Gott, wenn das alles eintritt, dann Glückwunsch denen, die bereits jetzt an Bord sind
The WARREN BUFFETT Connection: The idea for this App is so excellent that several Las Vegas restaurants of Warren Buffett’s restaurant chain DQ (Dairy Queen) began utilizing the App immediately. It is expected that all of the DQ restaurants will implement the EpoxyApp. Currently the stock ticker symbol is still NHYT for NeoHydro Techologies, but in resent SEC filings the new symbol, if approved by the SEC, will soon be EPXY or similar as also the company name has changed to Epoxy, Inc. If e.g. Warren Buffett’s DQ restaurants implement the EpoxyApp on a national basis, then millions of new users would be added to the EpoxyApp network virtually within a few days. Also, the market cap of the company would shoot into stratospheric heights within days. Currently, based on the company’s $2 million market cap, the value per user stands at $65 which depending on comparison with various Apps reflects industry standard. After concluding the recent test phase EpoxyApp has a bit more than 30,000 user in the Las Vegas area. For each added million users it can be estimated that a market cap of approx. $50-$65 million is added which translates into a stock price increase of approx. 25-30 Cents, which is a huge increase from the current 1 – 2 Pennies the stock is trading at. Not only a million users, but rather many millions of users could be added within days for each fast food chain, hair salon chain, quick lube chain, etc. that signs up for the App with Epoxy. Here are a few reasons why the stock could soar from the current 1 – 2 Pennies per share to $10/share and according to some market experts even to $30/share over time, ... meaning each $1,000 invested could turn into $3 million: (1 ) The technical capacities are apparently now at a stage that the company could literally add millions of new App users per day;
(2 ) Next to Warren Buffett’s Dairy Queen restaurants, all of the other restaurant chains from Carl’s Jr., Burger King, McDonalds, Arby’s, Denny’s, Taco Bell, etc. and all hair salons from Sport Clips to SuperCut, etc. as well as the quick-lube stations like Jiffy Lube, etc. and all the retail chains from Kohl’s, TJ Maxx, Sears, J.C. Penney, Ross Stores, etc. could implement the EpoxyApp. And we think that over time virtually all of these companies will install the EpoxyApp just as they utilized Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram, etc. This would mean that for each of these clients who signs up many millions of new App users would be added to the network within days, ... which translates into a phenomenal growth potential;
(3 ) Another source of many millions of new users will be the casino resort companies. Caeasars/Harrahs alone has about 50 million customers in their database. Most of those clients are using smartphones and they would rather quickly sign up for the uncomplicated feature rich EpoxyApp for all the comps, gift cards and special offers from their casino resort company.
The mega company Cantor Gaming (of Cantor Fitzgerald) has already recognized the online gaming market with their wireless devices and transaction processing. If a company like Cantor would be interested in buying Epoxy, Inc. after the EpoxyApp user base has reached several million, especially if just one or two casino resort companies sign up for the App, the an Epoxy buyout would be easily worth about $2 billion and therefore transforming the current 1 – 2 Cent stock into a $10 stock. And sure, also Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Yelp, etc. could be perhaps interested parties in a bid for Epoxy, Inc. With its patents and an ever increasing user base, Epoxy should be an interesting takeover/purchase target for these companies. |