Quantitative tightening is over. Get ready for QE5: Yield Curve Control. "FOMC slowed the pace of decline of its securities holdings in June 2024 and intends to stop reductions in its securities. 02/27/25"
Das wäre der Swift. Größere Wallstreetadressen und Vermögensverwalter werden dann definitiv Gold als Absicherung gegenüber der Abwertung des US Dollars kaufen und die Zinsen müssten ansteigen. Viele Profid gehen aktuell davon aus das die Inflation in den USA sinken wird und die Zinsen auch. Dadurch sollen die Anleihen wieder attraktiv werden den diese würden wieder im Kurs ansteigen während Zinsen fallen.
Dadurch würden die Minen überproportional profitieren.
Another excerpt in the summary, page 3. No date certain. Important that you say where you found this or that you got it from another source Garrett.
"Balance sheet policy. The Federal Reserve has continued the process of significantly reducing its holdings of Treasury and agency securities in a predictable manner. Beginning in June 2022, principal payments from securities held in the System Open Market Account have been reinvested only to the extent that they exceeded monthly caps. Under this policy, the Federal Reserve has reduced its securities holdings by $297 billion since June 2024, bringing the total reduction in securities holdings since the start of balance sheet reduction to about $2 trillion. The FOMC has stated that it intends to maintain securities holdings at amounts consistent with implementing monetary policy efficiently and effectively in its ample-reserves regime. To ensure a smooth transition, the FOMC slowed the pace of decline of its securities holdings in June 2024 and intends to stop reductions in its securities holdings when reserve balances are somewhat above the level that the FOMC judges to be consistent with ample reserves."