Biolife solutions (BLFS) - geniales Geschäftsmodel

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neuester Beitrag: 24.04.21 23:17
eröffnet am: 07.05.14 07:23 von: Chalifmann3 Anzahl Beiträge: 23
neuester Beitrag: 24.04.21 23:17 von: Lauraijnoa Leser gesamt: 13471
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07.05.14 07:23

23601 Postings, 6520 Tage Chalifmann3Biolife solutions (BLFS) - geniales Geschäftsmodel

und massiv runter von den 52-week higs bei 24 dollar ! Die aktie stand mal bei 600 Dollar und ist

... (automatisch gekürzt) ...
Zeitpunkt: 07.05.14 10:13
Aktion: Kürzung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, ggf. Link-Einfügen nutzen - Bitte nur kurz zitieren und immer die genaue Link-URL zum Artikel als Quelle angeben.  



07.05.14 07:27

23601 Postings, 6520 Tage Chalifmann3Langfristchart und aussicht

Morgen kommen Zahlen,der quartalsbericht für Q1 2014 steht an,es dürfte nicht mewhr lange dauern und die Gewinnschwelle ist erreicht,vielleicht schon in 2014!

Angehängte Grafik:
z.png (verkleinert auf 63%) vergrößern

07.05.14 07:30

23601 Postings, 6520 Tage Chalifmann3den Verleich zum

Geschäftsmodell der deutschen Morphosys AG verkneif ich mir jetzt mal,aber eins steht fest: Entweder Morphosys ist zu teuer oder biolife zu billig,eine andere Schlöussfolgerung sehe ich nicht !  

07.05.14 07:33

23601 Postings, 6520 Tage Chalifmann3wkn A1XCF2

Handel nur am Nasdaq,leider !  

07.05.14 07:59

18 Postings, 3971 Tage Bernardo75BLFS ist definitiv "strong buy"

Ich bin seit Freitag bei 2,75 Dollar investiert. Ich hab alles gelesen, sogar die Firma angeschrieben !!! Das Sharholder-Value ist jedoch nicht vorhanden. Die Firma hat extremes Wachstum vor sich. Lad dir den Zack-Bericht vom 21.04.2014 runter. Muss jetzt weg, es würde mich freuen, wenn wir uns austauschen, weil mein bayerisches Englisch nicht das Beste ist und ich mich dauernd auf Englisch unterhalten muss. Ich sage bis Ende August sollte die Aktie mindestens bei 4,50 Dollar stehen. Wenn heute kaufen, da BLFS am Donnerstag alles dafür tun wird, um den Kurs Erste Hilfe zu leisten. B.  

07.05.14 08:23

23601 Postings, 6520 Tage Chalifmann3wieso

meinst du das kein Shareholder value vorhanden ist ? Etwa wegen dem negativen buchwert von -2,64 Dollar/share ?


07.05.14 09:28

18 Postings, 3971 Tage Bernardo75Das sind keine aktuellen Zahlen !

Hi, freut mich !!!
seit der Kapitalerhöhung sieht es so aus: Cash: 13 Millionen Dollar und keinerlei Schulden, schuldenfrei. Da das Geld aus dem Börsengang komplett zur Schuldentilgung verwendet wurde.
Daraus ergibt sich ein Buchwert je Aktie von ca. + 1,08 Dollar !!!!

hier ein kurzen Ausschnitt von Seeking Alpha vom 14. April 2014

BioLife has completely transformed its balance sheet thanks to this recent financial engineering. The company ended the year with less than $200K in cash, and more than $10M in debt. Now BioLife has $13M+ in cash, with $0 debt. This means at $3.64 BioLife essentially has a market capitalization of just $30M.


Mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von nur $ 43M ($ 30M Netto-Cash) und eine wachsende Pipeline von 100 + Drogen Verwendung seiner Produkte, wird BioLife bei 3,64 $ pro Aktie einen Versuch wert.

Wenn mehrere der Unternehmen Medikamente genehmigt bekommen, könnte BioLife Einnahmen drastisch erhöhen. Aufgrund der einzigartigen Geschäftsmodell des Unternehmens, hat es keine F & E-Kosten und Marketingaufwendungen einmal Medikament zugelassen ist. Dies wird dem Unternehmen deutliche Ergebnishebel einmal Einnahmen beginnt, Rampe, und gibt dem großen Lager Optionalität gegeben Ausführung der langfristigen Business-Plan.

ganzer Bericht:

Zacks "strong buy":,%202014_BLFS_Marckx_v001_q59813.pdf

Das Kursziel von Zack liegt bei 11 Dollar. Ich mag Zack normal nicht, aber das ist nicht übertrieben !!!!
Die Aktie ist ein eindeutiger Kauf, jedoch bis das alle merken kann Sie eventl. nach leicht runtergehen. Das würde ich aber nicht riskieren, wenn ich kein Daytrader bin !!!
Bis bald. Bernd.  

07.05.14 09:37

18 Postings, 3971 Tage Bernardo75wg. Shareholder value

.... nein, ich meine damit, dass das Management zur zeit einen Porsche hat, jedoch die Firma als alten Fiat 500 verkauft (obwohl das Auto ja kess ist). Verstehst ? Alle anderen Biotechs vermarkten eine Sekretärin, zwei ausgemusterte Doktoren und einen Geldgeilen CEO bis zu einer Marktkapitalisierung von über 100 Millionen. Und BLFS hat 32 Millionen Marktkap.. Als studierter Ex-Banker würde ich allein für die Übergabe/Verkauf eine 3 bis 5 fache Jahresumsetzbewertung ansetzen und das wäre allein ein Kurs von 4 bis 5 Dollar, wie es für die Aktienausgabe im April zu 4,75 Dollar war.  

09.05.14 12:30

1110 Postings, 6499 Tage sachsenpaule99Studierter so

mal kleine Frage zwischendurch:
- was ist das genaue Geschäftsmodell? Es mit MOR zu vergleichen, ist schon im Ansatz fragwürdig!
- welche Medikationen sind in der Entwicklung und in welchem Stadium sind sie (P1, P2?)?
- wo ist die Bilanz zu finden?
- was sind aktuelle Umsatztreiber, was sind Kostenblöcke?

und last but not least: wenn dies solch ein Wahnsinnsding ist, warum sinkt der Kurs konstant und stetig??  

09.05.14 16:52

23601 Postings, 6520 Tage Chalifmann3hallo Sachsenpaule !

Warum der Kurs so absäuft,wissen wir beide nicht ! bin noch nicht eingestiegen,aber ab 1,50 Dollar denke ich darüber nach,wie gesagt,über 100 Clinicals,das meiste davon in Phase-3,hatte ich auch im eingangsposting belegt,aber da hat sich wieder son Hanseln beschwert ....


09.05.14 22:58

1110 Postings, 6499 Tage sachsenpaule99Chalifman...

..vorsicht, vorsicht; von den erwähnten 100 clinicals sind dies ersten 100 trials und nicht clinicals im Sinne eines MOR102 wie bei Morphosys und sie nicht auch nicht in der Mehrheit in Phase 3! die erwähnten 100 trials bewegen sich zwischen Vorstudie (also grob gesprochen "darüber nachgedacht und kommuniziert" und Phase 3. Wobei ich keine direkte Quelle bei BioLife selbst finde für die 100 trials.

Anyway, wenn du dir die Bilanz und die Aussagen des Managements selbst durchliest, dann  steigen die Umsatzerlöse nicht so, dass man von einem riesigen Potential sprechen könnte.  rein bilanziell gesehen sogar Verlust im Vgl. zum Vorjahr und dieses Jahr perspektivisch nur 25-30% Wachstum.

Also warum sollte man hier investieren??  

09.01.15 13:05

23601 Postings, 6520 Tage Chalifmann3175,Sachsenpaule !

BioLife Solutions Biopreservation Media Products Embedded in 175 Cellular Immunotherapy & Other Regenerative Medicine Clinical Trials
Proprietary, Clinical Grade HypoThermosol® and CryoStor® Extending Shelf Life and Improving Survival & Function of CAR-T Cells, Dendritic Cells, Etc.
PR Newswire
BioLife Solutions, Inc. January 5, 2015 6:00 AM

BOTHELL, Wash., Jan. 5, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- BioLife Solutions, Inc. (BLFS), a leading developer, manufacturer and marketer of proprietary clinical grade hypothermic storage and cryopreservation freeze media and precision thermal shipping products for cells and tissues  ("BioLife" or the "Company"), today provided an update on the adoption of its HypoThermosol and CryoStor biopreservation media products in a greatly increased number of customer clinical trials of novel cellular immunotherapies and other cell-based approaches for treating and possibly curing the leading causes of death and disorders throughout the world.

In January 2014, management estimated that BioLife products were incorporated into the storage, shipping, freezing, and/or clinical administration processes and protocols of 100 regenerative medicine clinical trials.  For the calendar year 2014, management estimates that an additional 75 regenerative medicine clinical trials using BioLife products were confirmed, bringing the total to 175.  Confirming and supporting information is sourced from customer requests to cross reference BioLife's US FDA Master Files for CryoStor and HypoThermosol in clinical trial applications, other customer and distributor communications, and the website.

Within the cellular immunotherapy segment of the regenerative medicine market, BioLife's products are embedded in the manufacturing, storage, and delivery processes of at least 75 clinical trials of chimeric antigen receptor T cells (CAR-T), T cell receptor (TCR), dendritic cell (DC), tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL), and other T cell-based cellular therapeutics targeting solid tumors, hematologic malignancies, and other diseases and disorders. A large majority of the currently active private and publicly traded cellular immunotherapy companies are BioLife customers.

The Roots Analysis market research report titled Dendritic Cell and CAR-T Therapies, 2014 – 2024, published in November 2014, estimates that the cellular immunotherapies market could grow to $4 billion by 2024.  BioLife's addressable share of this market is attributed to the demand for biopreservation media and controlled temperature shipping containers.  The combined market caps for the leading pure play publicly traded regenerative medicine companies, including developers of cellular immunotherapies, recently exceeded $11 billion, with several successful IPOs, follow on offerings, and strategic corporate investments.

The distribution of regenerative medicine clinical trials where BioLife's biopreservation media are embedded, by phase of development, is provided in the table below.

View photo
BLFS Clinical Trials

Note: some customers incorporated BioLife products in a later phase of development: after pre-clinical work and earlier clinical trial phases were completed.

Mike Rice, BioLife President & CEO, remarked on the increased adoption of CryoStor and HypoThermosol in the cellular immunotherapy and broader regenerative medicine markets by stating, "2014 was a pivotal year for BioLife, with expanded product adoption by several very promising high profile and well-funded regenerative medicine companies.  Nearly half of the clinical trials sponsored by our customers using our biopreservation media products to store, freeze, ship, and administer cells to patients involve some type of T cell based immunotherapy."

Biopreservation, the science of ensuring survival and function of cells, tissues, and organs once removed from the body, includes reducing the temperature of these biologics to reduce metabolic activity and the demand for oxygen and nutrients.  Hypothermic storage and frozen storage enable delivery of temperature sensitive biologics to patients throughout the world, with varying degrees of success, based on the preservation efficacy of the storage or freeze media, and functional performance of the shipping container employed.  BioLife's clinical grade biopreservation media products are engineered for low temperature preservation of cells and tissues, and have been broadly adopted in numerous clinical applications based on a large body of performance evidence generated by customers, which supports extended stability (shelf life) and improved yield (survival and functional recovery) of a broad array of cells and tissues, as compared to the use of home brew and other non-optimized formulations.

Rice continued, "We are very well positioned to participate in the growth of the regenerative medicine market and the truly remarkable cellular immunotherapy segment of oncology care.  BioLife is a classic embedded technology story, with our biopreservation media products part of our customer processes, and also with our new biologistex cold chain management service, which can improve logistics and monitoring shipments of high-value manufactured cell products.  We've worked very hard to build this marquee customer base in what could emerge as one of the largest growth opportunities in the history of medical innovation and market development."

About BioLife Solutions

BioLife Solutions develops, manufactures and markets hypothermic storage and cryopreservation solutions and precision thermal shipping products for cells, tissues, and organs. BioLife also performs contract aseptic media formulation, fill, and finish services. The Company's proprietary HypoThermosol® and CryoStor® platform of solutions are highly valued in the biobanking, drug discovery, and regenerative medicine markets. BioLife's biopreservation media products are serum-free and protein-free, fully defined, and are formulated to reduce preservation-induced cell damage and death.  BioLife's enabling technology provides commercial companies and clinical researchers significant improvement in shelf life and post-preservation viability and function of cells, tissues, and organs.  For more information please visit, and follow BioLife on Twitter..


12.04.15 06:45

23601 Postings, 6520 Tage Chalifmann3Zacks

Q4 / FY 2014 Results: Solid Year With Continued Strength in Core Products, New Revenue Opportunities…

BioLife Solutions (BLFS) announced results for Q4 and the full-year ending December 31, 2014.  Q4 and full-year revenue, as expected following the company’s revenue preannouncement in January, came in at $1.7 million and $6.2 million.  Relative to Q4, gross margin surprised big on the upside, partially benefitting from product mix but most of which looks to be a result of (one-time) engineering/validation work for preparations related to the manufacturing contract with Somahlution for DuraDraft.  Meanwhile, OpEx jumped fairly significantly from Q3 (as well as yoy) and was meaningfully higher than our estimate – the difference compared to our numbers appears to be related to more than anticipated sales/mktg spend as well as additional hires and consulting expense in R&D – some of which has to do with development of the biologistex-related software platform.  But this unanticipated level of increase in OpEx was completely offset by the wider than expected gross margin, resulting in Q4 net income and EPS coming in just about exactly where we had predicted.

Operationally, as we have discussed in recent updates, BioLife has made meaningful progress with stocking their chest with additional revenue opportunities while at the same time continuing to grow their core biopreservation media products business (core products revenue grew 25% in 2014 and management is guiding for 20% - 30% growth in 2015).  The most significant bolt-on revenue catalysts were announced during 2014 – those being a contract manufacturing agreement with Somahlution and the formation of biologistex, a joint-venture with SAVSU.

The most recent addition to their portfolio of revenue opportunities comes with the manufacture of low molecular weight Dextran solutions.  Dextran is used off-label to thaw cryopreserved cells – mostly used for cord blood – but shortages of Dextran has been an ongoing issue for years (with periodic shortages more severe at times).  BLFS will use some of its manufacturing capacity to produce low molecular weight Dextran solutions – and has indicated they already have potential customers lined up.  And while we do not expect this to be an overly significant revenue contributor (particularly as noted on the Q4 call that BLFS will not be competitive on pricing compared to much larger higher-volume manufacturers), it has the potential to add incrementally and help absorb manufacturing capacity as the company continues to look for additional contract manufacturing opportunities.

But while we think these new opportunities (particularly the JV) could add meaningfully to revenue and profitability of BLFS, recent delays to getting the JV fully operational and in initiating manufacture of DuraGraft prompted some meaningful revisions to our model.  We discuss this in further detail below.

Related Quotes


BioLife Solutions, Inc.
NASDAQFri, Apr 10, 2015 4:00 PM EDT

   BIOLIFE SOLUTIONS INC Financials EDGAR Online Financials 21 days ago
   BLFS: 2014 Core Products Revenue +25%, Solid 2015 Guidance Zacks Small Cap Research 26 days ago


Q4 revenue was $1.67M, down 27% yoy but up 34% sequentially.  All of the yoy revenue decrease was a result of the loss of the major contract manufacturing customer (Organ Recovery Systems).  BLFS recorded $210k of contract manufacturing-related revenue in Q4 2014 (this was engineering / validation work which needed to be completed prior to initiating manufacture of DuraGraft), down from $1.1 million in Q4 2013.

For the full year, revenue was $6.19M, down 31% from $8.95M in 2013 but, again, all of the contraction was related to contract manufacturing.  Contract manufacturing revenue fell 71% from $4.42M in 2013 to just $1.28M in 2014.

Meanwhile, product sales growth remains very robust – coming in at $1.46M in Q4, a new all-time record and representing a 21% yoy and 17% sequential increase through Q4.  For the full-year, product sales increased 25%.  We reiterate that while there is potential for short-term volatility in product sales, we continue to expect revenue from the company's biopreservation media to grow over the long term as BLFS successfully expands their customer base.  As noted, management is guiding for core products revenue to increase another 20% - 30% in 2015.

Q4 OpEx was $2.0MM, up considerably from $1.2M in Q4 2013 and $1.46M in Q3 2014 and about 16% higher than our estimate.  While, as indicated, we had expected a meaningful increase in OpEx – mostly as a result of further build-out of the sales/mktg infrastructure in support of the new business opportunities and fees/expenses related to the biologistex agreement – we underestimated S&M spend by $164k (32%).  But also contributing to our miss in OpEx was R&D expense more than doubling from Q3 – management noted some of this is not expected to recur and appears to be related to supporting development of the biologistex business.

Q4 net loss and EPS were $996k and ($0.08), in-line with our $957 loss and ($0.08) estimates.  For the full-year, net loss and EPS were $3.2M and ($0.31), compared to $1.1M loss and ($0.22) in 2013.  The increased net loss in 2014 as compared to 2013 can be attributed to the 31% decrease in revenue (again – all of which relates to lost contract manufacturing revenue), higher OpEx for infrastructure build-out and fees related mostly to biologistex, which was partially offset by a 700 basis point widening (42% in 2013 to 49% in 2014) of gross margin.  The relatively beefy GM in 2014 was aided by the reduction in (lower margin) contract manufacturing revenue as well as the aforementioned one-time engineering/validation revenue captured in Q4.

So, while revenue and net loss deteriorated from 2013 to 2014, the details illustrate that fundamentals of the business remain solid and BLFS is restocking for their next anticipated wave of growth.  We reiterate that core product sales growth has been (23% in 2012, 30% in 2013, 25% in 2014) and is expected to continue to be robust (20% - 30% in 2015).  The additional OpEx spend relates to new business opportunity investments, namely biologistex – which are expected to make a meaningful contribution over the long-term.  On the contract manufacturing side, which has been a spot of softness since the loss of the Organ Recovery Systems contract in Q2 2014, revenue should return to meaningful levels – although this has been delayed from expectations since when the Somahlution agreement was penned.


Q4 and full-year cash flow used in operating activities was $697k and $3.2M.  Excluding changes in working capital, cash used was $749k in Q4 and $2.5M for the year.  BLFS used another $590k in 2014 for the purchase of PP&E. Cash balance (including liquid investments), which was recently bolstered by the $13.6M (net) equity issuance in March, stood at $9.9M at year-end.  Management expects cash use to increase by as much as 30% in 2015.  We also note that, per the biologistex JV agreement, BLFS will contribute $2.4M to the JV (which is in addition to the $1 million that is being paid monthly from Q3 2014 – Q3 2015).  


BLFS provided initial financial guidance for 2015 which includes core product revenue growth of 20% - 30%, gross margin of 50% - 60% and cash use and net loss increasing by as much as 30% - all compared to full-year 2014.  

12.04.15 06:45

23601 Postings, 6520 Tage Chalifmann3Biolife jetzt auch in Berlin !!

12.04.15 06:48

23601 Postings, 6520 Tage Chalifmann3Phase-3 mit biolife-Technologie !

BioLife Solutions CryoStor® Cell Preservation Media Embedded in Cardio3 BioSciences' Phase III Clinical Trials of C-Cure® Cell Therapy for Congestive Heart Failure
PR Newswire BioLife Solutions, Inc.
April 9, 2015 6:00 AM


BOTHELL, Wash., April 9, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- BioLife Solutions, Inc. (BLFS), a leading developer, manufacturer and marketer of proprietary clinical grade hypothermic storage and cryopreservation freeze media and precision thermal shipping products for cells and tissues  ("BioLife" or the "Company"), today announced that Cardio3 BioSciences, a leader in engineered cell therapy with clinical programs initially targeting indications in cardiovascular disease and oncology, has embedded the Company's clinical grade CryoStor cryopreservation freeze media in its ongoing Congestive Heart Failure Cardiopoietic Regenerative Therapy (CHART-1) phase III clinical trial in Europe and Israel and the pending CHART-2 phase III clinical trial to be conducted in the United States.

CHART-1 (Congestive Heart Failure Cardiopoietic Regenerative Therapy) is a patient prospective, controlled multi-centre, randomized, double-blinded Phase III clinical trial comparing treatment with C-Cure® to a sham treatment. The trial has recruited 240 patients with chronic advanced symptomatic heart failure. The primary endpoint of the trial is a composite endpoint including mortality, morbidity, quality of life, Six Minute Walk Test and left ventricular structure and function at nine months post-procedure.

Dr. Christian Homsy, CEO of Cardio3 BioSciences, commented on the selection of CryoStor by stating, "We evaluated several possible freeze media formulations for our clinical cell therapy product development and manufacturing. CryoStor and BioLife best met our preservation efficacy, product and supplier quality, and customer support requirements."

As of January 2015, BioLife management estimates that the Company's CryoStor freeze media and HypoThermosol® cell and tissue storage/shipping media have been incorporated into at least 175 customer clinical trials of novel cellular immunotherapies and other cell-based approaches for treating and possibly curing the leading causes of death and disorders throughout the world. Within the cellular immunotherapy segment of the regenerative medicine market, BioLife's products are embedded in the manufacturing, storage, and delivery processes of at least 75 clinical trials of chimeric antigen receptor T cells (CAR-T), T cell receptor (TCR), dendritic cell (DC), tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL), and other T cell-based cellular therapeutics targeting solid tumors, hematologic malignancies, and other diseases and disorders. A large majority of the currently active private and publicly traded cellular immunotherapy companies are BioLife customers.

Mike Rice, BioLife Solutions CEO, remarked; "We are honored to be able to supply our clinical grade CryoStor cell freeze media for Cardio3 Biosciences' phase III clinical trials. Congestive heart failure is a leading cause of death and C-Cure is a novel and potentially life-saving, cell-based therapy that offers hope to millions of patients throughout the world.  We are very well positioned to participate in the growth of the regenerative medicine market, with our products being used in at least 75 phase II and over 20 phase III clinical trials of new cell and tissue based products and therapies."

About Cardio3 Biosciences

Cardio3 BioSciences is a leader in engineered cell therapy with clinical programs initially targeting indications in cardiovascular disease and oncology. Founded in 2007 and based in the Walloon region of Belgium, Cardio3 BioSciences leverages research collaborations in the USA with the Mayo Clinic (MN, USA) and Dartmouth College (NH, USA). The Company's lead product candidate in cardiology is C-Cure®, an autologous stem cell therapy for the treatment of ischemic heart failure. The Company's lead product candidate in oncology is CAR- NKG2D, an autologous CAR T-cell product candidate using NKG2D, a natural killer cell receptor designed to target ligands present on multiple tumor types, including ovarian, bladder, breast, lung and liver cancers, as well as leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. Cardio3 BioSciences is also developing medical devices for enhancing the delivery of diagnostic and therapeutic agents into the heart (CCath®) and potentially for the treatment of mitral valve defects.

Cardio3 BioSciences' shares are listed on Euronext Brussels and Euronext Paris under the ticker symbol CARD. To learn more about Cardio3 BioSciences, please visit

About C-Cure®

Cardio3 BioSciences' C-Cure® therapy involves taking stem cells from a patient's own bone marrow and through a proprietary process called Cardiopoiesis, re-programming those cells to become heart cells. The cells, known as cardiopoietic cells, are then injected back into the patient's heart through a minimally invasive procedure, with the aim of repairing damaged tissue and improving heart function and patient clinical outcomes. C-Cure® is the outcome of multiple years of research conducted at Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minnesota, USA), Cardio3 BioSciences (Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium) and Cardiovascular Centre in Aalst (Aalst, Belgium). C-Cure® is currently in Phase III clinical trials (CHART-1, approved by the EMA and CHART-2, for which enrollment will begin once final approval is received from FDA). The results of the Phase II trial, completed in January 2012, were published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) in April 2013. The publication reported a significant improvement in treated patients.  

13.04.15 22:45

23601 Postings, 6520 Tage Chalifmann3und plus 14%,liegt es an den Zahlen ?

Sehr warscheinlich,die fundis werden nach und nach immer besser bei BLFS:  

14.04.15 16:10

23601 Postings, 6520 Tage Chalifmann3jetzt gehts aber knuffig ab !!

Plus 30% nach halber Stunde Handel,volumen auch richtig fett ! Steht der nächste "Hype" an,oder wird die fundamentale Unterbewertung der aktie einfach mal nach oben korrigiert ?


18.07.18 08:55

80 Postings, 2494 Tage James8Anstieg Anstieg Anstieg

die Aktie kennt aktuell gefühlt nur eine Richtung !

Wie seht ihr die aktuelle Entwicklung, das extrem hohe KGV und die Aussichten von BLFS ?  

02.12.18 17:22

3732 Postings, 5515 Tage TamakoschyFundamental

BioLife Solutions, Inc. engages in the development, manufacture, and marketing of portfolio of biopreservation tools for cells, tissues, and organs including proprietary clinical grade cell and tissue hypothermic storage and cryopreservation freeze media.;region=usa&culture=en-US  

18.03.19 07:06

650 Postings, 4028 Tage SmylHallihallo

Noch jemand da der investiert ist.
Weiss jemand wie viel Umsatz die übernommene Firma hat?  

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