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bcgk schrieb am 30.04.20 14:12:42 Beitrag Nr. 8.036 ( 63.516.932 )
Eleven (11) Patients in NY hospital: All treated patients were in Intensive Care Units (ICU) because of acute respiratory failure, eight of whom were intubated (placed on mechanical ventilation). One patient was not intubated because of poor baseline pulmonary status (history of lung cancer and had undergone bilateral upper lobectomy). Seven patients were organ-transplant recipients (six patients were renal-transplant recipients and one patient had a history of heart transplant) and were on immunosuppressive regimen. Ten patients were on dialysis and nine were on vasopressors during hospitalization. Despite their pre-existing and severe conditions, we believe we were able to save the lives of four patients. All patient blood samples were evaluated and important powerful results from the effect of leronlimab were demonstrated in almost all of these patients. This data has been submitted to a prestigious journal and we expect the publication on Friday, May 1.
--> hier handelt es sich um die worst of the worst-Patienten. 8 der 11 waren intubiert, einer der 3 nicht Intubierten konnte aufgrund einer Lungenkrebserkrankung nicht beatmet werden. 7 der 11 Patienten haben eine Organtransplantation hinter sich (6x Nierentransplantation, 1x Herztransplatation) und hatten dementsprechend ein Immunsuppressiva genommen. 10 der 11 waren an der Dialyse.
Fazit: dass hier 4 der 11 überleben konnten, kommt mir einem Wunder gleich. Dialysepatienten, Patienten mit einer Herztransplantation, Patienten mit Immunsuppressiva....krass.
Twenty-three (23) patients in Southern California hospital: Six patients were in critical condition (intubated) and 17 patients were severely-ill, needing oxygen support. No death was reported. Out of 6 critical patients, all were intubated patients, 3 were extubated (taken off ventilator), 2 patients remain relatively stable and still breathing with the assistance of a ventilator and one patient has shown deterioration in respiratory parameters. Of 17 severe condition (but not critical) patients, 11 patients demonstrated improvement in respiratory parameters (8 of them were discharged from hospital, including one patient in the news, Samantha Mottet), 2 patients remain relatively stable, 2 have shown deterioration in respiratory parameters and information is pending for 2 recently treated patients.
23 Patienten. 6 ganz harte Fälle, 17 Schwerkranke. --> alle haben überlebt. Alle 6 critical waren intubiert, davon wurden 3 extubiert. Von den 17 schweren Fällen zeigen 11 deutliche Verbesserungen. 8 bereits zu Hause.
Three (3) patients in Georgia hospital: All three ICU patients were intubated and two of them had renal failure at the start of leronlimab treatment. Of these 3 patients, 2 were extubated (taken off ventilator) and 1 patient remains on a ventilator but improving.
Alle 3 waren intubiert. Zwei mit Nierenversagen. 2 wurden extubiert (also mindestens einer mit Nierenversagen) und einem gehts besser.
Das ist besser als alles, was man sich als FDA erträumen könnte. Remdesivir wäre mit diesen Ergebnissen bereits zugelassen. Es gibt keine (!) Zweifel daran, dass unsere Trials zu vergleichbaren Ergebnissen führen und damit darf einer Zulassung nichts im Wege stehen.