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27.01.11 19:16

48 Postings, 5456 Tage caglaraemagin

eMagin - Der LED-Gewinner explodierte nach Empfehlung

Am 13. März berichteten wir über den Boommarkt LEDs und empfahlen eMagin als einen unserer Top-Picks. Die Aktie hat sich seither mehr als verdreifacht.

Das futuristisch anmutende Produkt von eMagin sind Brillen mit integrierten Miniatur-Displays und Kopfhörern. eMagin bewegt sich damit in der Schnittstelle der Megatrends LED und 3D.

Das Interessante dabei: eMagin steht immer noch am Anfang seiner potenziellen Entwicklung und verdient den Großteil des Geldes mit Aufträgen aus dem Militär. Spannend wird es, wenn das Unternehmen den Sprung in den Mainstream-Sektor schafft. Hier lauert allerdings scharfe Konkurrenz durch Universal Display und Microvision. Wir sehen die Aktie daher aktuell nur als Halteposition.  

02.02.11 10:52

48 Postings, 5456 Tage caglaraemagin

hallo an alle,
es siht garnicht gut uas, wenn ich den chart so  an sehe, gefällt mir garnichts. was meint ihr?.. der geht jeden tag eswass runter.  
Angehängte Grafik:
z_emagin.png (verkleinert auf 63%) vergrößern

02.02.11 19:14

23676 Postings, 5308 Tage Balu4uStimme dir zu Caglara

 hier geht es erstmal runter. Sehe auch vorerst keine Unterstützung? Ihr? 4,5 oder gar 4 Euro? Nun ja, sind hier schon Q-4-Zahlen raus? Ich denke hier sollte man auch erstmal abwarten, sonst passiert es wie bei Cree - es kann schneller runter gehen, als man schauen kann. Ging ja auch im Eiltempo bis über 6 Euro! 


03.02.11 16:09

48 Postings, 5456 Tage caglaraaktiv

das kann doch sein oder was machen wir hier falsch? wie kann das US87911F1012
bei onvista euch das an gucken.  

03.02.11 22:18

14 Postings, 5138 Tage QuankaeferQuankaefer: 10 % Kursanstieg !

Heute zum Börsenschluß an der amerik. Technology Börse bis auf 10% gestiegen auf 7,50 Dollar.

Konsolidierung unterbrochen oder abgeschlosen, welcher Grund oder Nachricht steckt dahinter.

Bin auf den morgigen Kurs an der deutschen Börse gespannt.


03.02.11 22:50

19 Postings, 5007 Tage Desmodus@ caglara

Der kontextuelle Bezug ist  wohl eher als gering zu bezeichnen.

zu Emagin: Ich bin gespannt, ob es nun weiter nach oben geht oder vorerst eine Seitwärtsbewegung oder Abwertung erfolgen wird. Langfristig ist bei Emagin aber noch durchaus Potential nach oben gegeben.


04.02.11 20:53

1650 Postings, 5273 Tage Rookie10+20%

Hah! +20 % an einem einzigen Handelstag, sehr geil!


06.02.11 13:32

48 Postings, 5456 Tage caglaraemagin

es ist zehr schön wiedermal 20% zu haben,
guck euchmal den chart an.  ich denke es zeit, wieder aktiv zur werden. es siht sehr gut aus.
morgen geht noch weiter hoch guckmal wie der nach oben gerichtet ist .
für morgen wünsche ich euch allen viel erfolg und spass.  
Angehängte Grafik:
z_emagin.png (verkleinert auf 63%) vergrößern

11.02.11 19:12

48 Postings, 5456 Tage caglaraemagin

na gehts euch allen gut ? denke ja, der chart sagt doch alles oder im märz werden wir 10 dolar sehen.  
Angehängte Grafik:
z__emagin.png (verkleinert auf 63%) vergrößern

11.02.11 20:00

48 Postings, 5456 Tage caglaraLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 13.02.11 18:20
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Werbung - Werbe ID.



11.02.11 23:15

119 Postings, 5267 Tage rene1103also

ich für meinen Teil hab heute mal bei 80% und 6,35 erstmal den Gewinn gesichert. Man soll ja nicht zu gierig sein. Wobei ich von der Technik überzeugt bin und vielleicht wieder einsteigen werde. Rücksetzer wird es definitiv geben.


12.02.11 22:51

23676 Postings, 5308 Tage Balu4uRene geb dir vollkommen Recht

Caglara schein von Geldgier blind geworden zu sein. Sind hier schon Q-4-Zahlen raus? Na dann wartet mal ab, wenn die ählich enttäuschen, wie Cree. Für mich momentan zu teuer der Einstieg hier. Selbst, wenn sie noch ein paar Euro steigt. Hab mal ein Auge auf Immobilien-Aktien geworfen. Da scheint momentan mehr zu holen sein, als hier.


13.02.11 12:23

48 Postings, 5456 Tage caglaraemagin

macht was ihr wollt.
wenn ich sehe das der kurz innerhalb 3 monaten über 100%macht, das auch ohne irgen einen nachrichten , die aktie kent immoment nur eine richtung nemlich nach oben ich persönlich vertrauer den chart den ich euch immer wieder zeige bleibe so lange drin bis der rote punkt unter der grünen ist dan steige ich aus. Wünsche ich euch allen viel erfolg.
ender märz ich wette das wir 12dolar sehen werden. Das ist nur meine meinung. Wenn der kurz anfang 2009 seit dem ich das papier beobachte von" 20 dolar cant " bis jetz sein höhen und tiefen hatte, warum soll der jetz auf einmal schlecht sein. Aber wie gesagt viel erfolg an allen die immo aktien kaufen wollen...  

13.02.11 17:15

119 Postings, 5267 Tage rene1103@caglara

es geht ja hier nicht darum, dass Emagin nicht weiter steigen wird oder wieder auf 20us cent fallen wird. Aber du hast dir doch die Antwort schon selbst gegeben. Die Aktie ist jetzt viel zu schnell gestiegen mit nem förmlichen Gap zwischen 4 und 6 Euro. Die Konsolidierung wird kommen was ja auch nicht weiter schlimm ist, ich für meinen Teil überlege ja dann wieder einzusteigen. Aber ich würde nicht wie dein Vorgänger geschrieben hat jetzt einsteigen. Weil die Gefahr einfach zu groß ist, dass sich der Kurs dann erstmal berichtigt. Kann mich aber natürlich auch täuschen...


14.02.11 15:55

1650 Postings, 5273 Tage Rookie10@rene

Ich glaube hier steckt viel Potential drin. Hier sehe ich stark steigende Kurse und eventuell kleine Rücksetzer, die beim nächsten Ansteig gleich wieder wettgemacht werden.


14.02.11 16:45

371 Postings, 5792 Tage Leo4stockswann gibt es denn die nächsten Zahlen?

letztlich verdient eMagin ja schon Geld ud mich würde schon mal interessieren, wie die denn das Jahr 2011 für sich sehen...

der Anstieg der letzten Monate ist schon erstaunlich, andererseits denke ich auch, dass die OLED Technologie in Kombination mit Microdisplay auch eine Zukunftsttechnologie ist und der Markt noch ganz am Anfang steht...


15.02.11 00:24

168 Postings, 5326 Tage Stanley76@all

...nochmal an ALLE: Q4 Zahlen kommen am (ab) 21. März...und jetzt auch mit Link:


Im nächsten Link sieht man, das auch Apple langsam auf den Geschmack von OLED's
gekommen ist...


vielleicht stehen wir hier wirklich erst am Anfang einer ganz großen Storry...

MfG Stanley  

15.02.11 07:02

371 Postings, 5792 Tage Leo4stockswenn ich mir eMagin

anschaue bin ich schon sehr überrascht...vorher kommt der plötzliche Hype?? Klar, OLED etc etc.  aber bis jetzt verkaufen die ihre High-Tech Produkte ja lediglich ans Militär.

Meine Position steht jetz bei 180 % in 6 Monaten...ist das normal? Wächst die Firma tatsächlich si schnell??

Parallel dazu habe ich Glu Mobile gekauft...ähnliche Entwicklung; ich frage michbei beiden, wann es ein guter Zeitpunkt ist zu verkaufen. Emagin macht ja immerhin schon Umnsatz/ Gewinn, wenn auch erst bei ca. 30 Mio USD / 2010 Umsatz. Glu Mobile macht nur Verluste, erlebt aber einen derartigen Hype - unlaublich.


15.02.11 18:06

119 Postings, 5267 Tage rene1103Also

schaut euch einfach das 52W Tief an um zu merken von wo die Aktie kommt. Ich wäre nicht zu gierig weil man sich sonst ärgert wenn ein Rücksetzer kommt....


03.03.11 19:26

168 Postings, 5326 Tage Stanley76@all

Terminänderung der Q4 Zahlen und für Jahresbericht 2010 auf den 16.03.2011

eMagin Corporation Fourth Quarter 2010 Earnings Release and Conference Call to Be Held Wednesday, March 16, 2011
BELLEVUE, Wash., Mar 03, 2011 (BUSINESS WIRE) --

eMagin Corporation (NYSE Amex: EMAN) will release fourth quarter 2010 earnings and host a conference call that will be simultaneously Webcast on Wednesday, March 16, 2011. The Company's management will discuss the financial results of the fourth quarter and fiscal year 2010 ended December 31, 2010.

The conference call and live Webcast will begin at 5:00 p.m. ET. An archive of the Webcast will be available one hour after the live call through April 16, 2011. To access the live Webcast or archive, please visit the Company's website at http://ir.emagin.com or http://www.fulldisclosure.com.

A leader in OLED microdisplay technology and personal display systems, eMagin integrates high-resolution OLED microdisplays with magnifying optics to deliver virtual images comparable to large-screen computer and television displays in portable, low-power, lightweight personal displays. eMagin microdisplays provide near-eye imagery in a variety of products from military, industrial, medical and consumer OEMs. The company's own Z800 3DVisor provides 3D stereovision and headtracking for PC gaming, training and simulation, immersion therapy, and other applications. eMagin's microdisplay manufacturing and R&D operations are co-located with IBM on its campus in East Fishkill, New York. System design facilities and sales and marketing are located in Bellevue, Washington. More information about eMagin and its products is available at www.emagin.com.


...........fliegt die NASA demnächst mit einem eMagin-Produkt ins All............???


Virtual Realities provides a complete virtual reality solution to NASA.

Virtual Realities provides a custom virtual reality solution to NASA for the Robonaut 2 program consisting of the Z800 Pro Dual as the head mounted display and the CyberGlove II as the data glove system.


About NASA'S R2

Robonaut 2, or R2, is a dexterous humanoid robot built and designed at NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. Using the latest technology, it's a new humanoid robot capable of working side-by-side with people. Using leading edge control, sensor and vision technologies, R-2s could assist astronauts during hazardous space missions.

Advanced technology spans the entire R2 system and includes: optimized overlapping dual arm dexterous workspace, series elastic joint technology, extended finger and thumb travel, miniaturized 6-axis load cells, redundant force sensing, ultra-high speed joint controllers, extreme neck travel, and high resolution camera and IR systems. The dexterity of R2 allows it to use the same tools that astronauts use and removes the need for specialized tools just for robots.

Robonaut 2 will launch to the International Space Station on Space Shuttle Discovery as part of the STS-33 mission; it will become the first dexterous humanoid robot in space, and the first US-bult robot at the Space Station.
The Z800 Pro Dual delivers increased video performance and adds dual input support for separate left and right video channels.

............rüsten die Schweizer ihre Soldaten mit einem eMagin-Produkt auf...........???


Swiss Army moves forward with soldier modernisation
March 02, 2011

Cassidian has been awarded a production contract for its Warrior21 system in support of the Swiss Army’s soldier modernisation programme (SMP).

The contract was awarded by the Swiss defence procurement agency, Armasuisse, on 1 March. A statement from EADS division Cassidian said the CHF20 million contract is part of the Integrated and Modular Engagement System for the Swiss Soldier (IMESS) programme.

IMESS is described as a programme for the modernisation of the Swiss infantry fighting capabilities from a single soldier up to platoon level.

Prototypes based on the Warrior21 have been in tests since 2007. The contract awarded to Cassidian will take these prototypes to production standard and introduce production-ready systems.

Expected to provide capability enhancements, and viability and modularity in the infantry sector, the advanced soldier system will give the Swiss Army one of the most powerful SMPs in the world, according to the statement.

Capabilities included are: tactical command and control from company to individual soldier level; the use of optimised communication media; improved weight and energy balance; enhanced situational awareness and navigation through the use of head-mounted displays; and better night fighting and reconnaissance capabilities.

In order to handle heavy loads, a powerful and energy-efficient ‘electronic backbone’ called the PowerController is being integrated to secure a constant power supply.

The contract also provides for the equipping of combat vehicles, including the Swiss DURO and Piranha, to ensure command and control on high-mobility operations.

According to EADS, there is planned interoperability between the Warrior21 and other army C4I systems.

The original prototype contract was awarded to EADS Defense and Security (since renamed Cassidian) in conjunction with Sagem Défense Sécurité in 2007.

Meanwhile, on 2 March it was announced that Cassidian had received an order for 400 further units of the Bundeswehr’s Future Soldier System. Ordered for deployment to Afghanistan, the system is to be delivered in its basic version.

As part of an immediate procurement measure to meet the demands of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) mission in Afghanistan, the delivery will mean a total of 2,900 systems of this type will be owned by the Bundeswehr.

The system entered service in 2004 and offers enhanced protection, as well as increased capabilities for command and control, navigation and weaponry.

.......Spekulationen über Spekulationen...............  :-)

MfG Stanley  

17.03.11 06:39

1650 Postings, 5273 Tage Rookie10Rekordzahlen!


eMagin Posts Record Revenue and Net Income in 2010

Surpasses Midpoint of 2010 Revenue Guidance; Revenues Rise 28% to $30.5M

4Q10 Revenues of $8M Reflect Growth in the Global OLED Microdisplay Market

Full Year Results

eMagin Corporation generated revenue of $30.5 million in 2010, an increase of 28% over the previous year. Annual product revenues increased by 19% over the amount recorded during 2009, reflecting an improved product line and sales effort, while contract revenues rose by 70% or $2.8 million. Gross profit for the year totaled $18.4 million, while gross margin increased to 61% over the 57% gross margin recorded in 2009.

Operating expenses as a percentage of revenues were 41% in 2010, as compared to 37% in the prior year. The result reflects higher SG&A from the severance expense accrual in the second quarter as well as the previously mentioned settlement and the aforementioned settlement-related, litigation expenses recorded primarily during the second half of the year. Without these expenses, operating expenses would have been 34% of revenues as compared to 37% last year.

Operating income for the year totaled $6.0 million as compared to $4.8 in 2009. Net income in 2010 grew to $14.8 million or $0.49 per diluted share including the $0.30 per share impact from the valuation allowance adjustment resulting from the Company's NOL carryforward as compared to the $4.3 or $0.17 per diluted share recorded last year. Excluding the previously mentioned special charges related to severance, a settlement with a former executive and related litigation expenses, net income would have totaled $0.56 per diluted share.

eMagin continued to see steady improvement in its financial position due to strong cash generation by operations and the absence of debt on the balance sheet. The Company's cash position, including cash equivalents and certificates of deposit, of $12.4 million as of December 31, 2010, was more than double the balance of $5.4 million at the end of 2009, and higher than the $10.3 million recorded on September 30, 2010, a result which reflects cash from operations of approximately $8.3 million offset by approximately $2.3 million which was invested in equipment. During 2010, eMagin continued to fund its activities and the expansion of its business in military, industrial and consumer markets exclusively through cash generated by operations.


07.04.11 12:16

74 Postings, 5031 Tage noa9090Neuer Vice President

eMagin Announces Appointment of Jerome T. Carollo as Senior Vice President, Business Development
BELLEVUE, Wash., Apr 06, 2011 (BUSINESS WIRE) --

eMagin Corporation (NYSE Amex: EMAN), the leader in the development, design and manufacture of Active Matrix OLED microdisplays for high resolution imaging products, announced today the appointment of Jerome T. Carollo as Senior Vice President, Business Development.

Mr. Carollo, 59, joins eMagin from Intevac Vision Systems where he held the position of Vice President/General Manager as well as Vice President of Strategic Planning and Business Development. He was responsible for developing the domestic and international business strategy for the Company's digital night vision systems, sensors, and helmet mounted and eyeware displays. From 2006 to 2007, he was the President and CEO of Creative Display Systems, a company he co-founded to provide innovative microdisplay and optical systems for both commercial and military markets, which he then sold to Intevac.

Prior to this, Mr. Carollo held positions of increasing responsibility in the optical and display business including General Manager for Rockwell Collins Optronics, a division of Rockwell Collins Government Systems, from 2000 to 2006, President of Kaiser Electro-Optics, a division of Kaiser Aerospace from 1992 to 2000, Executive Director of Army Programs and Executive Director of Display Engineering for Kaiser Electronics from 1994 to 2000 and Business Area Manager for General Electric Simulation and Control Systems Department from 1977 to 1984. Mr. Carollo holds a BS degree in Physics from the State University of New York and an MS in Optics from the University of Rochester's Institute of Optics. In addition, he completed courses in Executive Business Management at the Haas School of Management, University of California at Berkeley.

Andrew Sculley, President and Chief Executive Officer, stated, "Jerry brings valuable product knowledge and experience to eMagin. He has worked with numerous display systems and technology from 3D and digital night viewers to space telescopes. We are impressed with Jerry's product knowledge and track record in business and product development, and expect him to lead eMagin's expansion in the industrial and consumer segments as well as build upon our successful position in the military market."

About eMagin

A leader in OLED microdisplay technology and personal display systems, eMagin integrates high-resolution OLED microdisplays with magnifying optics to deliver virtual images comparable to large-screen computer and television displays in portable, low-power, lightweight personal displays. eMagin microdisplays provide near-eye imagery in a variety of products from military, industrial, medical and consumer OEMs. The Company's own Z800 3DVisor provides 3D stereovision and headtracking for PC gaming, training and simulation, immersion therapy, and other applications. More information about eMagin is available at www.emagin.com.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, including those regarding eMagin Corporation's expectations, intentions, strategies and beliefs pertaining to future events or future financial performance. Actual events or results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors, including those described in the Company's most recent filings with the SEC. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, such statements should not be regarded as a representation by the Company, or any other person, that such forward-looking statements will be achieved. The business and operations of the Company are subject to substantial risks which increase the uncertainty inherent in forward-looking statements. We undertake no duty to update any of the forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. In light of the foregoing, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements.  

07.04.11 12:19

74 Postings, 5031 Tage noa9090Interessante Infos...

You Don't Know These Tech Stocks, but Hedge Funds Are Buying Them Like Crazy

Many investors would argue that small-cap stocks are more nimble than their large-cap counterparts, making them quicker to adapt to economic downturns and periods of recovery.

That's particularly true in the case of small-cap tech stocks, where innovation and flexibility provide opportunities for rapid growth.

Small-cap tech stocks may provide significant opportunities for investors, but the trick is determining which ones are primed for growth. For Mark Conley, director of research at Broadpoint AmTech, companies with strong product cycles are especially attractive.

"The companies with the better products are always going to gain share," he said in an interview with CNBC.

"As some of the bigger technology companies have less room to grow, they will look for potential acquisition candidates. The logical companies to acquire are the ones gaining the most and with the best products."

So which small-cap tech stocks have attractive prospects? For ideas, we crunched some numbers on institutional flows and identified a few standouts (data sourced from Reuters).

These are the tech stocks hedge funds are buying like crazy -- what do you think of them? (Click here to access free, interactive tools to analyze these ideas.)

1. eMagin Corp (Nasdaq: EMAN  ) : Market cap of $155M. eMagin is the first and only manufacturer of active-matrix Organic LED (AM-OLED) microdisplays on silicon. These displays perform at low-power levels, extended temperature ranges, and provide image performance not possible with LCD technologies. Institutional investors currently own 2,302,090 shares vs. 720,421 shares held three months ago (219.55% change).

2. AudioCodes Ltd (Nasdaq: AUDC  ) : Market cap of $240M. AudioCodes was established in 1993 as a research and development project-oriented company utilizing voice compression technology applications for a variety of markets including wireless communications, semiconductors, and data communications. Institutional investors currently own 11,403,973 shares vs. 8,476,463 shares held three months ago (34.54% change).

3. GSI Technology (Nasdaq: GSIT  ) : Market cap of $250M. GSI Technology is a leading edge supplier of low power, full featured, high performance SRAM technology. Institutional investors currently own 9,074,163 shares vs. 7,515,080 shares held three months ago (20.75% change).

4. Westell Technologies (Nasdaq: WSTL  ) : Market cap of $237M. Westell designs carrier-class equipment that delivers high-speed communications for telecommunications operators and Internet service providers throughout North America and Europe. Institutional investors currently own 27,322,305 shares vs. 24,110,626 shares held three months ago (13.32% change).

5. Axcelis Technologies (Nasdaq: ACLS  ) : Market cap of $275M. Axcelis Technologies, is a world-leading provider of equipment and services to the semiconductor manufacturing industry. Institutional investors currently own 66,500,122 shares vs. 60,255,766 shares held three months ago (10.36% change).

Quelle: http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2011/04/06/...dge-funds-ar.aspx


07.04.11 12:21

74 Postings, 5031 Tage noa9090weitere gute Nachrichten...


Mar 28, 2011 (SmarTrend(R) News Watch via COMTEX) -- Below are the top five companies in the Electronic Manufacturing Services industry as measured by relative performance. This analysis was compiled based on yesterday's trading activity as we search for stocks that have the potential to outperform.


eMagin (NASDAQ:EMAN) ranks first with a gain of 6.26%; Smart Modular Technologies (NASDAQ:SMOD) ranks second with a gain of 5.48%; and Sanmina-SCI (NASDAQ:SANM) ranks third with a gain of 2.54%.

Plexus (NASDAQ:PLXS) follows with a gain of 2.08% and TTM Technologies (NASDAQ:TTMI) rounds out the top five with a gain of 1.99%.

SmarTrend currently has shares of Sanmina-SCI in an Downtrend and issued the Downtrend alert on March 08, 2011 at $14.99. The stock has fallen 27.4% since the Downtrend alert was issued

Quelle: http://www.zacks.com/research/get_news.php?id=087l1557


08.04.11 16:06

74 Postings, 5031 Tage noa9090Stark grün!

5,745 !!!!!

Ist hier keiner investiert oder sind alle nur am geniessen?


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