.... und das Kapital soll wohl um 11,25 Mio erhöht werden!? Ist ja nun auch nicht so riesig.
1.1. Background At the General Shareholders’ Meeting of Gamesa Corporación Tecnológica, S.A. (hereinafter, “Gamesa” or the “Company”) held on June 29, 2012, under item five of the Agenda, the shareholders approved an increase in wholly paid-in share capital with a charge to the reserves accounts included in Article 303.1 of the Capital Companies Law (Ley de Sociedades de Capital), in a maximum gross amount by reference to market value of eleven million two hundred and fifty thousand euros (11,250,000 euros) by means of the issuance of ordinary shares for the free-of-charge allocation thereof to the shareholders of the Company (the “Capital Increase”). Under this resolution, and in accordance with Article 297.1.a) of the Capital Companies Law, the Board of Directors was authorized to implement the Capital Increase within one year following the approval thereof, determining, for such purposes, the terms and conditions thereof as to all matters not provided for in the resolution approved by the Gamesa’s General Shareholders’ Meeting. By virtue of the aforementioned faculties, the Board of Directors of the Company in its meeting held on June 29, 2012, has resolved among other items, to execute the Capital Increase on what would have been the dividend for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2011 if the system “Gamesa Flexible Dividend” (“Gamesa Dividendo Flexible”) had not been implemented. The foregoing, without prejudice to the payment of a dividend in cash approved by the General Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company held on June 29, 2012 under item four of the Agenda, which is foreseen to be paid no later than September 15, 2012. |