December 16, 2016 - Vancouver, British Columbia Vodis Pharmaceuticals Inc. (the
Company or Vodis) (CSE: VP / FSE: 1JV) is pleased to announce that the Company intends to proceed immediately with the consolidation of its share capital on a four old for one new basis (the Consolidation). The consolidation will result in the number of issued and outstanding common shares of the Company being reduced from 113,842,580 common shares to 28,460,645 common shares. Outstanding stock options and share purchase warrants will also be adjusted by the equivalent consolidation ratio and the respective exercise prices adjusted accordingly. This Company will retain its current name and stock symbol.
This consolidation was initially announced on December 7, 2016 with an anticipated effective date of December 14, 2016. The anticipated effective date for this share consolidation will now be December 21, 2016. Letters of transmittal will be mailed out to shareholders on December 16, 2016.
Quelle: Homepage Vodis/ News
Also im Endeffekt ein Re-Splitt im Verhältnis 4:1 - aus 4 alten Aktien wurde 1 Neue und dafür ist jetzt auch der Preis 4 mal so hoch.
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