Hallo Zusammen, offenbar wird Tally Ho und Mt. Scott an Cove Resource Limited verkauft. Bei Hot Copper gibt es unterschiedliche Stimmen zu diesem Thema. Einer meint, das zeige nun das man sich voll und ganz auf das Texas Gebiet konzentrieren wolle. Andere bedauern das diese aussichtsreichen Areale abgegeben werden. Dann wundert man sich, dass es dazu keine offiziellen Mitteilungen geben mußte. Habe euch mal die PDF - Datei von Cove Resource beigefügt http://www.infomine.com/index/pr/PB076077.PDF -------------------------------------------------- ASX RELEASE 18 JULY 2011 COVE ACQUIRES TALLY HO SILVER PROJECT Highlights: acquisition of highly prospective silver and base metals projects in central Queensland coast, provides diversity to Cove’s existing gold based portfolio. An historic inferred resource (as reported to the ASX on 28 July 2008 by Macmin Silver Limited (Macmin) and based on metal prices at July 2008) of 733,000 tonnes at 49g/t Ag, Cove Resources Limited (ASX: CVE & CVEO) is pleased to announce that the Company has entered into an agreement to acquire 100% of the Tally Ho and Mt Scott Projects from Alcyone Resources Ltd (formerly Macmin Silver Limited). Tally Ho is located approximately 50 kilometres southwest of Mackay on the central Queensland coast and just 7 kilometres from the Peak Downs Highway, which heads to the port of Mackay (Figure 1). The Board believes the acquisition of the Tally Ho and Mt Scott Projects provides the Company with exposure to silver, a commodity which complements gold as a strategic investment alternative and perceived ‘safe haven’ in times of financial uncertainty. The Tally Ho Project represents both an opportunity to expand the existing inferred resource and evaluate new targets in an under-explored large mineralised corridor. 
Gruß LSS |