Gelddruckmaschine an der Nasdaq!

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26.02.04 14:23

6685 Postings, 7867 Tage geldschneiderGelddruckmaschine an der Nasdaq!

In Deutschland wenig beachtet doch der Highflyer an der Nasdaq.

NASDAQ Süchtig nach Brombeere (EuramS)
11.01.2004 10:59:00

Blackberry - zu Deutsch Brombeere - ist Kult. Jedenfalls die Taschencomputer dieser Marke. An der Nasdaq war die Aktie des Herstellers Research in Motion der Gewinner 2003. Sind dieses Jahr wieder 400 Prozent drin?
von Stefan Beste

Bill Gates hat einen. Michael Dell auch. Und Jim Balsillie sowieso. Balsillie ist Chairman und Co-CEO von Research in Motion, kurz: RIM, einem kanadischen Unternehmen, das hinter den Taschencomputern der Marke Blackberry steckt. Der Blackberry - zu deutsch: Brombeere - macht süchtig, sagen sie in Amerika, weshalb sie ihn auch scherzhaft "Crackberry" nennen. In der Tat: Wer einmal beobachtet hat, wie Top- Manager mitten in einem Gespräch den kleinen Rechner aus der Hemdtasche ziehen, um E-Mails zu checken und kurze Antworten zu tippen, glaubt, dass da was dran sein könnte.

Der drahtlose Taschencomputer ist ein Kommunikationswunder. Der Clou: Sobald eine E-Mail-Nachricht die Mailbox im Unternehmen erreicht hat, taucht sie automatisch auch im Blackberry auf, wo sie sofort gelesen und beantwortet werden kann. Drahtlos, versteht sich, und von jedem Ort aus. Seine Bedienung ist denkbar einfach und sicher. Ach ja: Telefonieren kann man mit der Brombeere auch noch.

Möglich macht das eine spezielle Software auf dem heimischen E-Mail-Server, die dafür sorgt, dass die elektronischen Nachrichten sofort weitergeleitet werden. Push-Dienst nennt sich dieser Service im Fachjargon. Der Nachteil: Lange Zeit funktionierte die Technik nur im Zusammenspiel mit einem Unternehmensserver und einer SpezialSoftware von RIM. Der Blackberry, der in Deutschland mittlerweile von T-Mobile, Vodafone und O2 angeboten wird, war folglich bisher nur etwas für große Firmen, die zudem bereit waren, für die ständige Erreichbarkeit ihrer Mitarbeiter tief in die Tasche zu greifen. Hier zu Lande gehören etwa die Deutsche Bank, der Medienriese Bertelsmann oder die Handelskette Douglas zu den bekannten Kunden von Blackberry. Jetzt hat der Boom auch die Börse erreicht. Zusammen mit sieben anderen Unternehmen stieg RIM kürzlich in den Nasdaq-100-Index auf. Und dort war die Aktie mit einem Kursplus von sage und schreibe 409,38 Prozent prompt bester Wert des Jahres 2003. Pünktlich einen Tag vor Weihnachten präsentierte RIM-Chef Balsillie zudem ein weiteres Geschenk: die Zahlen des dritten Quartals. Gegenüber dem Vorjahreszeitraum stieg der Umsatz um 108 Prozent, der Gewinn legte auf 31 Cent je Aktie zu. Das war weit mehr, als die Analysten den Kanadiern bisher zugetraut hatten. Dazu kam, dass Balsillie nebenbei auch noch die Erwartungen für die folgenden Monate deutlich nach oben schraubte.

"Beeindruckend", befand die Investmentbank Merrill Lynch in einer Studie. Und die Kollegen von Lehman Brothers ergänzen: "RIM scheint sich als führender Player im Bereich der drahtlosen Kommunikation fest etabliert zu haben, die kurzfristig eine der spannendsten Anwendungen in der mobilen Datenkommunikation darstellt."

Spätestens jetzt wurde die breite Masse der Investoren brombeersüchtig. Die Aktie - im Internet-Boom 2001 auch schon mal bei 150 Euro - machte nach Bekanntgabe der Zahlen einen Satz um 50 Prozent nach oben und hat sich seither über der 50-Euro-Marke festgesetzt. Fast alle großen US-Investmentbanken stuften sie herauf oder bekräftigten ihre Kaufempfehlungen. Lediglich Morgan-Stanley-Analyst Arindam Basu rät zur Vorsicht. Mit dem Eintritt in den Massenmarkt könnten die Gewinnmargen unter Druck geraten, schreibt er in einer Studie. Zudem seien eine Reihe von Konkurrenten wie Palm oder der Computer-Billigheimer Dell drauf und dran, Blackberry Marktanteile abzujagen.

Das Risiko, dass Gerichte dem RIM-Boom bald ein Ende bereiten, ist ebenfalls nicht von der Hand zu weisen. Seit Jahren streitet RIM mit dem US-Unternehmen NTP um wichtige Patente. Dazu kommt eine neue Patentklage der Luxemburger Firma Inpro II Licensing. Erst im August verurteilte ein Gericht in Richmond RIM zur Zahlung von 53,7 Millionen Dollar und ordnete in den USA ein Verkaufsverbot für Handhelds, Dienste und Software an. Die Entscheidung wurde aber bis zur endgültigen Klärung durch ein Berufungsgericht ausgesetzt. Diese steht voraussichtlich frühestens in einem Jahr an.

Brombeer-Fans unter den Börsianern schert das derzeit wenig. Ihr Kalkül: Bis es so weit ist, können die Kanadier auf jeden Fall noch einen guten Schnitt machen. Denn die Nachfrage nach dem Blackberry ist ungebrochen. Die Handheld-Verkäufe erreichten im abgelaufenen Quartal mit 237000 Stück einen neuen Firmenrekord. Auch die Zahl der registrierten Benutzer - derzeit 865000 weltweit - steigt weiter. Nicht zuletzt, weil der Blackberry seit kurzem auch für Mittelständler und Privatkunden zugänglich ist, die bereit sind, für ihren mobilen E-Mail-Zugriff ein wenig mehr Geld auszugeben. RIM kassiert dabei gleich mehrfach. Denn die Kunden müssen nicht nur für die Geräte bezahlen, sondern auch die Server-Software und die Übertragungsbox kaufen. Den Vertrieb der Blackberrys übernehmen Mobilfunk-Provider, die dafür die monatliche Gebühr kassieren und zusätzliche Umsätze durch den Datentransport der E-Mails generieren können. Zudem bietet das Unternehmen seine Blackberry-Software mittlerweile anderen Handy-Herstel-lern gegen Lizenz an. Dazu gehören neben Marktführer Nokia seit kurzem auch SonyEricsson sowie der Handheld-Spezialist Palm. Unterm Strich schafft RIM damit eine Bruttorendite von 47 Prozent.

Vorerst scheint somit die Gefahr, dass der Sucht nach der Brombeere ein schlimmer Kater folgt, gering. Konsensschätzungen gehen für das Geschäftsjahr 2004/05, das am 28. Februar 2005 endet, von 2,31 Dollar Gewinn je Aktie aus. Daraus errechnet sich selbst nach dem Kurssprung ein KGV von 30. Für einen Wert mit derart guten Aussichten ist das immer noch günstig. «

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31 Postings ausgeblendet.

30.06.04 23:50

79561 Postings, 9107 Tage KickyNach dem Quartalsbericht explodiert die Aktie von

Research in Motion als größter Gewinner im Nasdaq 100 um 15,3% und erreicht ein neues Jahreshoch (godemoder)  

01.07.04 09:52

6685 Postings, 7867 Tage geldschneiderUmsatzsteigerung in einem Jahr um 257 %

Research in Motion beflügelt

Der an der Nasdaq notierte Handheldspezialist Research in Motion (ISIN CA7609751028/ WKN 909607) glänzt erneut mit seiner Quartalsbilanz: Das Unternehmen steigerte den Umsatz binnen Jahresfrist von 104,5 auf 269,6 Millionen Dollar, berichten die Experten von "Instock".

Gleichzeitig seien 55 Millionen Dollar oder 28 Cents je Aktie verdient worden. Vor einem Jahr hätten noch 8,2 Millionen Dollar (5 Cents je Aktie) auf der Habenseite gefehlt. Mit den Ergebnissen habe Research in Motion seine eigene Prognose vom April übertroffen, die von einem Nettogewinn in der Bandbreite zwischen 21 und 26 Cents je Anteilsschein ausgegangen sei.

Grundlage des Erfolges sei der reißende Absatz des E-Mail-Handhelds "BlackBerry": Im abgelaufenen Quartal sei der BlackBerry bereits für 68 Prozent des Unternehmensumsatzes verantwortlich gewesen, 19 Prozent hätten von Service-Gebühren und 9 Prozent von Software-Lizenzen gestammt. Im zweiten Quartal erwarte das Unternehmen Umsätze zwischen 290 bis 310 Millionen Dollar. Zugleich sollten 32 bis 37 Cents je Aktie verdient werden. Bislang habe Research in Motion für diesen Zeitraum 24 bis 29 Cents Gewinn je Aktie in Aussicht gestellt.


20.07.04 18:22

6685 Postings, 7867 Tage geldschneiderBlackBerry Handheld weiter auf Vormarsch!

BlackBerry-Handheld weiter im Vormarsch
Europa und Asien als künftige Märkte


Toronto (pte, 19. Jul 2004 17:05) - Der Handheld von BlackBerry tritt nun auch seinen Siegeszug außerhalb des amerikanischen Kontinents an, nachdem er dort in den vergangenen fünf Jahren sehr erfolgreich eingeführt worden ist, berichtet die Los Angeles Times Vergangenen Monat hat die kanadische Vertreiberfirma Research in Motion (RIM) mit dem Verkauf in Irland, Jamaika, Neuseeland, den Philippinen und Schweden begonnen. China und Australien stehen auch in Planung. Ursprünglich nur für große Firmen und Organisationen geplant, da nur diese die nötige Technologien für die Einbindung in Server-Netzwerke hatten, wurde mittels Kooperationen mit weltweit führenden Mobil-Telefonherstellern der Schritt in den Einzelhandel gewagt. Weltweit erfolgt die Distribution mittlerweile in über 1.300 Verkaufsstellen.

RIM begann als Hersteller von einfachen Pagern und hatte Ende Mai 2004 bereits 24 Prozent der eigenen Server außerhalb Nord Amerikas. Zu Beginn des Jahres waren es noch 22 Prozent. 400 der insgesamt 2.500 Mitarbeiter arbeiten außerhalb des amerikanischen Kontinents. Im ersten Quartal dieses Jahres wurde ein Umsatz von 269,6 Mio. Dollar erzielt und der Gewinn stieg - im Vergleich zum Vorjahr - um ein Drittel auf 55 Mio. Dollar. Die Zahl der BlackBerry-Benutzer stieg weltweit auf 1,34 Mio. Die technische Umsetzung im Einzelhandel basiert auf dem Rezept der webbasierten Software, die den Handheld vom Zwang zur Anbindung an andere Firmen-Server entbindet.

Experten sagen dem Unternehmen weiterhin ein großes Wachstum voraus, da die derzeitige Expansion in vielen neuen Märkten konsequent betrieben wird. Europa soll dieses Jahr einer der Hauptschauplätze der Expansion in zweiten Halbjahr sein, nächstes Jahr dann Asien. RIM lizenziert auch BlackBerry-Technologie an Unternehmen, die früher als Konkurrenten galten. Dazu zählen mittlerweile PalmOne, Nokia, Sony, Samsung und Motorola. Andere Elektronik-Konzerne - wie Dell, Hewlett Packard und Kyocera - können RIM jedoch mit ähnlichen Geräten gefährlich werden, da deren Vertriebsmöglichkeiten weitaus größer sind und RIM nicht mithalten kann. Die Erträge würden dann durch den Preiskampf drastisch sinken, von derzeit sechs Dollar pro BlackBerry-Kunden auf nur mehr einen Dollar.

Aussender: pressetext.austria
Redakteur: Franz Ramerstorfer,
Tel. ++43/1/81140-314  

28.07.04 10:00

6685 Postings, 7867 Tage geldschneiderEmails künftig auf Blck Berry!

Press ReleaseCingular Customers Can Get Wireless E-Mail in a New York MinuteCingular's Xpress Mail(SM) With BlackBerry(R) Goes Retail; Locations in Metro NYC to Feature New Products for Mobile Professionals NEW YORK, July 27 /PRNewswire/ -- The days of spending your daily commute staring out the train window, teeth grinding, worried about the e-mail piling up in your inbox are over. Now, thanks to Cingular Wireless, you can have instant access to your e-mail anytime - and getting the service is as simple as walking into any Cingular store in New York City.To meet demand from small businesses and mobile professionals, Cingular Wireless is now offering in retail stores its flagship wireless e-mail and phone offering, Xpress Mail(SM) with the BlackBerry 6280(TM) and BlackBerry 7280(TM) wireless handhelds. Because BlackBerry handhelds maintain a constant connection to Cingular's wireless network, customers don't have to "dial up" to get their e-mail. Retail locations throughout the metro area will have retail space dedicated to these and other business products."Many small business owners and mobile professionals rely on technology such as wireless e-mail to give them a competitive edge," Glen Moyes, Director of Marketing for Cingular's New York City region. "Giving them easy access to wireless e-mail products, via dedicated business-specific space in our New York stores, allows us to meet those needs quickly, easily and conveniently."Citing the need for increased and easier access to wireless products that help make small businesses and mobile professionals more productive, Cingular designed these business-specific areas to allow customers to easily find the products they need. In addition, Cingular's advanced offerings for small businesses and mobile professionals will continue to expand, reflecting the growth in this market segment.Cingular is supporting this initiative with its first major consumer campaign for the Xpress Mail with BlackBerry e-mail service. The outdoor advertising campaign targets New York City commuters who could reap the benefits of Cingular's Xpress Mail with BlackBerry service. One ad, for example, compares "After I finish my e-mails I'll try to make the 7:33" to "I'll be on the 6:21 finishing my e-mails."Business ProductsSome of the featured products in the new store business section include the BlackBerry 6280(TM) and BlackBerry 7280(TM). These tri-band wireless handhelds combine top-of-the-line voice features, including conference calling and international roaming, and data services, e-mail access, wireless Internet access, along with the ability to synch calendars, contacts and to-do lists. The BlackBerry handhelds, developed by Research In Motion [RIMM], work seamlessly on Cingular's GSM/GPRS networks, giving Xpress Mail customers access to the best integrated voice and data coverage in the country.Cingular customers using BlackBerry can easily view e-mail attachments and wirelessly reconcile e-mail messages between their PCs and BlackBerry handhelds.Pricing for BlackBerry service begins at $29.99 per month, for customers with a Cingular voice plan. E-mail-only plans are available starting at $34.99 per month. The price of the BlackBerry 6280 handheld is as low as $249, with a two-year contract. The price of the BlackBerry 7280 handheld is as low as $349, with a two-year contract.For more information about the new BlackBerry handhelds, please visit Cingular Wireless' website at or visit your nearest Cingular retail location.About Cingular WirelessCingular Wireless, a joint venture between SBC Communications [SBC] and BellSouth [BLS], serves more than 25 million voice and data customers across the United States. A leader in mobile voice and data communications, Cingular is the only U.S. wireless carrier to offer Rollover(SM), the wireless plan that lets customers keep their unused monthly minutes. Cingular is the largest provider of GSM services in the United States, and has a 100 percent digital GSM/GPRS footprint across its service area. It also launched the world's first commercial deployment of wireless services using Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE) technology. Cingular also provides corporate e-mail and other advanced data services through its GPRS, EDGE and Mobitex packet data networks. Details of the company are available at . Get Cingular Wireless press releases e-mailed to you automatically. Sign up at . Cingular WirelessCONTACT: Jessica Reigle of Ketchum, +1-404-879-9235, , for Cingular WirelessWeb site: können von unterwegs jederzeit unsere emails lesen, sofern wir das wollen brauchen.für Kursstops etc, nicht schlecht!  

07.08.04 12:29

6685 Postings, 7867 Tage geldschneiderAuch Rimm ist vom Abwärtstrend betroffen

Die Aktie steht auf Hold.

sie müßte kurz vor der Trendumkehr sein, Nahkaufen ist angesagt. Nachbvörslich gestern wieder im Plus!


Weitere News:

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Stocks acting well as of late include: Verizon Communications (NYSE: VZ),
Research In Motion Ltd (NASDAQ: RIMM), and Kmart Holding Corp. (NASDAQ: KMRT)
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07.08.04 12:39

6685 Postings, 7867 Tage geldschneiderRimm hat Lizenverträge mit anderen Herstellern

Siemens SK65 Mobile Phone Features 'BlackBerry Built-In' Technology RIM's New "BlackBerry Built-In" Licensing Program Extends BlackBerry Applications and Services to Other Mobile Devices

WATERLOO, Ontario, Aug 2, 2004 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Research In Motion (RIM)(Nasdaq: RIMM) (TSX:RIM) today introduced a new licensing program that allowsother device manufacturers to incorporate BlackBerry(R) software applications inaddition to supporting BlackBerry wireless services. Through the BlackBerryBuilt-In(TM) licensing program, mobile device manufacturers can incorporatevarious BlackBerry applications into their own phones or handheld devicesincluding BlackBerry Email(TM), BlackBerry Calendar(TM) and BlackBerryBrowser(TM) applications. The Siemens SK65, launched today, is the first mobilephone to feature BlackBerry Built-In(TM) technology.Thorsten Heins, President of Mobile Phones within Siemens mobile, commented:"The SK65 is an ingenious all-in-one solution for business professionals thatneed to stay in control and informed wherever they travel. With a full set ofmessaging features it means you have more flexibility about where and when youwork. Additionally, we have designed the SK65 to offer a contemporary, yettimeless design for professionals who expect outstanding quality in looks andperformance."Thorsten Heins added: "RIM is a recognized leader of wireless email and wirelessenterprise technologies and the BlackBerry wireless platform is ideal forproviding push-based email and wireless data services. With RIM's BlackBerryBuilt-In(TM) technology and our innovative design, the SK65 is a breakthroughmobile phone for our customers.""The BlackBerry Built-In(TM) licensing program is another important step thatsupports RIM's strategy to provide an open, extensible and scalable wirelessplatform for a broad range of customers with varying needs and preferences. Weinvested early and heavily to develop the architecture, applications andinfrastructure behind BlackBerry and those efforts can now be leveraged toprovide the popular BlackBerry experience to a broader range of devices," saidJim Balsillie, Chairman and Co-CEO at Research In Motion. "Siemens is a globalleader and we are very pleased to work together to enable wireless email,calendar and corporate data access capabilities using BlackBerry Built-In(TM)technology. Together, Siemens and RIM are providing our customers and partnerswith a world-class messaging solution and a powerful application environment."Through its licensing programs, RIM is adding value for all of its variouscustomers including users, IT departments, developers, carriers and devicemanufacturers. Users gain a greater choice of devices to satisfy differentrequirements. IT departments also gain choice and the ability to supportmultiple device types with a common back-end infrastructure and end-to-endsecurity model. Developers benefit from being able to leverage theirapplications across multiple devices and channels. Wireless carriers gain fromthe ability to leverage their success with the BlackBerry platform and addressdifferent market segments with a broader selection of devices, operating systemsand feature sets. Mobile device manufacturers benefit from the ability toquickly and cost-effectively integrate a proven solution that is deployed bycustomers and supported by leading carriers worldwide.The Siemens SK65 is the first mobile phone to feature BlackBerry Built-In(TM)technology and incorporates BlackBerry Email(TM), BlackBerry Calendar(TM) andBlackBerry Browser(TM) applications. Users get a full BlackBerry experience on astylish Siemens business phone, including push-based wireless connectivity. TheSiemens SK65 will be able to connect to BlackBerry services via both BlackBerryEnterprise Server(TM) and BlackBerry Web Client(TM).For individuals and smaller businesses, BlackBerry Web Client provides anInternet-based email interface that allows users to access multiple existingcorporate and/or personal email accounts (including Microsoft(R) Exchange, IBMLotus(R) Domino(TM) and popular ISP email accounts) from a single device.For corporate customers, BlackBerry Enterprise Server software tightlyintegrates with Microsoft Exchange or IBM Lotus Domino (Novell GroupWise supportis expected later this year) and works with existing enterprise systems toenable secure, push-based, wireless access to email and other corporate data.Additionally, the Siemens SK65 supports the Mobile Data Service feature ofBlackBerry Enterprise Server, allowing access to corporate data applications onthe intranet beyond email. As a leading example, Siemens and RIM are workingwith SAP to extend SAP Solutions for Mobile Business applications, such asCustomer Relationship Management (CRM), to the Siemens SK65 and further increasebusiness efficiency for customers.The Siemens SK65 with BlackBerry Built-In(TM) technology is expected to beavailable in November 2004.About Research In Motion (RIM)Research In Motion is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer ofinnovative wireless solutions for the worldwide mobile communications market.Through the development of integrated hardware, software and services thatsupport multiple wireless network standards, RIM provides platforms andsolutions for seamless access to time-sensitive information including email,phone, SMS messaging, Internet and intranet-based applications. RIM technologyalso enables a broad array of third party developers and manufacturers toenhance their products and services with wireless connectivity to data. RIM'sportfolio of award-winning products, services and embedded technologies are usedby thousands of organizations around the world and include the BlackBerry(R)wireless platform, the RIM Wireless Handheld(TM) product line, softwaredevelopment tools, radio-modems and software/hardware licensing agreements.Founded in 1984 and based in Waterloo, Ontario, RIM operates offices in NorthAmerica, Europe and Asia Pacific. RIM is listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market(Nasdaq: RIMM) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX:RIM) For more information,visit or statements in this news release are made pursuant to the "safeharbor" provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Actof 1995. When used herein, words such as "intend" and similar expressions areintended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements arebased on assumptions made by and information available to Research In MotionLimited. Investors are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involverisks and uncertainties. Important factors that could cause actual results todiffer materially from those expressed or implied by such forward lookingstatements include, without limitation, possible product defects and productliability, risks related to international sales and potential foreign currencyexchange fluctuations, the initiation or outcome of litigation, acts orpotential acts of terrorism, international conflicts, significant fluctuationsof quarterly operating results, changes in Canadian and foreign laws andregulations, continued acceptance of RIM's products, increased levels ofcompetition, technological changes and the successful development of newproducts, dependence on third-party networks to provide services, dependence onintellectual property rights and other risks and factors detailed from time totime in RIM's periodic reports filed with the United States Securities andExchange Commission, and other regulatory authorities. The Company has nointention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements,whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.The BlackBerry and RIM families of related marks, images and symbols are theexclusive properties and trademarks of Research In Motion Limited. RIM, ResearchIn Motion and BlackBerry are registered with the U.S. Patent and TrademarkOffice and may be pending or registered in other countries. All other brands,product names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the properties oftheir respective owners.SOURCE: RESEARCH IN MOTIONCONTACT:          Media Contact:                  Courtney Flaherty                  Brodeur Worldwide for RIM                  (212) 771-3637                          OR                  Investor Contact:                  RIM Investor Relations                  (519) 888-7465                  investor_relations@rim.comCustomize your Business Wire news & multimedia to match your needs.Get breaking news from companies and organizations worldwide.Logon for FREE today at (C) 2004 Business Wire.  All rights reserved.

07.08.04 13:05

6685 Postings, 7867 Tage geldschneiderNeue Computer Produkte News!

Idokorro Mobile Teams with RSA Security

Aug 02, 2004 (WORLDWIDE COMPUTER PRODUCTS NEWS via COMTEX) -- Idokorro Mobilehas joined the RSA Secured Partner Program to help provide a trusted identityand access management solution between Idokorro Mobile Admin and RSA SecurIDauthentication technology.The companies said the certification ensures that joint customers achieveimproved security while managing their networks from a BlackBerry WirelessHandheld, developed by Research In Motion.As part of the RSA Secured Partner Program, Idokorro Mobile Admin has beenawarded "RSA Secured RSA SecurID Ready" certification, signaling itsinteroperability with RSA Security's authentication technology.Idokorro said its Mobile Admin provides IT Administrators with the tools theyneed in order to manage their networks from anywhere at anytime using theirBlackBerry handheld devices.((Comments on this story may be sent to via M2 Communications Ltd - http://...nbsp; 10Meters

23.08.04 19:37

6685 Postings, 7867 Tage geldschneiderWeiter im Aufwärtstrend

RESEARCH IN MOTION LTD - Nasdaq National Market: RIMMChart Options    1 Day2 Day5 Day10 Day1 Month6 Month1 Year2 Year5 Year10 YearMax  BarDotLineMountain   Charts provided by Telescan  

02.12.04 22:14

6685 Postings, 7867 Tage geldschneiderNeuer Service des Black Berry

Mittwoch, 1. Dezember 2004 13:00:00          function parseXMLDate(aString) {               return new Date(Date.UTC(aString.substring(0, 4), aString.substring(4, 6) - 1, aString.substring(6, 8), aString.substring(9, 11), aString.substring(11, 13), aString.substring(13, 15)))          }          dateline.innerText = parseXMLDate('20041201T120000+0000').toLocaleString()     

SingTel Offers BlackBerry Internet Service for SMEs and Individuals

WATERLOO, Ontario & SINGAPORE --(Business Wire)-- Dec. 1, 2004 -- Research in Motion (NASDAQ:RIMM)(TSX:RIM) - Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and retail customers can now subscribe to the BlackBerry Internet Service(TM) from SingTel. The service operates on SingTel's GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) network to deliver email to customers automatically.

For individuals and smaller businesses, BlackBerry Internet Service(TM) allows users to access up to ten corporate and/or personal email accounts (including Microsoft Exchange, IBM Lotus Domino and many popular ISP email accounts) from a single device.

Mr. Paul Kitchin, SingTel's Vice President, Consumer Marketing, said: "Email is one of the most preferred communications tools around today(1). Increasingly, the demand is for access to email even when a user is away from his office or home PC."

"Most SMEs here often outsource their IT functions and they might not have the space or resources to put in an additional server to integrate with their corporate email and have these pushed wirelessly to them. BlackBerry Internet Service from SingTel is thus a safe, efficient and convenient way for them to manage their email on the go. They need not have to worry about missing an important email from a client, and they can be kept in the loop of business developments via email at all times."

"For individuals who love being able to access their email for personal purposes, it is also a cost-effective way of making sure they do not miss out on a message from their contacts or friends wherever they are."

"There are many advantages to 'always on' wireless email access and SingTel is pleased that our SME and individual customers can now share in the growing wireless email market."

The BlackBerry(R) handheld also functions as a mobile phone, a personal organizer and offers wireless Internet access capabilities.

In December 2004, SingTel will be offering its customers the new BlackBerry 7290(TM) handheld. It boasts Bluetooth(R) support for hands-free voice communications and comes with 32MB of memory for application and data storage and an enhanced screen and keyboard. The quad-band handheld also allows users to roam among North America, Europe and Asia Pacific(a).

The BlackBerry 7290 also embraces the powerful features of the BlackBerry 7200 Series, including a compact and ergonomic handheld design, high-resolution color screen that supports over 65,000 colors, easy-to-use QWERTY keyboard, thumb-operated navigation trackwheel, excellent battery performance, plus integrated support for corporate and personal email, phone, text messaging, PIM, Internet and intranet applications.

Mr. Kitchin said: "Our customers can look forward to SingTel's robust GPRS network and strong international roaming capabilities for support when they subscribe to our BlackBerry service. Currently, we offer GPRS roaming to over 100 networks in more than 90 destinations worldwide."

SingTel also offers the BlackBerry Enterprise Solution(TM) for corporate customers. The take-up for the service has been very encouraging since its launch in July this year.

Corporate customers who also wish to subscribe to BlackBerry Internet Service can approach their SingTel Corporate Account Manager or call 1800 733 7788 for more details.

Developed by Research In Motion (RIM) (Nasdaq:RIMM)(TSX:RIM), BlackBerry is deployed by thousands of corporations worldwide. The company recently announced that it has exceeded two million active wireless subscribers worldwide.

(a) Check with SingTel for international roaming services.

Forward-looking statements in this news release are made pursuant to the "safe harbor" provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used herein, words such as "intend" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions made by and information available to Research In Motion Limited. Investors are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward looking statements include, without limitation, possible product defects and product liability, risks related to international sales and potential foreign currency exchange fluctuations, the initiation or outcome of litigation, acts or potential acts of terrorism, international conflicts, significant fluctuations of quarterly operating results, changes in Canadian and foreign laws and regulations, continued acceptance of RIM's products, increased levels of competition, technological changes and the successful development of new products, dependence on third-party networks to provide services, dependence on intellectual property rights and other risks and factors detailed from time to time in RIM's periodic reports filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, and other regulatory authorities. The Company has no intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

The BlackBerry and RIM families of related marks, images and symbols are the exclusive properties and trademarks of Research In Motion Limited. RIM, Research In Motion and BlackBerry are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be pending or registered in other countries. All other brands, product names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the properties of their respective owners.

(1) According to a recent survey by the Economist Intelligence Unit, email is king when it comes to communication tools for conducting business. A total of 84 per cent of the survey respondents said that while on the road, email is the application they prefer when traveling on business.


Media Contacts: SingTel
Andrienne Tho (Ms)
Corporate Communications Manager
+65 6838 4934 or Hp: +65 9678 3697
Research In Motion, Asia Pacific
Katie Lee
+ 852 6277 6841
Brodeur Worldwide for RIM
Marisa Conway
+ 1 (212) 771-3639
Investor Contact:
RIM Investor Relations
(519) 888-7465

Source: Research In Motion

Copyright Business Wire 2004

Comments or questions? Click Here

Privacy Statement Terms and Conditions

©2000-2004 Vcall. All rights reserved.

02.12.04 22:16

6685 Postings, 7867 Tage geldschneiderChart hat sich prächtig entwickelt


02.12.04 22:28

13793 Postings, 9128 Tage Parocorpseh den thread jetzt erst!

02.12.04 22:36

734 Postings, 9353 Tage RainMan;-)

guck mal ;) war 2003 in kanada, und hab was mitgenommen:-) bin aber vor 2 wochen raus...


02.12.04 22:42

734 Postings, 9353 Tage RainManaber auch hier

sollte man immer an Gewinnmitnahmen denken. Der Wert ist eindeutig gehypt. Eines Tages werden sich die ganzen Blueberrys, Handy und Ipods gegenseitig den Markt wegnehmen, und wer übrigbleibt steht in den sternen. Diesbezüglich halte ich übrigens Samsung für sehr interessant. Die stellen nämlich handy's UND mediaplayer her. Wenn man das kreuzt, hat man gleich zwei märkte für sich.Ausserdem haben die schickes design...  

03.12.04 09:51

6685 Postings, 7867 Tage geldschneider@rainmain

Es gibt Aktien, bei denen bleibt man drin.

the trend is your friend.

ist der Trend vorbei, dann geht man.

Ich bin leider hier auch zu früh raus.

Samsung ist ein Global Player und viel anfälliger.

Guck dir mal den Chart an.
Im Vergleich zum Research in Motion.

Chart ließ sich nicht reinkopieren. aber schaut ihn mal zum Vergleich an.

@paracorp, habe ich mir auch gedacht, dal sich vorhin deien Thread las, warum macht der einen neuen auf.


03.12.04 16:17

734 Postings, 9353 Tage RainMan@geldschneider

dein wort in gottes ohr - nur wann ist ein trend vorbei?? ich habe RIM über ein Jahr gehalten und hab ein dickes plus gemacht. Ich bereue daher keinesfalls Gewinn realisiert zu haben - und das solltest du natürlich auch nicht. Irgendwann ist eine story vorbei, und das kann bei RIM jeden Tag passieren - besonders wenn man daran denkt wieviel substanz letztendlich in diesem Wert steckt. Stimmt, der Chart ist echt nett, aber als ich gekauft habe, sah der chart eher langweilig aus. Samsung hat sicherlich keine vergleichbare Phantasie wie RIM, aber mir ist es auch wichtig Trends zu finden und zu überlegen wie sich der Markt verändern wird - besonders bei mobile gadgets.
Man sollte die Fühler vielleicht anderweitig ausstrecken. Den Trends werden überall geschaffen - die Kunst ist diese zu entdecken;)



03.12.04 17:38

6685 Postings, 7867 Tage geldschneiderBlackberry in Hongkong News!

Press Release
Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 2004 08:01:00          function parseXMLDate(aString) {               return new Date(Date.UTC(aString.substring(0, 4), aString.substring(4, 6) - 1, aString.substring(6, 8), aString.substring(9, 11), aString.substring(11, 13), aString.substring(13, 15)))          }          dateline.innerText = parseXMLDate('20041202T070100+0000').toLocaleString()     

CSL and RIM Introduce BlackBerry 7290 Wireless Handheld and BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.0 in Hong Kong

HONG KONG & WATERLOO, Ontario --(Business Wire)-- Dec. 2, 2004 -- Sophisticated server software to offer Chinese support with enhanced wireless experience and IT management features

Research In Motion (RIM) (NASDAQ:RIMM) (TSX:RIM) and CSL today introduced the BlackBerry 7290 Wireless Handheld(TM) and BlackBerry Enterprise Server(TM) v4.0 for Microsoft(R) Exchange and IBM Lotus(R) Domino(TM) in Hong Kong. BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.0 will enable the delivery of Chinese character sets for text based applications such as email, text messages and PIM (Personal Information Management) to corporate customers for the first time.(i)

"At CSL, we are committed to delivering leading-edge, customer-focused solutions that meet the needs of our business and consumer market segments. The combination of our extensive international roaming services with the BlackBerry always-on connection to email, PIM, web browsing, phone and data applications make BlackBerry a popular solution among our customers. With the launch of the BlackBerry 7290 and Chinese-enabled BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.0, we will provide our customers in all market segments a comprehensive BlackBerry solution to boost productivity and enhance their wireless experiences," said Mike Robey, Chief Operating Officer at CSL.

Available at CSL's mobile brands 1O1O and One2Free for individuals, small businesses and corporate customers in mid December, the Java(TM)-based BlackBerry 7290(TM) builds upon the popular BlackBerry experience with new features including a quad-band phone, Bluetooth(R) support, a brighter color screen and enhanced memory.

Designed for people who want to stay connected while traveling internationally, the BlackBerry 7290 operates on GSM/GPRS networks (850/900/1800/1900 MHz frequencies) and combines phone, email, text messaging, PIM, Internet browsing and corporate data access applications in a single handheld.

New and enhanced features for the BlackBerry 7290 include:

-- Quad-band support for GSM/GPRS networks (850/900/1800/1900 MHz frequencies), enabling international roaming(ii)

-- Bluetooth support for headsets and car kits

-- A brighter high-resolution color screen - making it easier to check information anytime, anywhere

-- An updated QWERTY keyboard style with highlighted number keys for easy dialing and typing

-- Increased memory to 32 MB flash memory and 4 MB SRAM to provide ample storage capabilities for messages, calendar appointments and applications

The BlackBerry 7290 also embraces the powerful features of the BlackBerry 7200(TM) Series, including a compact and ergonomic handheld design, high-resolution color screen that supports over 65,000 colors, easy-to-use QWERTY keyboard, thumb-operated navigation trackwheel, excellent battery performance, plus integrated support for corporate and personal email, phone, text messaging, PIM, Internet and intranet applications.

In addition to the launch of BlackBerry 7290, RIM and CSL today introduced BlackBerry Enterprise Server v.4.0. BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.0 will enable the delivery of traditional and simplified Chinese character sets. Customers will be able to compose and read Chinese emails, browse Chinese websites and input Chinese text for all PIM applications via their BlackBerry handheld.(i)

BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.0 also offers cradle-free wireless synchronization for emails and all PIM applications and add the capability to view picture attachments. With enhanced security, manageability and extensibility features, the BlackBerry(R) wireless platform with the latest server software provides increased mobility, productivity and return on investment potential.

"We are dedicated to continually enhancing the BlackBerry platform to meet the wireless needs of individual users while respecting the management and security requirements of IT professionals. We are very pleased to work with CSL to introduce BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.0 and the BlackBerry 7290 to customers in Hong Kong," said Don Morrison, COO at Research In Motion.

Special Features of BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.0

Chinese Character Sets - The new BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.0 will enable the delivery of Chinese character sets so corporate customers will be able to read and type Traditional Chinese (with Jyutping and CangJie) and Simplified Chinese (with Pinyin, CangJie and WuBiHua) for email and SMS messages, Web sites and PIM applications including address book, calendar, memo and task list.(i)

Simplified Deployment - BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.0 enables users to quickly connect their handheld to BlackBerry Enterprise Server with cradle-less wireless provisioning, making it easier for IT departments to deploy BlackBerry throughout their company.

Enhanced Handheld Asset Control - IT departments with BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.0 are provided with additional statistics regarding handhelds that are deployed for enhanced administration and asset tracking. IT departments are now able to remotely control which applications can be installed on handhelds.

Additional Wireless Security Capabilities - BlackBerry sets the standard for secure wireless data access with support for Triple DES (Data Encryption Standard) and S/MIME (Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) and FIPS 140 (Federal Information Processing Standards) government certification. With BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.0, additional security features are offered though full support of AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and content protection on the handheld with local data encryption.

Enhanced Wireless Experience - BlackBerry continues to add functionality to enhance the end-user experience. BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.0 provides customers with an enhanced data experience through improved attachment handling capabilities, an enriched browser for wireless access to Internet and intranet applications and complete cradle-free wireless synchronization of all email and organizer applications. BlackBerry Handheld Software v4.0 also includes enhanced phone features, such as an improved user interface and speed dial.

Simplified Application Development - BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.0 provides an enhanced browser and Java development tools that enables developers to easily create and deploy applications for BlackBerry. The Mobile Data Service feature of BlackBerry Enterprise Server is uniquely designed to provide ISVs and in-house corporate developers with an environment that supports corporate data access and interaction capabilities beyond email. With BlackBerry Mobile Data Service, customers can leverage their existing, approved BlackBerry architecture and security model to deploy reliable, secure, end-to-end applications without any additional infrastructure to learn or support.

Additional Enhancements -

-- Ability to download a variety of image formats (jpeg, gif, bmp, tiff and png) and store them on the handheld

-- Image manipulation controls (pan, zoom and rotate)

-- Ability to search the address book, calendar, memo pad, tasks and messages applications simultaneously

-- Support for additional fields and categories within the address book, memo pad and task applications

-- Cradle-free wireless sent items synchronization between a user's BlackBerry handheld and desktop PC

-- Ability to tentatively accept calendar appointments on the BlackBerry handheld with or without comments and be notified of meeting conflicts

With BlackBerry operating on CSL's voice and data network, customers can enjoy reliable mobile communications with extensive GPRS roaming coverage in over 100 destinations worldwide including mainland China, Singapore, the US, the UK, Canada, Australia and more(ii). Also, customers are served by CSL's dedicated 24-hour international toll free hotline and a team of BlackBerry certified sales and technical experts who are ready to answer any questions that may arise.

Please visit for further details on BlackBerry 7290 and BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.0.

About Hong Kong CSL Limited (CSL)

CSL is a pioneer in the mobile communications market in Hong Kong. The Company launched its mobile services in 1983, and today operates a world-class GSM/Dual Band network through its mobile brands: 1O1O and One2Free. Pioneer to introduce HSCSD, GPRS, EDGE and MMS, the Company is also committed to deploying cutting-edge technologies and building a world-class 3G infrastructure after being awarded a 3G Mobile Service Licence in Hong Kong in 2001. CSL is 100% owned by Telstra. For more information about CSL, please visit

About Research In Motion (RIM)

Research In Motion is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of innovative wireless solutions for the worldwide mobile communications market. Through the development of integrated hardware, software and services that support multiple wireless network standards, RIM provides platforms and solutions for seamless access to time-sensitive information including email, phone, SMS messaging, Internet and intranet-based applications. RIM technology also enables a broad array of third party developers and manufacturers to enhance their products and services with wireless connectivity to data. RIM's portfolio of award-winning products, services and embedded technologies are used by thousands of organizations around the world and include the BlackBerry(R) wireless platform, the RIM Wireless Handheld(TM) product line, software development tools, radio-modems and software/hardware licensing agreements. Founded in 1984 and based in Waterloo, Ontario, RIM operates offices in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. RIM is listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market (Nasdaq:RIMM) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX:RIM). For more information, visit or

(i) Requires BlackBerry handheld software v4.0

(ii) Check with CSL for GSM/GPRS roaming services

Forward-looking statements in this news release are made pursuant to the "safe harbor" provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used herein, words such as "intend" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions made by and information available to Research In Motion Limited. Investors are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward looking statements include, without limitation, possible product defects and product liability, risks related to international sales and potential foreign currency exchange fluctuations, the initiation or outcome of litigation, acts or potential acts of terrorism, international conflicts, significant fluctuations of quarterly operating results, changes in Canadian and foreign laws and regulations, continued acceptance of RIM's products, increased levels of competition, technological changes and the successful development of new products, dependence on third-party networks to provide services, dependence on intellectual property rights and other risks and factors detailed from time to time in RIM's periodic reports filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, and other regulatory authorities. The Company has no intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

The BlackBerry and RIM families of related marks, images and symbols are the exclusive properties and trademarks of Research In Motion Limited. RIM, Research In Motion and BlackBerry are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be pending or registered in other countries. All other brands, product names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the properties of their respective owners.


Vivian Shek, 852-2883-5029
Research In Motion, Asia Pacific
Katie Lee, + 852-6277-6841
Brodeur Worldwide for RIM
Marisa Conway, + 1-212-771-3639
RIM Investor Relations
Investor Contact, 519-888-7465

Source: Research In Motion

Copyright Business Wire 2004

Comments or questions? Click Here

Privacy Statement Terms and Conditions

©2000-2004 Vcall. All rights reserved.

03.12.04 17:50

6685 Postings, 7867 Tage geldschneiderThe news goes on for RIMM

Press Release
Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 2004 08:06:00          function parseXMLDate(aString) {               return new Date(Date.UTC(aString.substring(0, 4), aString.substring(4, 6) - 1, aString.substring(6, 8), aString.substring(9, 11), aString.substring(11, 13), aString.substring(13, 15)))          }          dateline.innerText = parseXMLDate('20041202T070600+0000').toLocaleString()     

BASE Launches BlackBerry in Belgium

WATERLOO, Ontario & BRUSSELS, Belgium --(Business Wire)-- Dec. 2, 2004 -- BASE, Belgium's third mobile operator, and Research In Motion (RIM) (Nasdaq:RIMM) (TSX:RIM) announced today that the BlackBerry Enterprise Solution(TM) is available to BASE's corporate customers in Belgium.

BlackBerry(R) is a wireless communications solution designed to help customers enhance their productivity and efficiency by being able to manage e-mail, information and communications whenever and wherever they want. BlackBerry operates in Belgium on BASE's GSM/GPRS network.(i)

BASE is introducing the BlackBerry Enterprise Solution for corporate use and, in early 2005, BlackBerry Internet Service(TM) for smaller firms and individual users:

-- The BlackBerry Enterprise Solution is ideal for companies looking to offer their staff a secure, efficient solution for the mobile management of email, calendar and other corporate information. The enterprise solution requires a corporate IT infrastructure and the installation of BlackBerry Enterprise Server(TM) software. A Small Business Edition of BlackBerry Enterprise Server is also available for five to fifteen users.

-- For individuals and smaller businesses, BlackBerry Internet Service allows users to access up to ten corporate and/or personal email accounts (including many popular ISP email accounts) from a single device.

BlackBerry from BASE - the BlackBerry Enterprise Solution

BlackBerry from BASE provides corporate users with secure, push-based access to email, calendar and other corporate applications on an advanced wireless handheld that also features an integrated phone, text messaging, browser and personal information management capability.

Emails delivered to the user's email account are copied, compressed and encrypted and automatically forwarded to the user's BlackBerry handheld. The user can read, reply, file, forward and delete messages from the handheld and all email functions are synchronized wirelessly with the user's email account. File attachments in Word, Excel, PowerPoint or PDF format can be viewed and forwarded.

BlackBerry Enterprise Server software tightly integrates with Microsoft(R) Exchange and IBM Lotus(R) Domino(TM) (Novell GroupWise(TM) support is expected to be available later this year).

The BlackBerry Enterprise Server Small Business Edition supports five to fifteen users. The introduction of the Small Business Edition by BASE is in line with BASE's targeted approach towards SoHo or small SMEs (ref. BASE-pro).

BlackBerry Wireless Handhelds(TM)

BASE offers a choice of three BlackBerry handhelds, the BlackBerry 7230(TM), the BlackBerry 7730(TM), and, in December 2004, the BlackBerry 7290(TM). Each handheld combines the capabilities of phone and wireless data communications in one compact device. The features of the BlackBerry handhelds include a high resolution color screen, an integrated 'qwerty' or 'azerty' keyboard and a trackwheel on the side of the device for easy navigation and use. The BlackBerry 7230 and BlackBerry 7730 handhelds are tri-band (900/1800/1900 MHz), and the BlackBerry 7290 is quad-band (800/900/1800/1900 MHz) so that users can make phone calls practically anywhere in the world. The screen of the BlackBerry 7730 is larger to allow for enhanced data viewing capabilities while the BlackBerry 7230 and BlackBerry 7290 are more compact handhelds. The BlackBerry 7290 introduces a number of enhanced features to the BlackBerry 7200 Series, including Bluetooth(R) support, 32 MB memory and an enhanced backlight.

About BASE

BASE n.v./s.a. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of KPN Mobile N.V., the mobile division of Koninklijke KPN N.V. KPN provides mobile voice and data services in Germany (E-Plus), Belgium (BASE) and Netherlands (KPN and Hi). At the end of Q3 2004, BASE had 1,517,000 customers, with a market share of more than 17%. BASE is the fastest growing gsm operator in Belgium. The company, which has its headquarters in Brussels, targets specific market sectors with tailor-made services.

About Research In Motion (RIM)

Research In Motion is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of innovative wireless solutions for the worldwide mobile communications market. Through the development of integrated hardware, software and services that support multiple wireless network standards, RIM provides platforms and solutions for seamless access to time-sensitive information including email, phone, SMS messaging, Internet and intranet-based applications. RIM technology also enables a broad array of third party developers and manufacturers to enhance their products and services with wireless connectivity to data. RIM's portfolio of award-winning products, services and embedded technologies are used by thousands of organizations around the world and include the BlackBerry(R) wireless platform, the RIM Wireless Handheld(TM) product line, software development tools, radio-modems and software/hardware licensing agreements. Founded in 1984 and based in Waterloo, Ontario, RIM operates offices in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. RIM is listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market (Nasdaq: RIMM) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: RIM). For more information, visit or

(i)Check with BASE for roaming services.

Forward-looking statements in this news release are made pursuant to the "safe harbor" provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used herein, words such as "intend" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions made by and information available to Research In Motion Limited. Investors are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward looking statements include, without limitation, possible product defects and product liability, risks related to international sales and potential foreign currency exchange fluctuations, the initiation or outcome of litigation, acts or potential acts of terrorism, international conflicts, significant fluctuations of quarterly operating results, changes in Canadian and foreign laws and regulations, continued acceptance of RIM's products, increased levels of competition, technological changes and the successful development of new products, dependence on third-party networks to provide services, dependence on intellectual property rights and other risks and factors detailed from time to time in RIM's periodic reports filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, and other regulatory authorities. The Company has no intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

The BlackBerry and RIM families of related marks, images and symbols are the exclusive properties and trademarks of Research In Motion Limited. RIM, Research In Motion and BlackBerry are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be pending or registered in other countries. All other brands, product names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the properties of their respective owners.


Media Contacts:
Bart Vandesompele
+ 32 2 728 41 38
GSM: + 32 485 200 201
Media Contact: North America
Brodeur Worldwide for RIM
Courtney Flaherty
+1 212.771.3637
Media Contact: Europe
Research In Motion
Tilly Quanjer, Senior Communications Manager
+ 44 1784 223987
Investor Contact:
RIM Investor Relations
+1 519.888.7465

Source: Research In Motion

Copyright Business Wire 2004


03.12.04 17:54

6685 Postings, 7867 Tage geldschneiderHutchinson Telecom und BlackBerry

 Press Release
Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 2004 13:51:00          function parseXMLDate(aString) {               return new Date(Date.UTC(aString.substring(0, 4), aString.substring(4, 6) - 1, aString.substring(6, 8), aString.substring(9, 11), aString.substring(11, 13), aString.substring(13, 15)))          }          dateline.innerText = parseXMLDate('20041202T125100+0000').toLocaleString()     

Hutchison Telecom Introduces the New BlackBerry 7290 and BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.0 for Corporate Users

HONG KONG & WATERLOO, Ontario --(Business Wire)-- Dec. 2, 2004 -- Research in Motion (Nasdaq:RIMM) (TSX:RIM): BlackBerry 7290 Wireless Handheld Features Quad-Band and Bluetooth Support, Brighter Screen and Increased Memory

Hutchison Telecommunications (Hong Kong) Limited ("Hutchison Telecom") today announced that the new BlackBerry Enterprise Server(TM) v4.0 for Microsoft(R) Exchange and IBM Lotus(R) Domino(TM) is now available for corporate users in Hong Kong. The new software version enables the delivery of Chinese characters and offers an exceptional wireless user experience with over-the-air synchronization of email and PIM applications. BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.0 provides organizations with enhanced security, simplified deployment, exceptional manageability and expanded support for corporate data applications. Also introduced today, the BlackBerry 7290 Wireless Handheld(TM), which is expected to be available in December, features quad-band and Bluetooth(R) support, a brighter screen and increased memory. With the BlackBerry 7290(TM), users will be able to enjoy a superior wireless experience while staying connected around the world.

Mrs. Agnes Nardi, Managing Director of Hutchison Telecom said, "We are delighted to introduce the new BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.0 which supports Chinese input and display. With closer social ties between Hong Kong and the mainland, there is a growing demand for a wireless solution that supports Chinese email messages and input method, and this new software version is well suited to the needs of those corporations engaged in China trade. It also brings convenience to both the corporations and its users with the completely cradle-less feature as IT departments can easily maintain centralized control. Together with the new BlackBerry 7290 Wireless Handheld, BlackBerry becomes an indispensable wireless solution to corporations and frequent travelers."

The new BlackBerry Enterprise Server v.4.0 enables the delivery of Chinese character sets. Combined with the latest software for BlackBerry(R) handhelds, it enables corporate users to read and compose traditional and simplified Chinese email messages including support for the highly popular Cangjie and Pinyin character sets(i). Its complete cradle-less wireless synchronization feature allows users to quickly connect their handhelds to BlackBerry Enterprise Server and manage all email and organizer applications wirelessly, including the ability to remotely control email filters and out-of-office replies from the handheld. In addition, IT departments can easily deploy, maintain and control BlackBerry.

BlackBerry sets the standard for secure wireless data access with support for Triple DES (Data Encryption Standard). With BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.0, additional security features are offered though full support of AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and content protection on the handheld with local data encryption.

BlackBerry continues to add functionality to enhance the end-user experience. BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.0 provides customers with an enhanced data experience through improved attachment handling capabilities (including the ability to view images, footnotes and track changes) and an enriched browser for wireless access to Internet and intranet applications. BlackBerry Handheld Software v.4.0 also includes enhanced phone features, such as improved user interface and an A to Z speed dial.

The Java-based BlackBerry 7290 delivers an exceptional voice experience with quad-band support, operating on GSM/GPRS 850/900/1800/1900 MHz frequencies. Users are able to enjoy access to email, corporate data and voice services while roaming in many countries and destinations around the world(ii). The handheld also features Bluetooth support for wireless headsets and car kits, 32MB flash memory, a brighter LED backlight, as well as an updated QWERTY keyboard style with highlighted number keys for easy dialing and typing. The high-resolution screen displays crisp images with support for more than 65,000 colors. It also features cradle-free wireless email synchronization, integrated attachment viewing (including support for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, PDF and ASCII) and remote address look up in addition to secure, push-based wireless connectivity for corporate users.

BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.0 is now available in Hong Kong. The BlackBerry 7290 Wireless Handheld is expected to be available from December 10, 2004.

(i) Requires BlackBerry Handheld Software v4.0

(ii) Check with Hutchison for GSM/GPRS roaming services

About Research In Motion

Research In Motion is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of innovative wireless solutions for the worldwide mobile communications market. Through the development of integrated hardware, software and services that support multiple wireless network standards, Research In Motion provides platforms and solutions for seamless access to time-sensitive information including email, phone, SMS messaging, Internet and intranet-based applications. Research In Motion technology also enables a broad array of third party developers and manufacturers to enhance their products and services with wireless connectivity to data. Research In Motion's portfolio of award-winning products, services and embedded technologies are used by thousands of organizations around the world and include the BlackBerry(R) wireless platform, the Research In Motion Wireless Handheld(TM) product line, software development tools, radio-modems and software/hardware licensing agreements. Founded in 1984 and based in Waterloo, Ontario, Research In Motion operates offices in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. Research In Motion is listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market (Nasdaq:RIMM) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX:RIM). For more information, visit or

Forward-looking statements in this news release are made pursuant to the "safe harbor" provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used herein, words such as "intend" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions made by and information available to Research In Motion Limited. Investors are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward looking statements include, without limitation, possible product defects and product liability, risks related to international sales and potential foreign currency exchange fluctuations, the initiation or outcome of litigation, acts or potential acts of terrorism, international conflicts, significant fluctuations of quarterly operating results, changes in Canadian and foreign laws and regulations, continued acceptance of RIM's products, increased levels of competition, technological changes and the successful development of new products, dependence on third-party networks to provide services, dependence on intellectual property rights and other risks and factors detailed from time to time in RIM's periodic reports filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, and other regulatory authorities. The Company has no intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

The BlackBerry and RIM families of related marks, images and symbols are the exclusive properties and trademarks of Research In Motion Limited. RIM, Research In Motion and BlackBerry are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be pending or registered in other countries. All other brands, product names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the properties of their respective owners.


Research in Motion
Media Relations
Asia Pacific
Katie Lee, + 852 6277 6841
Brodeur Worldwide for RIM
Marisa Conway, 212-771-3639
RIM Investor Relations, 519-888-7465

Source: Research In Motion

Copyright Business Wire 2004

Comments or questions? Click Here

Privacy Statement Terms and Conditions

©2000-2004 Vcall. All rights reserved.

14.12.04 22:47

6685 Postings, 7867 Tage geldschneiderAktie heute vom Handel kurz ausgesetzt

Research in Motion: Aktie kurzfristig vom Handel ausgesetzt
14.12.2004 20:54:00
Die Aktie der amerikanischen Research In Motion Ltd., dem Erfinder des BlackBerry Mobilfunkgeräts, war am Dienstagmittag an der NASDAQ kurzfristig vom Handel ausgesetzt worden.

Grund war, dass ein Berufungsgericht zuvor ein Urteil aus dem letzten Jahr zurückgewiesen hatte, in dem das Unternehmen in einem Patentrechtsverfahren zu einer Strafzahlung von 54 Millionen Dollar verurteilt worden war.

Die Aktie verlor in der Spitze über 3,5 Prozent und notierte zuletzt jedoch wieder bei 93,55 Dollar.

-cas- / -red-

14.12.04 22:52

6685 Postings, 7867 Tage geldschneiderKurssprünge von 103,56 bis 85,44

RESEARCH IN MOTION LTD - Nasdaq National Market: RIMM

Chart Options    1 Day2 Day5 Day10 Day1 Month6 Month1 Year2 Year5 Year10 YearMax  BarDotLineMountain  RESEARCH IN MOTION LTD - Nasdaq National Market: RIMM
Real-time ECN Quote*
LastChange (%)After Hours Chg (%)**Trade TimeBidAsk83.77 6.32 (7.02) 1.67 (1.95)16:4883.76 (3)83.85 (2)
< script language=javascript>');//-->< /script>< script language=javascript src="">< /script>      Click Here

Exchange Quote LastChange (%)Trade TimeBid (size)Ask (size)85.44 4.65 (5.16)16:0083.75 (5)83.85 (2)Latest TicksPrev CloseOpenLowHigh=++-90.0990.1882.18103.56Day VolumeAvg Day VolVWAP52 Wk Low52 Wk High35,282,1847,534,50092.591821.76595.17# of TradesLast SizeAvg Trade SizeP/E RatioMarket Cap (mil)20,6002001,7138916,0374:50:17 PM EST - Tuesday, December 14, 2004- Exchange quote is delayed at least 15 minutes.

Das waren schon Kurssprünge, warum ging es aber vorher so hoch? Und dann wieder so down?  

14.12.04 22:56

6685 Postings, 7867 Tage geldschneiderDer ausführliche Bericht in Englisch

Latest News

RIM Provides Update On NTP Inc. Vs. RIM Litigation

WATERLOO, ONTARIO, Dec 14, 2004 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX) -- Judgment andInjunction Vacated; Case Remanded To District CourtResearch In Motion (RIM) (TSX:RIM)(NASDAQ: RIMM) provided an update todayfollowing receipt of a ruling this afternoon from the United States Court ofAppeals for the Federal Circuit in regard to the NTP Inc. vs. RIM litigation.In response to RIM's appeal of a judgment of the U.S. District Court for theEastern District of Virginia, the United States Court of Appeals for the FederalCircuit ordered the judgment vacated and the case remanded to the District Courtfor further proceedings. The Court of Appeals also ordered the injunction(previously imposed and stayed by the District Court) vacated.As previously disclosed and subsequent to the jury verdict rendered in theDistrict Court in November, 2002, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office orderedre-examinations of all NTP patents litigated in this matter. Thesere-examinations continue and are separate and unaffected by today's ruling.RIM will continue to provide updates on this matter as material informationbecomes available. Further comment and details were not disclosed at this time.About Research In Motion (RIM)Research In Motion is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer ofinnovative wireless solutions for the worldwide mobile communications market.Through the development of integrated hardware, software and services thatsupport multiple wireless network standards, RIM provides platforms andsolutions for seamless access to time-sensitive information including email,phone, SMS messaging, Internet and intranet-based applications. RIM technologyalso enables a broad array of third party developers and manufacturers toenhance their products and services with wireless connectivity. RIM's portfolioof award-winning products, services and embedded technologies are used bythousands of organizations around the world and include the BlackBerry(R)wireless platform, the RIM Wireless Handheld(TM) product line, softwaredevelopment tools, radio-modems and software/hardware licensing agreements.Founded in 1984 and based in Waterloo, Ontario, RIM operates offices in NorthAmerica, Europe and Asia Pacific. RIM is listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market(Nasdaq: RIMM) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: RIM) For more information,visit or statements in this news release are made pursuant to the "safeharbor" provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Actof 1995. When used herein, words such as "intend" and similar expressions areintended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements arebased on assumptions made by and information available to Research In MotionLimited. Investors are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involverisks and uncertainties. Important factors that could cause actual results todiffer materially from those expressed or implied by such forward lookingstatements include, without limitation, possible product defects and productliability, risks related to international sales and potential foreign currencyexchange fluctuations, the initiation or outcome of litigation, acts orpotential acts of terrorism, international conflicts, significant fluctuationsof quarterly operating results, changes in Canadian and foreign laws andregulations, continued acceptance of RIM's products, increased levels ofcompetition, technological changes and the successful development of newproducts, dependence on third-party networks to provide services, dependence onintellectual property rights and other risks and factors detailed from time totime in RIM's periodic reports filed with the United States Securities andExchange Commission, and other regulatory authorities. The Company has nointention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements,whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.Research In Motion, RIM and BlackBerry are trademarks of Research In MotionLimited. Research In Motion and RIM are registered with the U.S. Patent andTrademark Office and may be pending or registered in other countries. All otherbrands, products and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks orregistered trademarks of their respective holders.CONTACT:          Media Contact:                  Brodeur Worldwide for RIM                  Courtney Flaherty                  (212) 771-3637                          or                  Investor Contact:                  Research In Motion                  Investor Relations                  (519) 888-7465                  investor_relations@rim.comCopyright (C) 2004, CCNMatthews. All rights reserved.NEWS RELEASE TRANSMITTED BY CCNMatthews INDUSTRY KEYWORD: CMT - Communications TechnologySUBJECT CODE:     LAW - LAW/LEGAL ISSUES

18.02.05 12:33

6685 Postings, 7867 Tage geldschneiderBlackbarry expandiert nach GB

Donnerstag, 17. Februar 2005 09:00:00

< script type=text/javascript xmlns:xhtml="">          function parseXMLDate(aString) {               return new Date(Date.UTC(aString.substring(0, 4), aString.substring(4, 6) - 1, aString.substring(6, 8), aString.substring(9, 11), aString.substring(11, 13), aString.substring(13, 15)))          }          dateline.innerText = parseXMLDate('20050217T080000+0000').toLocaleString()     < /script>

T-Mobile Introduces New BlackBerry Devices in the United Kingdom

WATERLOO, Ontario --(Business Wire)-- Feb. 17, 2005 -- T-Mobile and Research In Motion (RIM)(NASDAQ: RIMM)(TSX: RIM) announced an expanded offering of BlackBerry(R) products in the United Kingdom with the launch of the BlackBerry 7100t(TM) and BlackBerry 7290(TM) from T-Mobile.

The new BlackBerry models give customers the opportunity to work seamlessly while out of the office and on the move, across the globe. The BlackBerry 7100t and BlackBerry 7290 are optimized for simple and intuitive mobile access and suit the needs of both enterprise customers and individual users.

Both devices incorporate the popular features of the BlackBerry platform including integrated support for push-based email, phone, text messaging, organizer, Internet and intranet applications. Other new features include more memory (32 MB flash, 4 MB SRAM), support for enhanced attachment viewing, quad-band support for international roaming(a) and Bluetooth(R) support enabling hands-free wireless connections with a car kit or headset.

The BlackBerry 7100t and the BlackBerry 7290 feature brighter LED backlights. The high-resolution screens display crisp images with support for more than 65,000 colors while continuing to offer superior battery life for optimal wireless performance. Both devices support cradle-free wireless e-mail and PIM synchronization, integrated attachment viewing (including support for popular file formats such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, PDF and ASCII) and remote address look up in addition to secure, push-based wireless connectivity.(b)

The BlackBerry 7100t is a breakthrough mobile device, delivering the power of BlackBerry within a sleek and stylish mobile phone design. The BlackBerry 7100t incorporates RIM's innovative SureType(TM) keyboard technology and delivers the power of BlackBerry with the look and feel of a typical cell phone. SureType effectively converges a wireless device keypad and a QWERTY keyboard to fit elegantly within the size of a traditional wireless phone form factor. Through an integrated keyboard and software system, SureType provides users with an instinctively familiar look and feel and enables them to dial phone numbers and type messages quickly, accurately and comfortably. The keyboard works in conjunction with a sophisticated software system that incorporates a large word database (approximately 35,000 words initially, plus the user's address book), linguistic intelligence and advanced learning capabilities to automatically interpret keystrokes and recognize words with a high degree of accuracy.

The BlackBerry 7290 features a compact and ergonomic handheld design ideal for more intensive data use. The BlackBerry 7290 supports e-mail, phone, text messaging, organizer, Internet and intranet applications in a single handheld. The handheld also features a large QWERTY keyboard with highlighted number keys for easy dialing and typing.

For corporate customers, BlackBerry Enterprise Server(TM) software tightly integrates with Microsoft(R) Exchange and IBM Lotus(R) Domino(TM), and works with existing enterprise systems to enable secure, push-based wireless access to email and other corporate data.

For individuals and smaller businesses, BlackBerry Internet Service(TM) allows users to access up to ten corporate and/or personal email accounts (including Microsoft Exchange, IBM Lotus Domino and many popular ISP email accounts) from a single device.

(a) Check with T-Mobile for roaming services.

(b) Certain features may require BlackBerry Enterprise Server software

About Research In Motion (RIM)

Research In Motion is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of innovative wireless solutions for the worldwide mobile communications market. Through the development of integrated hardware, software and services that support multiple wireless network standards, RIM provides platforms and solutions for seamless access to time-sensitive information including email, phone, SMS messaging, Internet and intranet-based applications. RIM technology also enables a broad array of third party developers and manufacturers to enhance their products and services with wireless connectivity to data. RIM's portfolio of award-winning products, services and embedded technologies are used by thousands of organizations around the world and include the BlackBerry(wireless platform, the RIM Wireless Handheld(TM) product line, software development tools, radio-modems and software/hardware licensing agreements. Founded in 1984 and based in Waterloo, Ontario, RIM operates offices in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. RIM is listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market (Nasdaq: RIMM) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: RIM). For more information, visit or

Forward-looking statements in this news release are made pursuant to the "safe harbor" provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used herein, words such as "intend" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions made by and information available to Research In Motion Limited. Investors are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward looking statements include, without limitation, possible product defects and product liability, risks related to international sales and potential foreign currency exchange fluctuations, the initiation or outcome of litigation, acts or potential acts of terrorism, international conflicts, significant fluctuations of quarterly operating results, changes in Canadian and foreign laws and regulations, continued acceptance of RIM's products, increased levels of competition, technological changes and the successful development of new products, dependence on third-party networks to provide services, dependence on intellectual property rights and other risks and factors detailed from time to time in RIM's periodic reports filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, and other regulatory authorities. The Company has no intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

The BlackBerry, SureType and RIM families of related marks, images and symbols are the exclusive properties and trademarks of Research In Motion Limited. RIM, Research In Motion and BlackBerry are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be pending or registered in other countries. All other brands, product names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the properties of their respective owners.



Media Contact:
Brodeur Worldwide for RIM
Courtney Flaherty
+1 (212) 771-3637
Investor Contact:
RIM Investor Relations
+1 (519) 888-7465


Source: Research In Motion

Copyright Business Wire 2005


31.03.05 18:25

6685 Postings, 7867 Tage geldschneiderBlackberry kommt nach Belgien und die Niederlande

KPN and Research In Motion Introduce BlackBerry Internet Service in Belgium and The Netherlands
WATERLOO, Ontario & BRUSSELS, Belgium & THE HAGE, The Netherlands --(Business Wire)-- March 30, 2005 -- KPN and Research In Motion (RIM) (Nasdaq:RIMM)(TSX:RIM) have introduced BlackBerry Internet Service(TM) in the Netherlands and in Belgium via BASE, a wholly-owned subsidiary of KPN Mobile N.V. BlackBerry Internet Service provides individual users and smaller businesses with a leading mobile solution for staying connected.

"Adding BlackBerry to our portfolio has been a success and this has been proven by the still growing demand from our enterprise customers," said Marco Visser, Director Sales Corporate Market at KPN Mobile. "Introducing BlackBerry Internet Service for smaller companies and prosumers is a logical next step to fulfil the need for a solution with all the benefits of BlackBerry without having to install the full enterprise solution."

"BASE's introduction of BlackBerry for enterprise customers has been very successful," said Bart Vandesompele, Head of Corporate Communication for BASE. "The timing was right for BlackBerry. After establishing this solution for the corporate market segment, BASE is now looking at customers who don't need the full enterprise solution but still want the benefits of BlackBerry and push email functionality."

BlackBerry(R), developed and manufactured by RIM, helps mobile professionals make the most of their day by enabling them to easily manage their email and other information wherever they are. The BlackBerry Enterprise Solution(TM) is already very popular among KPN and BASE's corporate customers who are also supported by a network of BlackBerry Solutions Partners. With BlackBerry Internet Service, individual users and smaller businesses can now also manage their business and personal email on the go with improved communications and productivity.

"The popularity of BlackBerry continues to grow across Europe and we are pleased to work with KPN to introduce BlackBerry Internet Service to its customers in the Netherlands and Belgium," said Mark Guibert, Vice President, Corporate Marketing at Research In Motion. "Customers will benefit from the flexibility and mobility enabled by BlackBerry with always-on, integrated access to voice and data applications."

BlackBerry Internet Service allows users to access up to ten corporate and/or personal email accounts (including Microsoft(R) Exchange and IBM(R) Lotus(R) Domino(TM) and many popular ISP email accounts) from a single device.

The BlackBerry 'push' architecture enables email to be automatically pushed to the BlackBerry handheld - no dialling in required. Users can also read and forward email attachments (including support for Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Acrobat PDF documents).

KPN offers a choice of three BlackBerry Wireless Handhelds(TM) - the BlackBerry 7230(TM), the BlackBerry 7730(TM) and the new BlackBerry 7290(TM). BASE offers a choice of two BlackBerry Wireless Handhelds(TM) - the BlackBerry 7730(TM) and the new BlackBerry 7290(TM). All handhelds combine the capabilities of wireless email, data and phone in one powerful and convenient device. Each BlackBerry handheld also features a clear, high-resolution color screen and an integrated 'QWERTY' keyboard. The BlackBerry 7230 and BlackBerry 7730 handhelds are tri-band (900/1800/1900 MHz), and the BlackBerry 7290 is quad-band (850/900/1800/1900 MHz) to support international roaming. The screen of the BlackBerry 7730(TM) is larger to allow for optimized data viewing capabilities while the BlackBerry 7230(TM) and BlackBerry 7290(TM) are more compact handhelds. The BlackBerry 7290(TM) also includes Bluetooth(R) support, 32 MB memory and a brighter backlight.

About KPN Royal Dutch Telecommunications

KPN offers high quality and innovative telecommunication services to both consumers and businesses. KPN's core businesses are: fixed network services in the Netherlands, mobile services in the Netherlands, Germany (E-Plus), and Belgium (BASE) and data services in Western Europe.

At the end of the third quarter of 2004, KPN serviced a total of 7.6 million fixed line and 1.6 million Internet customers, and 16.4 million mobile customers.

For more information about KPN visit

About BASE

BASE n.v./s.a. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of KPN Mobile N.V., the mobile division of Koninklijke KPN N.V. KPN provides mobile voice and data services in Germany (E-Plus), Belgium (BASE) and Netherlands (KPN and Hi). At the end of Q3 2004, BASE had 1,517,000 customers, with a market share of more than 17%. BASE is the fastest growing gsm operator in Belgium. The company, which has its headquarters in Brussels, targets specific market sectors with tailor-made services.

About Research In Motion (RIM)

Research In Motion is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of innovative wireless solutions for the worldwide mobile communications market. Through the development of integrated hardware, software and services that support multiple wireless network standards, RIM provides platforms and solutions for seamless access to time-sensitive information including email, phone, SMS messaging, Internet and intranet-based applications. RIM technology also enables a broad array of third party developers and manufacturers to enhance their products and services with wireless connectivity to data. RIM's portfolio of award-winning products, services and embedded technologies are used by thousands of organizations around the world and include the BlackBerry(R) wireless platform, the RIM Wireless Handheld(TM) product line, software development tools, radio-modems and software/hardware licensing agreements. Founded in 1984 and based in Waterloo, Ontario, RIM operates offices in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. RIM is listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market (Nasdaq: RIMM) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: RIM). For more information, visit or

Forward-looking statements in this news release are made pursuant to the "safe harbor" provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used herein, words such as "intend" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions made by and information available to Research In Motion Limited. Investors are cautioned that such forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward looking statements include, without limitation, possible product defects and product liability, risks related to international sales and potential foreign currency exchange fluctuations, the initiation or outcome of litigation, acts or potential acts of terrorism, international conflicts, significant fluctuations of quarterly operating results, changes in Canadian and foreign laws and regulations, continued acceptance of RIM's products, increased levels of competition, technological changes and the successful development of new products, dependence on third-party networks to provide services, dependence on intellectual property rights and other risks and factors detailed from time to time in RIM's periodic reports filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, and other regulatory authorities. The Company has no intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

The BlackBerry and RIM families of related marks, images and symbols are the exclusive properties and trademarks of Research In Motion Limited. RIM, Research In Motion and BlackBerry are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be pending or registered in other countries. All other brands, product names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the properties of their respective owners.

Research In Motion (NASDAQ:RIMM) (TSX:RIM)

Stephen Hufton
Media Department
+31 70 44 60143
Bart Vandesompele
+ 32 2 728 41 38 or GSM: + 32 485 200 201
Sara Buytaert
+ 32 3 260 96 47
Fax: + 32 3 237 23 25
RIM Media Contact North America:
Brodeur Worldwide for RIM
Courtney Flaherty
+1 (212) 771-3637
RIM Media Contact Europe:
Hotwire PR for RIM
+44 (0) 7967 500 964
Investor Contact:
Research In Motion Investor Relations
1 (519) 888-7465

Source: Research In Motion

Copyright Business Wire 2005  

06.08.05 09:43

6685 Postings, 7867 Tage geldschneiderRimm auf TD Newcrest Telecom And Technology Forum

 in Markham am 9. August 05, Ontario

RIM CFO to Present at TD Newcrest Telecom And Technology Forum

WATERLOO, Ontario --(Business Wire)-- Aug. 5, 2005 -- <!--          ALWAYS look for the preformatted table indicators BEFORE looking for the paragraph markers.     -->Dennis Kavelman, Chief Financial Officer at Research In Motion (RIM) (NASDAQ:RIMM)(TSX:RIM) will present at the TD Newcrest Telecom and Technology Forum in Markham, Ontario on Tuesday, August 9, 2005. The presentation, which is scheduled to begin at approximately 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time, will be available via live audio webcast on RIM's website and can be accessed by logging on at

        ALWAYS look for the preformatted table indicators BEFORE looking for the paragraph markers.     -->About Research In Motion (RIM)

         ALWAYS look for the preformatted table indicators BEFORE looking for the paragraph markers.     -->Research In Motion is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of innovative wireless solutions for the worldwide mobile communications market. Through the development of integrated hardware, software and services that support multiple wireless network standards, RIM provides platforms and solutions for seamless access to time-sensitive information including email, phone, SMS messaging, Internet and intranet-based applications. RIM technology also enables a broad array of third party developers and manufacturers to enhance their products and services with wireless connectivity. RIM's portfolio of award-winning products, services and embedded technologies are used by thousands of organizations around the world and include the BlackBerry(R) wireless platform, the RIM Wireless Handheld(TM) product line, software development tools, radio-modems and software/hardware licensing agreements. Founded in 1984 and based in Waterloo, Ontario, RIM operates offices in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. RIM is listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market (Nasdaq:RIMM) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX:RIM). For more information, visit or

       ALWAYS look for the preformatted table indicators BEFORE looking for the paragraph markers.     -->The BlackBerry and RIM families of related marks, images and symbols are the exclusive properties and trademarks of Research In Motion Limited. RIM, Research In Motion and BlackBerry are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be pending or registered in other countries. All other brands, product names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the properties of their respective owners.

<!--          ALWAYS look for the preformatted table indicators BEFORE looking for the paragraph markers.     -->Research In Motion (NASDAQ:RIMM) (TSX:RIM)

RIMM - Research In Motion Ltd (NASDAQ NM)8/5/2005 



29.09.05 19:02

3186 Postings, 7532 Tage lancerevo7sieht sehr gut aus!

29.09.2005 - 17:11
RESEARCH in Motion - Einbruch nach den Zahlen
(©GodmodeTrader -

Research in Motion hat im abgelaufenen Quartal einen Nettogewinn von 111,1 Millionen Dollar oder 56 Cents je Aktie erzielt. Im Vorjahr hatte dieser bei 70,6 Millionen Dollar gelegen. Ohne Sondereffekte wurde ein Gewinn von 61 Cents je Aktie erwirtschaftet. Der Umsatz kletterte im Jahresvergleich um 8 Prozent auf 490,1 Millionen Dollar.
Am Markt waren im Durchschnitt 61 Cents Gewinn je Aktie bei 487 Millionen Dollar Umsatz erwartet worden.
Für das laufende Quartal hob der Blackberry-Hersteller die Umsatzprognose auf 540 bis 570 Millionen Dollar an. Das Unternehmen rechnet aber weiterhin mit einem Gewinn zwischen 62 und 68 Cents je Aktie.

RESEARCH in Motion (RIMM) : 70,01 $ (-9,37%)

Aktueller Wochenchart (log) seit März.2003 (1 Kerze = 1 Woche)

Diagnose: Nach dem Quartalsbericht bricht die Aktie von Research in Motion heute als größter Verlierer im Nasdaq 100 ein. Der Kurs konsolidiert bereits seit Ende 2004 eine bis 103,56 $ gelaufene Rallye aus und konnte sich dabei zunächst im Bereich der bei 62,00 $ liegenden Unterstützung stabilisieren. Seitdem wird ein steigendes Dreieck gebildet, welches regelkonform mit einem Ausbruch über die bei 83,50 $ liegende Triggerlinie aufgelöst werden sollte.

Prognose: An dieser Buy-Triggerlinie kippt die Aktie jetzt aber ab und fällt auf die bei 69,40 $ liegende Dreiecksunterkante ab. Hier muss RIMM drehen um das bullische Setup nicht zu gefährden. Ein Wochenschluss unter 69,40 $ lässt weitere Verluste bis in den Bereich 62,00 $ erwarten. Für die Auslösung eines Kaufsignals bleibt der Ausbruch über 83,50 $ weiterhin abzuwarten.

Chart erstellt mit Qcharts


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