199 $ plus shipping! http://www.applefritter.com/apple1/members/replica1/index.htm I am now taking pre-orders for the Replica I. If you want to reserve a Replica I please email me. Prepayment required to reserve your order. The official selling start date is October 11, 2003. The price will be $199 plus 8.95 shipping and handling to the US and Canada. Please email me if you live outside US or Canada for shipping charges. Payment: Send check or money order for version requested along with $8.95 shipping and handling to: Vince Briel 5392 Cornell Blvd North Ridgeville, OH 44039 Please allow time for personal checks to clear. Or pay via paypal. All boards will be able to use PS/2 or ASCII keyboard. Assembled version $199 plus shipping: What’s included: Replica 1 board fully assembled and tested. Instruction and setup manual Links to Apple 1 sites of interest. Warranty: 30 Day warranty will be given on all boards. Unassembled (kit) version $150 plus shipping: You solder it together. What’s included: Replica 1 board unassembled. All parts, IC’s, sockets, resistors, caps, connectors, etc. Instruction and setup manual for assembled version. Links to Apple 1 sites of interest. Warranty: No warranty given on kits. Bare kit version $99 plus shipping: What’s included: Replica I pcb board video IC and keyboard encoder IC. Instruction and setup manual for assembled version. Links to Apple 1 sites of interest. Warranty: No warranty given on kits. Thanks for looking. |