erstmal "Schröders Aufschwung" und der Neue Markt und die ganzen schönen High-Techs und die wahnsinnigen Aktiengewinne und ein Boom bei Luxusprodukten und Party ohne Ende und Schampus von früh bis spät und Ballermann und krasse 3-er BMW und Mädels und easy-jet und ryan-air und Hütte auf den Balearen und Jet und Set.
Von Herbst 1998 bis Frühjahr 2000 (genau bis zum 20.03.2000) war doch Hully Gully
Dazu aber jetzt leider folgendes
"Sorry to bare the sad news, but Hully Gully's is Closed.
Apparently, due to problems with the owners of the property, the establishment had to be shut down. The bar will be open in the future under different owners and maybe under a different name, but the status of future shows remains a mystery. All the shows that are currently booked, unfortunately have to be cancelled. I apologize to all the bands and fans that were planning on playing or attending those shows.
I'd like to thank everyone that has helped in making the shows that took place in the past. Without the help of Melinda, Dylan, Adrian, Jared, Dustin and countless others that contributed, those shows wouldn't have been possible.
Thanks again to all the bands and all the fans that came to Hully Gully's. It was cool to see everyone working together and having fun, while watching some of their favorite bands. I had a great time and I owe it all to you guys!" |