Important information compilation from the PR's:
- The mining begins in 4 days (25. of may)
- 947.8 Millions of dollars estimated profit of the mining:
Source: the PR from friday march, 4.: The size of the land where the mine is located is 40 acres and it is estimated to produce US $140 Million. This is in addition to the previously announced Nevada project that is estimated to produce US $800 Million. ->800 Mio.+140 Mio.=940 Mio.$
Now let's add to this number the Tailings, which will be worked on in the next weeks: it is estimated that the total sales forecast of gold and silver extracted from the tailings have an approximate value of $7.8 Million. From there on the Company will continue its mining operations as originally planned. Source: PR from thursday, May 5.
Now we have totally 947.8 Millions of US dollars, which can be elaborated by the JV throughout the mining process. TTDZ has a very tiny free float, so I expect the PPS to rise pretty soon. The current income, beginning the 25. of may, will end the sub-penny-time, and IMO lead to great prosperity!
And for those who are sceptical, why old tailings contain gold and Silver for 7.8 Millions, I have this explanation: Todays technology is way better as it was more than 100 Years ago (when the mine was left), and silver is now well worth the costs to extract it, compared to 100 years ago. Also, the price of the precious metals has rised a lot since then. If we add the ongoing devaluation of the US-dollar, I think the precious metals are the only lifeboat. Triton is on the right track!
This was my DD, which I made thanks to the PR's issued by the company. |