* 510,000,000 MMUH are authorized;
* 10,000,000 of the authorized are Preferred shares.
-- 8,300,000 Preferred shares are issued and outstanding.
* The Preferred shares vote 10:1 and have 10:1
conversion rights.
-- 64,864,740 MMUH common are issued and outstanding
(Pre MOU)
-- Post (MOU) 122,864,750 MMUH will be issued and outstanding.
* 19,448,750 MMUH restricted shares (30% of the issued and
outstanding, Post 16%) were previously distributed to
approximately thirty Text2Win LLC Holders. Some or all of these
shares are without known tangible consideration. All of these
shares will remain restricted under SEC rule 144 pending any
outcome(s) of consideration resolution(s).
* 18,644,350 MMUH restricted shares (29% of the issued and
outstanding, Post 15%) are owned by approximately sixty three
private placement Holders who paid MMU Inc. either $1.00 or
$2.00 per share in consideration. MMUH shares were issued and
delivered to these MMU Inc. shareholders on or about 02/04/09.
These shares may be unrestricted by the Holder(s) on or after
02/04/10 with the appropriate legal opinion(s). The Company will
dispatch instructions to these shareholders early in 2010.
* 7,861,361 MMUH shares (7% of the issued and outstanding, Post 6%)
are restricted and held by Insiders, officers and affiliates of
the Company.
* 18,910,279 MMUH shares (29% of the issued and outstanding, Post
15%) are free trading.
Mr. Freeman further commented: "Our timely production of unaudited financials for MMUH and our bringing Pink Sheets filings towards full compliance is key to the Company's future plans. We will publish TzuFuma's unaudited financial statements for the period of 2nd Qtr-4th Qtr 2009 in early 2010.
"Gemäß anerkannter flugmechanischer Gesetze kann eine Hummel
aufgrund ihrer Gestalt und ihres Gewichtes im Vergleich zur
Flügelfläche nicht fliegen. Die Hummel weiß es nicht und
fliegt trotzdem."