Hi, hat hier noch jemand die Mail bekommen? Was soll man davon halten? NC hat sich hierzu nicht geäußert :-(
Mail: "BCSC User Survey - NetCents Technology Inc.
Dear Sir/Madam, We are contacting you to request that you complete a brief survey regarding your user account with NetCents Technology Incs crypto trading platform. You can access the survey at this link: "blablabla" The survey should not require more than 15 minutes of your time. Please note that only one response will be accepted. We ask that you please complete the survey as soon as possible. You may contact me at the phone number or email address listed below if you have any difficulties accessing or completing the survey. Thank you for your time. Kind regards, Iolanda Organ lolanda Organ Investigative Paralegal Tel... Mail:... @bcsc.bc.ca 1200-701 West Georgia Street, Vancouver BC VTY 112
BC Securities Commission Invest Right" |