Die Spekulationen um MusicMusicMusic ( WKN 925475 ) verdichten sich immer mehr:
Der Umbau zu einem Komplettanbieter im Internet soll bereits sehr weit fortgeschritten sein. Als strategische Partner sollen sogar mehrere Unternehmen bereitstehen, u.a. ist auch OMT im Gespräch ( siehe Meldung unten von Ende 2003 )
Noch immer wird das Potenzial, was in einem solchen Neustart und der Umstrukturierung zu bezahlbaren Dienstleistungen, steckt verkannt:
MusicMusicMusic WKN 925475 wird nur mit etwa 800.000 Euro bewertet - im Vergleich zu branchennahen Firmen wie Abacho oder Fortune City ein Witz!
Wer die News abwarten will, sollte sich dann sehr beeilen: Mit einem deutlichen Kurssprung ist zu rechnen. Den Umsätzen zufolge wird sich bereits eingesammelt. Ein sehr positives Zeichen!
Stop-loss sollte zur Sicherheit um die 8 cents gesetzt werden.
Noch einmal die Meldung, die sehr viel Hoffnung macht:
OMT and CBC-Galaxie Combine Forces to Launch a Commercial Music Service
WINNIPEG, MANITOBA and OTTAWA, ONTARIO--OMT Inc. (TSXV: OMT) and CBC Galaxie announced today that the two organizations signed a Letter of Intent to jointly launch a unique commercial music service in December 2003.
As part of the agreement, Galaxie will provide the marketing and content programming expertise, while OMT will provide the technology and infrastructure. The unique commercial music service will include the ability to offer customized programming, insert messages or advertisements, and provide customer influenced content. This subscription-based service will primarily be marketed in Canada, and will include English and French content.
"The success of Galaxie, CBC's Continuous Music Network, is testimony to the value of their programming expertise. By working with Galaxie, we believe that we can offer commercial enterprises a compelling alternative to the currently available music services," stated Scott Farr, President and CEO of OMT Inc. "The strengths of both companies, combined with OMT's recent acquisition of the musicmusicmusic assets, made this opportunity an immediate reality. We will begin working with Galaxie to transition the existing musicmusicmusic customers to the new service," he added.
Alain Pineau, General Manager of Galaxie, stated, "A commercial music service is a logical extension to our product offering and one that can offer commercial enterprises an exciting and truly Canadian alternative. Given our long standing relationship, OMT is an ideal partner for us. We are fully supportive of OMT's existing technology and vision for audio entertainment services."
OMT and CBC-Galaxie have built a strong business relationship that dates back to 1997 when OMT provided the technology for CBC-Galaxie's successful Continuous Music Network service. Since that time, the two companies have worked together to build, upgrade and deliver cost-effective media entertainment services.
About OMT OMT Inc. (TSXV:OMT) is a technology and multi-media content solution provider to the entertainment and broadcast industry. OMT's broadcasting and multi-media technology is heard by millions of people worldwide every day through television, radio, satellite, cable and Internet broadcasts. To learn more about the Company, its products and services, visit its website at and more information on the acquired assets can be found at .
About Galaxie Galaxie is Canada's most widely distributed digital audio network, a commercial division of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Galaxie offers 45 professionally programmed continuous music channels available in 4 million homes. You can tune to Galaxie through your favorite satellite, digital cable, or telecommunications provider. For more information on Galaxie, please visit - 30 -
Scott Farr President and CEO Phone: (204) 975-0790 or cell (204) 781-2015 or Marieke Wijtkamp (204) 975-0792
The TSX Venture Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release. INDUSTRY : MUL SUBJECT : NWS
Press Releases
OMT and CBC-Galaxie Combine Forces to Launch Commercial Music Service Scott Farr, President and CEO of OMT Inc., announced today that the company has, through a wholly-owned subsidiary, purchased the assets of the former musicmusicmusic inc.
Für mich bleibt das erste Kursziel um die 30-35 cents ( siehe Chart! ). |