Die "large speculators" erhöhen die Longpositionen. Open Interest steigt. Positiv für den Aufwärtstrend.
" The Gold Comex Futures large speculator standing this week reached a net position of 153,240 contracts in the data reported through Tuesday. This was a weekly lift of 2,705 contracts from the previous week which had a total of 150,535 net contracts.
This week’s current strength score (the trader positioning range over the past three years, measured from 0 to 100) shows the speculators are currently Bearish with a score of 33.5 percent. The commercials are Bullish with a score of 64.8 percent and the small traders (not shown in chart) are Bearish with a score of 36.8 percent."
Large Metals Speculators continue to boost Gold bullish bets to 30-week high
The Gold Comex Futures large speculator standing this week totaled a net position of 157,673 contracts in the data reported through Tuesday. This was a weekly boost of 4,433 contracts from the previous week which had a total of 153,240 net contracts.
This week’s current strength score (the trader positioning range over the past three years, measured from 0 to 100) shows the speculators are currently Bearish with a score of 35.0 percent. The commercials are Bullish with a score of 63.4 percent and the small traders (not shown in chart) are Bearish with a score of 37.3 percent.