Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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24.06.08 10:09

15644 Postings, 6504 Tage nekro"Conman"arrested by Buka police

Conman’ arrested by Buka police

Leider handelt es sich nicht um den allseits so geschätzten Musingku,der von der Bildfläche verschwunden zu sein scheint ;-))))


BUKA police arrested a conman over the weekend who was allegedly collecting money illegally from local youths saying that he was recruiting them for fruit picking (seasonal work) in Australia.
The suspect was arrested on Friday evening when several youths fronted up the police station and raised complaints.
Police identified the suspect as a 42-year-old man from Goroka.
It is believed the man has collected about K4,000 from youths in Bougainville as passport fees.
Senior police officer Sergeant Jeffery Magum said the suspect is now in police custody as investigations continue.
Sgt Magum said this illegal collecting of money had been going on for sometime in the region with the assistance of an agent who operated on the ground.
“I have in possession a long list of young girls and boys whom the suspect had conned, telling them to pay K200 to K400 as passport fees to go to Australia for fruit picking,” Sgt Magum said.
He said the suspect had told the youths he represented a major employment agency in Australia and told them the purpose for him being in Bougainville was to recruit young Bougainvilleans who wanted to do seasonal fruit picking in Australia.
He said they had to give him K400 in advance in order for him to process Australian visas and passports.
The suspect had told them their recruitment was pending the seasonal work arrangement that Australia would soon approve to allow PNG seasonal workers into Australia.
Sgt Magum said the suspect had planned to collect K100,000 in Bougainville.
“At the moment we have instructed the suspect to withdraw all the money from the bank and refund the money to their rightful owners,” Sgt Magum said.
He warned Bougainvilleans to be careful of such conman who tried to steal and make easy money out of other people’s ignorance.  

24.06.08 14:09

15644 Postings, 6504 Tage nekroThe present Local Govt is run by a bunch of "crook

wurde von ...;-))))))))) als Regelverstoss gemeldet.Es handelt sich hier um die private Meinung eines uns allseits bekannten Landeigners.Da gibt's kein copyright drauf.Als Quelle dürfte wohl ausreichend sein ;-)

Wurden erst die Kosten einer Präsidentenneuwahl als Hauptgrund dagegen ins Feld geführt,so hat sich jetzt die Erkenntnis durchgesetzt dass diese von PNG zu tragen sind.Somit gibt es z.Zt. eine immer grösser werdende Neuwahlbefürworter.Auch eine Frau ist als Präsidentin im Gespräch.(#1344,1345)
...gibt wohl die Einschätzung einer Mehrheit der Landeigner wieder.

Is that your idea of good clean governance? A constitution that allows more of the same.
These guys should be all in prison if the law was adhered to and if a solid prison was built.  

Bougainvilleans that have or are reaping beneficial interest from Invincible/BRDC arrangement will, without a doubt, agree and support what you say here. We should all declare whether or not we have conflict of interests when we comment on this. It is an issue that has become controversial, divisive and is not likely to go away until the issue is laid to rest sine die.

The majority of Bougainvilleans will beg to differ with your emotional, superficial and pervasive sell for good counterveiling reasons that are rooted in truth and facts. You are merely repeating what Rali has said to you. Most people have already seen through it for what it is: a rip off concocted in indecent largely to the benefit and in favour of a foreign entity.

Our dear late leader and President and his Ministers never really made serious attempts to explain who BRDC is, what it is about, where it is domicile, the ownership structure, what their prime interest was beneath the veneer of investment jargon, why on earth it wanted or demanded exclusive rights or mortgage over people's resources which our politicians and Semple or Rali do not own.

A Minister has been dismissed over this because she dared to ask questions when she started seeing snouts in the Invincible trough and started smelling a rotten mongrel and wanted to know more. A number of other Ministers may have publicly supported it but some have expressed worrying doubts about its efficacy in private.

You know that there was also a sizeable opposition emerging among MHRs to this deal because they too have been kept in the dark when they should have been the first to know. Any questions, discussion or clarification sought by members in the House was embargoed ad infinitum. WHY? It is as if the leadership wanted to keep the deal as secretive as possible. WHY? This is what the people are still asking.

The explanations that were forthcoming in dribs and drabs from our dear late President were shallow, evasive and perfunctory - hardly convincing at all.

So why should the people who are resource owners support something they hardly know and which has not been explained to them properly.

WHY should the people believe lies or flops such as the claim that Invincible is listed in the Toronto Stock Exchange when it is not?

Why do you and others keep repeating the claim that BRDC is owned by Bougainvilleans when the truth is, it is 70 or 75% foreign owned.  

WHAT kind of a Government or leadership is it that goes blindly and illegally into a deal committing the people to a K45million+++ debt to its people in return for a mere K20m which has been shared and squandered among cronies and acquaintances and which attracted a damaging Audit Report from AG.

There is no comparison between Invincible/BRDC and Rio/BCL. Invincible/BRDC is a furphy.  

24.06.08 16:54

15644 Postings, 6504 Tage nekroZustimmung zu dem Invincible Deal..............

kommt allein von der erklärten BCL u. ESBC Gegnerin VJ,die sich damit bis auf die Knochen blamiert hat.;-))))))))))))))))))))  

24.06.08 20:10

178 Postings, 6425 Tage joebo@ 1347. CCLSC: Unglaubliche "Unterbewertung"

- eine persönliche Antwort

ich denke, das dies doch eine sehr gesunde Entwicklung ist, nicht hektisch den AU-Kurssprüngen nachzulaufen, um dann einen Tag später wieder der Rückgang mitnehmen zu müssen,

gerade die Rücksetzer in AU haben daher doch in der letzten Zeit in DE jeweils eher relativ gelassene Reaktionen erzeugt,

erst bei neuen Meldungen mit wirklicher Substanz wird sich das Kursniveau wohl deutlich erhöhen,

aber - wie hier schon einmal ein Teilnehmer (sinngemäß) bemerkte - „die von BCL überzeugten sind hier wohl schon bis an die Schmerzgrenze der Vernunft engagiert“,

und hätten daher wohl schon deutlich früher mehr investiert,

ich habe für mich selbst an einem bestimmten Punkt entschieden, wieviel Geld mir das Risiko wert ist,

und auch wenn mich heute aufgrund von Unterbewertung in DE o.ä. manchmal der Gedanke an ein weiteres Investment beschäftigt (und ich hätte die Liquidität),

so wird es doch den meisten längerfristig Investierten ähnlich gehen, sie sind schon mit einer erklecklichen Summe dabei,

den - wohl eher wenigen - Tradern seien ihre Gewinne gegönnt,  

24.06.08 20:47

52 Postings, 6116 Tage mike0575TV Bericht ABC

Der Bericht Bougainville - Killer Deal des Fernsehsenders ABC ist jetzt im Archiv unter




24.06.08 21:44

140 Postings, 6500 Tage pezz88@1354

Ja Nekro, so sieht es aus, alle die so wie so hier sind, sind bis über beide Ohren investiert und können oder wollen nicht mehr nachlegen.
Das merkt man ja auch an den Umsätzen in den letzten Tagen.
Neue komme wohl wenig hinzu, auch der WiWo Artikel hat nicht so den richtigen Schub gebracht.

Es ist nicht so recht nach zu vollziehen, das unser Schätzchen nicht ins Lampenlicht möchte...

Da müssen wohl erst fundiertere Nachrichten kommen, Worlbank Training (was ist eigentlich daraus geworden?), Flughafeneröffnung in Arawa, Akzeptanz des Landowner Proposel, BCL Studie zur Mineneröffnung usw. ist ja alles nicht mehr so weit weg.

Der Schub kann jeden Tag kommen, denkt aber auch daran, dass wir ja schon gut verdient haben, bei den Kursen sollte doch fast jeder im Plus sein, aber, man hat natürlich immer diesen Tenbagger Wunsch im Hinterkopf, aber wer weiß...  

24.06.08 23:19

140 Postings, 6500 Tage pezz88@1355

Hier der Link zum Video:

bei der Suche noch Kabui eingeben, dann sollte es angezeigt werden!


25.06.08 13:25

15644 Postings, 6504 Tage nekro@pezz,00.html

Papua New Guinea
Energy and Mining

(R) Second Mining Sector Institutional Strengthening Technical Assistance: The objectives are to (a) to support the institutional strengthening of the main mining sector agencies for administering the mining to improve sector governance and (b) to build the capacity of the affected communities, especially women’s organization and youth, to better benefit from mining sector activities. Board presentation scheduled for 24 June 2008. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 102396. US$ 16.0 (IDA). Consulting services and implementing agency(ies) to be determined.

Das Worldbank Training der B' viller Mineral Resources Autority in welches 16 Mio USD investiert werden hat Mitte Mai planmässig begonnen,und wird bis Ende 09 dauern.Laut Programm soll auch die Kommunikation zur u. zwischen der Bevölkerung verbessert werden.Dazu sind zusätzlich Informationstage vorgesehen,bei welchen den B' villern die heutigen umweltverträglichen Miningtechniken vorgestellt werden.

Es stellt sich die Frage für wen die bei RT in Arbeit befindliche Feasibility Study zu BOC,welche Ende August veröffentlicht werden soll eigentlich konkret bestimmt ist.Peter Taylors Hinweis in seiner Pressekonferenz anlässlich der HV.dass man mit der WB in Gesprächen zwecks einer Finanzierung ist lässt immerhin gewisse Rückschlüsse zu.
Auch das Träningsprogramm der WB wurde unter aktiver BCL Mithilfe entwickelt.Da könnte man das 16 Mio USD Invest also schon fast als versteckte BCL Subvention sehen. ;-)))

Dass in PNG "die Uhren anders gehen" dürfte inzwischen jeder Investierte gemerkt haben,das die Rahmenbedingungen auf Bougainville sich immer weiter verbessern auch.Wie lange es noch bis zur Wiedereröffnung dauert steht noch in den Sternen,aber wie du so schön schreibst...........;-))))))))))))))))))))))

Der Schub kann jeden Tag kommen, denkt aber auch daran, dass wir ja schon gut verdient haben, bei den Kursen sollte doch fast jeder im Plus sein, aber, man hat natürlich immer diesen Tenbagger Wunsch im Hinterkopf, aber wer weiß...

...wenn der Termin der Wiedereröffnung bekannt gegeben wird dürfte uns ein Tenbagger gewiss sein ;-))))))))))))  

25.06.08 16:28

2 Postings, 6093 Tage Dachfonds24Löschung

Zeitpunkt: 25.06.08 16:51
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Werbung



26.06.08 06:30

15644 Postings, 6504 Tage nekroBy-election only option for Bougainville

By-election only option for Bougainville
A BY-ELECTION must be held to appoint a new president of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, says Office of Bougainville Affairs national coordinator Bill Dihm.
The positin became available following the death of Joseph Kabui early this month.
Suggestions that a successor may be appointed by the Autonomous Bougainville Government assembly without an election was ruled out by the National Government.
Mr Dihm said last week that a by-election would have to be held to elect a successor to Mr Kabui.
He was responding to statements by acting president John Tabinaman who suggested a constitutional amendment to allow the president to be elected by the ABG assembly.
Mr Dihm said the suggestion may be unconstitutional.
He said Mr Tabinaman is the acting president until the by-election.
Since the Government delegation returned to Port Moresby after escorting Mr Kabui’s casket to Arawa early this month, there had been reports that ABG members could be called on to change the constitution to enable one of their members to be elected president .
Members of the Bougainville Executive Council met last week for a discussion.
According to section 90 of the Bougainville Constitution, a by-election should be conducted to elect a new president.
Section 94 subsection 2 (a) of the Constitution specifies that a by-election should be held when the position became vacant as a result of death of the office-holder.
It would cost about K4 million to conduct a by-election. The ABG and the Bougainville administration have already started discussions with the National Government and other agencies to secure funds for the by-election.
Already some potential candidates are courting political parties for endorsement and support from the people.  

26.06.08 09:25

15644 Postings, 6504 Tage nekroZum geplanten ABG Treffen von dieser Woche gibt es

eine sehr überraschende Entwicklung.;-))))))))))))))

Das einstellen (ohne die Quelle anzugeben) würde wohl von ...;-))als Regelverstoss gemeldet (nach dem lesen natürlich) darum lass ich es lieber bleiben ;-)))))))

Wenn Axel online ist,sollten die Details u. Einschätzung der aktuellen Situation den ESBC Mitgliedern per Mail zugehen.  

26.06.08 10:36

15 Postings, 6318 Tage Mr.Brightsideby-election

PLANS for a by-election are underway as the Autonomous Bougainville Government follows the rules set out in the Bougainville Constitution, following the death of former President Joseph Kabui this month.

Panguna Copper Mine, Bougainville PNG

The PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum has previously  that Kabui’s unexpected passing could delay the progress of a new Bougainville Copper Agreement between the PNG Government and the ABG.

Reported by the National newspaper, ABG Acting President Bill Dihm confirmed a by-election will have to be held to determine Kabui’s successor.

The ABG is in discussions with the PNG Government and other agencies to secure funds as the by-election is estimated to cost around K4 million ($A1.6 million).

The renegotiation of the Bougainville Copper Agreement and the establishment of mining powers were on the table for a scheduled meeting of the PNG and ABG Joint Supervisory Board within the next week.

In anticipation, Rio Tinto Technology and Innovation Group are carrying out an order of magnitude study to look at the annual production of the Panguna mine in a range of 20-50 million tonnes per year along with projected copper and gold prices.

The study is expected to be complete in August.

With mining operations suspended since 1989, Rio Tinto subsidiary and Australian Securities Exchange-listed BCL has relied on its investment portfolio, which had 13.7% growth for 2007.  

26.06.08 13:02

15644 Postings, 6504 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 26.06.08 16:20
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Off-Topic



26.06.08 14:52

15644 Postings, 6504 Tage nekroWhat"s the BRDC deal?

The issues of Minerals Resource Authority and the Bogenvil Resource Development Corporation have far reaching implications on the future of the people of Bougainville.

What’s the BRDC deal?

I am compelled to respond to a number of articles which appeared in the Sunday Chronicle of June 10 and 18, notably by James Wanjik and Dominic Sengi.
Both these two articles emphasis substantive dissertation of what I can only describe as unjustified attacks on the legal standing of the Mineral Resources Authority (MRA), a state instrumentality established by an enactment of the national Parliament.
There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever about the legal validity of MRA.
It is a legally constituted statutory authority of the state and has legal basis to exercise the functions vested with it.
As far as is understood by the people of Bougainville these personalised attacks on the integrity of MRA continues to obscure the intent of the 15 stage transfer of mining, oil, and gas functions and powers from the National Government to the ABG, and of course the Bougenvil Resources Development Corporation Exploration and Mining Agreement.
The purpose of this statement is not to argue the MRA issue but to point out the real implications of the BRDC deal as is felt and understood by the people of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
These issues have far reaching implications on the future livelihood of the people of Bougainville rather than your personal feuds with MRA.
You are encouraged of course to seek recourse of the courts if you feel so hard done by the issue of MRA.
As far as is understood, BRDC, for reasons only know to the Bougainville executive council has been granted exclusive rights to undertake mineral exploration and exploitation through the BRDC Agreement for a paltry sum of $US35 million. This has been granted without adequate consultations with resources owners in Bougainville.
How then can you continue to portray the image that this initiative has the support of the vast majority of the people of Bougainville?
The simple fact of the matter is that it does not have the backing of the people of Bougainville.
At least not until it is tabled in the floor of the Bougainville House of Representatives where the duly elected leaders of the people of Bougainville will either accept or reject it outright.
Being a lawyer and as you have persistently been claiming, advisor to the late President Kabui and Bougainville executive council, then perhaps you are no doubt in a position to clarify to the people of Bougainville the following issues;
* The extent to which the current executive arm of the Autonomous Bougainville Government can bind any future actions of decision of a future executive or the legislature of the ABG through any agreement. If you were a lawyer of any substance you would know that the actions of this executive arm of the ABG to supposedly bind future actions of any future executive or the Bougainville House of Representatives is clearly unconstitutional and can be challenged in a court of law.
* What protection does the ABG have in a situation where the ABG chooses not to honour the Agreement, or were to be prevented from doing so by legal action by others who are not party to the Agreement.
* Why does the agreement operate to limit the ability of landowner’s freedom to enter into contract with other companies other than BRDC? As far as one can imagine this agreement is a prelude to unjust deprivation of the natural resources of the ordinary people of Bougainville.
* What are the obligations of BRDC, in particular Invincible Resources Corporation? Perhaps you would like to shed some light into this issue, because the agreement does not clearly define what the obligations of Invincible Resources Corporation are.
* Analysis of the capacity of Invincible Resources Corporation to facilitate BRDC meeting its obligations under the agreement bearing in mind that Invincible is the only shareholder in BRDC with any claim to having capacity to undertake mineral exploration and development.
Finally, the people of Bougainville would appreciate if the both of you left the issues of BRDC and the transfer of mining, oil and gas functions and powers from the National Government to the ABG alone.
There are capable lawyers and other learned professionals available here on Bougainville who are adequately qualified and experienced to deal with the issues.  

26.06.08 17:58

15644 Postings, 6504 Tage nekroBCL innocence

Kein Link,keine Quelle,nur eine private Einschätzung die zeigt dass es zu einem allgemeinen Sinneswandel unter den B' villern hin zu Pro BCL kommt. ;-))))))

I still believe that the Government of PNG (and a big part as you are aware, by the PNGDF) at the time and not BCL was the cause of the troubles.
I was there at the time and witnessed what the PNGDF got up to.

I have also letters that go a long way to indicate that BCL was NOT at all involved in the movement of the PNGDF to Bougainville. It was not involved either in the mercinerers, but I can say that BCL was approached by the team.

It was about the money that came from the mine and went into the coffers of the PNG Govt for many reasons which I am sure you are aware of and I don't want to go into here.
PNG is sitting back having a good laugh at us all, pointing the finger to different groups all the time on this forum.
They want Bougainville to fail so that they can take it back and once again rip the province of all over again.

Please do not blame BCL they were following the law at the time, the law of PNG  .  

27.06.08 09:17

15644 Postings, 6504 Tage nekro 50-Day Map Beating its 200-Day Map +4.23%

AU Kurs 1.355 AUD +4,23% 0,8267 € 1,30 USD VOL 27K

27 June, 2008 (16:00:00 AEST)

... (automatisch gekürzt) ...

Zeitpunkt: 27.06.08 15:19
Aktion: Kürzung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, bitte nur zitieren



27.06.08 15:24

15644 Postings, 6504 Tage nekro#1366

Wer Interesse an der gesamten Analyse hat.....BM genügt ;-)))))))))))  

29.06.08 10:14

15644 Postings, 6504 Tage nekroThe Ten Tips Investors Should Know

The Ten Tips Investors Should Know

1. One of the best

... (automatisch gekürzt) ...
Zeitpunkt: 30.06.08 01:30
Aktion: Kürzung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, bitte nur zitieren



30.06.08 04:58

15644 Postings, 6504 Tage nekroBy-election for B"ville

By-election for B’ville

A BY-ELECTION will be held to elect a new president for the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Acting president John Tabinaman said the executive council has decided to stick to the constitution and go to a by-election to find a successor of the former president, Joseph Kabui, who died of a heart attack recently.
Mr Tabinaman said the acting administrator has been directed to draw up a budget for the presidential by-election. The by-election will also cover the Ramu electorate in Siwai which was left vacant when its representative, Moses Koiri, resigned to contest the 2007 national elections.  

30.06.08 09:56

555 Postings, 6500 Tage BOCandorraExklusive Videos !

The European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) haben soeben exklusives Videomaterial auf ihrer Homepage eingestellt. Es stammt von einem örtlichen Kameramann, den die ESBC eigens engagiert haben. Die Aufnahmen wurden im Mai 2008 vor Ort gemacht. Erstmalig sind damit aktuelle Bilder von der derzeit noch geschlossenen Pangunamine verfügbar. Weitere Filmsequenzen dokumentieren das Alltagsleben auf Bougainville. 


30.06.08 10:47

15644 Postings, 6504 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 01.07.08 03:14
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Off-Topic



30.06.08 14:12

15644 Postings, 6504 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 01.07.08 10:22
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, vollständige Quellenangabe fehlt



30.06.08 16:49

15644 Postings, 6504 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 01.07.08 15:50
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, vollständige Quellenangabe fehlt



30.06.08 17:59

15644 Postings, 6504 Tage nekroBougainville Executive Council

Noch nicht aktualisierte Liste der ABG Parlamentsmitglieder welche über das von Lawrence Daveona eingereichte "Landowners Proposal" zu entscheiden haben.

Bougainville Executive Council

1. President  (vacant)
2. John Tabinaman Vice President (Selau Constituency)
3. Ezekiel Massat Police Ministers (Tonsu Constituency)
4. Mathias Salas Minister for Finance (North Nasioi)
5. Gerard Sinato Minister for Health (Tewa Constituency)
6. Magdalene Toroansi Minister for Woman’s Affairs (Women’s Representative, Central Bougainville )
7. Glynn Tovirika Minister for Veterans Affairs (Excombatant Representative, Central
8. Jonathan Ngati Minister for Local Level Government
(Motuna/Huyono/Tukunuto Constituency)
9. Taehu Pais Minister for Economic Services (Atolls)
10 Patrick Nisira Minister for Works (Halia Constituency)
11. Jeffrey Nabuai Minister for Communications (Makis)
12. Michael Otoroa Minister for Education (Lato Constituency)
Office of the Speaker
13. Nick Peniai Speaker
Office of the Deputy Speaker
14. Francesca Semoso Deputy Speaker & Women Representative
(North Bougainville Region)
Ordinary Members
15. William Epota Member for Torokina Constituency
16. Robert Hamal Sawa Member for Hagogohe
17 Thomas Lugabai Member for Baubake
18. Benedict Pisi Member for Ioro
19 Joseph Kinani Member for Lule
20 Alfred Andrew Bakate Member for South Nasioi
21. Januarius Tenevi Member for Haku
22. Thomas Keriri Member for Rau
23 Dominic Ita Member for Kongara.
24 Lawrence Kabul Belleh Member for Peit
25. Michael Komoiki Member for Kopii
26. Rodney Job Osioco Member for Kokoda
27. Hilary Laris Member for Tsitalato
28 Alphonse Pemuko Member for Eivo Torau
29. John Tabinaman Member for Mahari
30 Leo Reivasi Member for Terra
31. Joseph Gitovia Member for Taonita Teop
32. Thomas Pabakumi Member for Baba
33. Andrew Topensi Member for Nissan
34. Wilfred Komba Member for Konou
35. Luke Karaston Member for Suir
36. Aloys Devui Member for Taonita Tinputz
37 Tony Siona Member for Bolave
38. Laura Ampa Regional Women’s Representative (South
39. Marcelline Getsi Ex combatant Representative (North
Bougainville Region)
40. Benedict Paula Takusi Ex combatant Representative (South
41 Vacant Ramu Constituency
Parliamentary Sectoral and Advisory Committees
1. Social Development Affairs including Veterans Affairs
Benedict Pisi Chairman
Tony Siona
Dominic Ita
Marcelline Getsi
2. Foreign and Internal Peace, Reconciliation, Bougainville Peace
Agreement and Autonomy Development Affairs
John Tabinaman Chairman
Benedict Takusi
Leo Reivasi
William Epota
Michael Komoiki
3. Economic Development and Public Service Affairs
Aloysius Devui Chairman
Thomas Lugabai
Luke Karaston
Alfred Bakate
Lawrence Belleh
4. Information Technology, Science and Research and Higher
Education Development Affairs
Wilfred Komba Chairman
Hilary Laris
Alphonse Pemuko
Vacant (to be filled in June)
5. Infrastructure Development Affairs
Thomas Keriri Chairman
Joseph Gitovia
Laura Ampa
Joseph Kinani
Functions of the Parliamentary Sectoral and Advisory Committees
are to consult with and advise Ministers on matters relevant to their
portfolios and on policy and legislative proposals relevant to their
The quorum of the Committee is three members;
The Committee has the power to search for persons, papers and
records and to act during recess;
The meetings of the Committee shall only be held during the week
immediately before or during the week immediately after a meeting
of the House of Representatives.
6. Public Accounts Committee
The Public Accounts Committee is established under the Public
Accounts Committee Act 2005. Members of the Committee are:-
Rodney Job acting Chairman
Andrew Topensi
Thomas Pabakumi
2 vacancies to be filled in June
To carry out the functions and exercise the powers of the
Committee in accordance with the Public Accounts Committee
Act 2005.
7. Parliamentary Select Committee on the House of Representatives
Standing Orders
Nick Peniai Speaker & Chairman
Francesca Semoso D/Speaker
Robert Hamal Sawa
Rodney Osioco Job
Januaries Tenevi
a) to consider the draft Standing Orders of the House of
Representatives prepared by the Clerk
b) to liaise with the Clerk in respect of any amendments and/or
additions to the draft Standing Orders; and
c) to report to the House and to present the draft Standing Orders to the House for consideration and adoption

I called upon the presence and guidance of my ancestral spirits from
this land, from up the mountains and from beneath the sea at this
workshop. To guide each and every one of us especially our foreign
visitors who have come to assist us. That the success of this workshop
will depend on their spirits being present in this room and finally thanked
them for their being with us all.  

30.06.08 18:08

382 Postings, 6500 Tage centwatchWann soll das AGB datrüber...

...entscheiden und wäre eine einfache Mehrheit hinreichend? Was wären daraus die Konsequenzen im Falle einer positiven Entscheidung? Könnte man dann mit den Verhandlungen beginnen oder müsste man zwingend auch die Einwilligung von PNG einholen?  

Seite: 1 | ... | 52 | 53 | 54 |
| 56 | 57 | 58 | ... | 983   
   Antwort einfügen - nach oben