in cnbc wurde heute egghead erwähnt. das sind positive neuigkeiten. ich stimme euch zu und sehe bals steigende kurse;)
CNBC 12/10/99 - 11:38:33 AM .....number one, which had 132% growth week over week. That's followed by shopping.Com, altavista's e-commerce site, with 116% growth. Sears.Com saw a 113% rise. And look at wal-mart: Moving up the charts with 111% growth. Overstock.Com, which specializes in liquidated, overproduced or discontinued items from major retailers, saw its traffic grow 106%. Egghead .Com, outpost, buy.Com, etoys, Consuelo: Whose weekend weather look joe is in for -- joe witte, that's another friend of mine to tell us about what forecast is for the weather. >> One joe, another joe it is just -- it is amongst joe r, chief u.S. Economist with lehman brothers. Right hikes early next year. With his economic outlook outlook is stephen slifer, chief u.S. Economist with lehman brothers. Is live from the new york stock exchange. Good morning, sir. >> How are you. Bob: I am going fine. Tell me this, why would we see an increase in rates when right now it seems like the bond market reacting very fairly on positive 30 year where it is. Do you expect this get worse? >> It may. And i think that's part that's going torre the fed. We obviously had a fade and 1/2% growth rate in the third quarter we don't yet know quite what fourth quarter going to be but i takes guess something like the 35 and 1/2% again, so, i think fed going to tangy what with a dolan on speed limit for economy and i suppose he will come up with .....
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