Gesamt | 36 | 385 |
Talk | 10 | 289 |
Börse | 18 | 69 |
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Hot-Stocks | 5 | 17 |
Devisen | 4 | 12 |
Pacific in den letzen 3 Wochen um 50% gestiegen,
gut analysiert
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Muss mich jetzt in Richtung Frankfurt verabschieden (Airport, nicht Börse :-))
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Eine Frage,hast du schon igendwo News herausgekrigt ueber Pacnet,da in
Amiland der letzt gehandelte kurs $6,52 war. Muss was gegangen sein?
Sobald du was hoerst lass es mir bitte auch wissen. Danke
Gruss Olda
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Kann mir jemand sagen wann die Zahlen von Pacnet Kommen(stehe ich richtig richtig mit 21 11 2005 )Danke!!!
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Monday November 21, 8:30 am ET
Financial Highlights for Third Quarter 2005
-- Net income of US$1.2 million was lower year-on-year on revenue of
US$24.5 million
-- Corporate business revenue was higher by 10.6% year-on-year at
US$16.3 million; contributed 67.0% of total revenue
-- Corporate Broadband revenue grew 15.4% year-on-year; 70.1% of total
Broadband revenue
-- Corporate Value Added Services (VAS) revenue grew 24.1% year-on-year;
91.0% of VAS revenue
-- Cash and cash equivalents grew to US$38.0 million
SINGAPORE, Nov. 21 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Pacific Internet Limited (Nasdaq: PCNTF - News), Asia Pacific's largest telco-independent Internet Communications Service Provider by geographic reach, today announced its financial results for the third quarter that ended September 30, 2005. The Group posted a lower net income of US$1.2 million in the third quarter compared to the same quarter in 2004, but continues to grow the corporate business segment with a 10.6% year-on-year growth in the third quarter.
Revenue in the third quarter decreased 1.5% to US$24.5 million year-on-year as a result of the Group's declining dial-up business, particularly in the consumer segment, and continuing downward price pressures. This decline was mostly offset by growth in the corporate business, which achieved US$16.3 million in revenue, a 10.6% growth compared to the same quarter a year ago.
Overall broadband revenue grew 4.2% year-on-year to US$12.6 million. The increase was driven by stronger take-up of its broadband service in the corporate business segment, which grew 15.4% compared to the same quarter last year. Corporate broadband contributed 70.1% of total broadband revenue in the third quarter.
Despite a competitive market pricing for leased lines, third quarter revenue for this product line grew 5.3% to US$3.2 million year-on-year.
Value Added Services (VAS) revenue posted a 14.7% growth year-on-year to US$3.2 million, driven primarily by a 24.1% year-on-year growth in corporate VAS. About 91.0% of the VAS revenue was derived from the corporate business segment.
Operating Costs and Expenses
Gross profit margin decreased to 53.4% as competitive pricing pressures lowered average revenue per user (ARPU). Cost of sales was higher by 3.8% compared to a year ago as a result of a market shift to higher-speed Internet access services that require higher bandwidth, and a change in product mix from higher-yield dial-up to broadband.
Staff cost for the quarter was marginally higher by 2.9% when compared to the same quarter last year. Sales and marketing expenses, which comprised largely of advertising and promotion expenses, decreased 42.6% over the same quarter last year. This decrease can be largely attributed to the Group's shift to the less marketing intensive corporate business segment. Other general-and-administrative expenses increased by 8.0% year-on-year, primarily due to increase in rental cost, as well as legal and business development expenses in Hong Kong as part of the Group's ongoing efforts to explore new opportunities across the region.
Net Income
Third quarter net income was US$1.2 million (or 9 cents per diluted share) compared to US$1.6 million (or 12 cents per diluted share) in the same quarter last year.
The decline in net income in the third quarter was mainly due to the decrease in ARPU resulted from competitive price pressures and an increase in cost of sales as customers shift to higher-cost products such as broadband from dial-up services.
Liquidity and Capital Resources
As of September 30, 2005, the Group held cash and cash equivalents of US$38.0 million. The Group generated a cash surplus of US$3.6 million for the first nine months of 2005.
Operating activities for the first nine months of 2005 generated cash of US$7.5 million. Of this amount, US$4.0 million was used in investing activities, primarily the acquisition of a fixed asset. Cash provided by financing activities amounted to US$69,000, primarily from the issuance of ordinary shares through employees' exercises of stock options pursuant to the Group's employee stock option plans.
Mr. Bien Kiat Tan, Chairman of Pacific Internet Limited, said, ''Our third quarter results are consistent with trends we have been experiencing over the past year. While we recognize that certain challenges lay ahead, we believe that the Company has the depth to meet these challenges head on while continuing its business growth.''
''With virtually no debt, a strong free cash flow and continuing corporate business growth in a growing Asia Pacific market, we are now focused on investing in the Company's future. We will be looking specifically at strategic acquisitions such as the recently concluded T3 deal in Australia, key partnerships with VoIP service providers and major investments in areas such as wireless in Singapore, to steer us onto a stronger growth path. As we strengthen our foundation, the Company will emerge as a stronger and a more successful organization,'' added Mr. Tan.
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Boardmail an "azel" |
Ich hätte eine Bitte, wo kriegst du die die News auf deutsch so perfekt
uebersetzt her?
Ich waere dir sehr dankbar, wenn du mir dazu einen Tip geben könntest.
Ich hab sie nur immer auf Englisch und da ich Englisch nicht besonders gut verstehe wäre mir sehr gedient wenn ich diese Berichte in der deutscher Sprache bekommen würde. Danke
Gruss Olda
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Boardmail an "olda" |
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Ich bin immer noch drinnen und ich bin sicher in naechster Zeit geht nach Norden
Gruss Olda
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Boardmail an "olda" |
siehe hierzu auch mal webzen (a0bk9m) in der letzten zeit, hatte ich hier auch schon einmal angesprochen, aber ohne auf gehör zu stoßen (selbst schuld)! hihi
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Boardmail an "boxer" |
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SINGAPORE (AFX) - MediaRing Ltd (Nachrichten) said it has made an offer to buy the rest of Nasdaq-listed Internet service provider Pacific Internet (Nachrichten) for 8.25 usd per share, which represents a 27.7 pct premium to Pacific Internet's closing price on Friday.
MediaRing said it now holds 651,572 shares of Singapore-based Pacific Internet, equivalent to a 4.86 pct stake.
MediaRing said the acquisition, which would require between 49.9 mln usd and 105.2 mln usd, will be funded partly using net proceeds of up to 38.8 mln sgd from a proposed one-for-four rights issue at 0.16 sgd apiece, which is at a 51.5 pct discount to MediaRing's closing price on Friday.
'The synergistic and complementary businesses and geographical presence of MediaRing and Pacific Internet are expected to provide ample opportunities for cross-marketing and bundling of services, brand leveraging and cost rationalization through economies of scale,' MediaRing said.
MediaRing executive chairman Koh Boon Hwee said in a media briefing that although the company has had discussions about potential alignments with Pacific Internet, nothing materialized.
Koh said that he believes that MediaRing's offer to acquire Pacific Internet is timely.
'The market for data and voice services is increasingly converging and it seems to me that it is appropriate to look into this now,' Koh said, adding that he is unaware of other potential bidders for Pacific Internet for now.
Koh said that while part of the net proceeds from its proposed rights issue may be used to reduce bank borrowing should it succeed in acquiring Pacific Internet, it may also be used to fund future acquisitions.
'As part of our strategy, MediaRing is open to growth by acquisitions and looking at opportunities is a routine part of our business,' Koh said.
When asked if he reckons that MediaRing is a potential takeover target by other telecommunications firms, Koh said: 'Well, today, we've just made an offer for Pacific Internet. I suppose we cannot sit here and say that no one can make an offer for our company.'
'If presented [with the opportunity], I'm quite certain that our board of directors will look at it seriously because it is their fiduciary responsibility to so,' Koh said.
The company said that the acquisition is subject to the approval of shareholders, which it expects to obtain by May 31, and the Infocomm Development Authority.
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Boardmail an "boxer" |
SINGAPUR, February 27 /PRNewswire/ --
- MediaRing hält einen Anteil von 4,86 % an PacNet - Barangebot zum Preis von 8,25 USD pro PacNet-Aktie - Die Zusammenführung würde bedeutende strategische und geschäftliche
Synergien freisetzen - MediaRing bietet Aktionären darüber hinaus 1-zu-4 Bezugsrechte
MediaRing Ltd (Bloomberg: MR SP) (im Weiteren "MediaRing" genannt) gab heute die Absicht des Unternehmens bekannt, unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen, ein freiwilliges, bedingtes, öffentliches Barangebot zur Übernahme aller ausgegebenen Kapitalanteile des an der US-amerikanischen Börse Nasdaq notierten Unternehmens Pacific Internet Limited (Nasdaq: PCNTF, im Weiteren "PacNet" genannt). Sollte das Angebot zustande kommen und erfolgreich sein, kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass die kombinierte MediaRing-PacNet Gruppe der erste, umfassende Anbieter von Sprach- und Datendiensten im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum sein wird.
MediaRing besitzt z.Z. 651.572 Aktien von PacNet, was einem Anteil von 4,86 % entspricht. MediaRing ist der Überzeugung, dass PacNet der nach geografischer Ausdehnung grösste telefongesellschaftsunabhängige Internet Kommunikations-Dienstleistungsanbieter im asiatisch-pazifische Raum ist.
Falls das Angebot zustande kommt, wird es voraussichtlich auf folgender Grundlage stattfinden:
- 8,25 USD in bar für jede PacNet-Aktie
- Erfüllung bestimmter Voraussetzungen, u.a. dass MediaRing einen Anteil
von mindestens 50 % und eine Aktie (einschliesslich der PacNet Anteile,
die bereits im Besitz von MediaRing sind) halten wirdNach geltenden Vorschriften muss MediaRing vor dem Angebot die Zustimmung der Info-Communications Development Authority von Singapur (IDA) bekommen. Darüber hinaus wird MediaRing auch, bevor das Angebot unterbreitet werden kann, die Zustimmung seiner Aktionäre einholen und erwartet die Erfüllung bestimmter Bedingungen bis zum 31. Mai 2006.
MediaRing verfügt über genügend interne Ressourcen und zugedachte Bankfazilitäten, um das geplante Angebot zu finanzieren.
Koh Boon Hwee, Geschäftsführer von MediaRing, sagte zu den Gründen für die geplante Übernahme von PacNet: "Es gibt bedeutende strategische und geschäftliche Synergien die durch die Zusammenführung unserer Unternehmen genutzt werden können".
"Die komplementäre Natur unserer beiden Unternehmen und die gemeinsame geografische Präsenz werden voraussichtlich zahlreiche Möglichkeiten für Crossmarketing und Bündelung von Dienstleistungen, Ausbau der Markenpräsenz und Kosteneinsparungen aufgrund des Mengeneffektes bieten", erklärte Koh.
"Wenn sich derartige Synergien realisieren lassen, wird die Gruppe wahrscheinlich ihre Wirtschaftlichkeit erhöhen können und noch konkurrenzfähiger werden".
MediaRing gab auch die geplante Ausgabe von verzichtbaren Bezugsrechten ohne Übernahmeverpflichtung an seine Aktionäre für bis zu 245.493.341 junge MediaRing-Aktien zum Ausgabepreis von jeweils 0,16 S$ bekannt. Bei voller Zeichnung werden dadurch die Nettoerträge voraussichtlich auf ca. 38,8 Mio. S$ angehoben. Die Bezugsrechte werden nicht ausserhalb Singapurs vergeben.
Die Nettoerträge der Bezugsrecht-Emission werden voraussichtlich zur teilweisen Finanzierung des geplanten Übernahmeangebots von PacNet verwendet, falls dieses zustande kommt, oder zur Rückzahlung eines Teils der für das Angebot zu erhaltenen Finanzierung, falls dieses zustande kommt, und/oder jede andere Übernahme und/oder Investition von/in Aktiva oder Unternehmen, die mit MediaRings Geschäften Synergieeffekte ermöglichen. Die Bezugsrechte werden, die Zustimmung der Aktionäre von MediaRing vorausgesetzt, unabhängig vom Ausgang des Übernahmeangebots ausgegeben.
Venture One Finance Ltd hält ca. 150,3 Mio. Anteile (16,6 %) an MediaRing und hat sich verpflichtet, in voller Berechtigungshöhe der geplanten Bezugsrechts-Emission zu zeichnen.
Ein Informationsrundbrief zum Übernahmeangebot und der geplanten Bezugsrechtsemission wird zu gegebener Zeit an alle MediaRing-Aktionäre gehen.
Die Vorstandsmitglieder von MediaRing (u.a. auch diejenigen, die eventuell den genauen Wortlauts dieser Pressemitteilung genehmigt haben) haben höchste Sorgfalt walten lassen, um sicherzustellen, dass alle in dieser Pressemitteilung dargestellten Tatsachen und ausgedrückten Meinungen angemessen und sorgfältig sind und dass in dieser Pressemitteilung wesentliche Tatsachen nicht ausgelassen wurden und sie übernehmen dementsprechend gesamtschuldnerisch haftend hierfür die Verantwortung.
Dort wo Informationen aus veröffentlichten oder anderweitig öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen (u.a., aber nicht ausschliesslich, Informationen zu PacNet), entnommen wurden, lag die einzige Verantwortung der Vorstandmitglieder von MediaRing darin, durch angemessene Erkundigungen sicherzustellen, dass diese Informationen sorgfältig und richtig aus den Quellen zitiert bzw. in dieser Pressemitteilung aus den Quellen richtig widergegeben oder reproduziert wurden.
MediaRing hat das Angebot noch nicht eröffnet. Das Angebot wird, soweit es zustande kommt, nur nach Erstellung eines Angebotsprospekts und entsprechender Unterlagen, die MediaRing in Kürze an die Inhaber von Aktien von PacNet verteilen wird, eröffnet. Inhaber von PacNet-Aktien sollten den Angebotsprospekt und die entsprechenden Unterlagen sorgfältig lesen sobald sie verfügbar sind, da diese wichtige Informationen enthalten werden. Sollte das Angebot zustande kommen, können Besitzer von PacNet-Anteilen und andere Investoren Exemplare des "Tender Offer Statement", Anhang TO, sowie den Angebotsprospekt und die entsprechenden Unterlagen, die MediaRing bei der US-amerikanischen "Securities and Exchange Commission" einzureichen beabsichtigt, von der Website der SEC unter kostenlos herunterladen.
Diese Angaben stellen in den Vereinigten Staaten kein Kaufangebot für Wertpapiere dar. Wertpapiere dürfen in den Vereinigten Staaten ohne Anmeldung bzw. ohne Befreiung von einer solchen Anmeldung nach dem US-amerikanischen Securities Act von 1933 nicht verkauft werden. MediaRing hat nicht die Absicht, die Bezugsrechte teilweise oder in Gänze in den Vereinigten Staaten anzumelden bzw. Bezugsrechte bzw. Bezugsrechtsanteile in den Vereinigten Staaten zu emittieren.
Informationen zu MediaRing
Mit seinen Niederlassungen in Singapur, Malaysia, Shanghai, Peking, Hongkong, Taiwan, Japan und Sunnyvale (USA) ist MediaRing der führende VoIP-Dienstleistungsanbieter in Asien und hat einen bedeutenden Anteil am weltweiten reinen VoIP-Markt. Dank seiner technologischen Fähigkeiten und des umfassenden Vertriebsnetzes kann MediaRing Betreibern, Unternehmen, Dienstleistern und dem Verbraucher Sprachdienste hoher Qualität und eine breite Palette von Dienstleistungen anbieten. Dank der umfassenden Partnerschaften mit Betreibern überall auf der Welt können Anschlüsse in über 240 Ländern weltweit vermittelt werden. MediaRing ist ein Vorreiter auf dem Gebiet der VoIP-Dienste, verfügt über firmeneigene Technologien und erwirtschaftet über 95 % des Umsatzes ausserhalb Singapurs.
Informationen zu Pacific Internet
Nach seinen veröffentlichten Unternehmenszahlen ist Pacific Internet Limited der nach geografischer Ausdehnung grösste telefongesellschaftsunabhängige Internet-Kommunikations-Dienstleistungsanbieter im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum. Das Unternehmen ist in Singapur, Hongkong, China, den Philippinen, Australien, Indien, Thailand und Malaysia direkt präsent. PacNet bietet eine Reihe umfassender Daten-, Sprach- und Video-Dienste für Unternehmen und Endverbraucher.
MediaRing Ltd
Ligatus - Das Premium-Netzwerk für Performance-Marketing
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Boardmail an "olda" |
SINGAPUR - Pacific Internet Limited (WKN: 918895) gab heute die Zusammenarbeit mit der BNP-Investmentsparte BNP Paribas Peregrine bekannt.
Ziel des Unternehmens sei es, den Shareholder Value zu maximieren. Pacific Internet erwäge vielerlei Optionen. Darunter unter anderem auch die Suche nach neuen strategischen Partnern aber auch nach Kaufinteressenten für das Unternehmen. PacNet erhielt zuvor schon ein Angebotssignal von der in Singapur ansässigen Telekom-Service-Gruppe MediaRing Ltd. Pacific Net werde am 31. Mai 2006 Auskunft über die Zukunft des Unternehmens erteilen, nachdem alle Vorschläge von PNB Paribas geprüft worden sind.
Pacific Internet Ltd. agiert als unabhängiger Internetservice-Provider in der Asien-Pazifik Region. Das Produktangebot umfasst Sprach-, Daten- und Videoservices für Unternehmen und Privatnutzer. (grh/rem)
Das erklärt auch den heutigen Kursanstieg...
Grüsse Boxer
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Gruss Olda
Die Uebersetzung ist nicht die Beste aber nicht meine Schuld
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Boardmail an "olda" |
26.04.2006 20:21
MediaRing sichert sich Zustimmung der Aktionäre und IDA für freiwilliges, bedingtes Barzahlungsangebot an das an der Nasdaq gehandelte Unternehmen Pacific Internet
Singapur (ots/PRNewswire) -
MediaRing Ltd. (Nachrichten) (Bloomberg: MR SP) ("MediaRing") hat sich heute die
Erlaubnis seiner Aktionäre für die Unterbreitung eines freiwilligen,
bedingten Barzahlungsangebots (das "Angebot") gesichert, um alle
ausgegeben Kapitalanteile an dem an der Nasdaq (Nachrichten) gehandelten
Unternehmen Pacific Internet Limited (Nachrichten) (Nasdaq: PCNTF) ("PacNet") zu
Auch hat MediaRing heute die uneingeschränkte Genehmigung der
Info-Communications Development Authority of Singapore ("IDA") für
die Eröffnung, Unterbreitung und Abwicklung des Angebots erhalten.
Am 27. Februar 2006 gab MediaRing seine Absicht bekannt, unter
bestimmten Voraussetzungen ein freiwilliges, bedingtes
Barzahlungsangebot zur Übernahme aller ausgegebenen PacNet-Aktien zu
unterbreiten, die sich noch nicht im Besitz von MediaRing befinden.
Mit den heute erteilten Genehmigungen durch die Aktionäre und die
IDA hat MediaRing die Bedingungen für die Unterbreitung des Angebots
erfüllt. MediaRing wird nun das Angebot zum gegebenen Zeitpunkt
offiziell ankündigen. Das Angebot wird 14 bis 21 Tage nach der
offiziellen Ankündigung bestehen.
Die Unternehmensleitung von MediaRing hat mit höchster Sorgfalt
alle in dieser Pressemitteilung genannten Fakten und Ansichten auf
Angemessenheit und Genauigkeit geprüft, sich vergewissert, dass in
dieser Pressemitteilung keine wesentlichen Tatsachen ausgelassen
wurden und übernimmt entsprechend gesamtschuldernisch haftend hierfür
die Verantwortung.
Bei Informationen aus Veröffentlichungen oder anderweitig
öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen (z. B. Informationen zu PacNet) lag
die einzige Verantwortung der Unternehmensleitung von MediaRing
darin, durch angemessene Nachforschungen sicherzustellen, dass diese
Informationen sorgfältig und richtig aus den Quellen zitiert bzw. in
dieser Pressemitteilung aus den Quellen korrekt wiedergegeben oder
reproduziert werden.
MediaRing hat das Angebot noch nicht eröffnet. Das Angebot wird
nur nach Erstellung eines Angebotsprospekts und entsprechender
Unterlagen, die MediaRing in Kürze an die Aktionäre von PacNet
verteilen wird, unterbreitet. Inhaber von PacNet-Aktien sollten den
Angebotsprospekt und die entsprechenden Unterlagen sorgfältig lesen,
sobald sie verfügbar sind, da diese wichtige Informationen enthalten
werden. Inhaber von PacNet-Aktien und Investoren können sich
Exemplare des "Tender Offer Statement on Schedule TO", den
Angebotsprospekt mit dem Kaufangebot und die entsprechenden
Unterlagen, die MediaRing bei der US-Börsenaufsicht Securities and
Exchange Commission einzureichen beabsichtigt, von der Website der
SEC unter kostenlos herunterladen.
Über MediaRing
Mit Niederlassungen in Singapur, Malaysia, Indonesien, Shanghai,
Peking, Hongkong, Taiwan, Japan und Sunnyvale (USA) gehört MediaRing
zu den führenden VoIP-Telefonie-Anbietern in Asien und hält einen
bedeutenden Anteil am weltweiten reinen VoIP-Markt inne. Dank seiner
starken technologischen Fähigkeiten und eines weitreichenden
Vertriebsnetzes kann MediaRing Betreibern, Unternehmen, Service
Providern und Endkunden Sprachdienste in hoher Qualität sowie eine
breite Palette von Dienstleistungen anbieten. Über umfassende
Partnerschaften mit Betreibern überall auf der Welt können Anschlüsse
weltweit vermittelt werden. Als Vorreiter bei VoIP-Diensten verfügt
MediaRing über einzigartige proprietäre Technologien und
erwirtschaftet über 95 % seines Umsatzes ausserhalb Singapurs.
Über Pacific Internet
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The strategic plan, which has been endorsed in principle by PacNet's Board of Directors, is intended to transform PacNet over the next five years into an "IP-based Communications and Solutions Provider" (or IP-CSP) by strengthening its core competencies and capitalizing on the anticipated growing importance of various broadband Internet technologies.
The above is the outcome of a 100-day strategic review initiated by PacNet's President and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Teck Moh Phey, who took office in mid-January 2006.
Mr. Phey said the review had identified PacNet's core competitive strengths -- a strong brand; broad geographic presence with direct operations in seven markets in Asia; good penetration and knowledge of the small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) as a key customer segment; strong management team; sound financial discipline; and solid financial resources. He added: "This is evidenced by our 16 consecutive quarters of positive income to date. Building on these strengths, PacNet is looking to triple its revenue by expanding its geographical reach and broadening its range of service offerings."
Asia Pacific Internet revenue is envisaged to reach US$45.7 billion by 2008*, supported by user migration to broadband services and the explosive growth in the end-user market. This represents a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.8 per cent*. Overall, Internet subscriber base is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 20.2 per cent over the same period.
The review also concluded that the advent of "disruptive" technologies such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and the emerging new Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMax) standard that are poised to dramatically change the info-communications landscape are well-suited to companies like PacNet, which are not constrained by large investments in legacy telecommunications systems and infrastructure.
The strategic plan has three key thrusts: -- Expanding PacNet's geographic footprint into previously unexplored markets through a combination of acquisitions, joint ventures, partnerships and alliances; -- Exploiting "disruptive" technologies, in particular, wireless broadband; and -- Increasing business revenues from IP-based value-added services (over and above Internet access revenues). Expanding Geographic Footprint
PacNet currently has direct operations in Singapore, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Australia, India, Thailand and Malaysia. The objective is to expand this footprint both to leverage the Company's expertise into previously unexplored markets and to capitalize on the growing communications demands of SMBs expanding their operations across the Asia-Pacific region.
Average Internet penetration across Asia Pacific is low at less than 10 per cent of the total population as per industry estimates**. The markets that PacNet intends to focus on include China, Indonesia and India, which have low penetration rates of 8.5, 8.1 and 4.5 per cent respectively**. The Internet subscriber CAGR in these countries is expected to be 25.8, 54.4 and 48.0 per cent respectively from 2004 to 2008*.
The expansion strategy in each market will be influenced by local competitive and regulatory factors -- for instance, foreign ownership restrictions in China and India mean joint ventures or strategic partnerships are a more feasible approach. In China, PacNet intends to pursue opportunities to expand via tie-ups with provincial ISPs. In January 2006, for instance, PacNet entered into a cooperation agreement with Zhong Ren Telecom for the formation of an equity joint venture to market integrated IP communication applications in southern China.
"Through this expansion strategy, PacNet intends to triple the size of its corporate customer base across the region over the next five years," Mr. Phey said. He added that PacNet is currently exploring various mergers and acquisition opportunities to increase its geographic footprint.
Exploiting Wireless Broadband
PacNet intends to increase wireless broadband usage among its customers in all countries. In appropriate markets, PacNet will build its own wireless broadband network.
Mr. Phey said new wireless broadband technologies are poised to disrupt the info-communications landscape. Wireless broadband is a more cost-effective alternative to dedicated wireline connections to offices. In addition, wireless broadband offers the potential for truly mobile access to data, voice and video applications at broadband speed. Business applications supporting a mobile sales force, field maintenance, security and marketing, among others, can benefit from the mobile capabilities that wireless broadband enables.
In Singapore, PacNet secured the largest number of channels in the 2.5 GHz frequency band (totaling 30 MHz) to provide wireless broadband services. It has successfully carried out a fixed wireless broadband trial and will begin the pilot programme later this year. PacNet plans to roll out wireless broadband networks in at least five markets over the next few years, although Mr. Phey said the exact timing and market choice will be driven by factors such as availability of appropriate spectrum and market dynamics.
PacNet announced on 24 April 2006 that it had signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Intel Technology Asia Pte Ltd to work towards achieving Singapore's first mobile wireless infrastructure based on the WiMax standard. PacNet and Intel aim to extend this collaboration to the region so as to advance widespread wireless adoption.
Increasing Value-Added Services to Exploit IP Platform
For the fiscal Year 2005, PacNet earned approximately 15 per cent of its revenue from value-added services, with most of the revenue coming from Internet access charges to customers. By growing value-added services, PacNet seeks to strengthen customer relationships as well as to increase revenue per customer. "The aim is to develop value-added services to contribute 30 per cent of the overall revenue in five years," Mr. Phey said.
PacNet will continue to target IP-based value-added services such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), including hosted VoIP PBX services for SMBs; managed security (including anti-spam and anti-virus services, and firewalls); applications hosting; and web hosting. Independent market research commissioned by PacNet has indicated that these services rank high among the areas in which SMBs are most likely to be investing over the next few years.
PacNet has already announced a number of partnerships and acquisitions to strengthen its capabilities in value-added services. These include: the acquisition of T3 Communication Partners Pty Ltd, an Australian company that provides fixed line telephony services to SMBs; a partnership with Cisco Systems Inc. to offer Australia's first managed, end-to-end IP connectivity and security services for SMBs; and an agreement with Skype Technologies S.A. (Skype) to provide Skype-based VoIP services in Singapore.
PacNet today offers virtual regional network value-added services to customers. An expansion and strengthening of PacNet's network is demonstrated through its recent collaboration with PCCW-HKT Networks Services Limited (PCCW) to link PacNet's network with those of PCCW, doubling the availability of network services to 14 markets.
PacNet recognizes its competitive edge in being able to replicate value-added services across all its countries. This would create a multiplier effect for each value-added service and accelerate revenue growth.
Mr. Phey concluded: "I joined PacNet earlier this year because I saw the excellent potential for the Company to succeed as a nimble, focused player in a fast-changing info-communications landscape. Our people hold the key to our success. We are committed to deliver on our strategic objectives. In doing so, PacNet is well placed to be a leading Communications and Solutions Provider in the new IP-based environment across the Asia-Pacific, the world's most dynamic and fastest growing region."
Industry Sources: * Frost&Sullivan Telecom Services Research Report, 2005 ** Internet World Stats, 31 December 2005 Editor's Notes: About Pacific Internet Limited
Pacific Internet Limited or PacNet is the largest telco-independent Internet Communications Service Provider by geographic reach in the Asia Pacific region. The company has direct presence in Singapore, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Australia, India, Thailand and Malaysia. PacNet delivers a comprehensive suite of Internet data, voice and video services to corporate business and consumer customers. For more information, visit .
Cautionary Statement
Statements made in this announcement with respect to PacNet's current plans, estimates, strategies and beliefs and other statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements about the future performance of PacNet. Forward-looking statements include but are not limited to those using words such as "seek", "expect", "anticipate", "estimate", "believe", "intend", "project", "plan", "strategy", "forecast" and similar expressions or future or conditional verbs such as "will", "would", "should", "could", "may" and "might". These statements reflect management's current expectations, beliefs, hopes, intentions or strategies regarding the future and assumptions in light of currently available information. They are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to (i) changes in the economic, regulatory and political environments in the countries where PacNet operates; (ii) changes and developments in technology and the Internet marketplace; (iii) PacNet's continued ability to develop and win acceptance of its products and services, which are offered in highly competitive markets; (iv) the success of its joint ventures and alliances; (v) exchange rates, particularly between the Singapore dollar and the U.S. dollar and other currencies in which PacNet makes significant sales or in which its assets and liabilities are denominated; and (vi) the outcome of contingencies. In light of the many risks and uncertainties surrounding the Internet marketplace, the actual results could differ materially from those discussed in the forward- looking statements. PacNet assumes no obligation to update any such statements.
Responsibility Statement
The Directors of PacNet have taken all reasonable care to ensure that the facts stated and opinions express in this press release are fair and accurate, and that no material facts have been omitted and they jointly and severally accept responsibility accordingly. Where any information has been extracted from published or otherwise publicly available sources, the sole responsibility of the Director of PacNet has been to ensure through reasonably enquiries that such information is accurately and correctly extracted from such sources or, as the case may be, accurately reflected or reproduced in this press release.
Media, Investors and Analysts Contacts: Pacific Internet: Singapore (Media) Adeline Tan Corporate Communications Manager Pacific Internet Limited Direct Tel: +65-6771-0443 Mobile: +65-9745-6345 Email: Ng Chip Keng Weber Shandwick Worldwide Direct Tel: +65-6825-8084 Mobile: +65-9623-2166 Email: Singapore (Investors and Analysts) Manisha Singh Investor Relations Manager Direct Tel: +65-6771-0433 Mobile: +65-9362-9044 Email: URL: US (Media, Investors and Analysts) Alan Katz Cubitt Jacobs&Prosek Tel: +1-212-279-3115 (ext. 211) Email:
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Q1 2006 Profits Up 32% Year on Year -- The financial statement amounts in this report are in conformity with US GAAP. For convenience, the company's functional currency, the Singapore dollar, has been translated into US dollar amounts at the exchange rate of S$1.6157 to US$1.00. (Conversion rate as at March 31, 2006 from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.)
SINGAPORE, May 15, 2006 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ -- Pacific Internet Limited (Nasdaq: PCNTF) (PacNet), the largest telco-independent Internet communications service provider by geographic reach in the Asia-Pacific, today announced its financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2006.
This marks the first successful quarter under the leadership of the new management team, including CEO, Teck-Moh Phey. PacNet reported net income that increased by 32.0% to S$2.4 million (US$1.5 million) compared with the same quarter last year. This demonstrates continued focus by the Company to improve revenues and earnings while achieving solid operational progress.
This first quarter's net income includes recurring one-off and non-cash charges amounting to S$0.8 million (US$0.5 million), including recurring stock-based compensation costs and consultancy or professional fees, along with one-off restructuring exercise costs. Excluding these charges, earnings for the quarter would have been S$3.1 million (US$1.9 million), or growth of 89% over last year.
Financial Highlights for First Quarter of Fiscal 2006
-- Record net income of S$2.4 million (US$1.5 million), up 32.0%
from S$1.8 million (US$1.1 million) in the first quarter of 2005;
-- Total revenues grew 9.7% to S$45.0 million (US$27.9 million), from
S$41.0 million (US$25.4 million) in the first quarter in 2005;
-- The Group continued its growth in the corporate business with 28.8%
year-over-year revenue growth;
-- Revenue growth from Value-Added Services (VAS) remained strong.
VAS Revenues surged by 100.3% to S$9.7 million (US$6.0 million) this
quarter compared with the same quarter last year;
-- Corporate VAS revenues nearly doubled this quarter. Corporate VAS
revenues grew by 119.4% compared with Q1 2005 and contributed 92.7%
of total VAS revenues;
-- Excluding the impact of the recurring one-off charges in 2006 and the
cost of sales, total expenses for the quarter have been reduced by 2%
over the same period last year;
-- As of March 31, 2006, the Group held cash and cash equivalents of
S$55.0 million (US$34.0 million).
Pacific Internet's President and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Teck-Moh Phey, said, "We are pleased with our results this quarter. Our performance reaffirms that Pacific Internet is firmly on a sustained growth track. Our business momentum has remained strong in spite of the challenges that the Company has faced. The inherent strengths of our business reinforce our confidence in the Company's future."
Mr. Phey continued, "Our outlook is positive with a strong momentum in technology leadership; our focus on value-added services and corporate business; our innovative products; our sales effectiveness and operational execution. We aim for significant success in the marketplace and by progressively expanding sales and marketing efforts, we plan to capitalize on the growing interest in the region."
Table I: Summary of Quarterly Financial Results
Performance Financials Quarter Ended y-o-y
(in US$ 000s) Q1 2006 Q1 2005 % variance
Revenues 27,850 25,398 9.7%
Net Income 1,456 1,103 32.0%
Corporate Business Revenues 20,598 15,997 28.8%
Value-Added Services Revenues 6,005 2,998 100.3%
Table II: Customer Base (In Nos.)
Corporate Base
Leased Added
Country Operations Broadband Lines Dial Up Services
Singapore 8,603 553 6,472 755
Australia 12,886 235 261 21,171
Hong Kong 12,762 209 46,282 2,902
Philippines 175 181 257 31
Thailand 447 510 172 136
Others 3 163 72 140
Group's Customer Base - Total (As at 2006)
Grand Total 34,876 1,851 53,516 25,135
Group's Customer Base - Total (As at March 2005)
Grand Total 27,580 1,650 59,740 14,210
Note: Corporate Business customer base continues to grow in line with the
Group's focus in the corporate business segment; which grew by
11.8% over the prior year.
Corporate Total
Business (Broadband Grand
Country Operations Total & Dial Up) Total
Singapore 16,383 104,667 121,050
Australia 34,553 38,436 72,989
Hong Kong 62,155 24,809 86,964
Philippines 644 68,477 69,121
Thailand 1,265 6,135 7,400
Others 378 742 1,120
Group's Customer Base - Total (As at March 2006)
Grand Total 115,378 243,266 358,644
Group's Customer Base - Total (As at March 2005)
Grand Total 103,180 338,190 441,370
Note: Corporate Business customer base continues to grow in line with the
Group's focus in the corporate business segment; which grew by
11.8% over the prior year.
Revenues for the quarter increased 9.7% to S$45.0 million (US$27.9 million), compared with S$41.0 million (US$25.4 million) in the first quarter last year.
This improvement was achieved through the Group's continued focus on the higher-margin corporate business, strong take-up of its value-added services (VAS), and continuing growth in the broadband segment.
The Group's corporate business revenues grew by 28.8% from the same quarter last year. This contributed 74% of total revenues, compared to 63% in the first quarter of 2005.
Strong Sequential Growth of VAS Revenues:
VAS revenues for the quarter were S$9.7 million (US$6.0 million), a robust growth of 100.3% when compared to S$4.8 million (US$3.0 million) for the same period in 2005. This contributed to 21.6% of total revenues, compared to 11.8% in the same quarter last year.
Broadband Access -- Remains one of the key revenue drivers:
In terms of products, broadband access remained the key revenue driver for the Group in the first quarter of 2006, accounting for 46.8% of total revenues. Corporate Broadband Access revenues grew 10.9% year-over-year, contributing 72.5% to total broadband access revenues.
Leased Line Access:
First-quarter Leased Line Access revenues were S$5.9 million (US$3.7 million), a 13.1% growth compared to the same quarter last year.
Gross Profit Margin (%)
Gross profit margin was 50.8% in the first quarter of 2006, down from 54.2% in the first quarter 2005, as the Group continued to face competitive pricing pressure while gearing up to expand its high-speed Internet access offerings. The Group's strategy is to focus on profitability of services deriving sustainable revenues and on the corporate business.
Operating Costs and Expenses
Total operating expenses (excluding cost of sales) were contained at S$20.5 million (US$12.7 million), reflecting a minimal increase of 2.5% compared to the same quarter last year. However, these expenses include recurring one-off and non-cash charges amounting to S$0.8 million (US$0.5 million), including stock-based compensation costs, one-off restructuring exercise and recurring consultancy or professional fees. Excluding the impact of these charges, total expenses for the quarter (excluding cost of sales) were reduced by 2% over the same period last year.
Cost of sales for the quarter increased 17.9% at S$22.1 million (US$13.7 million) compared to S$18.8 million (US$11.6 million) in the first quarter last year.
Sales and marketing expenses, which comprised largely of advertising and promotion expenses, were 46.9% lower at S$1.1 million (US$0.7 million) compared with the same quarter last year. Other general and administrative expenses increased 9.3% to S$4.0 million (US$2.4 million) during the quarter. This increase was primarily due to recurring one-off costs during 2006.
Robust Earnings Growth
Higher revenues, higher operating income, considerable increase in other income (primarily increase in net interest income, higher income from unconsolidated affiliates -- India & Thailand operations and others) and the Group's cost efficiencies contributed to the strong earnings growth during the quarter.
Net income for the quarter was S$2.4 million (US$1.5 million) compared to S$1.8 million (US$1.1 million) in Q1 2005. This represented robust growth of 32.0% or an increase of S$0.6 million (US$0.4 million).
Strong Cash Position
The Group's cash position remained strong with cash and cash equivalents of S$55.0 million (US$34.0 million). Cash generated by operating activities for 2006 was S$1.4 million (US$0.9 million), of which S$3.7 million (US$2.3 million) was used in investing activities, primarily for the acquisition of fixed assets. Cash outflow from financing activities amounted to S$0.9 million (US$0.6 million).
Additional Highlights:
-- Won the Gloria Jean's Coffee account with 340 coffee houses for
provision of multi-site IP based solutions to the retail and
franchise sectors. Pacific Internet's Asia Pacific footprint will
support Gloria Jean's Coffees growth plans and assist their entry
into new markets. (Release dated May 08, 2006)
-- Established collaboration with Intel Technology Asia Pte Ltd., the
world's leading silicon chipmaker, to work towards Singapore's first
mobile WiMax infrastructure. Through the collaboration, the two
companies look to advancing wireless adoption in Singapore and the
region, bringing wide-ranging benefits to businesses, residents,
content and application providers as well as government agencies.
(Release dated April 24, 2006)
-- Established collaboration with PCCW-HKT Networks Services Limited
(PCCW), a leading integrated communications company in the region,
to extend global network coverage in newer geographies. Under the
agreement, both companies have linked up their Internet Protocol
Virtual Private Networks (IP VPN) through a Network-to-Network
Interconnection (NNI) to enable IP, voice and data communications.
With this, Pacific Internet has doubled the availability of its
IP-VPN services to 14 countries and markets; where its customers
can now connect their branch offices, partners, suppliers and
clients in additional regions such as China, Japan, Korea,
Indonesia, Taiwan, the United Kingdom and the United States.
(Release dated March 06, 2006)
-- Entered into a voice and data contract with Harvey World Travel
(HWT) franchise group to provide voice and data services to the
franchise's Sydney based international head office and to as many
as 350 of its franchisees across Australia. (Release dated
February 27, 2006)
Mal schauen in welche Richtung das heute geht?? :-))
Grüsse Boxer
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SINGAPORE, May 26 /Xinhua-PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The Board of Directors ("Board") of Pacific Internet Limited (Nachrichten) ("PacNet") refers to the announcement dated 27 April 2006 made by UOB Asia Limited (the "Offer Announcement") for and on behalf of MediaRing Ltd (Nachrichten) (the "Offeror"), in relation to the voluntary conditional cash offer (the "Offer") by the Offeror to acquire all the issued ordinary shares (the "Shares") in the capital of PacNet, other than those already held by the Offeror, as at the date of the Offer.
Further to the announcement made by the Board on 15 May 2006 that the offer to purchase dated 12 May 2006 in respect of the Offer (the "Offer to Purchase") has been dispatched by the Offeror to Shareholders on 12 May 2006, and that PacNet has received a copy of the Offer to Purchase, the Board wishes to announce that PacNet has today dispatched a circular (the "Circular") to the shareholders of PacNet (the "Shareholders") in relation to the Offer by the Offeror.
The Circular contains the opinion of KPMG Corporate Finance Pte Ltd ("KPMG Corporate Finance"), the independent financial adviser to the directors of PacNet who are considered independent for the purposes of the Offer ("Independent Directors") as well as the recommendation of the Independent Directors and information for the Shareholders' consideration, in compliance with Rule 24 of the Singapore Code on Take-overs and Mergers and applicable rules and regulations under the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
A copy of the Circular will be available on the website of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission at . Shareholders should note that the Offeror has given notice in the Offer to Purchase that the Offer and withdrawal rights will expire at 12:00 midnight, New York City time, on 12 June 2006, unless the Offer is extended.
The directors of PacNet (including those who may have delegated detailed supervision of this Announcement) have taken all reasonable care to ensure that the facts stated and all opinions expressed in this Announcement are fair and accurate and that no material facts have been omitted from this Announcement, and they jointly and severally accept responsibility accordingly.
Where any information has been extracted from published or otherwise publicly available sources (including, without limitation, the Offer Announcement and the Offer to Purchase), the sole responsibility of the directors of the Company has been to ensure through reasonable enquiries that such information has been accurately and correctly extracted from such sources or, as the case may be, accurately reflected or reproduced in this Announcement.
By Order of the Board Claude Roger Charles Director Editor's Notes: About Pacific Internet Limited
Pacific Internet Limited or PacNet is the largest telco-independent Internet Communications Service Provider by geographic reach in the Asia Pacific region. The company has direct presence in Singapore, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Australia, India, Thailand and Malaysia. PacNet delivers a comprehensive suite of Internet data, voice and video services to corporate business and consumer customers. For more information, visit .
Cautionary Statement
Statements made in this announcement with respect to PacNet's current plans, estimates, strategies and beliefs and other statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements about the future performance of PacNet. Forward-looking statements include but are not limited to those using words such as "seek", "expect", "anticipate", "estimate", "believe", "intend", "project", "plan", "strategy", "forecast" and similar expressions or future or conditional verbs such as "will", "would", "should", "could", "may" and "might". These statements reflect management's current expectations, beliefs, hopes, intentions or strategies regarding the future and assumptions in light of currently available information. They are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to (i) changes in the economic, regulatory and political environments in the countries where PacNet operates; (ii) changes and developments in technology and the Internet marketplace; (iii) PacNet's continued ability to develop and win acceptance of its products and services, which are offered in highly competitive markets; (iv) the success of its joint ventures and alliances; (v) exchange rates, particularly between the Singapore dollar and the U.S. dollar and other currencies in which PacNet makes significant sales or in which its assets and liabilities are denominated; and (vi) the outcome of contingencies. In light of the many risks and uncertainties surrounding the Internet marketplace, the actual results could differ materially from those discussed in the forward- looking statements. PacNet assumes no obligation to update any such statements.
Media and Analyst Contacts: Singapore (Media) Adeline Tan Corporate Communications Manager Pacific Internet Limited Direct Tel: +65-6771-0443 Mobile: +65-9745-6345 Email: Ng Chip Keng Weber Shandwick Worldwide (Singapore) Pte Ltd Direct Tel: +65-6825-8084 Mobile: +65-9623-2166 Email: Singapore (Investors and Analysts) Mervin Wang Senior Manager, Investor Relations Direct Tel: +65-6771-0780 Mobile: +65-97986077 Email: URL: US (Media and Analysts) Alan Katz Cubitt Jacobs&Prosek Tel: +1-212-279-3115 (ext. 211) Email:
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