An update from your Verity Team!
Hope Everyone had a good and safe 4th of July. It's been a long spring for a lot of us but here we are on the home stretch to harvest. The Crops are looking good considering the stresses that have been imposed on them this year. The cooler wet spring has put some added stress on the crops. Sulfur deficiencies have been present due to the cool conditions therefore the microbes haven't been as active to move the sulfur into the plant. With the numerous tissue tests that we've been performing this year a lot of information has been pulled from them. We've seen deficiencies of Zinc, Manganese, Sulfur, Magnesium, Calcium, Boron, Nitrogen, Etc. These tissue tests can be a great tool to guide you in foliar options in following years. We've also done some Soil Nitrate Tests and seen opposite results as the mainstream nitrate tests. In Biologically active soils the nitrogen is being held in the top foot of soil. We're also seeing some interesting things with the tissue test from the Verity Foliar Mix trials. The biology and plants are correcting imbalances in the plant that were present. We've also been checking Brix levels in the test strips and they are coming up with the treatments. The raising of the Brix is crucial in staving off the root worms and insects. Pests will not be drawn to plants with high brix levels. Ideally in corn we want to see a brix level around 12. This will make your Corn less attractive to the pests that are coming our way. The Lightning Bugs are here so that means Corn Root worm are here. We've scouted a few fields with a level that could require treatment. One of our members has had success with using Verity products Lorsban mixed into SuperStick and WakeUp. The SuperStick keeps the Lorsban on the plant and the WakeUp helps to move it into the plant. The key to this is that these little buggers need to be actively feeding on the roots at the time of treatment. This may sound contradictory but if you get them this time we won't have as many beetles to worry about at silking. Again the key to avoiding damage in the first place is getting the Brix high enough in the plant. The Lorsban is, in our opinion a rescue treatment, not a preventative measure. Another "Pest" that we've had the pleasure of watching for is Goss' s Wilt. Earlier this year there were confirmed reports in V2-V3 corn out in Illinois, and now there are confirmed reports in west central Iowa. The Diagnosis of this bacterial disease can be difficult but here are a few things to look for. Smell the area between the leaf shank and stalk will smell foul Salting above or below the leaf collar Lesions along the stalk and leaf with freckling around the edges Here's a message from our very own Verlyn Sneller: To All Verity Program users: I have to apologize to all of you first of all because of my busy schedule I have not communicated very well with Jon on the particulars of the Verity Foliar Mix that we recommended you apply at various stages of corn and soybean production. So I asked Jon to send out an update and some comments we have been receiving from customers that have applied the mix. I have also updated the mixing procedures and the amounts of the various products. I also strongly urge you to attempt to hit the 3 stages of corn and 2 stages of beans if at all possible. This mix can be used on anything that is green and grows as it simply supplies the plant with the minerals etc that it needs to kick it into high gear to REV up the photosynthesis process so that the plant sends the sugars it needs down to the root system so that the maximum genetic potential of the plant can be kicked into gear. The important thing is that if weather does not allow you to hit one of the windows of genetic opportunity then try for the next one. We have been using this mixture on everything in the garden with a lot of positive feedback as well as on apple tree and fruit trees and have essentially doubled and tripled the blossoms and yield on strawberry where applied. Since strawberries are the only thing that bears fruit this early it is the only thing we have reported yields on. However, we also have reports on lettuce of double and triple production as well as 2 to 3 times as many blossoms on Fruit trees. We have had the customers using this formula on fruit trees and strawberries applying it every 2 weeks to start with and simply mixing 1 part Foliar to 32 parts water and misting it on. I would also recommend that you try it on the garden (part of it not all so you will have a comparison) and on flowers etc as well. I do all my wife's plants with this every couple of weeks, even her rose bushes and everything looks great. I just got a report back from another customer who's corn was not a very green color because of all the wet cool weather and he said it went from a pale green to a dark green overnight and said he had never had that kind of response with even nitrogen and was very pleased. We will have to see what kind of yield response this produces come harvest time, but I would encourage you to apply this to at least part of your acres as there is everything in this mixture to signal the plant that it needs to produce as much as it can. We are encouraging people using this on gardens to substitute 9-0-0-11 @ a quart and 2 oz of Boron every third time once blossom set occurs to prevent things like blossom end rot in tomatoes so that the plant will send out the right sugars to signal the biology it needs calcium. We have also instructed people that, once fruit set happens they may want to go to weekly applications to keep the plant working at peak capacity. The key is to use as much pressure as you can when you apply this, a mist if possible so that the plant can take it in more rapidly as you do not need to worry about drift with this as all plants will benefit. Also, because the plant will take this in very quickly, please do not apply when the temperature is over 80 degrees if possible as we have badly burned the leaves on potatoes in a garden in the South that was extremely low in nutrients. Please call if you have any questions on any of this and I hope I have explained everything so it is understandable. Verity Foliar Mix: 1. mix 2 gallon of water with 1 oz of Wakeup summer 2. .5 to 1 lb of dextrose 3 . 4 oz of HT Plus 4. 1 quart of 3-14-14 -(liquid fish may be substituted for Organic producers) 5. .5 oz of liquid humane 6. 4 oz of Grid (VM) No Agri-Serum This can then be added to any amount of water and no extra Wakeup is required as this is not a foliar feed, but instead a plant stimulant that will signal the plant to push sugars into the root zone to trigger the biology it needs to feed it. Thank you Verlyn The stages for the Soybean foliar are upon us and this can be mixed with the herbicide application if you still have that to be done. As always please do a jar test first. The ideal times for influencing and helping the corn plant are: The first 2 weeks after germination 14-21 days after germination the rows around the ear are being determined 41-49 days after germination the length of ear is be determined Pre-tassel - High plant stress period switching to Reproductive stage Tassel/Pollination (R1) - Needs sugars to thwart off pests Reproductive (R2-R6) - Needs Energy and Sugars to fill kennels Soybeans: Three Trifoliate leaves (V3) - Encourage vegetative growth for more nodes Flowering (R1) or just before - Encourage plant to develop flowers Any Stage after to help retain flowers and beans in pods. Thank you for reading this Newsletter and any feedback you have for us on this will be greatly appreciated. Just reply to Jon Kiel at Again thank you and God Bless. Jon Kiel For more information about Verity and their busines |