meiner Meinung nach gut gewählt, denn es tut sich was in Richtung DSO und Communityarbeit. indoon Bauxite Mining Proposal - Community Workshops for environmental studies 21 Jan 2011 Environmental and Regulatory approvals process Bauxite Resources Ltd (BRL) is seeking environmental and regulatory approvals to mine two million tonnes per annum of bauxite on private properties in Bindoon, submitting a five year plan. This proposal is called the Bindoon Bauxite Mining Proposal. The level of assessment for the proposal has been set by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) at a Public Environmental Review (PER). Community Consultation As part of the environmental assessment process, BRL is preparing to submit an environmental scoping document to the EPA in 2011. This document will describe the environmental factors relevant to the Bindoon Bauxite Mining Proposal and the intended environmental studies that will be undertaken. BRL currently proposes to undertake 12 environmental studies including flora, fauna, dieback, acid sulphate soils, greenhouse gas, traffic, water, cultural heritage, noise, dust, visual amenity, and social and economic impacts. Before submission of the environmental scoping document BRL is seeking comment and involvement. Local residents and other interest groups are invited to participate in this consultation process by attending one of the public workshops or filling in the feedback form in the information packs distributed to all Shire of Chittering landowners in early February. PUBLIC INFORMATION WORKSHOPS Public information workshops will be held on the following dates; WEDNESDAY 9 FEB 2011, BETWEEN 6 - 8PM at the Bindoon Bakehaus, Great Northern Highway, Bindoon. THURSDAY 17 FEB 2011, BETWEEN 4 - 6PM at Bauxite Resources Ltd, Level 2, Building E, 355 Scarborough Beach Rd, Osborne Park. SATURDAY 26 FEB 2011, BETWEEN 9 - 11AM at the Bindoon Bakehaus, Great Northern Highway, Bindoon. You are invited to attend any of the above dates, please register attendance before 7 February 2011 by: T: 1800 088 042 or Email: or contacing Bauxite Resources Ltd head office. lg Bio Quelle: ----------- Posts sind keine Empfehlung zum Kauf oder Verkauf. Alle Posts stellen nur meine eigene Meinung dar. |