Der Anstieg heute ist meiner Meinung nach zu heftig. Aber es wurden 1.000.000 Aktien zu 0.045 auf einmal gekauft, was ein gutes Zeichen ist. Hoffentlich bleibt das jetzt so, denke aber, dass ein Retracement folgen wird.
Letzte NEWS vom 06.03.2015
Favourable evolution of the funding structure of the Group As of 27 February 2015, Dexia finalized the repayment plan of several significant funding lines, resulting in a favourable evolution of its funding structure: At the end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015, the Group repaid the last State guaranteed bonds subscribed by Belfius, for an amount of EUR 12.8 billion; At at 27 February 2015, Dexia also repaid EUR 13 billion of self issued State guaranteed bonds pledged to Eurosystem refinancing operations (own use mechanism). This repayment falls within the progressive exit in 2015 from this derogation funding mechanism granted by the European Central Bank. In anticipation of those significant maturities, the Group adopted a prudent approach of its liquidity management. The amounts repaid were replaced by guaranteed or secured funding raised on financial markets. The amount of outstanding guaranteed by the States of Belgium, France and Luxembourg was reduced from EUR 82.0 billion as at 17 February 2015 to EUR 70.0 billion as at 27 February 2015,for a maximum ceiling of EUR 85 billion. The recourse to central bank funding was reduced from EUR 33.5 billion at the end of 2014 to EUR 28.0 billion as at 27 February 2015.
17 Milliarden zurückgezahlt, ist schon ne Nummer.