SAF Holland: Was tun? Abwarten? Insolvenz?

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29.11.09 21:47

513 Postings, 5928 Tage BiogasNord2008Vielleicht folgt jetzt ein Rallye wie bei

Dialog Semiconductor oder Infineon :-) Kurs mal 10 in 6 Monaten :-)  

28.02.10 20:51

27110 Postings, 6126 Tage brunnetaNeubesetzung des Vorstandes
Keine Kauf Empfehlung!!
Wen nicht fähig ist, selber eine Meinung zu bilden und eine Entscheidung zu treffen, darf nicht zur Börse.

01.03.10 19:39

96 Postings, 5537 Tage WarrenA@brunneta

01.03.10 19:39

96 Postings, 5537 Tage WarrenA@brunetta

01.03.10 19:43

96 Postings, 5537 Tage WarrenA@brunneta

???  Demnächst noch News über Himbeer- SAF-t??


14.05.10 13:35

27110 Postings, 6126 Tage brunnetagewinnt neue Investoren
Keine Kauf Empfehlung!!
Wer nicht fähig ist, selber eine Meinung zu bilden und eine Entscheidung zu treffen, darf nicht zur Börse.

14.05.10 17:20

513 Postings, 5928 Tage BiogasNord2008Starkes Transportvolumen in den USA in Q1

5/14/2010  Intermodal Volumes Gain Strength in First Quarter on Greater Demand

Intermodal volumes jumped 8.4 percent year-over-year in the first quarter, as consumer demand improved and inventory acquisition rose, according to the Intermodal Association of North America.

In recent data released by IANA, total intermodal volumes rose to about 3 million in the first quarter, compared to about 2.8 million in the 2009 quarter. The strongest growth was in domestic container volume, which was up 15.7 percent over 2009.

"Compared to 0.1 percent growth during Q1 09, this new growth indicates the up-tick is not just a rebound from last year's depressed volume levels," IANA said in a statement.

Domestic container volume increased every month during the quarter, with 10 percent growth in January and more than 20 percent growth in March. All U.S. regions recorded increases in domestic container volume greater than 10 percent year-over-year. However, Canadian domestic container shipments were down 1 percent.

The quarter saw a 7.8 percent gain in international containers, posting an 18 percent boost in the month of March.

"With the first quarter off to a strong start, and the emerging economic recovery, continued strong service levels, growing domestic container fleets, and rising fuel prices, intermodal appears poised for a strong rebound in 2010," IANA said.  

14.05.10 17:21

513 Postings, 5928 Tage BiogasNord2008Und Teil II

5/13/2010  Freight TSI Sees First Year-Over-Year Boost in Nearly Two Years

The Freight Transportation Services Index gained 0.9 percent in March from February, its third straight monthly increase, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation's Bureau of Transportation Statistics. The index experienced its first year-over-year increase since July 2008, rising 2.6 percent from March 2009.

Over the first three months of 2010, the index has increased 1.6 percent.

The March Freight TSI of 97.8 is a 4.5 percent increase from the recent low of 93.5 reached in May 2009. In May, the index was at its lowest level since June 1997. The Freight TSI is down 13.4 percent from its historic peak of 112.9 reached in May 2006.

The Freight TSI index has risen 4.5 percent over the last 10 months, starting in June, after declining 15.3 percent in the previous 10 months beginning in August 2008. The index has increased in eight of the last 10 months.

The Freight TSI measures the month-to-month changes in freight shipments in ton-miles, which are then combined into one index. The index measures the output of the for-hire freight transportation industry and consists of data from for-hire trucking, rail, inland waterways, pipelines and air freight.

The freight index is down 12.5 percent in the five years from March 2005, and down 1.9 percent in the 10 years from March 2000.  

16.05.10 20:53

513 Postings, 5928 Tage BiogasNord2008Daimler USA erhöht Produktion!

Freightliner: Recalled worker knows what it's like 'out there'
Comments 2 | Recommend 0
May 16, 2010 2:38 PM
Daniel Jackson

Chris Redding said he’s seen lots of workers come and go from the Freightliner truck manufacturing plant in Mount Holly since he started there in 1983; some were laid off and later recalled more than once.

With 27 years under his belt, Redding said he never worried about his job. He believed he would always have a job at the Freightliner plant — until last year when he was laid off for the first time.

Redding was one of the last to go, as part of a mass layoff in March 2009 that nearly closed the Mount Holly plant. Now the plant is ramping up again. And because of his seniority, Redding is also one of first to be recalled. He’s one of 119 laid off Freightliner employees returning to work May 24 after 14 months in limbo.

His spirits are high, but he said he’ll never take his job for granted again.

“It was a rude awakening,” Redding said. “I’d say 90 percent of our people thought we’d never go back … I had my doubts.”

Hundreds still hoping

And Redding said he hasn’t forgotten the hundreds of Mount Holly workers who are still out of work, who still have no health insurance, who still wonder what they’ll do when the unemployment benefits run out.

Since October 2008, more than 900 have been laid off from the Mount Holly truck plant. And hundreds more have been laid off from plants in Gastonia and Cleveland, N.C., as demand for big trucks faltered and parent-company Daimler Trucks North America shifted production to plants in Mexico. More than 13,000 Gaston County residents were unemployed in March.

“You feel good for yourself, but you also feel guilty for being called back when you look around the room and see the people you know are not in that 119; they’re not in that next 60 or the next 60. They’re on down the line and they’re struggling.”

At least 225 workers will return to work in Mount Holly between April and early July, DTNA officials confirmed Thursday. Production at the plant, currently at eight trucks a day, is scheduled to double June 1 and triple by Aug. 31, union officials said.

In a new labor contract ratified April 17, DTNA guaranteed baseline production of 24 M2 business class trucks per day before a plant in Santiago, Mexico, receives any orders for that model. As long as demand is steady, Redding said that provision should guarantee his job for the next three years.

Take nothing for granted

This time, Redding, who turned 48 years old a week ago, said he won’t wait for the contract deadline in April 2013 to prepare himself for a career change.

“I’m going to try to be as prepared for it as I possibly can,” he said. “You never know what the future holds.”

The area job market bled so many jobs in 2008 and 2009, local Freightliner workers had next to nothing to fall back on, Redding said. Still he searched for a job, holding out hope that he would eventually be recalled.

As time went on, Redding said his financial situation slowly deteriorated and before long he was selling vehicles and other prized possessions in an effort to hold onto his house. Redding said he is fortunate to have two hardworking children, a 17-year-old son and 21-year-old daughter, who both have jobs.

Last semester, Redding went back to school to learn about the latest automotive technology. Before he started at Freightliner, Redding said he was an auto mechanic, but passenger cars have changed a lot in 27 years. He also considered a job driving a big rig, but hated the idea of spending long periods of time on the road away from family.

Through all that uncertainty, Redding said he’s tried not to panic.

“It’s been tough,” he said. “You try to hold it back; try not to let people see what you’re wearing on your sleeve. … I’m still not out of the woods.”

Despite his return to Freightliner Mount Holly, Redding said he would continue to take classes at night, starting this fall.

Manufacturing relief

For his part, Redding said the new contract and the recalls have been a huge relief. He said he’s grateful to the union leadership and to his fellow workers for their support.

Redding said he hopes the Mount Holly plant is making trucks for many, many years to come. The recalls should have a positive ripple effect beyond the plant, generating new business for local companies that supply Freightliner with materials. And as hundreds of workers are placed back on the payroll, they’ll have more money to spend at local businesses.

After his recent experience, Redding said he’ll be spending his money on American-made products so others also return to work. As economists analyze job data — the numbers of jobs created or lost — each digit represents a person, maybe a whole family, with bills to pay and mouths to feed.

“I know what it’s like out there,” he said.  

17.05.10 15:46

513 Postings, 5928 Tage BiogasNord2008Die Analyse ist nicht bis zum Ende gedacht!

Die Zinsbelastung ist laut offizieller Mitteilung bereits mit einem EBIT von 16 Mio. € Jahr bedienbar!!! Positiv ist auch, dass ein SAF die nächsten Jahre dank eines Verlustvortrages die Gewinne nicht mit extra Steuern belasten muss und so definitv schneller in die Schuldentilgung einschwenken kann.

Die Nachfrage bei LKW steigt aktuell wirklich gigantisch. Daher, als auch durch Marktanteilsgewinne in China, Brasilien und Indien gehe ich von einem schnellen erreichen der 10-12 Euro Marke aus. Darüber hinaus sollte eine Kapitalerhöhung sehr positiv betrachtet werden, siehe Infineon.

SAF-HOLLAND Einstieg abwarten
Gerbrunn ( AG) - Die Experten vom "Geldanlage-Report" raten den Einstieg in die Aktie von SAF-HOLLAND (ISIN LU0307018795/ WKN A0MU70) abzuwarten.

Die Nachfrage im LKW-Sektor springe massiv an. SAF-HOLLAND habe hochwertige Produkte, gute Marktstellung und sei massiv unter die Räder gekommen - eine explosive Mischung!

Nach ProSiebenSat1 laufe nun mit SAF-HOLLAND ein weiteres von Heuschrecken fast zugrunde gerichtetes Unternehmen wieder zu Hochform auf. Noch vor gut einem Jahr habe die Insolvenz gedroht. Nur nach zähen Verhandlungen habe sich das Management mit den Banken auf eine Umschuldung der drückenden Verbindlichkeiten einigen können.

Davon, wie eng man damals vor der Insolvenz gestanden habe, zeuge heute immer noch eine verschwindend geringe Eigenkapitalquote von 5,2 Prozent. Richtig, das erinnere an die auf Seite zwei besprochene Petrotec. Trotzdem gefalle den Experten die Story bei SAF wesentlich besser, denn im Gegensatz zur Biodiesel-Branche sei der operative Turnaround beim Spezialisten für Anhänger- und Auflegersysteme bereits in vollem Gange. Nachdem sich Speditionen in den vergangenen zwei Jahren mit dem Kauf von neuen LKWs massiv zurückgehalten hätten, würden nun umso mehr Ersatzinvestitionen erforderlich.

Der Auftragseingang bei Herstellern wie MAN oder Scania sei zuletzt regelrecht explodiert. Davon profitiere SAF direkt, denn fast alle großen LKW-Hersteller habe man in seiner Kundenliste. Auch die vorläufigen Zahlen der Bessenbacher (bei Aschaffenburg) fürs erste Quartal 2010 unterstreiche die dramatische Verbesserung des Marktumfelds: Während der Umsatzanstieg gegenüber dem Vorjahresquartal mit plus 11,5 Prozent auf 125 Millionen Euro noch relativ moderat ausgefallen sei, sei der Gewinn vor Steuern und Zinsen (EBIT) sowie vor Restrukturierungskosten auf sehr ansehnliche 4,8 Millionen Euro gesprungen.

Berücksichtigt werden müsse dabei, dass dieser Gewinn trotz Kurzarbeit zustande gekommen sei. Diese sei inzwischen vorzeitig beendet worden. Das heiße, angesichts der weiter steigenden Nachfrage dürfte beim normalen Fünf-Tage-Zweischicht-Betrieb unter dem Strich noch deutlich mehr hängen bleiben. Mittelfristig (drei bis fünf Jahre) peile SAF-HOLLAND einen Umsatz von einer Milliarden Euro und eine EBIT-Marge von zehn Prozent an. Netto könnten dann 60 bis 70 Millionen Euro in der Kasse bleiben.

Nehme man eine Bewertung mit dem Zehnfachen des Gewinns als fair an, so würde sich eine Marktkapitalisierung von 600 bis 700 Millionen Euro als Zielgröße ergeben. Aktuell liege die Börsenbewertung bei 114 Millionen Euro. Das Potenzial sei also weiter gigantisch, allerdings seien bei der obigen Hochrechnung einige Unbekannte außer Acht gelassen: Angesichts der extrem dünnen Eigenkapitaldecke könnte eine Kapitalerhöhung erforderlich werden. Insbesondere dann, wenn die wirtschaftliche Erholung ins Stocken geraten sollte. Zudem drücke eine hohe Zinsbelastung den Nettogewinn.

SAF-HOLLAND verfüge über eine gute Marktstellung.

Vor einem Einstieg in die Aktie von SAF-HOLLAND sollte aber nach Meinung der Experten vom "Geldanlage-Report" erst eine allgemeine Marktberuhigung abgewartet werden. (Analyse vom 15.05.2010) (15.05.2010/ac/a/a)  

17.05.10 16:10

513 Postings, 5928 Tage BiogasNord200824 Jobs offered at SAF USA!

Na den USA werden also wieder Leute gebraucht :-)  

17.05.10 16:17

513 Postings, 5928 Tage BiogasNord2008Denkschrift!

Aus der letzten Ppt (Roadshow 26.4) ist zu Q1 folgendes geschrieben: Positive Entwicklung basiert ausschließlich auf Kostenreduzierung. Eine positive Umsatzentwicklung ist also noch nicht berücksichtigt. Sofern in Q2 aber keine Kurzarbeit mehr vorgenommen wird explodieren die Zahlen :-)  

17.05.10 17:26

513 Postings, 5928 Tage BiogasNord2008Transportvolumen in den USA explodiert!

5/17/2010  Spot Market Freight Availability Up 25 Percent From March

In April, spot market freight availability improved by almost 25 percent over March levels, the highest spot market load volume recorded for the month of April in at least eight years, according to TransCore Market Research.

From April 2009, spot market freight availability was up 291 percent in April. This represents the highest volume in a single month since November 2005, TransCore said. The improvements indicate a return to pre-recessionary levels on the spot market. Capacity constraints and higher freight rates are anticipated in many markets and for all equipment types, TransCore said.

According to TransCore, month-over-month increases are typical in this season, but this month's increase far outpaced the four-year average uptick of 11.5 percent between March and April.  

18.05.10 10:29

513 Postings, 5928 Tage BiogasNord2008Nachrichten von SAF Teil I

18 May 2010: New 38-Ton Tanker Sets Benchmark

SPECIALIST tanker-trailer manufacture, CA Muller Fabrication recently launched South Africa’s first fully legal 38-ton super-tanker, designed to carry Dangerous Goods (DG) and food-grade products. The tanker was commissioned by Stellenbosch-based alcoholic beverage producer, Distell, which subcontracts its tanker haulage to United Bulk.

According to United Bulk’s managing director, Patrick Pols, its mandate from Distell was to provide a tanker capable of carrying significantly more payload than the industry norm of 34-tons.

As United Bulk’s preferred tanker supplier, CA Muller Fabrication was awarded the contract to design and build the new tanker according to stringent ADR (Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road) specifications.

“The ADR standards for road tanker design were drafted in Europe but extend to South Africa and apply to all DG tanker builders as stipulated in the SANS code 1518,” says Christo Muller, managing member, CA Muller Fabrication. “Complying with ADR standards requires significant investment in sophisticated robotic welding equipment and testing procedures to ensure construction integrity of new tankers.”

Based outside Wellington in the Western Cape, CA Muller Fabrication specialises in building customised stainless steel tankers for both DG and food-grade/beverage transporters. The challenge set by Distell and United Bulk required close cooperation and collaboration between CA Muller Fabrication, its ancillary component suppliers (SAF-Holland and Transport Technology) and Sandown Commercial Vehicles (Bellville), which supplied the prime-mover, a 6x4 Freightliner Argosy 90 CUM500.

“Using a CAD 3D modelling system, we were able to design each component from scratch with the express mission of lowering tare mass as much as possible without compromising structural integrity and safety parameters. The CAD software reflects the exact properties of all materials used to make the tanker, including their respective weights. This allowed us to really push the payload envelope and proceed with the manufacturing process without too much risk.”

The tanker combination consists of a tridem-axle semitanker pulling a single-axle drawbar pup tanker. “We were able to shave a massive 900kg off the tanker using Domex steel and lightweight fibreglass and polyethylene cladding materials.” The SAF-Holland axles carry a full off-road spec and are each 21kg lighter than competitor derivatives. We opted for super-single Bridgestone tyres on Speedline aluminium rims from BPW, which cut a further 500kg off the total tanker tare mass. The air suspension units from SAF-Holland are also considerably lighter than steel mechanical options,” Muller says.

The Freightliner Argosy truck-tractor boasts a class-leading power-to-weight ratio and further tare-mass reductions were achieved via the fitment of aluminium rims and a lightweight SAF-Holland fifth-wheel.

Designed for long-haul applications, the new tanker comes in just under the legal length restriction of 22 metres and is equipped with the latest ABS braking technology from Wabco. The Argosy features Autoshift automatic transmission and a sleeper cab with all the creature comforts to keep driver-fatigue at bay.

The Argosy has a tare mass of 9 080kg, while the unladen semi-tanker weighs in at 7 020kg and the pup tanker carrying a tare mass of 1 940kg. “The combined effort that has gone into this new tanker has allowed us to provide United Bulk and Distell with an unprecedented, fully-legal 38-ton payload, two tons more than was initially anticipated,” says Muller.

Improving payload efficiency in all commercial vehicles is becoming increasingly important to help reduce overall fleet operational expenses and lessen the burden heavy trucks place on our road network and the environment.

For the consignor, Distell, the new tanker will commence duty by carrying its premium Savannah cider brand. Distell is now serviced by a benchmark vehicle that will assist in lowering cost per kilometre while reducing the number of trucks on the road. It will also relieve on-site congestion and help streamline overall transport function.  

18.05.10 10:29

513 Postings, 5928 Tage BiogasNord2008Teil II

18.05.2010 10:08
DGAP-Stimmrechte: SAF-HOLLAND S.A. (deutsch)
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SAF-HOLLAND S.A.: Veröffentlichung gemäß § 26 Abs. 1 WpHG mit dem Ziel der europaweiten Verbreitung

SAF-HOLLAND S.A. / Veröffentlichung einer sonstigen Stimmrechtsmitteilung

18.05.2010 10:08

Veröffentlichung einer Stimmrechtsmitteilung, übermittelt durch die DGAP - ein Unternehmen der EquityStory AG. Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent verantwortlich.

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Citadel Advisors LLC, London, United Kindgdom, haben uns am 17. Mai mitgeteilt, dass ihre Stimmrechtsanteile an der SAF-HOLLAND S.A., Luxemburg, Luxemburg, ISIN: LU0307018795, WKN: A0MU70 am 11. Mai die Schwelle von 5% der Stimmrechte überschritten haben und an diesem Tag 6,4% (das entspricht 1.325.872 Stimmrechte) betragen

18.05.2010 10:08 Ad-hoc-Meldungen, Finanznachrichten und Pressemitteilungen übermittelt durch die DGAP. Medienarchiv unter und

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Sprache: Deutsch Unternehmen: SAF-HOLLAND S.A. 68-70, boulevard de la Pétrusse L-2320 Luxembourg Luxemburg Internet:

Ende der Mitteilung DGAP News-Service

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ISIN LU0307018795

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18.05.10 14:51

513 Postings, 5928 Tage BiogasNord2008Pirelli sieht sehr starke Nachfrage bei LKW

Pirelli sieht Märkte in Europa und Lateinamerika im Wachstum

Aussagen von Pirelli zufolge wuchsen die Reifenmärkte in Europa im April deutlich an. Bei Pkw-Reifen registrierte man demnach eine um 15 bis 20 Prozent, bei Lkw-Reifen sogar eine um 30 Prozent steigende Nachfrage, wobei hier der Erstausrüstungsmarkt um 60 Prozent und der Ersatzmarkt um 20 Prozent anwuchsen. Auch in Lateinamerika, wo Pirelli Marktführer ist – 34 Prozent der Umsatz stammen von dort und 43 Prozent der Pirelli-Reifen entstehen dort –, sehen die Nachfragesteigerungen mit rund 25 Prozent bei Pkw- und Lkw-Reifen überaus gut aus. Insgesamt, so das Fazit der Deutschen Bank, habe der italienische Reifenhersteller in diesem Marktumfeld einen guten Start ins zweite Quartal hingelegt, auch wenn dieser vorwiegend von den Erstausrüstungsmärkten bestimmt wurde. ab  

19.05.10 09:28

513 Postings, 5928 Tage BiogasNord2008Class 8 Verkäufe im April in den USA +30%

US: Heavy truck sales up 29.5%

By: Alan Bunting, Wednesday, May 19, 2010,

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Sales of class 8 heavy trucks in the US in April were 29.5% higher than the same month in 2009 at 8,627 units, compared with 6,664 vehicles a year earlier. It was the fourth consecutive month of year-on-year growth. For the first four months of the year, a 13.9% increase was recorded – 32,466 against 28,496 in the same period of 2009.

Daimler’s Freightliner brand headed the April market with 2,762 sales – a 78% increase on 2009. Its January-April sales performance of 10,896 units represented a year-on-year rise of 37.4%, giving the brand a 33.6% class 8 market share.

Navistar occupied second place in April, with 2,519 class 8 sales – a 26.8% rise on April 2009. Its year-to-date market share was 26.6%. Paccar’s Peterbilt and Kenworth brands took third and fourth places in April, selling 1,106 and 810 units respectively, 37.9% and 7.7% increases.

Volvo AB’s two class 8 marques came fifth and sixth in April sales. Mack Trucks sold 669 trucks, a modest 2.6% rise on the 2009 total, although cumulative Mack sales for the first four months were up by 35.7% to 2,580 units. Volvo Trucks North America (VTNA) saw a year-on-year drop in sales from 618 to 602 units in April, although its year-to-date sales grew by 4.2% to 2,649 vehicles.

Daimler’s specialist Western Star brand sold 76 trucks in April, up from 57 a year before, while another 81 trucks of the now ‘retired’ Sterling brand were also marketed by Daimler in ongoing ‘stock clearance’.

Published on Wednesday, May 19, 2010  

20.05.10 21:52

513 Postings, 5928 Tage BiogasNord2008Schmitz Cargobull: Situation bessert sich!

Schmitz Cargobull: Weniger Kündigungen durch mehr Kurzarbeit?

Drei Monate soll im Sommer bei Schmitz Cargobull voll gearbeitet werden. Einen entsprechenden Antrag gat der Betriebsrat gestellt.
Drei Monate soll im Sommer bei Schmitz Cargobull voll gearbeitet werden. Einen entsprechenden Antrag gat der Betriebsrat gestellt.

Altenberge/Horstmar - Bei Schmitz Cargobull soll im Sommer für drei Monate voll gearbeitet werden. Zumindest in Teilbereichen. Auf einen entsprechenden Antrag des Betriebsrates soll die Konzernleitung jetzt mit einer Absichtserklärung reagiert haben. Das bestätigte der Vorsitzende der Mitarbeitervertretung, Charlie Röhricht, jetzt im Gespräch mit unserer Zeitung.

„Unser Ziel ist es, nach dieser Zeit erneut für 18 Monate Kurzarbeit zu beantragen.“ Damit, so Röhricht weiter, wolle der Betriebsrat verhindern, dass im September wie geplant 412 Vollzeitbeschäftigten gekündigt wird: „Wir hoffen, die Zahl auf diese Weise reduzieren zu können.“ Wie viele Cargobull-Beschäftigte am Ende dennoch betroffen sein werden, dazu konnte der Betriebsratsvorsitzende keine genauen Angaben machen. Schließlich hänge dies auch von der konjunkturellen Entwicklung ab. Aktuell, sagte Charlie Röhricht, habe sich die Auftragssituation des Altenberger Trailerherstellers leicht verbessert.

Für eine Stellungnahme der Schmitz-Cargobull-Geschäftsführung war Unternehmenssprecher Gerd Rohrsen am Donnerstag telefonisch nicht zu erreichen.  

20.05.10 22:10

513 Postings, 5928 Tage BiogasNord2008Volvo Großauftrag

The US-based transportation services provider Penske has ordered 600 Volvo VN670 tractors providing near-zero regulated emissions and improved fuel economy.

With EPA2010-certified Volvo D13 engines and selective catalytic reduction (SCR), Penske has selected the cleanest-running diesel trucks available today that can deliver 5% better fuel economy than previous engines and a smaller carbon footprint for its customers.  

The initial 100 units of the order have been built and are being placed in Penske's commercial truck rental fleet.  The remaining 500 VN670s will be produced and delivered over the next several months.

"We are extremely happy that Penske chose Volvo trucks and engines to meet the EPA'10 emissions standard, while also delivering the performance and fuel economy Penske and its customers require," said Scott Kress, vice president - sales for Volvo Trucks in North America.  "Volvo's engines and SCR system are the most tested products in our company's history and are the right choice for EPA'10.  Penske not only has a deserved reputation as one of the leaders in evaluating new technology, they are committed to running the cleanest and most efficient trucks available."

"Volvo's trucks and engines are right in line with our approach to minimizing environmental impacts and improving operations. We think our truck rental and truck leasing customers will embrace vehicles like these as win-win options for their businesses and the environment," said Marc Althen, senior vice president of administration and procurement for Penske Truck Leasing.

Volvo's EPA'10 technology eliminates active regenerations of the diesel particulate filter (DPF), which saves additional fuel, while also simplifying truck operations.  All Volvo diesel engines meet the EPA'10 emissions regulations without the use of emissions credits.  

20.05.10 22:17

513 Postings, 5928 Tage BiogasNord2008Weiterer Großauftrag für Navistar

May 20, 2010, 8:00 a.m. EDT · Recommend · Post:
Navistar Receives Order from Boyd Bros. Transportation for 325 EPA 2010 International ProStar+ Trucks
Recognized as "Best Fleet to Drive For," Boyd Bros. Selects the Ultimate Drivers Truck for its Fleet--the 2010 International ProStar(R)+

WARRENVILLE, Ill., May 20, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Navistar, Inc. announced today that it has received an order from Boyd Bros. Transportation, Inc. for 325 International(R) ProStar(R) + tractors equipped with EPA 2010 Advanced EGR (exhaust gas recirculation) MaxxForce(R) 13 engines.

Headquartered in Clayton, Ala., Boyd Bros. is a leading flatbed carrier with more than 1,000 trucks in its fleet, specializing in the time-sensitive transportation of steel products and building materials. Boyd Bros. is well regarded for the treatment of its drivers and was recently named the "2010 Best Fleet to Drive For" by the Truckload Carriers Association (TCA) and CarriersEdge.

"We're proud to win new business from Boyd Bros. and we look forward to delivering the ProStar+ to their fleet," said Jim Hebe, senior vice president, North American sales operations, Navistar. "Boyd Bros. prides itself on driver satisfaction and the ProStar+ delivers a winning combination of driver-inspired comfort features and outstanding fuel economy."  

21.05.10 10:06

513 Postings, 5928 Tage BiogasNord2008Class 8 Orders in den USA im April: +92%

5/21/2010  Class 8 Orders Gain 91 Percent in April

The Class 8 market saw quite a boost last month, with net orders up 91 percent from April 2009, according to ACT Research.

In the latest release of the State of the Industry: Classes 5-8 Vehicles, ACT said net orders for heavy-duty vehicles have been strengthening every month. New orders were spread over the next three quarters, suggesting that companies are beginning to place orders for new EPA 2010 emissions-compliant equipment.

For medium-duty Classes 5-7 equipment, net orders increased by 39 percent in April, compared to the year-ago month. However, with continued weakness in the residential housing market and tightening state budgets, the medium-duty sector has not shown the same level of rebound as the heavy-duty sector, ACT said.

"From top to bottom, April was a healthy month for the Class 8 segment, at least in relative terms," said Kenny Vieth, partner and senior analyst with ACT. "Orders were above expectations, backlogs rose and retail sales remained elevated. If orders surprise on the high side again in May, it could have upside implications for our forecasts for the remainder of 2010 and 2011."  

21.05.10 13:19

513 Postings, 5928 Tage BiogasNord2008Finnland ordert 60 Sisu Trucks

Finnish Defence Forces will acquire 60 new armoured SISU 8x8 Military Trucks

Sisu Defence Oy will supply 60 armoured SISU E13TP 8x8 military trucks for the Armed Forces of Finland. Deliveries will commence later in 2009.

20 of the vehicles to be delivered are intended for the use of Finnish rapid deployment forces in their international operations. Due to demanding operation conditions, the vehicles in question will be protected against mines and ballistic threat.

The balance, 40 vehicles, is meant for the Army troops in Finland.

Minister of Defence Jyri Häkämies decided over purchase of the vehicles and related training and service, and spare parts supply, on 6.5.2009. Total value of the purchase is approximately € 26 Million.

Finnish Defence Forces has earlier announced a decision to acquire more than 80 new SISU military trucks for the coming Air Defence System and Air Surveillance System. Deliveries of these SISU vehicles are scheduled for 2010-2014.

Furthermore, Finnish Defence Forces has ordered 234 SISU A2045 4x4 military trucks, manufacturing of which shall begin in 2009. The order includes also an option of further 200 SISU vehicles of the same type.  

25.05.10 11:46

513 Postings, 5928 Tage BiogasNord2008LKWs fahren wieder mehr!

Schwere Lkw kommen wieder stärker ins Rollen

Nach Informationen der Deutschen Bank legen Lkw mit mehr als zwölf Tonnen zulässigem Gesamtgewicht in zunehmendem Maße wieder mehr Kilometer zurück. Oder anders ausgedrückt: Das Transportauskommen scheint wieder zuzunehmen, was von dem Finanzinstitut als Indiz dafür gewertet wird, dass sich die Nutzfahrzeugbranche von der letztjährigen Krise nunmehr langsam erholen könnte. Demnach lagen die von schweren Lkw gefahrenen Kilometer zwar schon im Februar dieses Jahres zum ersten Mal seit September 2008 über dem entsprechenden Referenzwert des Vorjahresmonats (um 1,4 Prozent), doch für die Monate März und April wird sogar ein Plus von zehn bzw. fünf Prozent gemeldet. Trotz der starken Schwankung dieser Werte und obwohl das Wachstum von einer recht niedrigen Basis kommt, interpretiert die Deutsche Bank dies als Anzeichen für eine Erholung des Marktes, sodass auf das Gesamtjahr 2010 bezogen ein Absatzplus von wenigstens zehn Prozent im europäischen Lkw-Markt für realistisch gehalten wird. Vor allem Deutschland sei einer der Wachstumstreiber innerhalb Europas, heißt es  

25.05.10 11:46

513 Postings, 5928 Tage BiogasNord2008Volvo Großauftrag

enske Truck Leasing bestellt 600 Volvo Lkw
Volvo VN670.

Volvo VN670.

Foto: Auto-Medienportal.Net/Volvo

ampnet – 25. Mai 2010. Der US-amerikanische Transportdienstleister Penske hat 600 Volvo VN670 Sattelzugmaschinen bestellt. Mit den nach EPA2010 zertifizierten Volvo D13-Motoren mit SCR-Technologie (selektive katalytische Reduktion) hat Penske sich für die saubersten heute verfügbaren Lkw mit Dieselantrieb entschieden, die ihren Kunden im Vergleich zu den Vorgängermotoren einen um fünf Prozent niedrigeren Kraftverbrauch und einen entsprechend geringeren Kohlendioxidausstoß bieten.

Die ersten 100 Einheiten der Bestellung sind bereits produziert und werden zurzeit in die Penske Nutzfahrzeug-Mietflotte integriert. Die weiteren 500 VN670 werden noch gebaut und in den nächsten Monaten ausgeliefert. (ampnet/nic)  

25.05.10 16:45

513 Postings, 5928 Tage BiogasNord2008Übernahme aus Indien?

Lest mal das Handelsblatt :-)  

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