1998 haben die Amerikaner ca 60 Tomahawk Crueise Missiles auf Bin Laden und Consorten geworfen und so gut wie nichts erreicht.Statt die Schlussfolgerung zu ziehen,dass es in dem bergigen Gelände schon den Russen nicht gelungen ist,nein jetzt werden sogar schon nukleare Waffen diskutiert.Osama bin Laden wird immer noch in Afghanistan vermutet,aber niemand weiss wo.Er war in der Nähe von Kandahar,wo auch der bedeutendste Opiumhandel der Welt stattfindet und der oberste religiöse Führer der Taliban sitzt.Da schlägt man dann gleich zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe.
Pentagon said to eye nuclear attack against terrorists
WASHINGTON (Kyodo) The Defense Department has recommended to President George W. Bush the use of tactical nuclear weapons as a military option to retaliate for last week's terrorist attacks in the United States, diplomatic sources said Tuesday. It is unknown whether Bush has made any decision. Military analysts said the president is unlikely to opt for the use of nuclear weapons because doing so would generate a backlash from the international community and could even trigger revenge from the enemy involving weapons of mass destruction. However, the Pentagon's suggestion shows the determination of U.S. officials to retaliate for the first massive terrorist attacks on the U.S. mainland, the analysts said. The recommendation appears intended to deter terrorists, they said. On ABC television's "This Week" program Sunday, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld refused to rule out the use of tactical nuclear weapons. Rumsfeld, who is notoriously tight-lipped with the press, avoided answering a question on whether their use could be ruled out. To a similar question, a Pentagon official also replied, "We will not discuss operational and intelligence matters." The diplomatic sources said the Pentagon recommended using tactical nuclear weapons shortly after it became known that the terrorist attacks caused an unprecedented number of civilian casualties.Tactical nuclear weapons have been developed to attack very specific targets. The military analysts said Pentagon officials are apparently thinking of using weapons that can reach and destroy terrorists hiding in an underground shelter, limiting damage to surrounding areas Pentagon said to eye nuclear attack against terrorists
WASHINGTON (Kyodo) The Defense Department has recommended to President George W. Bush the use of tactical nuclear weapons as a military option to retaliate for last week's terrorist attacks in the United States, diplomatic sources said Tuesday. It is unknown whether Bush has made any decision. Military analysts said the president is unlikely to opt for the use of nuclear weapons because doing so would generate a backlash from the international community and could even trigger revenge from the enemy involving weapons of mass destruction. However, the Pentagon's suggestion shows the determination of U.S. officials to retaliate for the first massive terrorist attacks on the U.S. mainland, the analysts said. The recommendation appears intended to deter terrorists, they said. On ABC television's "This Week" program Sunday, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld refused to rule out the use of tactical nuclear weapons. Rumsfeld, who is notoriously tight-lipped with the press, avoided answering a question on whether their use could be ruled out. To a similar question, a Pentagon official also replied, "We will not discuss operational and intelligence matters." The diplomatic sources said the Pentagon recommended using tactical nuclear weapons shortly after it became known that the terrorist attacks caused an unprecedented number of civilian casualties.Tactical nuclear weapons have been developed to attack very specific targets. The military analysts said Pentagon officials are apparently thinking of using weapons that can reach and destroy terrorists hiding in an underground shelter, limiting damage to surrounding areas http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.
Klimaj doubts missile strikes or carpet-bombing will do the job in Afghanistan, where the terrain is so rugged, and soldiers so dug in, that the invading Soviet army eventually gave up and retreated. In 1998, U.S. forces pumped some 60 Tomahawk cruise missiles into Osama bin Laden's terrorist training camps in Khost, Afghanistan, and they didn't touch bin Laden. Enter the "n"-word. Klimaj thinks, regrettably, that the U.S. may have to resort to using low-grade tactical nuclear weapons this time. "I don't think the conventional weapons will work," he said. "I think we may have to use little nukes." "Nobody likes to see that word [nuke], but you can't carpet-bomb Afghanistan," Klimaj argued. "It didn't do any good in Vietnam. It really didn't work that well in the Gulf. And it's not going to do anything now." http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=24525 |