Endlich mal eine Gesellschaft, die tut, was sie sagt und soeben wurde der Abschluss der geplanten Akquisitionen mit der folgenden Pressemitteilung (siehe Yahoo) bekannt gegeben:
Press Release SOURCE: Delta Petroleum Corporation Delta Petroleum Purchases Castle Energy Corporation Oil and Gas Properties; Company Also Completes Tipperary Exchange and Other Strategic Transactions DENVER, June 3 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Delta Petroleum Corporation (Nasdaq: DPTR; Frankfurt: DPE), an independent energy exploration and development company, today announced that the Company has closed on a number of strategic transactions during the past week, including purchase of the domestic oil and gas properties of Castle Energy Corporation. In addition, the previously announced property exchange with Tipperary Corporation (Amex: TPY - News) has been completed, the Company has closed on a new Credit Agreement with the Bank of Oklahoma and Local Oklahoma Bank, and an office building in Ft. Worth, Texas has been sold. Shareholders approved the Company`s purchase of the domestic oil and gas properties of Castle Energy Corporation at Delta Petroleum`s annual meeting on May 30, 2002, and the transaction was completed on May 31, 2002. The properties acquired from Castle consist of interests in approximately 525 producing wells located in fourteen (14) states, plus associated undeveloped acreage, with proved reserves of approximately 62 billion cubic feet of gas equivalent (Bcfe), of which proved developed producing reserves total approximately 32 Bcfe. The Company issued 9,566,000 new shares of Common Stock to Castle Energy Corporation as part of the purchase price. "The Castle acquisition more than doubles Delta`s daily production to approximately 22 million cubic feet of gas equivalent per day comprised of approximately 45% oil and 55% natural gas," noted Roger Parker, President and Chief Executive Officer of Delta Petroleum Corporation. "At current commodity prices and current daily production rates, Delta`s oil and gas revenue could be in excess of \$27 million for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, and cash flow from operations could exceed \$13 million. Following the acquisition, our proved natural gas equivalent reserves approximate 80 billion cubic feet, compared with 18 billion cubic feet prior to the Castle purchase. We expect to immediately initiate workover, recompletion and drilling activities on certain of the Castle properties in order to further increase daily production," continued Parker. The Company has also completed the sale of its undivided interests in an Authority to Prospect (ATP) covering lands in Queensland, Australia, to Tipperary Corporation, in exchange for Tipperary`s producing properties in the West Buna Field (Hardin and Jasper counties, Texas), \$0.7 Million in cash, and 250,000 unregistered shares of Tipperary common stock. The West Buna Field properties contain proved natural gas equivalent reserves totaling approximately 4.3 billion cubic feet (Bcf). Net daily production from the West Buna Field approximates 900,000 cubic feet equivalent. Also during the past week, Delta Petroleum closed on a new \$20 million Credit Agreement with the Bank of Oklahoma and Local Oklahoma Bank. Approximately \$19 million of the credit facility was utilized to close the Castle Energy transaction and to pay off Delta`s existing loan with US Bank. The Company`s total debt now approximates \$25 million. "The new revolving credit facility and net cash increases from the recent transactions will provide substantial working capital from which we can conduct more meaningful development activities on our existing property base," stated Parker. Delta Petroleum generated \$417,000 in cash through the sale of its Ft. Worth, Texas commercial office building. "The sale of the building was consistent with our strategy of divesting assets that are not necessary for achievement of our strategic goals as a domestic exploration and development company," concluded Parker. Delta Petroleum Corporation is an oil and gas exploration and development company based in Denver, Colorado. The Company has producing properties in numerous states and interests in one producing federal unit and four undeveloped units located in federal waters offshore California near Santa Barbara. Its common stock is listed on NASDAQ under the symbol "DPTR" and on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol "DPE". Forward-looking statements in this announcement are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Investors are cautioned that all forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainty, including without limitation, the costs of exploring and developing new oil and natural gas reserves, the price for which such reserves can be sold, environmental concerns affecting the drilling of oil and natural gas wells, as well as general market conditions, competition and pricing. Please refer to the Company`s Securities and Exchange Commission filings for additional information. For further information contact the company at (303) 293-9133 or via email at info@deltapetro.com
RJ Falkner & Company, Inc., Investor Relations Counsel at (800) 377-9893 or via email at info@rjfalkner.com SOURCE: Delta Petroleum Corporation
Dies hat nun zur Folge, dass Delta Petroleum seit dem 1. Juni 3.450 Barrel Öläquivalent fördert und in den nächsten Monaten diese Produktion weiter ausbaut. Wie man sieht, durch die Umschuldungsmaßnahmen von der US Bank an die Bank Oklahoma wurde der Kreditrahmen um weitere 5 bis 6 Millionen erhöht. Nicht schlecht in diesen Krisenzeiten, und die Gesellschaft Delta Petroleum ist nunmehr ein Ölproduzent mit viel Fantasie für die nächsten Tage und Wochen im Kursverlauf. Bei nunmehr ca. 20 Millionen ausstehenden Aktien liegt die Bewertung aufgrund der produzierenden Quellen und Reserven und abgezinst bei ca. 6 bis 7 Dollar pro Aktie. Derzeit notiert die Gesellschaft 4\$. Und nun der Knaller schlechthin: Zwischenzeitlich wurden die Gesellschaften, die Öllizenzen vor Florida hatten, in den letzten Tagen vom Government abgefunden (ca. 110 Mio. US\$). Delta Petroleum erwartet nun, dass Kalifornien ebenfalls in den nächsten Tagen und Wochen ein Signal der Abfindung zwischen 225 und 325 Millionen bekommt und dies ist für mich bei 20 Mio. ausstehenden Aktien ein Potenzial nochmals von ca. 10 bis 15 Dollar pro Aktie. Machen wir nun eine simple Rechnung auf, die besagt: 7\$ Value und 10\$ Abfindung in Cash durch Government = 17\$ pro Aktie. Nehmen wir ebenfalls an, der Markt diskontiert nochmal diese Geschichte mit weiteren 20%, dann sind wir ohne Fantasie, ohne Promotion auf einem Value von ca. 14 US\$. Wer diese einmalige Chance wahrnehmen möchte, sollte jetzt Delta Petroleum kaufen, denn das Management ist seriös bis auf die Socken. Was immer Ihr macht, es ist für mich ein Sechser im Lotto. Es liegt an Euch, ob Ihr den Tippschein abgebt oder es scheut. Bis bald, Ihr Glücksritter! |