Bains Mer Monaco Qualitätswert mit 250% Chance

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neuester Beitrag: 09.07.08 10:45
eröffnet am: 04.08.04 21:18 von: waytomars Anzahl Beiträge: 87
neuester Beitrag: 09.07.08 10:45 von: nekro Leser gesamt: 41214
davon Heute: 2
bewertet mit 5 Sternen

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19.10.04 21:04

200 Postings, 7669 Tage waytomarsNa, ist doch schön...

wenn die Leute die Ariva nutzen das alles eher wissen!



02.11.04 10:00

1319 Postings, 7707 Tage Nussriegel7000 bid stücke für 430€

Damit wäre der Kurs nach unten wohl erst mal abgesichert.
nicht, dass er das nötig hätte *g*,
aber ist doch mal schön zu wissen
da hat aber irgendwer RICHTIG Geld aufd er Tasche
...und weiß, wie man es vermehrt...
Eine schöne Woche für waytomars und alle anderen investierten


02.11.04 10:54

1319 Postings, 7707 Tage Nussriegelin Paris heue mit 445 eröfnet

und seit Tagen beständig mit 2-3% im Plus
das läpert sich...
endlich sind die Dinger in Deutschland mal nicht deulich teurer als in Frankreich, wo der Preis gemacht wird.
Für alle, die noch rein wollen, eine kleine Schnell-Chartanalyse.
Nach der Nachrichtenlage ist es noch nicht zu spät, einzusteigen, nur weil man den ersten Hype verpasst hat. Nur schade, da konnte man schon schönes Geld verdienen.
Ich persönlich halte das Risiko für äußerst gering. Alles, was man wissen muss, steht in den Treads. Den Rest muss aber jeder selber wissen.

Angehängte Grafik:
bpm_NOV.gif (verkleinert auf 78%) vergrößern

02.11.04 10:56

1319 Postings, 7707 Tage Nussriegelund hier noch die frenchies

kann man nicht 2 Grafiken gleichzeitig anhängen?

Angehängte Grafik:
BPM_paris.gif (verkleinert auf 94%) vergrößern

03.11.04 18:56

1336 Postings, 7480 Tage letzaudividende

habe heute pro stück 1,80 EUR dividende bekommen. ist zwar nicht viel, aber der kursanstieg seit ende september kann sich doch sehen lassen! ich war jedenfalls drin!  

29.12.04 18:54

200 Postings, 7669 Tage waytomarsKeine News von Bains

Wenig Neues gibt es weiterhin von
Bains Mer Monaco
zu berichten. Auch Insider
bekommen kaum Infos, was
hinter den Türen der Vorstandsetagen
Allemal positiv ist jedoch
die Tatsache, dass die Holding
von Kooperationspartner
Steve Wynn, an
den US-Börsen unter der
Kürzel WYNN notiert, von
einem Hoch zum nächsten
marschiert. Ein aktueller
Kurs von rund 70 US-Dollar
je Aktie ist für Bains-
Aktionäre gleich ein doppelter Grund zu jubeln.
Zum einen entspricht die Beteiligung der Monegassen
am US-Imperium einem Gegenwert von
immerhin 1,66 Wynn-Aktien pro Bains-Aktie. Das
heisst derzeit deckt alleine die Wynn-Beteiligung
von Bains rund ein Viertel der gesamten Marktkapitalisierung
ab. Zum anderen erhöht der Erfolg
von Wynn in den USA tendenziell die Wahrscheinlichkeit,
dass es tatsächlich zu dem erwarteten,
vor der Küste Monacs
kommen wird.

Also abwarten und Teetrinken

Greetz waytomars  

05.01.05 14:15

1319 Postings, 7707 Tage Nussriegelich gehe zwar davon aus,

dass das Casinoprojekt laufen wird, aber selbst wenn nicht, macht man mit der Aktie wohl wenig falsch
(...vor allem, wenn man sie schon seit September hat ;)

Trotz der stille mogelt sich der Kurs langsam aber sicher nach oben, und auch in Paris in den letzten Tagen bei leicht steigenden Umsätzen.
Ich trinke mal nen Tee mit, Waytomars.
Es ist bestimmt fraglich, ob man hier überhaupt was mit Chartechnik anstellen kann, aber trotzdem mal zur Info:

Angehängte Grafik:
Pbains.jpg (verkleinert auf 78%) vergrößern

11.01.05 15:30

1319 Postings, 7707 Tage Nussriegelda es immer noch nichts neues gibt,

mal etwas (kritisches) Hintergrundmaterial zu Wynn
und zwei Postings aus dem französichen Forum Boursoma
..damit hier keine Langeweile aufkommt *g*

BusinessWeek Online
Wynn Resorts: Snake Eyes For Investors?
Friday November 26, 3:57 pm ET
By Robert Barker

Set in Las Vegas, the hit show CSI: Crime Scene Investigation hooked viewers by setting loose a band of cool empiricists at fantasy's hot epicenter. One moment, a lady steps out of her red, backless dress; the next, an investigator checks a corpse's liver temperature. The contrast might help investors understand Vegas'

hottest stock: Wynn Resorts (NasdaqNM:WYNN - News), the vehicle that serial casino impresario Steve Wynn is using to finance the development of his two latest properties. Wynn Macau, a 600-room resort on the Chinese island near Hong Kong, isn't due to open before 2006. Yet by next April, Wynn Las Vegas is set to host its first guests. Already, Wynn has plans to expand it. On Nov. 16 the company imploded what was left of the old Desert Inn to make way for what it's calling Encore at Wynn Las Vegas. As the Desert Inn fell, Wynn Resorts shares hovered above $57 -- more than double where they were at the dawn of 2004.

INVESTORS MAY BE PARTYING in fantasyland, though. To see what I mean, put on a CSI forensics jumpsuit (good for protecting cocktail attire from blood and tissue samples) and coolly examine the clues. First you might look for profits at Wynn Resorts. You'd find no evidence of them -- in fact, there are no revenues to speak of. Since its inception, Wynn Resorts has spilled $181 million in red ink while developing its properties. Next, check cash flow: Mostly by sales of stock ($808 million worth) and bonds ($1.2 billion), Wynn Resorts had raised $2.2 billion through September. Operations, buying real estate, and construction costs used up more than $2 billion. On Nov. 15, Wynn Resorts raised a fresh $453 million by selling 7.5 million more new common shares.

That brought the total number of shares Wynn has issued, or is on the hook to issue via options, restricted stock, and convertible debentures, nearly to 110 million. At $57 a share, that gives Wynn Resorts an equity value of $6.3 billion. Investigators might ask: What other companies have equity values over $6 billion but revenues under, to be generous, $100 million? A check of the Value Line Investment Survey (NasdaqNM:VALU - News) data base, with 7,824 companies, finds just one other with a market value of more than $6 billion on $100 million or less in revenue: Sirius Satellite Radio. No other public companies with that little in revenue have market caps of even $3 billion.

One day -- perhaps next year, after Wynn Las Vegas opens -- operations will produce cash. How much cash flow would justify its valuation? Including debt, Wynn's enterprise value is about $7 billion. That's what a takeover would cost. You can get a clue about the hopes held in that figure by comparing Wynn to two rivals that this year agreed to buyouts. Caesars Entertainment (NYSE:CZR - News) accepted an offer of $9.4 billion from Harrah's Entertainment (NYSE:HET - News); Mandalay Resort Group (NYSE:MBG - News) is taking a bid of $8.1 billion from MGM Mirage (NYSE:MGG - News). Wynn's valuation is in the same league, though Caesars and Mandalay today operate far more hotel rooms and much more casino space than Wynn has dared envision. For years to come they figure to generate many times more cash flow.

No survey of Wynn's stock market value would be complete without a glance at Steve Wynn's record at Mirage Resorts. Its shareholders saw average annual gains of 25%. Investors buying into Wynn Resorts must be hoping for an encore. Discarding their latex gloves, the CSI crew would conclude that this bet isn't likely to pay out any more than it already has.

18:12 05/01/05

Coté en Amerique (3118)
Depuis le 23.12.2004 la SBM est coté en Amerique sous le No
BMRMF (apres 135 ans d'existence ????? devinez le pourquoi ;-))

Quand tous les actionnaires WYNN seront au courant que WYNN par son alliance strategique avec la SBM va avoir acces au marche Europeen des Casinos ,et que son prochain casino va se construire a Monaco (Projet Torre del mar) le cours pourrait literalement exploser.

Comme l'offre est assez reduite,(il n'existe que 1,8 Mio d'actions)dont Monaco detient 1,2 Mio le marché pourrait etre balaye rapidement.

Cette annee deja +7,77%
Tenez les cours et surtout les volumes a l'oeil ;-)))))

<----! nicht so interessant, aber der vollständigkleit halber:-------->

20:30 04/01/05
Le titre est haussier à court, moyen et long terme, il évolue au dessus de toutes ses moyennes mobiles.
L'orientation globalement haussière du titre est confortée par plusieurs signaux positifs sur les indicateurs et notamment :, la MACD qui se maintient au dessus de son signal, les volumes en forte hausse en l'espace d'une semaine, le gap haussier

Jusqu’au dimanche 16 janvier, Atrium du Casino :
Exposition sur le thème "L’Influence russe à Monte-Carlo" organisée par la Société des Bains de Mer.
Du jeudi 20 au vendredi 28 janvier, Espace Fontvieille :
XXIXe Festival International du Cirque de Monte-Carlo. Mardi 25 janvier, à 20h00 : soirée de gala avec la participation des numéros primés par le Jury ; remise des récompenses par S.A.S. le Prince Rainier III de Monaco. Lundi 24 janvier, Espace Fontvieille, à 18h30 : Célébration oecuménique sur la piste du cirque avec les artistes du festival.
--------------------------------------------------Samedi 29 janvier, Stade Louis II, à 20h00 :
Championnat de France de Football de Ligue 1 : Monaco - Paris-Saint-Germain.

17.01.05 14:36

1319 Postings, 7707 Tage Nussriegeljetzt auch in USA handelbar

Kürzel: BMRMF.PK
das wird hoffentlich den newsflow etwas anregen.
Gruß und schöne Woche,


21.01.05 15:20

200 Postings, 7669 Tage waytomarsHi Nussriegel!

Bains mogelt sich ja so langsam wieder Richtung 450 Euro (allzeithoch). Aufwärtstrend voll Intakt. Glaube wenn im Februar die News von Wynnresort kommen und wir über die 450 hüpfen, startet die zweite Stufe. Sollte tatsächlich angekündigt werden das Casinoprojekt durchzuziehen denke ich wir werden ziemlich schnell 4 stellige Kurse sehen, was denkst du?

Greez waytomars

21.01.05 15:53

10585 Postings, 8104 Tage big lebowskyInteressante Aktie und Story

ich habe es erst jetzt gelesen. Wie immer--zu spät!!

Ciao B.L.  

21.01.05 20:11

200 Postings, 7669 Tage waytomarsHi big L. noch nicht zu spät. Die planen ja ein Casinogroßprojekt in Monaco. Wynn muß auf der HV Farbe bekennen. Sollte tatsächlich das Projekt kommen(die Chancen stehen nicht schlecht siehe versch. Postings) dann sind Kurse über 1000 Euro möglich. Sollte Bains von der Börse genommen werden(siehe Postings) müssten sie den realen Wert der Aktie ausbezahlen und der liegt wie share info bereits in seiner Studie errechnete zwischen 1600 und 2200 Euro.
Schon komisch, wenn eine Aktie fällt kauft jeder weil er denkt" so das ist jetzt der Tiefststand", aber wenn eine Aktie steigt denkt jeder der Zug ist bereits abgefahren man weiß aber nicht wo er stehen bleibt. Ging mir so mit Solarworld. Hatte sie bei 30 auf der Watch dann war sie bei 60 und ich dachte jetzt ist es zu spät, jetzt ist sie bei 72 und steigt weiter.....
also "The Trend is your friend!"

Übrigens Cooler Name und super Film!

Greez waytomars  

23.01.05 21:49

1319 Postings, 7707 Tage NussriegelHi Wayto, Hi Big L.

Wenn Wynn das Projekt bekannt gibt, geht es bestimmt zumindest an die 900, vielleicht mehr (nur meine Einschätzung, kann ich nicht fundiert begründen).
Die Frage ist, WANN das passiert. auf der HV, die meines Wissens mach im April ist, oder bei der Einweihung des aktuellen Bauprojektes von Wynn.

@ Big L.
falls es in die Hose geht mit dem Casino, wird der Kurs wohl erst mal fallen, aber fundamental ist Bains den Kurs einfach wert. Und durch das neue Management wird sich auch anders Geld verdienen lassen als durch Kooperation mit Wynn. Die substanz ist immerhin da, und wenn man auch nur ein paar immobilien versilbert, ist der jetzige Kurs mehr als gerechtfertigt.
FAZIT: der zug ist zwar schon losgefahren, aber wohl noch nicht am Ziel. und langfristig sehe ich keine Grund, hier verluste einzufahren, mit oder ohne Wynn Ressorts. Ohne dauert´s halt länger...

ps: bin übrigens auch nach monatelanger wachtlist erst spät in solarworld rein. aber nicht zu spät.
schönen abend,


07.02.05 16:25

1319 Postings, 7707 Tage NussriegelZahlen

SBM : 272,5 ME de chiffre d'affaires après trois trimestres
04/02/2005 - 14h15

La Société des Bains de Mer des Etrangers à Monaco (SBM) annonce 272,58 Millions d'euros de chiffre d'affaires, après trois trimestres pour l'exercice 2004/2005. L'an passé, après trois trimestres, l'activité s'était élevée à 251,64 ME. La hausse s'établit donc à 8,32% après 9 mois. A noter que le segment "jeux" a vu son activité reculer de 6 ME (43 ME contre 49 ME) au cours du troisième trimestre, alors qu'il avait progressé au cours du premier semestre.

Für diejenigen, die wollen:



24.02.05 12:26

1336 Postings, 7480 Tage letzauwarum

geht die aktie so stark zurück?  

24.02.05 13:51

1319 Postings, 7707 Tage Nussriegelentweder, Lorenz hat

eine Verkaufsempfehlung veröffentlicht
(ist zufällig jemend Abonnent?)
was ich persönlich nicht glaube
oder jemand versucht, den Kurs zu drücken und Stopps auszulösen, um  bilig weiter einzusammeln.
Die Stückzahlen sind jedenfalls lächerlich.
Im Laufe des Novembers sind wir auch vom ehemaligen AHT 450 (erstmals im September,  hier als Doppeltop) innerhalb von einem Monat runtzer auf 371.
Sorgen mache ich mir erst, wenn auch nennenswerte Umsätze dahinter stehen.
erst mal gebe ich kein Stück aus der Hand


16.03.05 11:49

1319 Postings, 7707 Tage NussriegelQuizfrage: welcher geheime Wert ist hier gemeint?

How to buy into Monaco property at 1980 prices!

This hugely successful Monte Carlo company is trading at just 50% of its true net asset value. As soon as this market error is corrected,the shares could easily double overnight.
But that’s nothing compared to what you could make. In the next 6-8 weeks, news of a new offshore super casino could send the share price into orbit,we predict gains of 400% – 1,500%.

Here’s the full story...

Dear Friend,

Sit down, get comfortable, but be ready to act fast...

This is probably the first time this story has been revealed anywhere outside of professional investment circles. But the gains you could make from this single investment are so huge, it won’t stay a secret for long.

In fact, you need to get in now. Prices have already started to inch upwards. In my estimate, the price could at least double within weeks. Then, by April, when one vital nugget of information goes public, a few shrewd investors could be sitting on potential gains of 400%-1,500%... maybe even more over the coming months.

And with your permission I’d like to send you our full analysis and research of this incredible opportunity – free and without obligation – so that you could benefit. I’ll give you details in a moment. First let me give you the background...

How to buy into Monaco property without owning a brick

Thanks to a glamorous casino and a personal income tax rate of 0%, Monaco has become one of the world’s most expensive property markets.

Apartments in prime locations cost £1,000 to £1,200 per square foot. And even if you have this kind of money available, property is still scarce, which means demand for every last plot is incredibly high... and just keeps on rising.

But we’ve discovered an exciting opportunity to own a share of this thriving city-state. What’s more, we know how it is possible to invest in the Monaco property market at prices last seen decades ago!

Now, I’m not talking about a straight property investment here. I’m talking about shares in a listed but vastly undervalued company that owns a huge swathe of the Monaco property market. This is a back-door route even sophisticated European investors know little about.

And the beauty of this investment is that you could profit from some of the most lucrative businesses and freeholds anywhere in the world... for a fraction of their true value! But you must hurry, investors are already starting to warm up to this opportunity. And within months, even weeks, shares in this company look set to become the ‘must-buy’ of 2005.

This one company has Monaco sewn up, but its
share price is stuck in a time-warp

If you’ve ever visited Monaco, chances are some of your money ended up in the pockets of this company.

You see, not only does it have an exclusive concession to operate every casino in Monaco, it also owns four luxury hotels (including the legendary Hotel de Paris and Hotel Hermitage), 26 restaurants (including the three Michelin-starred restaurant of Alain Ducasse), Monaco’s only private beach, one of the world’s most expensive nightclubs, the Monaco Golf Club, the opera, the spa, the tennis club and the world’s largest private wine cellar.

It even owns the streets around the Casino Square!

But, for some reason we just can’t figure out, these shares are grossly undervalued at their current price. Hardly any of their assets are taken into account, their great cash flow seems to have been ignored, and their casino businesses overlooked!

In fact, these are some of the best fundamentals I have ever seen!

Yet incredibly these shares continue to be ignored by analysts – too unfashionable, too slow and too boring. Despite the enviable balance sheet, the financial media rarely mention this company. If they do, it’s a couple of lines buried way down under other stories.

But we think you should ignore this company at your peril, because an investment here, right now, could double within weeks on a re-rating. Let me explain why...

Just take a look at these figures – the shares are
trading at just 50% of net asset value

At last count, the company was sitting on £88 million in the bank, thanks to its huge cash flow, which amounts to £81 per share.

Its rental properties, which include buildings such as the Monaco Heart Clinic, generate £10 million a year, and with the average rental yield in Monaco being 2.5-3%, rental properties are valued at 33 to 40 times the yearly income. Taking the lower figure, this puts the value of this company’s rental properties at £330 million, which translates to £190 per share.

The casino business is valued at around £167 million, or £92 per share.

So, right there with those three assets, you have a share value of £363 per share. That’s what each share should be trading at, to reflect these cash and business assets. On top of that, you get the hotels, the restaurants, and all the other land and property in this company’s portfolio.

Yet, incredibly, you can buy shares at £186! Which means these shares are trading at half their net asset value at least!

Supremely rich in assets, no debt, £88 million in the bank, and vastly undervalued on paper... this alone is reason to buy heavily into this
company now.

A simple correction could double the share price overnight

But the real beauty of this company lies in the potential gains it could bring you over the next few months. You see, this company has a connection with one of the world’s most successful casino operators. And when this news finally breaks, there’ll be an almighty stampede to get in. Luckily, you should be in a position to just sit back and watch the share price go up and up.
The free report I’d like to send you gives you all the details you need to get in now – the name of the company, a full analysis of the balance sheets plus all the background research. This report is free and I’ll show you how to get your hands on it a little later...

How an anticipated partnership could push the price of these shares up 400%, 800%, 1500% or more!

Steve Wynn is one of the most successful casino builders in the world. For the past 20 years, he’s been responsible for some of the most amazing and successful hotels in Las Vegas, including The Mirage and The Golden Nugget.

On 23 April 2005, the most anticipated casino in the world – Wynn Las Vegas – will finally open. It has cost around $2.5 billion to build – the most expensive entertainment venue ever. The hotel has an artificial mountain, an artificial Niagara Falls and a real in-house Ferrari showroom to name just a few of its extravagances.

Cut through all the glitz and the glamour and you’re left with one thing – all of his ventures have been extraordinarily successful.

During his time as CEO of The Mirage, the share price went from 4.7 cents to $17. And his current venture, Wynn Resorts, is up 206% since it was listed back in 2002.

So what’s all this got to do with our Monaco story?

Back in June last year, Steve Wynn signed an agreement with the company we’re talking about, to help re-energise and re-position their casino operations. Of course, business is far from bad in Monaco, but there’s a lot more potential, and Steve Wynn has been hired to unlock it.

All fairly straightforward, but there’s a lot more going on here...

In a recent presentation, Wynn spoke of “interesting opportunities” in Monaco. Now, you wouldn’t think he’d say something like that if he’s just advising on the décor and the staff, would you?

In our opinion, he’s doing much more than just acting as a consultant. We believe that Steve Wynn will be in on the project to build a new Monte Carlo Casino – one that will take people’s breath away and herald a new era in Monaco gambling.

Now for the masterstroke that could see you making 400%+ gains as soon as this story breaks

What I’m about to tell you may seem a little far-fetched. I couldn’t believe it when I was first passed the details – it’s like something out of a James Bond film.

You see, we believe that the marketing agreement that Wynn has with our company is just a way of getting his foot in the front door. The next logical step is for Wynn to join forces with them to build his grandest creation yet right here in Monaco.
The trouble is, where? His last casino – Wynn Las Vegas – measures a whopping 800,000 sq.m, about half the land mass of Monaco. So a land build is out of the question...

... which leads us to the most amazing, most ambitious plan ever.

If Wynn wants to build a casino bigger and better than his last, he’s going to have to create a ‘City on the Sea’ in the bay of Monaco. This would be like nothing the world has ever seen before. It would become THE destination of the world’s rich and famous. What’s more, this project would revitalise all of Monaco – the hotels and restaurants would fill every day, the other casinos would enjoy renewed custom...

...and shares in this particular company would rocket as a result!

Can you see how this story is starting to piece together?

At the moment the possibility of an offshore casino is still speculation but remember the shares are already grossly undervalued – and in our view a fabulous investment opportunity already. However, the company is coming under pressure to make a statement about its relationship with Wynn. They may hold out for a month. Maybe two. But after that, the rumours alone of such an incredible development will make the world sit up and take note of these shares. And the world’s going to buy.

But if we’re right – and I’m certain we are – the announcement of a super off-shore casino would propel this company into the public eye. And once there, analysts are going to realise they’ve been missing out on a company with huge growth potential.

Here’s the bottom line: These shares are already grossly undervalued, due to lack of interest by the media and other analysts. In our opinion they’re bound to go up in value...

But the real gains are still to be had, if you act quickly. We believe this tip could easily go up another 400% from its current level, maybe even go as far as 1,000% and beyond.

All the details you need are in the FREE REPORT I’d like to send you, together with another two blockbuster investments, each with the potential to make triple-digit gains.

Potential triple-digit gains from opportunities around the globe

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Frank Hemsley, Managing Editor of The Fleet Street Platinum Service – a service created to bring you little-known investment opportunities with high profit potential from around the world.

We’re not talking run of the mill investments here. We’re talking about hard-to-find, overlooked investment plays that have the potential to make you triple, or even quadruple-figure gains.

And in my opinion, there’s only one man who has the ability to find these opportunities for you...

Sven Lorenz is one of the most dedicated profit-hunters I’ve met. Of course, the past is no guide to future performance – in this business, you’re only as good as your last trade, and no one in the world gets it right every time. However, Sven has had some amazing successes.

He has an unerring ability to find red-hot, undervalued shares that most people have overlooked...

Like the 100-year-old German train company that made investors 2,141% gains in two years... the Brazilian telecom that made 866% gains in two-and-a-half-years... or the Chinese PC manufacturer – 1,600% gains in two years.

And it was success stories like these, and his uncanny ability to see huge potential profit opportunities that others are blind to, that made me 100% sure I wanted Sven to join our team here at The Fleet Street Platinum Service. You see our service aims to alert investors like you to the biggest stories before they break – when I see a personal portfolio like Sven’s I sit up and take notice.

Look at this example for instance...

... ESC Medical, a producer of cosmetic laser technology whose shares bombed out in 1999 at the price of $5.25. Research uncovered that 42% of this was covered by cash in the bank alone. Sven and his team dug deeper, and predicted this was just a temporary sell-out. They were right. Two years later ESC shares were selling at more than $30. Profit: 421%.

That struck me as pretty impressive, so I looked further and found out more about Sven and his team. Having verified the facts I am confident that Sven is right for our service – and I am confident that the investment opportunities he’s recommended for The Fleet Street Platinum Service could surpass even the phenomenal results from Sven’s personal track record.

Now, to be honest, I wouldn’t blame you if you found some of the figures I’ve shown you hard to swallow. But I promise you, everything you read here today is true. It’s my job to make sure we can back up every single claim we make – or it’s my neck on the line!

You see, I’m registered with the Financial Services Authority (FSA) as an approved professional advisor. The FSA was set up to protect private investors from get-rich-quick scams and rogue share tippers. They regulate everything we print, so you can be sure everything you read here is 100% genuine.

So when Sven and his team fax or email me details about a dynamic, overlooked stock that’s about to rocket, I insist he sends me everything he’s discovered. And usually, that amounts to pages and pages of research. You see, Sven leaves no stone unturned...

Searching out uncovered gems whose true potential has not been realised by the market is Sven’s passion, and his group have THREE stunning special opportunities ready for you right now. I want you to discover more about them – before it’s too late to get in!

These tiny islands in the South Pacific are sitting on top of 60 billion barrels of oil – more than Nigeria, Venezuela even Russia! – One company stands to make billions of pounds when the oil starts flowing – and it’s not even an oil company! Most analysts seem to have missed this opportunity – but we believe you could see returns of 152% to 1,231%, even before drilling begins – if you act fast.

Forget Switzerland! Put your money into Europe’s forgotten tax haven – Liechtenstein is set to upstage Switzerland as Europe’s banking Mecca. While new laws stop Swiss banks going to EU countries to find clients (unless they have a branch in that country), Liechtenstein has a special trade agreement that will bring money flooding into its banks from Europe’s emerging markets.

Sven has uncovered a Liechtenstein bank which he thinks has the potential to grow its business by up to 30% every year... offering you possible 50% gains before the end of 2005.

Plus – how to profit TWICE from Monaco – and own a share in the world’s first ‘floating’ casino! As you’ve seen, this one company is woefully undervalued, and a price correction could see you double your money overnight. But the real gains will be made when this company announces its plans to open the world’s most fabulous casino. Get in now, and you could see extraordinary gains of 400% – 1,500% in weeks!

Just 150 new places are available in our exclusive investment service...

Now, 150 places may seem low, but it’s essential we keep numbers down – because of the sensitive nature of our advice. One mention in the mainstream press, and prices would move too high and too fast for you to make maximum profits. But by keeping our circle small, we keep our recommendations quiet – allowing you to buy in while prices are still rock bottom.

At some point in the future we may well offer more places. But only if we can be sure that our recommendations aren’t leaked too early, and that you have time to make the biggest possible gains.

But for now, we’re sticking at 150 new places – and I’d like to offer you one of them. It’s the most far-reaching investment project we have ever embarked upon at Fleet Street Publications.

You and a select few ambitious investors are invited to join us as we secure our investments in the most dynamic companies and highest-growth economies in Europe and beyond...

For example, this has got to be the hottest banking story of the decade! Get in now and you could be an early investor in a bank that offers Europe’s rich even better protection than Switzerland has to offer...

Liechtenstein, one of the world’s smallest independent countries, used to be the bad boy of the international community. Once it was home to criminals’ and sleazy politicians’ black market gains.

But things have changed. After a series of new laws and a big clean-up, it’s now one of the best places to bank in the world. Investors have freedom, privacy and safety. There’s no history of government confiscation, such as the high income and wealth taxes of the UK, France, Germany, Sweden and other countries.

What’s more, it has the edge over the world-famous Swiss banks. Under new laws, only Swiss banks with an actual branch abroad can speak to clients in EU countries. Because lots of Swiss banks have never opened a full branch in EU countries, they can’t advertise or speak to potential clients on EU soil.

But Liechtenstein doesn’t have this problem. Although it’s not EU either, it has a special European Economic Zone trade agreement which will bring a flood of money now heading into its banks from New Europe’s emerging markets. We believe that the bank Sven has been investigating has a growth potential of up to 15%-30%, year-on-year.

We’re confident this investment could rise 50% easily by the end of 2005, and a lot more if you plan to hold onto it for longer.

Interested? Serious? Excited?

Your TRIAL entry into our premium investment circle

Click on the link below today and you can follow us into this Liechtenstein bank opportunity and the Monaco gambling revolution, without risking any membership money.

As one of our 150 new members, you’ll receive three months’ worth of The Fleet Street Platinum Service’s heavily researched special situation reports on the most dynamic market players in the world.

If you like what you see, you can choose to stay with The Fleet Street Platinum Service and receive regular updates, recommendations and special alerts.

If not, you can get a full subscription refund and keep the reports with our compliments.

You see, we want you to discover for yourself exactly how powerful this will be for your portfolio. Because NOW is the time to diversify. The FTSE alone just won’t be enough to sufficiently grow your portfolio in 2005.

In the midst of the ’90s bull market, there was bigger money to be made OUTSIDE the tech boom – in fundamentally strong companies.

But they weren’t to be found in the UK, or even the US...

You see, these companies were scattered all over the globe... which makes Sven’s success rate all the more impressive. Sven’s dedication to finding profit opportunities made me certain he was right for The Fleet Street Platinum Service. He really has to travel thousands of miles to unearth these companies, and spends weeks researching and digging until he finds the hidden gems he wants to tell you about.

Here are just some of the soaring successes he had before Platinum, which made me determined to get him working for you:

* A staggering 2,141% gain from a 100-year-old train company – In September 1996, a century-old German railway company announced that it would be turned into a property conglomerate. Back then, news of the impending restructuring hadn’t yet hit the mainstream media and shares traded at just four Deutschmarks. The shares started their ascent the following year, and by January 2000 had risen by 2,141%! We’ll not only look to far-flung territories, but unearth the most promising opportunities in Western Europe, too.

* 72% gains from Eastern European software – In December 1995, shares of the largest Czech software company, Podnik Vypocetny Techniky (PVT) traded at 81 DMs, a bargain-basement price. Yet, at the time, Eastern European stock markets hardly appeared on the radar screen of Western investors, and many investors simply never spotted it. In less than a year the share price had risen 72% and an American industry magazine had named PVT as one of the most innovative software companies in the world!

* 866% gains from a Brazilian telecom – In February 1995 (in the immediate aftermath of 1994’s Tequila Crisis), most investors thought South America would never get back onto its legs. Yet informed investors could have picked up shares of the Brazilian telecom monopolist, Telebras, at a bargain-basement price of $20.26. Two and a half years later (in August 1997) the price had risen by 866%. Brazil is now booming, with a steady, growing economy and a popular president. We are already tracking the next Telebras for you...

* 138% in two years from this Canadian company in Russia – March 1996 was the perfect time to buy into Petersburg Long Distance, a Canadian company with a massive presence in Russia. But back then, not even Canadian analysts covered the company. Those in the know saw that the company was about to take off even before the company reported earnings up 313% and Merrill Lynch took an 18% stake in the company. Within two years the stock was up 138%.

* 1,600% from Chinese computers – In April 1998, shares of Legend Holding, China’s leading PC maker, were trading for pennies. Back then, the idea of selling PCs to the one billion strong Chinese population had not occurred to Western investors. Those who knew the big picture scooped up these cheap shares and watched the share price soar 1,600% within 24 months.

Of course, these gains are all in the past. And as we don’t have a crystal ball, we can’t tell you how Sven’s recommendations will fare in the future. We can’t promise you’ll make 1,000% or 2,000% every time with The Fleet Street Platinum Service.

But we can promise you one thing. These are exactly the kinds of opportunities you will be alerted to from the moment you take up your no-obligation trial membership of The Fleet Street Platinum Service. All you have to do is click on the link below and fill in your online reservation form and we’ll send you three months’ worth of reports, emails and special alerts. Plus, you can get your hands on all the Monaco analysis before the story breaks.

However, I must tell you, there is an added risk in investing in overseas companies. If you don’t feel this level of investing is for you, then you won’t have to follow us any further. Inform us and we’ll take someone off the waiting list to fill your place.

Can you afford NOT to invest away from the FTSE?

As you well know, world stock markets do not move in tandem. There is always a bull market somewhere. As a serious investor, you will probably realise it is essential to keep a proportion of your money protected away from the ups and downs of the FTSE.

Maybe you’re already looking eagerly towards overseas opportunities. Especially now that emerging foreign economies are overtaking us at a mighty speed.

The fact is, the UK market is predicted to be one of the slowest growing stock markets in the world over the next 20 years, a view recently supported by The Economist.

In their ‘The World in 2005’ annual report, The Economist placed the United Kingdom way down the list in terms of potential growth in 2005. It crawled in at 59th out of 64 nations, with an estimated GDP growth of only 2.3%.

Compare that to India. The Economist forecasts a GDP growth of 7.5%. Or China, which does even better at 8.1%. Or Russia at 5.8%, Lithuania at 6.5%, Algeria at 8.2%... all exciting, emerging markets that you could be part of.

Not that your broker will ever tell you this. Most remain reluctant to sell you foreign shares. Yet you could be making an absolute fortune in places
like these:

* THE ‘BALTIC TIGERS’ – Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia have outrun even Ireland’s high growth economy... and are experiencing more than three times the UK’s growth. For those in the know, this trio of countries grew by 6.7%, 6.1% and 5.8% between 2003 and 2004, turning the fringes of Europe into the hottest growth area in the world. With The Fleet Street Platinum Service, you can get in now, ahead of the crowd.

* CHINA, with 8% growth per year, will at the current rate overtake the UK’s economy in TWO YEARS and in 40 years will replace the US as the world’s largest economy. In 2003 it replaced the UK as the world’s fifth-largest exporter. Not surprising when you have 1.3 billion people discovering capitalism. The Fleet Street Platinum Service will have your eyes trained on the China powerhouses of tomorrow.

* EASTERN EUROPE has swallowed almost $100bn in foreign investment since 1989. In the Slovak Republic alone, investment has risen from $2bn to $10bn since 1999. Follow us into this market and you’re looking at 10 to 20 years of powerhouse growth, while in the UK the market ambles sideways.

* SOUTH KOREA, where GDP is growing at about 5% a year, compared to the UK’s 2% – do not count out markets like these. When Sir John Templeton bought into Japan in the ‘60s, everyone thought he was crazy. But by the 1980s he’d made millions. We’ll research even the most obscure emerging markets for you, spotting the trends at their origin, not when they are published in The Financial Times.

* RUSSIA’s economy has grown by 6% a year since the government introduced the flat tax of 13% to increase income tax revenue in 1998. Despite the rumblings about Putin’s recent actions against big business, our insider has the angle on what will be the big investment story of the decade.

* AFRICA’s stock market capitalisation has grown from $113bn in 1992, to $244bn in 2003. It might sound crazy, but there are even rich pickings in Africa. Because it’s a ‘frontier market’, intrepid investors who seek their opportunities there can unearth extraordinary rewards. We’ll take you to these frontiers and unearth the diamonds in the rough.

Claim your three-month trial membership of The Fleet Street Platinum Service today and you’ll receive regular, time-sensitive reports on the most profitable opportunities in these regions. Our analysts’ information, updates and alerts will allow you to track the under-reported, undervalued companies set to ride the crest of each bull market across the world.

What’s more, you’ll be surprised at how easy
it is to buy shares in foreign companies

Many investors believe buying overseas is difficult, expensive and unreliable. But these days you can buy and sell overseas shares by telephone or on the web in the same time it takes to buy UK shares. If you choose the right broker, you won’t even pay a penny more in brokerage fees.

However, you should be aware there is an added risk investing in overseas companies. In fact, if you accept my offer of a no-obligation trial membership today, to make sure you feel confident how investing overseas works, I’ll send you a free copy of How To Invest Overseas For Profit, containing everything you need to know. Armed with this information, you’ll be able to buy our recommended companies quickly, cheaply and easily.

All you have to do is click on the link below

Don’t delay another second. Join us and start receiving our ‘special situations’ reports by fax, email or post – whatever is most convenient for you. After three months, you can decide whether to continue with us, based on a whole wealth of reports, facts and figures that will be yours to keep.

In fact I’ll go further – if you don’t think you’ll at least double your money within a year, then let us know within the first three months and we’ll refund your subscription. Simple as that.

This is a unique project with big potential profits. But I won’t pretend to anyone it is going to be free. Far from it.

This exclusive, premium service costs £495 per year. This is what it costs for an elite of private investors to access this highly time-sensitive international investment service. Because it’s strictly limited, the price is naturally higher.

As I say, once the 150 new places are filled, remaining applicants will be put on a waiting list.

Trial our recommendations for three months with no obligation

But before you take a full subscription, you’ll be able to see for yourself exactly what you are going to get for your money during your three-month trial membership.

As soon as you join on a 100% subscription money-back promise basis, we’ll send you the three essential red-hot investment opportunities mentioned earlier so you can act on them immediately. I’m confident these three exciting investment plays alone could pay for your subscription many times over.

So make sure your investments are where the smart money is... in Monaco... in Liechtenstein... and in these tiny islands in the South Pacific...

Is this why Argentina really invaded the Falkland Islands?

Imagine if you’d invested in the United Arab Emirates or Kuwait before they struck oil...

Overnight, these countries turned into the world’s wealthiest as oil brought status, power, and billions of dollars worth of investment.

But this is the extraordinary position you may find yourself in today.

Deep in the South Atlantic Ocean, just off the coast of the Falklands, lies 60 billion barrels of untapped oil. According to the US Department of Energy this is a “world-class resource...” enough to turn these British islands into “the new Kuwait” (The Times) and spark “a South Atlantic oil bonanza” (The Observer).

There’s barely been a word written about this in the media since 1996... but when oil starts pumping, the Falklands could become one of the wealthiest oil regions in the world – above Nigeria, Venezuela, even Russia! Oil workers and wealthy contractors will pour onto the island, skyrocketing land prices and property prices. Money will flow into roads, housing, shops and redevelopment – all to support this new oil super-state.

And one company stands to profit more than any other! It controls almost every aspect of the island’s economy. It even has a stake in the conglomerate that will pump the oil! Sven predicts investors who get in now could see gains of as much as 152% to 1,231% in the next nine months.

You can’t afford to miss out on this one... so DON’T. At least read the report we’ve prepared – you won’t risk a penny of your subscription money just to take a look.

Accept my invitation today

Simply click below and fill in the no-hassle online form, and you’ll guarantee your no obligation THREE-MONTH TRIAL MEMBERSHIP of The Fleet Street Platinum Service. Saying “yes” today will not commit you to anything. It will just mean you guarantee yourself a look at some of the exciting opportunities I’ve talked about.

When I receive your reply, I will send you three of our latest hot investment opportunities, and your free copy of How To Invest Overseas For Profit. After this, you’ll receive our reports plus updates at least every two weeks, by post, fax or email – you choose. You’ll get at least 12 highly exclusive – and potentially hugely profitable – global recommendations throughout the year... not to mention all the background research from around the world.

This is a chance to take your investing to a higher level... simply click on the link below and complete the on-line order form. The opportunities I want to tell you about are very real, and need to be acted on NOW.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards,

Frank Hemsley,
Managing Editor,The Fleet Street Platinum Service

PS: Get your hands on the FREE Monaco report today! When this news hits the mainstream, it could take the share price through the roof. Buy now and you could be sitting on shares that are worth five or 10 times their current value by the end of the year. But you have to act fast! Claim your three-month trial now, and receive full details of the European investment opportunity of 2005.

PPS: As well as the three profit plays we’ve talked about here, there are two more companies I need to tell you about right now – a little-known copper mining company and a South American oil company. Both are about to make headlines, and should see their share price rocket. To make sure you get in before the boom simply click on the link and complete the on-line order form and we’ll rush you your free reports detailing all FIVE essential investment opportunities.  

22.03.05 09:17

1319 Postings, 7707 Tage NussriegelNEWS + in Paris die 440 geknackt

hier noch eine news, die sich vieleicht noch nicht überall rumgesprochen hat:

Derzeitiger Minister Leclerq wechselt ab 1. Mai in die Geschäftsführung von SBM

Mr Jean-Paul Proust is appointed Minister of State by H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince

H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince has decided to make a change to his head of Government in order to complete the initiatives undertaken at the beginning of the year with the enlargement of the government and the appointment of two new Government Advisors as well as an Exterior Relations Representative within the Ministry of State.

He is grateful to Mr Patrick Leclercq for the loyalty and dedication with which he has fulfilled his office for more than five years. These years were marked with great advances in the Principality's international status and recognition of its features and assets.

As negotiations with the French government to revise the Treaty of 1918 and the Convention of 1930 concerning public employment took place in a spirit of full cooperation and trust, H.S.H. the Prince has chosen Mr Jean-Paul Proust to replace Mr Leclercq. Mr Proust, Honorary Prefect, who previously exercised the role of Paris Chief of Police, is expected to drive and manage government action, under the Prince's authority, with the strictest respect for institutional balance.

This decision will come into effect on 1 May.

Mr Leclercq will be appointed to the Board of Directors of the Société des Bains de Mer.


23.03.05 16:56

1319 Postings, 7707 Tage Nussriegelgute Umsätze und unter 490 nicht mehr zu haben

irgend wer sammelt in Paris in 100er-Paketen ein
4 x 100 x 460 = 184.000
scheint kein Kleinanleger zu sein *g*
Abwarten, zurücklehnen und geniessen.
Jetzt seint der Spaß langsam los zu gehen


24.03.05 11:33

1319 Postings, 7707 Tage NussriegelErklärung des Kursanstiegs

gefunden bei boursoma:

Pourquoi cette hausse aujourd'hui?
Le titre va encore progresser trés fortement dans les mois qui vont suivre car il vont devoir réévaluer leurs immobilisations (nouvelle régle comptable IFRS) qui entrainera des bon commentaires des analystes. Egalement il va y avoir une augmentation de l'activité car les français n'ont plus intéret à acheter des appartements puisque la nouvelle loi de finance énonce la taxation à l'ISF des biens sur monco.
Ainci les personnes passeront leur retraite aux hotels de la SBM

Warum dieser Anstieg heute? Der Titel wird noch sehr stark steigen in den folgenden Monaten, denn die Immobilien müssen neu bewertet werden
(nach der Buchhaltungsregel der IFRS), was gute Kommentare der Analytiker bewirken wird.
Ebenfalls wird es eine Erhöhung der Aktivität geben, denn die Franzosen haben kein Interesse mehr, Appartements zu kaufen, da das neue Haushaltgesetz die Besteuerung im ISF (Anm. d. Übers.: keine Ahnung, was das ist) der Güter auf Monaco vorsieht.
Also werden die Personen ihre Rentnerzeit in Hotels vom SBM verbringen.
(Anm. d. Übers.: Diese Schlußfolgerung halte ich für gewagt, wäre mir aber recht, wenn das zutrifft)
/ Übersetzung

Hmmm, icvh selber habe keine Ahnung von französischem Bilanzierungs- und Steuerrecht...
aber alles in allem liegen wir damit voll im Lorenz-Zeitplan.
In Paris werden die 500€ heute bei sehr ordentlichen umsätzen gehalten.
Mal schaun, wie es nächste Woche weiter geht.
Frohe Ostern,


01.04.05 12:27

1319 Postings, 7707 Tage Nussriegelup

weil´s heute mal wieder so gut läuft.
und diesmal mit chart, weil er doch sooo schön ist...
Nice weekend,


01.04.05 12:30

1336 Postings, 7480 Tage letzau@Nussriegel

mich freut der chart auch, bin bei 275 eingestiegen. leider mit nur ner kleinen position. ende april soll ja die erwartete nachricht kommen! mal schaun...

bist du auch noch investiert?  

01.04.05 13:25

1319 Postings, 7707 Tage Nussriegelsicher bin ich investiert

erstposi habe ich auch so bei 275 gekauft, leider auch viel zu wenig, weil mir die Sache komisch vor kam, halt zu gut, um wah5r zu sein.
Nach dem ersten Schub habe ich dann für 390 ordentlich nachgekauft, so dass es sich jetzt auch lohnt, wenn was passiert. War bisher auch kein schaden für mich.
Mehr als 30% vom Depot möchte ich im momentanen Stadium der Spekulationen nicht haben.
Aber ich überlege, noch cash bereit zu halten, für den Fall, dass es anfängt zu rennen
Dann heißt es natürlich, EXTREM schnell zu sein.
Mal schaun...


04.04.05 18:36

1336 Postings, 7480 Tage letzauschööönnnn

heute schon 610 EUR! und das gute dabei - immer noch einstiegskurse! die reise geht weiter! 30-50% bis Ende April möglich!  

06.04.05 12:40

1336 Postings, 7480 Tage letzauFürst Rainier von Monaco tot

Fürst Rainier III. von Monaco ist seinem langen Todeskampf erlegen. Der dienstälteste Monarch Europas starb nach Angaben des monegassischen Fürstenpalastes am Mittwochmorgen um 6.35  in der Herz-Lungen-Klinik von Monaco. Der 81 Jahre alte Rainier erholte sich nicht mehr von einer schweren Lungenentzündung, wegen der er seit dem 7. März im Krankenhaus gelegen hatte.

Auswirkungen auf SBM?
ich persönlich denke eigentlich nicht, denn die Amtsgeschäfte führt wahrscheinlich größtenteils sein Sohn Albert. Und vielleicht geht es mit der Landgewinnung im Meer noch schneller voran, wenn er dem Volk was beweisen will.  

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