Ich kann mit gutem Gewissen behaupten dass ich überzeugt bin weil ich auf Fakten baue:
"...U.S. wind power continued to rebound in the second quarter, with 2,151 megawatts (MW) of wind farm capacity installed in the first half of 2011 versus 1,250 MW during the same time in 2010, up 72 percent...."
"...An additional 7,354 MW of new capacity was under construction by July 1, more than at any time since the third quarter of 2008. Since 2007, wind energy has installed 35 percent of America's new electrical generating capacity, more than twice coal and nuclear combined...."
PS: Parkwächter, kann es sein dass du immer bei anderen eine ZweitID vermutest weil du selber so einer bist? |