fand ich mit dem damit verbundenem Potential bezüglich einer erfolgreichen vermarktung die beste der letzten 2 monate...:
BERKELEY HEIGHTS, NJ – April 26, 2011 – Genta Incorporated (GNTA.OB) today announced that the Company has initiated a new clinical trial of tesetaxel in Japan as part of a comprehensive new initiative. Tesetaxel, the leading oral taxane in clinical development, will be evaluated over a limited dosing-range as a single agent in patients with advanced cancer. The new trial will be conducted at Kinki University in Osaka, which will enable the next generation of clinical studies in Japan.
Genta has indicated that gastric cancer is a key initial target for registration studies with tesetaxel. While gastric cancer is the fourth most common tumor type on a global basis, its incidence ranks either first or second in most East Asian countries, including Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and China.
“This study’s initiation reflects Genta’s extensive interactions with Japan’s leading investigators and with the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), the drug regulatory authority in Japan”, said Dr. Loretta M. Itri, Genta’s President, Pharmaceutical Development, and Chief Medical Officer. “We anticipate conducting substantial additional work throughout Japan and East Asia as activity in the tesetaxel development program continues to accelerate.” |