform first announced its ...

27.08.21 08:14

828 Postings, 6203 Tage Dow_JonesQ2 Zahlen - well done!

CEO Matthias Stadelmeyer’s comments

The second quarter 2021 was the first quarter with a like-for-like comparison of the business in covid-19 conditions. In Q2 2020 the pandemic hit Tradedoubler´s business with negative effects on revenue and a positive impact on EBITDA. The negative revenue effects relate mainly to a reduction of the travel vertical which formerly stood for around 20% of our revenues, the positive impact relates to lower costs through reduced recruitment of staff, shorter working hours and government support. In Q4 2020 and Q1 2021 we started to gain good traction in the business, but in covid-19 / non-covid-19 comparisons.

Now the results of Q2 2021 show a continued positive business momentum on revenue, gross profit and EBITDA in this changed scenario as well. Adjusted for currency effects revenue grew by 21% and gross profit by 9% while EBITDA excluding change related items increased to SEK 17 M.

Similar to the first quarter 2021 all regions develop positively except of the UK, with the DACH region and the Nordics being the main growth drivers. The Southern Region had positive one-time effects on the business last year and has stable underlying revenues.

TD Grow, our new SaaS solution for SMB businesses and our influencer platform Metapic continued their good business momentum in Q2 as well and start to contribute to our revenue in a more prominent way.

In the industry verticals travel is growing again compared to Q2 last year, but on low levels and still far away from previous levels. All other verticals are stable with their usual seasonality.

The margin of our business is with 20,2% still lower as last year, but slightly increased compared to Q1. The reason for this are mainly additional budgets from larger clients whom we have expanded our business with during the last 12 months. The slight increase of the margin in Q2 is explained by seasonality as clients spend less media budgets in Q2 and Q3.

Operating costs cost are higher than previous year as we continue to investment in our staff and as well invest more into TD Grow and Metapic. We close the quarter with 251 employees compared to 226 in the comparison period, which is the main reason for the higher cost level. EBITDA landed at 16 which is the highest Q2 result in many years.

We continue our mission to grow the business of our clients and partners in the best possible way and create meaningful results for all stakeholders. We do that with passion and courage, and I look forward to your company on this journey.

Contact information

Matthias Stadelmeyer, President and CEO, telephone +46 8 405 08 00  
Viktor Wågström, CFO, telephone +46 8 405 08 00  

27.08.21 08:35

191 Postings, 1427 Tage Aloha2021Oha...

...da haben wir es. Das 2. Quartal nacheinander profitabel. Und es wird in IT und Mitarbeiter investiert. Und egal ob 6,7 oder 8 SEK...Alles noch komplett ausgebomtes Niveau. Wir haben hier ein profitables Unternehmen, was mit 20% in einer Pandemie waechst und laecherliche 30 Mio EUR Market Cap hat. Das hier ist weiter nur der Anfang. Ick freu mir!  

23.09.21 11:44

191 Postings, 1427 Tage Aloha2021Ruhe vorbei?

Umsaetze ziehen heute wieder an, Kurz ueber 6 SEK.... Hab hier mal den 7 (!) Jahreschart eingestellt. Wenn wir ueber die 6,25 SEK gehen bleiben nur noch die 7,40 vor der Zweistelligkeit.  
Angehängte Grafik:
trad.gif (verkleinert auf 69%) vergrößern

27.12.21 12:46

828 Postings, 6203 Tage Dow_JonesEs scheint los zu gehen!

Chart sieht geil aus, Bewertung ist ein Witz, Wachstum in allen Units & die große Fantasie, dass Tradedoubler geschluckt wird, ist Grund genug hier weiter aufzustocken. Auch die Briefseite in Frankfurt ist fair gestellt.

Zur Peergroup wird Tradedoubler mit einem 50% Discount aktuelle gehandelt.

Interessante Studie:

03.01.22 12:03

828 Postings, 6203 Tage Dow_JonesVöllig under the radar....

sind Tradedoubler & Ad Pepper. Affiliate Performance Marketing ist das Tool No.1 für D2C (Direct to Consumer) und hier wird diese Jahr die Post abgehen! Und wenn Awin an die Börse gehen sollte, sehen wir in beiden Werten 200% + in wenigen Wochen.

Meine Beiden under the Radar top Picks!  

03.01.22 12:24

191 Postings, 1427 Tage Aloha2021@ Dow Jones

ja, da hast Du Recht. Tradedoubler die laecherlichste Bewertung ueberhaupt, denn selbst bei einem Verdreifacher von diesem Niveau immernoch billig. Und bei Ad Pepper stehen wir aktuell noch UNTER dem Kurs von Feb-Mar letzten Jahres. Einem weiteren Rekordjahr, an dem alle Affiliatewerte durch die Decke gegangen sind. Auch da bin ich bullisch. Riesennachholbedarf.  

10.01.22 13:04

191 Postings, 1427 Tage Aloha2021Ja...

...das ist wie ein grosses Puzzle... Hier fuegt sich ein Stuerck zum Anderen. Ganz leise, ganz smooth. Ohne grosse PR. Da MUSS im Hintergrund was am Laufen sein. Und die aktuelle market cap von rund 35 Mio EUR ist und bleibt ein absoluter Witz an sich und Vergleich zu den competitors im Markt.
2022 wird spannend. Mal sehen, wer da zuschnappt. Und zu welchem Preis.  

10.01.22 14:30

828 Postings, 6203 Tage Dow_JonesWenn wir sauber durch die 8 SEK gehen...

sollte der Punk abgehen. Du kannst EINEN drauf lassen, dass hinter den Kulissen was läuft!  

18.01.22 07:55

828 Postings, 6203 Tage Dow_JonesBest Play in town.....

14.02.22 12:05

191 Postings, 1427 Tage Aloha2021Ok...

...die Zahlen lesen sich wirklich gut. Fragt man sich heute nur (ok, Pi**umsaetze) wer da auf diesem Niveau unter 6 SEK auch nur eine einzige Aktie aus der Hand gibt.

13.03.22 21:11

828 Postings, 6203 Tage Dow_JonesTop Zahlen...

starker Ausblick und mit lächerlichen Umsätzen halbiert der Wert auf eine Marketcap von 20 Mio Euro. Das darf und kann man gar nicht mehr kommentieren,  weil es so ein Witz ist.

In Krisen wird halt das Geld gemacht;)  

30.03.22 13:34

191 Postings, 1427 Tage Aloha2021Da ist er ja der Grund....

...warum es heute anspringt.
Wenn man sich das nun aber mal genau anschaut, ist das der Startschuss zu etwas viel Groesserem. Nicht vergessen, wir sprechen hier noch immer von einer marketcap von rund 20 (!!!) Mio EUR

Tradedoubler with its subsidiary Metapic acquires shares in Onbaz
WED, MAR 30, 2022 13:00 CETReport this content
Tradedoubler with its subsidiary Metapic acquires approximately 30% of the shares in the online video shopping company Onbaz, a Swedish startup technology company.

The purchase and partnership agreement signed with Onbaz will give the group access to technologies that complement and extend its current offering and products within the growing market of influencer marketing.

Speaking about the acquisition, Matthias Stadelmeyer, CEO of Tradedoubler says, “I am delighted to announce the investment into Onbaz. Live video shopping is a growing phenomenon and already a well-integrated offer within ecommerce in China. We believe that it is just a matter of time until we see the same dynamic in Europe.”

For further information, please contact:

Matthias Stadelmeyer, CEO Tradedoubler
Phone: +46 8 405 08 00

About this information

The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at CEST 13.00 on 30 March 2022.

About Tradedoubler

Tradedoubler is an international leader in performance-based digital marketing and technology powering a unique network of connections. Combining 19 years of digital marketing innovation and expertise, global presence and a market leading technology platform, Tradedoubler offers tailored performance solutions for advertisers and publishers. Founded in Sweden in 1999, Tradedoubler pioneered affiliate marketing in Europe and has since developed its offering to include actionable data driven insights and User Journey tracking thanks to its proprietary business intelligence tool, ADAPT. The share is listed on Nasdaq OMX on the Stockholm Exchange. More information can be found on    

05.05.23 09:52

191 Postings, 1427 Tage Aloha2021Heute Q1 Zahlen 2023....

liesst sich bombig. 7.Quartal in Folge double digit Steigerung und und und.....Wenn sich dann mal jemand fuer diesen fallen Angle interssieren wuerde...

Tradedoubler Quarterly Report January - March 2023
The first quarter, January – March 2023

•    Total revenue amounted to SEK 459 M (404) an increase of 14% or 8% adjusted
for changes in exchange rates compared to the same period last year.

•    Gross profit was SEK 98 M (83) an increase of 19% or 13% adjusted for changes in exchange rates. Gross margin was 21.4% (20.4).

•    Operating costs excluding depreciation and adjusted for change related items were SEK 74 M (61), an increase of 21% or 17% adjusted for changes in exchange rates.

•    EBITDA amounted to SEK 24 M (21). Adjusted for change related items, EBITDA
was SEK 24 M (22).

•    Investments in immaterial assets, mainly related to product development,
were SEK 8 M (7).

•    Cash flow from operating activities was SEK 40 M (8).

•    Earnings per share, before and after dilution were SEK 0.16 (0.19).


Letter from the CEO

In the first quarter of 2023, Tradedoubler continued the trend of now seven consecutive quarterly results with double-digit Gross Profit growth – in Q1, 13% currency adjusted -, and continued increased EBITDA – in Q1, SEK 24,5 M. The gross margin has slightly increased to 21,4% while the EBITDA margin is stable at 5,3%.

Regions & Products
We were able to continue the growth in Gross Profit in all Tradedoubler regions with the Nordics & Poland and the DACH region being the main drivers, while France & Benelux, the UK & Ireland and the region “South” contribute in a material way.
Across all our offerings of Affiliate Marketing, Metapic, Grow and the Campaigns business including Appiness and Cost-per-Lead campaigns we generated continued good growth rates matching the expectations for each product.

The increase of the Gross margin to 21,4% goes along-side the continued change in our product mix with the new products increasing their share of Tradedoubler’s business. These products (Metapic, Grow, Campaigns) have a higher margin than the traditional Affiliate Marketing business.
The EBITDA margin has been stable at 5,3%. The increase in costs is solely related to investments into the new products and there especially into Metapic and product development itself.

While the external market environment with high inflation, reduced consumer spendings and therefore increased challenges for our client´s continues, we do not see an effect on our business for the time being. While there are obvious larger shifts in how digital marketing strategies are planned and operated, our portfolio of performance marketing solutions seems to match the needs of our clients for results-focused marketing campaigns.

Our vision is to generate more revenue for our clients than any other partner and we receive encouraging signals from our clients that we are on a good way.

I want to thank our teams across all markets and units for their commitment to our strategy and their great contribution. I am amazed by the talent, the energy, and the dedication our colleagues put into the development of our business.

Contact information

Matthias Stadelmeyer, President and CEO, telephone +46 8 405 08 00
Viktor Wågström, CFO, telephone +46 8 405 08 00

Other information

This information is information that Tradedoubler AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, at 08.00 CET on 5 May 2023. Numerical data in brackets refers to the corresponding periods in 2022 unless otherwise stated. Rounding off differences may arise.

This information was brought to you by Cision
The following files are available for download: Tradedoubler Quarterly Report January - March 2023,c3175004 January -March 2023  

02.06.23 09:48

191 Postings, 1427 Tage Aloha2021Schoener Kauf!

Sweden's TradeDoubler Buys German Tech Group KAHA
(MT Newswires)
TradeDoubler (TRAD.ST) said Friday it acquired KAHA, a German tech company, to further advance its position in the influencer marketing industry.

The deal includes an earnout structure that will remain in place until 2026, with a potential extension to 2028. Following the acquisition, KAHA will be combined with TradeDoubler unit Metapic.

The digital marketing group gained about 3% on Friday morning.
-0- Jun/02/2023 07:32 GMT  

22.01.24 11:34

191 Postings, 1427 Tage Aloha2021wow

Das naechste profitable Quartal. 7. oder 8. in Folge nun. Wird Zeit, dass die Aktie endlich mal entdeckt wird. Verdient haette sie es  

22.01.24 11:34

191 Postings, 1427 Tage Aloha2021hier der Bericht....

Tradedoubler: Tradedoubler reports preliminary results for the fourth quarter of 2023
As a result of a ransomware attack on one of the company's hosting providers TietoEvry, Tradedoubler reports its preliminary unaudited results for the fourth quarter as it cannot be ensured that information has remained confidential. Currently some of Tradedoubler's internal and financial systems are affected, but no business-related systems. We take the situation very seriously and are in ongoing dialogue with TietoEvry to resolve the matter. We do not expect any major impact on Tradedoubler's business and the business of our clients and partners. More information will be presented in the upcoming year-end report. The fourth quarter, October - December 2023 · Total revenue amounted to SEK 575 M (464) an increase of 24% compared to the same period last year. · Gross profit was SEK 118 M (102) an increase of 16%. Gross margin was 20.5% (22.0). · Operating costs excluding depreciation and adjusted for change related items were SEK 88 M (76), an increase of 17%. · EBITDA amounted to SEK 29 M (26). Adjusted for change related items, EBITDA was SEK 30 M (26). · Investments in tangible and intangible fixed assets, mainly related to product development, were SEK 12 M (9). · Cash flow from operating activities was SEK 45 M (32). · Earnings per share, before and after dilution were SEK 0.29 (0.22). The interim period January - December 2023 · Total revenue amounted to SEK 1 987 M (1 640), which is an increase compared to the same period last year by 21%. · Gross profit was SEK 414 M (346) an increase of 20%. Gross margin excluding change related items was 20.8% (21.1). · Operating costs excluding depreciation and adjusted for change related items were SEK 321 M (263), an increase of 22%. · EBITDA amounted to SEK 91 M (79). Adjusted for change related items, EBITDA was SEK 92 M (83). · Investments in tangible and intangible fixed assets, mainly related to product development, were SEK 40 M (32). · Cash flow from operating activities was SEK 76 M (59) and the sum of cash and interest-bearing financial assets was SEK 70 M (93) at the end of the period. Net cash in end of the period was SEK -5 M (5). · Earnings per share, before and after dilution were SEK 0.56 (0.54). [][] SEK M Oct Oct Jan Jan-Dec 2022 -Dec -Dec -Dec 2023 2022 2023 Total revenue 575 464 1 987 1 640 Gross profit 118 102 414 346 Gross margin 20,5% 22,0% 20,8% 21,1% Operating costs excl. depreciation -88 -76 -321 -263 and change related costs EBITDA adjusted for change related 30 26 92 83 items EBITDA-margin adjusted for change 5,1% 5,7% 4,7% 5,0% related items (%) Change related items[1] -1 0 -2 -4 EBITDA 29 26 91 79 Operating profit (EBIT) 16 17 40 43 Net profit 13 10 25 24 Net investments innon-financial -12 -9 -40 -32 fixed assets Cash flow from operatingactivities 45 32 76 59 Liquid assets including 70 93 70 93 financialinvestments, at period's end Net cash[2], at period's end -5 5 -5 5 For further information, please contact: Matthias Stadelmeyer, CEO Tradedoubler Phone: +46 8 405 08 00 About this information This information is information that Tradedoubler AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at CET 11.15 on 22 January 2024. Numerical data in brackets refers to the corresponding periods in 2022 unless otherwise stated. Rounding off differences may arise. -------------------------------------------------- This information was brought to you by Cision,c3913163 The following files are available for download: Tradedoubler reports preliminary results for the fourth quarter of 2023
(Dow Jones) -- (END) Dow Jones Newswires  

22.01.24 12:21

191 Postings, 1427 Tage Aloha2021und auch charttechnisch interessant...

....200T Linie liegt bei 4.66 SEK...  

22.05.24 15:15

191 Postings, 1427 Tage Aloha2021Heute Aktienrueckkaufprogramm beschlossen!

Authorisation for the Board of Directors to resolve upon issuance of shares, warrants and/or convertibles The Annual General Meeting resolved in accordance with the Board of Directors' proposal to authorise the Board of Directors, until the next Annual General Meeting, on one or several occasions, with or without deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights, with or without provision on non-cash consideration, set-off or otherwise with conditions pursuant to the Swedish Companies Act, to resolve on new issues of shares, warrants and/or convertibles. Authorisation for the Board of Directors to resolve upon acquisition of own shares The Annual General Meeting resolved in accordance with the Board of Directors' proposal to authorise the Board of Directors, until the next Annual General Meeting, on one or several occasions, to resolve on the acquisition of a maximum number of own shares so that, after the purchase, the company holds not more than ten (10) per cent of the total number of shares in the company. Authorisation for the Board of Directors to resolve upon the transfer of own shares The Annual General Meeting resolved in accordance with the Board of Directors' proposal to authorise the Board of Directors, until the next Annual General Meeting, on one or several occasions, to resolve on the transfer of shares in the company. The shares may only be transferred in conjunction with the financing of company acquisitions and other types of strategic investments and acquisitions, and the transfers may not exceed the maximum number of treasury shares held by the company at any given time. Resolution on instruction for the Nomination Committee The Annual General Meeting resolved, in accordance with the Nomination Committee's proposal, to adopt an instruction for the Nomination Committee to apply until the General Meeting resolves to adopt a new instruction.  

12.02.25 09:45

191 Postings, 1427 Tage Aloha2021Hier der Grund...

...fuer den heutigen Anstieg.
V.a. unten die Aussichten lesen!!!
Und wenn man nun bedenkt, dass der letzte drop die Frechheits-KE war, sollte es nun endlich deutlich aufwaerts gehen!

Tradedoubler Year-End Report January – December 2024
The fourth quarter, October – December 2024

· Total revenue amounted to SEK 619 M (575), an increase of 8% or 5% adjusted for changes in exchange rates compared to the same period last year.

· Gross profit was SEK 137 M (118), an increase of 15% or 15% adjusted for changes in exchange rates. Gross margin was 22.1% (20.5).

· Operating costs excluding depreciation were SEK 120 M (89), an increase of 35% or 43% adjusted for changes in exchange rates. Operating cost, excluding depreciation and change related items, were SEK 96 M (88). Change related items mainly consist of a remeasurement of SEK 24 M of the performance-based purchase price related to the acquisition of KAHA GmbH in 2023.

· EBITDA amounted to SEK 16 M (29). Adjusted for change related items, EBITDA was SEK 41 M (30).

· Investments in immaterial assets, mainly related to product development, were SEK 8 M (10).

· Cash flow from operating activities was SEK 30 M (43).

· Earnings per share, before and after dilution were SEK -0.04 (0.29).

The Full Year 2024

· Total revenue amounted to SEK 2 113 M (1 987), which is an increase compared to the same period last year by 6% or 5% adjusted for changes in exchange rates.

· Gross profit was SEK 458 M (414) an increase of 11% or 10% adjusted for changes in exchange rates. Gross margin excluding change related items was 21.7% (20.8).

· Operating costs excluding depreciation were SEK 389 M (323), an increase of 20% or 19% adjusted for changes in exchange rates. Operating costs, excluding depreciation and change related items, were SEK 362 M (321).

· EBITDA amounted to SEK 70 M (91). Adjusted for change related items, EBITDA was SEK 96 M (92).

· Investments in intangible assets, mainly related to product development, were SEK 37 M (38).

· Cash flow from operating activities was SEK 56 M (74). The main reason for the decreased cash flow is a one-time payment to a publisher that amounted to approximately SEK 20 M during the second quarter. The payment was related to commission earned during previous years.

· Earnings per share, before and after dilution were SEK -0.07 (0.56).

· During the fourth quarter Tradedoubler ended the subscription period for the rights issue. In total, approximately SEK 50.5 M were obtained, whereof approximately SEK 20.5 M in liquid funds, before deduction for issue costs. Reworld Media S.A. has paid for their part of the shares through set-off, meaning that Tradedoubler’s indebtness is reduced by approximately SEK 30 M through the rights issue.

· During the second quarter the lead generation company Emailing Network was acquired from the principal owner of Tradedoubler for an amount of 180 000 EUR.

· During the first quarter Tradedoubler signed a short-term overdraft facility with its bank of SEK 15 M, at the end of the year this facility was unused.


Letter from the CEO

In the final quarter of 2024, Tradedoubler experienced a notable acceleration in business performance compared to previous quarters, delivering strong results.

Q4 and Full-Year 2024 Results
Adjusted for currency fluctuations, revenue in Q4 increased by 5% year-over-year to 619 M SEK, while Gross Profit rose by 15% to 137 M SEK. EBITDA, adjusted for change-related items, reached 41 M SEK, compared to 30 M SEK in the prior year.

For the full year 2024, revenue totaled 2 113 M SEK (+5%), with Gross Profit at 458 M SEK (+10%) and EBITDA (adjusted for change-related items) at 96 M SEK, up from 92 M SEK.

This year-end report marks the first time we are presenting revenue and EBITDA figures for Tradedoubler’s core business segments: Partner Marketing and Influencer Marketing (Metapic). These figures confirm the trends highlighted in previous reports: Partner Marketing encountered challenges due to macroeconomic conditions, particularly in Q2 and Q3, while Influencer Marketing demonstrated significant growth.

· Partner Marketing revenue grew by 4% in Q4 and 4% for the year.
· Influencer Marketing revenue surged by 54% in Q4 and 50% for the full year. This was achieved both by healthy growth rates in already existing countries as well as the successful launch of additional countries in the years 2023 and 2024.
· Partner Marketing’s EBITDA remained steady in Q4 but declined on an annual basis, primarily due to challenges faced by R Advertising, Tradedoubler’s Email Marketing subsidiary, which has been impacted by regulatory and technological shifts. The EBITDA margin of Partner Marketing rose to 7% in Q4.
· Influencer Marketing’s EBITDA saw remarkable growth, reaching 14 M SEK in Q4 and 27 M SEK for the full year—nearly five times the 2023 figure. It showed an EBITDA margin of 22% in Q4, which is around three times the EBITDA margin of our Partner Marketing business.

Over the past few years, we have worked extensively to realign Tradedoubler’s business, creating a solid foundation for scalable, long-term growth. In addition to strengthening our platform and infrastructure, we have restructured our teams across Europe to drive profitability while expanding into new areas such as Influencer Marketing and Mobile Marketing.

As a result, Tradedoubler has successfully evolved into an international digital marketing technology company, demonstrating consistent growth and increasing profitability. These efforts are now reflected in our financial performance, and we are committed to providing more transparency and regular updates on our progress moving forward.

Vision and Strategy
Building on our achievements, we have redefined Tradedoubler’s strategy for the coming years.

Our vision is to establish Tradedoubler as a global leader in digital marketing technology, expanding across key growth channels, including Partner Marketing, Influencer Marketing, and Mobile Marketing. This will involve both international expansion and diversification into additional digital marketing segments.

To achieve this, we will pursue a combination of operational and strategic initiatives:

· Operationally, we will extend our presence to new global markets and enter complementary digital marketing segments.
· Strategically, we will pursue acquisitions to accelerate market entry and channel expansion. An active M&A strategy will be in the heart of our activities.

With all our channels operating in markets that are expected to experience strong double-digit market growth in the coming years, we are confident that Tradedoubler will capitalize on this momentum - growing in line with market trends while expanding internationally and vertically, both operationally and through acquisitions. Our long-term ambition is to triple revenue to more than 6 BN SEK while significantly improving profitability.

As a first step, we have decided to establish a presence in the United States during 2025. Today we already have more than 150 clients in North America. This base will be the fundament for setting up a legal entity and opening an office there.

Following the successful expansion of our Influencer Marketing business across Europe and the launch of our Partner Marketing operations in Australia (with an office in Sydney), we believe this is the right time to enter the world’s largest digital marketing market—unlocking significant new growth opportunities.

We look forward to the future with confidence and remain committed to delivering long-term value for our shareholders.

Thank you for your continued support.

Contact information

Matthias Stadelmeyer, President and CEO, telephone +46 8 405 08 00
Viktor Wågström, CFO, telephone +46 8 405 08 00


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