MANNKIND - 2013 endlich zum Überflieger?

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18.01.17 13:22

4846 Postings, 7292 Tage martin30smBin gespannt wann es bei MNKD mal wieder

so richtig los geht...  

18.01.17 20:17

43 Postings, 3454 Tage HHManiaHoffnung

Klar ich bin auch froh ist Trump Präsident. Jedoch die Hoffnung in Ihn zu setzen würde ich nicht. Es wurde viel Versprochen, was dann gehalten wird ist was anderes, (Siehe Obama) Viel Gerede nix dahinter. Von dem her glaub ich nicht so recht dran, da Trump wichtigeres hat (Auto-,Energie- & Rohstoff-Industrie, Militär, Beziehung zu Russia/China) und sehr starken Gegenwind zu spüren bekommt.

Da ist eine Firma wie MNKD ne Mücke auf der Karte. Ich kann mir leider nur 2 Optionen vorstellen, MNKD wird aufgekauft oder Lichter löschen.  

19.01.17 18:21

1902 Postings, 3486 Tage calligulaCannabis Freigabe in Germany

MNKD hat hier eine Anwendungsmöglichkeit, also praktisch eine „Schmerztherapie“ für „kalte Kiffer“ (Nichtraucher). Quelle: Alles auf Rezept natürlich und bezahlt durch die Krankenkassen.  

20.01.17 15:13

1902 Postings, 3486 Tage calligulaGute Nachricht,

Australien, Brasilien, Kanada und Mexiko werden von MNKD wohl demnächst mit Afrezza versorgt werden können. Siehe Quelle:  

24.01.17 17:41

1410 Postings, 4045 Tage sensigo2Mannkind

Is MannKind Corp. Ready to Rebound in 2017?
Ich sage ja da die Gesundheitspolitik vom Herrn Obama
Mannkind in die Krise gestürzt hat.
Jetzt geht es wieder aufwertes .

28.01.17 12:42

2170 Postings, 5844 Tage MagnetfeldfredyMnkd und Afrezza

Einer der letzten großen believer in Mannkind:

Make it or break it!


31.01.17 22:25

4846 Postings, 7292 Tage martin30smMega Volumen heute...

...kommen bald News?  

01.02.17 20:57

2170 Postings, 5844 Tage MagnetfeldfredyMnkd und Afrezza

Hört sich gut an, neue Verpackungsgrößen, optimiert für aus den bisherigen Erfahrungen, eigene Salesforce die 75 % des Ultra rapid action Insulin Marktes erreicht, viel größeres nurse education Programm.....

Es muss klappen!  

02.02.17 10:00

4846 Postings, 7292 Tage martin30smNews

MannKind (NASDAQ: MNKD) disclosed in an SEC filing:

Dear Stockholders:

You are cordially invited to a Special Meeting of Stockholders of MannKind Corporation, a Delaware corporation. The meeting will be held at 9:00 a.m. local time on February 24, 2017 at the office of MannKind at 25134 Rye Canyon Loop, Suite 300, Valencia, California 91355.

We are holding the meeting for the following purposes, as more fully described in the accompanying proxy statement:

1. To approve an amendment to our Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation to (i) effect a reverse stock split of our common stock at a ratio in the range of 1-for-3 to 1-for-10, with such ratio to be determined in the discretion of our board of directors and with such reverse stock split to be effected at such time and date, if at all, as determined by our board of directors in its sole discretion, and (ii) reduce the number of authorized shares of our common stock in a corresponding proportion to the reverse stock split, rounded to the nearest whole share (collectively, the “Reverse Split Proposal”);

2. To authorize an adjournment of the meeting, if necessary, to solicit additional proxies if there are not sufficient votes in favor of Proposal 1; and

3. To transact any other business that may be properly brought before the meeting or any continuation, adjournment or postponement thereof.

All of our stockholders of record as of February 1, 2017 are entitled to attend and vote at the meeting and at any adjournment or postponement thereof.

Our board of directors recommends that you vote FOR the Reverse Split Proposal as provided in Proposal 1 andFOR the authorization to adjourn the meeting, if necessary, to solicit additional proxies if there are not sufficient votes in favor of Proposal 1, as provided in Proposal 2.

By Order of the Board of Directors


David Thomson

Corporate Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary  

02.02.17 13:44

1902 Postings, 3486 Tage calligulaReserve Split

Diese Nachricht stellt vermutlich den absoluten Dammbruch (Aktienkurs) in negativer Form dar. Ein Unternehmen welches eine Investorenkonferenz anberaumt (am 01.02.2017) um über Verpackungsgrößen zu informieren, aber fast im gleichem Atemzug (via SEC Filing) seinen Aktionären einen avisierten Reverse Split (1 zu 3 oder sogar 1 zu 10) um die Ohren haut, auch wenn dieser Schritt vorhersehbar war, verspielt mehr als nur das Restvertrauen seiner „Altaktionäre“. Wieder einmal wird offensichtlich, wir haben es hier mit einem „suboptimalen“ Management zu tun was sich nicht in der Lage zeigt ein Weltklasseprodukt vermarkten zu können. MNKD wird vermutlich zu einem „Zockerpapier“ verkommen, wobei das von der „Ratingmafia“ avisierte Kursziel von 0,15 $ als eher optimistisch anzusehen sein müsste.  

02.02.17 16:18

1902 Postings, 3486 Tage calligulaBlutbad am 02.02.2017

Meine Befürchtung scheint sich zu bestätigen, scheinbar flüchten nunmehr die Letzten aus dem „Wertpapier“ und dies bei sehr hohen Umsätzen (3,5 Mio. Aktien innerhalb der 1. Handelsstunde entsprechen – 13,50%) mal sehen wo wir landen. Wer Wind säht wird Sturm ernten, mann-o-mann was für eine „Bude“.  

02.02.17 19:27

187 Postings, 3315 Tage donfritzosGame over...

... so ist das eben 20% hoch 20% runter ... was solls ... biotech eben, wer hier drin ist dem muss das Risiko bewusst sein.... und der hat hoffentlich noch andere high risk Investments die das wieder ausgleichen und momentan nach oben gehen  

03.02.17 21:37

1902 Postings, 3486 Tage calligulaDer vermeintliche Sieg des Insulinkartells.

Die Vermutung liegt nahe, dass kaum mehr weitere Ärzte ihre Patienten auf Afrezza „umschulen“ werden. Ein Produkt was von einem Unternehmen angeboten wird, welches kurz vor der Insolvenz steht, somit auch deren Produktion und damit die Versorgungssicherheit für die Patientenschafft als unsicher angesehen werden muss, kann sich vermutlich kaum noch erfolgreich durch Neuverschreibung am Markt nachhaltig durchsetzen. Die Vermutung liegt nahe, dass wenn hier kein „Weißer Ritter“ MNKD zu Hilfe eilen sollte, MNKD samt seiner Patente sehr, sehr billig „geschluckt“ wird. Das Produkt Afrezza wird dann vermutlich, wenn sich kaum noch jemand an die Story SNY/MNKD erinnern wird, als Kinder- bzw. Anwendung für Jugendliche, sowohl auch für Patienten mit Spritzenphobie, zur Anwendung gelangen. Es wird also ein teures „Nischenprodukt“ geschaffen. Nach meinem persönlichen Dafürhalten, wurde hier eine sehr gute Chance vertan, das Medikament einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung zu stellen, gerade auch im Bereich einer sich abzeichnenden Prä- Diabetes. Wenn Hochmut, Bequemlichkeit, Leichtgläubigkeit, Arroganz und Gier als Hauptantrieb einer Unternehmung dienlich sind, ist ein solches Ergebnis wie das der Mannkind Corp. als Endergebnis scheinbar vorprogrammiert. Ein sehr trauriges Endresultat, leider.  

04.02.17 18:33

1410 Postings, 4045 Tage sensigo2Löschung

Zeitpunkt: 05.02.17 15:15
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, vollständige Quellenangabe fehlt



04.02.17 18:35

1410 Postings, 4045 Tage sensigo2Mannkind

MannKind Receives $30.6 Million From Sanofi
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VALENCIA, Calif., Jan. 09, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MannKind Corporation (NASDAQ:MNKD) (TASE:MNKD) today confirmed that it received $30.6 million from Sanofi on January 6, 2017, representing the balance of the accelerated insulin "put" option previously exercised by MannKind.  This payment was made pursuant to a previously disclosed agreement reached with Sanofi on November 9, 2016.

About MannKind Corporation

MannKind Corporation (NASDAQ:MNKD) (TASE:MNKD) focuses on the discovery, development and commercialization of therapeutic products for patients with diseases such as diabetes. MannKind maintains a website at to which MannKind regularly posts copies of its press releases as well as additional information about MannKind. Interested persons can subscribe on the MannKind website to e-mail alerts that are sent automatically when MannKind issues press releases, files its reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission or posts certain other information to the website.

Company Contact:
Rose Alinaya
SVP, Finance

04.02.17 18:36

1410 Postings, 4045 Tage sensigo2Mannkind

Prescription Afrezza® (insulin human) Inhalation Powder is a rapid-acting inhaled insulin used to treat adults with diabetes for the control of high blood sugar.

Do not use Afrezza as a substitute for long-acting insulin; Afrezza must be used in combination with long-acting insulin in patients with type 1 diabetes.

Do not use Afrezza to treat diabetic ketoacidosis.

Afrezza is not recommended in patients who smoke or who have recently stopped smoking.



   Acute bronchospasm has been observed in patients with asthma and COPD using Afrezza.
   Afrezza is contraindicated in patients with chronic lung disease such as asthma or COPD.
   Before initiating Afrezza, perform a detailed medical history, physical examination, and spirometry (FEV1) to identify potential lung disease in all patients.

Do not use Afrezza if you have problems with your lungs, such as asthma or COPD. Do not use Afrezza during a low blood sugar reaction (hypoglycemia). If you are allergic to any of the ingredients in Afrezza, do not use Afrezza as this may cause a significant and severe allergic reaction.

Before using Afrezza, your doctor will take a medical history and do a physical exam and a breathing test (called spirometry) to determine if you have lung problems. Patients with lung problems should not use Afrezza. If your doctor finds you have lung problems, use of Afrezza may cause a severe asthma-like breathing problem. Afrezza can reduce lung function, so your doctor will also want to test your breathing 6 months after starting Afrezza, and then each year after that, with more frequent testing done if you have symptoms such as wheezing or coughing. Tell your doctor if you currently have lung cancer or have had it in the past, or if you have an increased risk of developing lung cancer.

You must test your blood sugar levels while using insulin such as Afrezza. Do not make any changes to your dose or type of insulin without talking to your healthcare provider. Any change of insulin should be made carefully and only under your doctor's care.

The most common side effect of insulin, including Afrezza® (insulin human) Inhalation Powder, is low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), which can be serious and life-threatening. Some people may experience symptoms such as shaking, sweating, fast heartbeat, and blurred vision. It may cause harm to your heart or brain. It is important for you to understand how to manage the use of Afrezza, and to understand how to lessen the risk of hypoglycemia events.

Tell your doctor about other medicines you take, especially ones commonly called TZDs (thiazolidinediones) and supplements, because they can change the way insulin works. If you have heart failure or other heart problems, it may get worse while you take TZDs with Afrezza. Before starting Afrezza, it is important to tell your doctor about all your medical conditions including if you have a history of lung problems, if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or if you are breastfeeding or planning to breastfeed.

In addition to low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), other possible side effects associated with Afrezza include cough, throat pain or irritation, headache, diarrhea, tiredness, and nausea. Please see full Prescribing Information for Afrezza, including Boxed WARNING and

Afrezza is available in 4-unit, 8-unit and 12-unit single-dose cartridges of insulin powder that can be used, as prescribed by a health care professional, in combination with other diabetes medications to achieve target blood sugar levels. For Afrezza doses exceeding 12 units, patients may use a combination of 4-unit, 8-unit and 12-unit cartridges. The disposable inhaler can be used for up to 15 days, should be kept in a clean, dry place with the mouthpiece cover on and may be wiped with a clean, dry cloth if needed.

MannKind Corporation (NASDAQ:MNKD) (TASE:MNKD) focuses on the discovery and development of therapeutic products for patients with diseases such as diabetes.  MannKind maintains a website at to which MannKind regularly posts copies of its press releases as well as additional information about MannKind. Interested persons can subscribe on the MannKind website to e-mail alerts that are sent automatically when MannKind issues press releases, files its reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission or posts certain other information to the website.

This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including statements regarding MannKind's ability to directly commercialize Afrezza and the commercial potential of Afrezza. Words such as "believes", "anticipates", "plans", "expects", "intend", "will", "goal", "potential" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based upon the MannKind's current expectations. Actual results and the timing of events could differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements as a result of these risks and uncertainties, which include, without limitation, the ability to generate significant product sales for MannKind, MannKind's ability to manage its existing cash resources or raise additional cash resources, stock price volatility and other risks detailed in MannKind's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2015 and subsequent periodic reports on Form 10-Q and current reports on Form 8-K. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. All forward-looking statements are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement, and MannKind undertakes no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this press release.

Company Contact:
Rose Alinaya
SVP, Finance



Price: 0.57

Change: 0.02 (4.107%)

Volume: 6,145,293

Data as of
02/03/2017 04:00 PM ET .
Minimum 20 minute delay.

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05.02.17 11:27

1902 Postings, 3486 Tage calligulaAl Mann würde sich

vermutlich im Grab umdrehen, wenn er noch sehen könnte was hier aus seinem Lebenswerk „gemacht“ wird. MNKD „verbrennt“ ca. jeden Monat 9 Mill. US Dollar, um den Geschäftsbetrieb aufrecht zu erhalten. Schätzt man nun den Kapitalbestand von ca. 60 Mill. Dollar (Zahlung von Sanofi plus Immobilienverkauf plus Restbestand) so reicht das vorhandene Kapital für max. ca. 7-8 Monate, eher jedoch weniger. In dieser Zeit kann kaum zu erwarten sein, dass die neuen Vertriebsmitarbeiter den Absatz bis zum Break- Even steigern können. Erhält MNKD nicht demnächst, oder besser noch vor dem avisierten Reverse Split, Unterstützung von z. B. der Al Mann Stiftung in der Form, das hier weitere zeitnahe Kredite gewährt werden, welche zu einer „ruhigen“ abermaligen Markteinführung (Re-Launch) zwingend notwendig wäre (Verfügungssicherheit für Ärzte und Patienten), scheitert Afrezza und MNKD in seiner jetzigen Form. SNY hatte bei der Ersteinführung viel „Porzellan zerschlagen“ und die Vermutung liegt nahe, das dies auch genau ihre Absicht war um dadurch MNKD in diese nunmehr schwierige Lage zu manövrieren. Würde gerne mal die Einschätzung von meinem „alten Weggefährten“ Magnetfeldfredy dazu erfahren wollen.    

05.02.17 18:15

2170 Postings, 5844 Tage MagnetfeldfredyMnkd und Afrezza

Servus Calligula,

ja, ich glaube auch nicht mehr richtig daran, aber die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt!


07.02.17 16:44

1410 Postings, 4045 Tage sensigo2Mannkind

Here's Why MannKind Corporation Rose 11.5% in January
[Motley Fool] (Brian Feroldi)
Motley FoolFebruary 7, 2017

What happened Shares of MannKind (NASDAQ:MNKD), a commercial-stage biopharma focused on inhaled insulin delivery, rallied 11.5% during January, according to data from S&P Global Market Intelligence. So what Shareholders can credit the gains to a series of positive news items released during the month. Here's a quick recap of the key announcements: MannKind confirmed that it received a $1 million milestone payment from its collaboration agreement with Receptor Life Sciences. The company continues to succeed at poaching talent from Amgen. MannKind announced that it has hired Dr. Stuart Tross to head up the company's HR department.  The company confirmed that it received a $30.6 million payment


09.02.17 14:07

313 Postings, 4130 Tage Onka3 companies on the diabetes market to watch

3 high-ranking companies on the diabetes market to watch in 2017



The last company that made the cut for inclusion on this list is MannKind. This one is a bit of a contrarian play. The company has one of the largest short interests in the healthcare space right now (as of the most recent data, 98.6 million shares short representing 30.6% of the float and nine days’ worth of trading) and market sentiment is decidedly negative. Between June 2014 and January 2017, the MannKind stock fell from a little over $10 a share to its current price of just $0.66 a share – a 94% decline across a less than a three-year period. Things aren’t looking great, and shareholders are not happy, but we believe there is a turnaround coming.


To understand, it’s first important to pick up a little bit on the history. The company developed an inhalable insulin product called Afrezza, which the FDA approved back in 2014 (this was the driver behind the just-mentioned midyear highs). The development and commercialization was carried out in conjunction with healthcare giant Sanofi (SNY), but the assets failed to reach any level of success because of one key oversight. It is contraindicated in patients that suffer from certain conditions, based on its inhalable mechanism of action. In order to prescribe Afrezza, physicians therefore needed to carry out a test to make sure patients didn’t suffer from said lung conditions. This test requires a piece of equipment, and only a small portion of US physicians had this equipment on-site. Ipso facto, very few physicians were able to prescribe Afrezza, even if they wanted to, because they were unable to carry out the prerequisite test.

Sanofi has since dropped the partnership, and paid $120 million to MannKind for the privilege of doing so. Many saw this as a negative, but we see it as the start of what could be a turnaround sales strategy. The thing is, this treatment works, and incredibly well. It works twice as fast as current injectable insulin products, and leaves the body at an almost comparable rate (i.e., two times quicker than current SOC). There is a host of data that combines both the above-mentioned Dexcom G5 device with the inhalable Afrezza to illustrate efficacy and improvement over SOC, and this data is underscoring a spate of recent insurance coverage and PBM announcements. Express Scripts (ESRX) added the drug to its formulary during the final quarter of 2016, with no prior authorization (PA) requirements. On January 1, 2017, Aetna Inc. (AET) did the same, albeit with some “non-onerous” PA requirements.

Put simply, the space is finally starting to take notice of what it had previously written off as a failed launch, and the drug is living up to that famous healthcare investing adage – all else aside, the most important thing is that it works.

As more and more insurers take on the product, and as an increasing number of physicians equip themselves with the required test systems to prescribe Afrezza to an increasingly demanding diabetes population, we expect MannKind to finally reap the rewards of this game-changing administration method.


02.03.17 13:21

1410 Postings, 4045 Tage sensigo2Reserve Split

Wann kommt endlich der  Split
man hört ja gar nichts mehr davon.

02.03.17 16:18

313 Postings, 4130 Tage OnkaSplit 1:5

06.03.17 18:09

1410 Postings, 4045 Tage sensigo2Mannkind

Two Biotechs To Watch This Week: Novan Inc (NOVN) And MannKind Corporation (MNKD)
Market Exclusive
Insider Monkey•March 6, 2017
Two Biotechs To Watch This Week: Novan Inc (NOVN) And MannKind Corporation (MNKD)
The two companies in focus are Novan Inc (NASDAQ:NOVN) and MannKind Corporation (NASDAQ:MNKD). The company hit the headlines at the end of January, on the back of some news relating to a couple of phase III studies of its lead acne asset. The asset in question is called SB204, and Novan Inc (NASDAQ:NOVN) was investigating efficacy as part of the two just mentioned phase IIIs, with the goal being to use the data derived from the studies to underpin a new drug application (NDA) with the FDA. The trial missing on two of the three endpoints in the second study (and by proxy, failing it) left Novan Inc (NASDAQ:NOVN) with just one set of data, and – if our expectations are accurate – needing to put together a third phase III study in order to make up the data shortfall.

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