Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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25.05.09 07:55

15645 Postings, 6510 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 26.05.09 11:54
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, vollständige Quellenangabe fehlt - Bitte genaue URL angeben. Danke.



25.05.09 15:44

15645 Postings, 6510 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 26.05.09 12:08
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, vollständige Quellenangabe fehlt



26.05.09 14:57

15645 Postings, 6510 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 27.05.09 11:22
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Off-Topic - bitte zur Aktie, nicht zum User bezug nehmen



26.05.09 15:01

15645 Postings, 6510 Tage nekro#2302 *Landowners gain 7% in LNG project*

Melder:  Fortunatus
Zeitpunkt: 25.05.09 19:24
Grund: Es fehlen jegliche Quellenangaben (Ort, Zeit). M.E. wird versucht mit alten News und Interviews den Kurs zu manipulieren.

Auch hier war die Meldung unnötig,du hättest nur nach dem Link zu fragen brauchen ;-)

Etwas "Alt" ist die Meldung jetzt allerdings schon,nämlich von gestern ;-(((((((

Der Bezug zu BOC liegt darin dass es sich bei dem LNG Projekt auch um eine PNG Company handelt,bei welcher die Landeigner nicht mit dem "benefits sharing" einverstanden waren (genau wie 1989 bei BCL) Jetzt werden ihnen gleich /% zugestanden,wohingegen die Panguna-Landeigner im neuen BCA nur 3 verlangen + eine Partizipation  der von PNG ans ABG zu übertragenden BOC Shares.

01 Mrz 2009
Updated Landowners Proposal
Updated Landowners Proposal for the new BCA. Written by Anil Bakaya on March 01, 2009.

Ausserdem hat sich LNG bereit erklärt folgende Infrastrukturprojekte zu finanzieren (siehe unten).Das ist etwas was BOC schon Anfang der 70er mit dem Bau von Schulen,Krankenhäusern,Strassen,damalige Hauptstadt Arawa etc getan hat.Details:
Bougainville - Establishment of a Copper Mine
A complete 390 page book about the establishment of the Bougainville Copper Mine. Published in 1973.
Construction and sealing of a massive highway linking the Gulf of Papua

to the north coast of mainland PNG from Kikori, through Kutubu, Moran to Tari and Lake Kopiago and terminating in the Sepik;
* Sealing of the Kikori to Ialibu (Gulf-Southern Highlands) highway;
* A K100 million commitment to build the first phase of a Hela City Development at Tari and an undertaking to declare the future city as a free trade zone;
* Development by the Independent Public Business Corporation (IPBC) of an international wharf at Kikori under public private partnership;
* Commitment of K90 million for the first phase of the Tari International Airport;
* A further commitment of K90 million for a super highway between Tari and Komo;
* Relocation of the Mendi Airport;
* Building of a township at Kikori;
* Expansion of the Mendi and Ialibu townships; and
* Development of townships in Kutubu, Komo, Magarima, Koroba, Kagua, Nipa and growth centres at Angore and Nogoli (Hides).

Deal at last
*Landowners gain 7% in LNG project*

FIVE weeks of intense negotiations between the State and gas resource landowners and their provincial governments ended on Saturday with the signing of an umbrella benefits sharing agreement for the PNG liquefied natural gas (LNG) project.
The agreement will land K20 billion in the hands of provincial governments and landowners over the 30-year life of the project and commits the State to certain important infrastructure and socio-economic developments in the provinces and specific licence areas.
Despite strong opposition from certain landowners, the State negotiating team was able to get everyone to sign the BSA in a marathon signing session which ran till midnight on Saturday and then continued yesterday at 1pm.
Head of the Southern Highlands negotiating team and the biggest party at the talks, Governor Anderson Agiru, said yesterday: “We have cut a good deal. This deal now sets new parameters and new benchmarks in State/landowner relations.”
Mr Agiru’s “good deal” includes:
* An additional 5% of State’s equity in the project, bringing provincial government/landowner equity in the PNG LNG project to 7%;
* Construction and sealing of a massive highway linking the Gulf of Papua
to the north coast of mainland PNG from Kikori, through Kutubu, Moran to Tari and Lake Kopiago and terminating in the Sepik;
* Sealing of the Kikori to Ialibu (Gulf-Southern Highlands) highway;
* A K100 million commitment to build the first phase of a Hela City Development at Tari and an undertaking to declare the future city as a free trade zone;
* Development by the Independent Public Business Corporation (IPBC) of an international wharf at Kikori under public private partnership;
* Commitment of K90 million for the first phase of the Tari International Airport;
* A further commitment of K90 million for a super highway between Tari and Komo;
* Relocation of the Mendi Airport;
* Building of a township at Kikori;
* Expansion of the Mendi and Ialibu townships; and
* Development of townships in Kutubu, Komo, Magarima, Koroba, Kagua, Nipa and growth centres at Angore and Nogoli (Hides).
The extra 5% equity and the 2% carried interest translates to over K20 billion over the life of the project, Mr Agiru said.
This will be shared by all affected provincial governments and landowners from Juha to Portion 152.
The State has also committed K1.2 billion over the next 10 years for infrastructure development in each project area.
This would be funded from the State’s future earnings in PNG LNG brought forward.
Funding arrangements for all of the projects would be by way of a combination of arrangements including bringing State future earnings forward, through tax credit, by way of a development fund, and concessional loans.
The Tari International Airport and the Tari to Komo highway sealing would be funded during the construction phase.
“The complexity of the project and the negotiations tested everyone involved,” Mr Agiru said, adding “but in the end we persevered.
“We have lifted the bar. We have set the benchmark for future negotiations between State, its people and provincial governments on benefits sharing in resource developments.”
Such was the intensity of the negotiations that Finance Minister Patrick Pruaitch remarked at midnight on Saturday: “Mipela kisim taim liklik. (We were cornered at times.)You are a tough negotiator, Mr Agiru.”
There were so many parties to sign the agreement that the signing ceremony, which began at 5pm on Saturday, continued till midnight before breaking off to continue at 1pm yesterday.
Said Mr Agiru: “We finally have a design to build a bridge over river time for PNG and Southern Highlanders to cross over to compete with the league of nations. PNG LNG will provide the platform, the catalyst, the launch pad for PNG accounting and legal firms, insurance brokers, plant and equipment companies, construction industries and all manner of other businesses to take off.
“At the same time, con businesses and fly-by-night spivs will also flourish.
“I have worked so hard with my members. This has been the mother of all battles, so protect what we have got.”
On a personal note, Mr Agiru said his people had come to East New Britain as plantation labourers in the 1960s and 70s left empty-handed.
He said after five weeks, he would be flying back across the Bismarck Sea with plenty to be proud of.
He thanked the Government of Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare, saying without the Prime Minister’s personal blessing, the project would not have got off the ground.  

26.05.09 15:05

15645 Postings, 6510 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 27.05.09 11:23
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für 1 Stunde
Kommentar: Provokation, erneuter Bezug zu Usersn statt zur Aktie im Vordergrund



26.05.09 15:19

15645 Postings, 6510 Tage nekroAuch in #2298 Good time to build mines..........

..........welcher von Gooding aus PNG stammt hat einen BCL Bezug,auch wenn er sich wohl nicht jedem erschliesst.

THE current period of low commodity prices in global markets caused by the global financial crisis is a good time to build mines, says John Gooding,.......

...“I think it has been a good test. When times are tough it’s not a bad time to be building a mine because once prices come back up, it’s ready to go,” (Name darf nicht gepostet werden,könnte wieder mal als Meldegrung "Werbung für eine andere Aktie" herhalten obwohl Aktie xxx garnicht gelistet ist ;-)))))))) jointly developing with China’s Metallurgical Group Corp (MCC), along with its three joint venture Chinese companies.

....Auch BOC hat durch die Chinalco Beteiligung an RT (Zustimmung steht noch aus) mittlerweile schon  fast einen kapitalkräftigen chinesichen Grossaktionär.

Mr Gooding said copper price movement for the last 12 months was volatile, with the price reaching over US$4 (K11) a pound last year and then dropping to US$1.40 (K4) per pound due to the financial crisis.
“Copper is currently back at over US$2.04 (K6) per pound,” he said, adding that nickel also hit a high of US$24 (K68) a pound but was now at US$6 (K17) per pound

Um profitabel zu sein benötigt auch BCL einen Kupferpreis von 1,50/2 USD/LBS  

26.05.09 16:42

103 Postings, 6506 Tage LegatoFortunatus

Ich glaube, es ist wohl unnötig auf derart unqualifizierten Schwachsinn näher einzugehen.

Da sich hier im Board größtenteils nur Eingeweihte befinden, wissen diese eh die ganzen Zusammenhänge und können die Presse- / Zeitungsmeldungen ordentlich deuten.

Der Parallelthread war und ist eigentlich sowieso tot, da dort jeder seinen Schmutz hinschmieren darf.

Man sollte hier die Bälle ruhig flach halten und diese sinnlose Hetze in mehreren Threads den ganzen Voll-Intelligenten überlassen.  

26.05.09 18:47

15645 Postings, 6510 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 27.05.09 11:52
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für 1 Stunde
Kommentar: Off-Topic - erneut = Lernpause



27.05.09 09:58

15645 Postings, 6510 Tage nekroPresident calls for more govt information

By Thomas Kathoa

The President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government, Hon James Tanis, has called on the communications division to provide more information about Government activities to the public.

Mr Tanis made the call during a briefing with former Communications Minister, Hon Robert Hamal Sawa and his staff.

Mr Sawa is now Minister for Peace, Reconciliation and Weapons Disposal, but the President has asked him to remain in his old portfolio for a little while yet.

Mr Tanis said the division seems to be concentrating only in setting up communication facilities and forgetting about disseminating government information to the public.

He said the division of communications should strive to improve the dissemination of information to the masses. People must be told what the government is doing.

He said major government decisions, like tax collection by village assemblies, should be communicated to the people.  

27.05.09 09:59

15645 Postings, 6510 Tage nekroTax awareness workshops for Buka, Arawa

Tax awareness workshops for Buka, Arawa
By Aloysius Laukai

The manager of the GST Office in Buka, Robert Perakai, has said the office of the Internal Revenue Commission will be conducting tax awareness workshops in Buka and Arawa next month.

Mr Perakai said on New Dawn FM that the IRC office will run the workshops at the Kuri Village Resort conference room from 1-5 June.

He said the awareness workshops are free and he has asked all business houses to attend them.

A tax awareness workshop for Central Bougainvillewill be held in Arawa on 4 June at the Arawa Women’s Training Centre. The Arawa workshop is a one day workshop.  

27.05.09 10:00

15645 Postings, 6510 Tage nekroTari denies allegation of stolen police uniforms

Tari denies allegation of stolen police uniforms
By Aloysius Laukai

Well known ex combatant and Buin businessman, Thomas Tari, has denied allegations that his group had broken into the Buin police station and removed police uniforms.

The allegations were made last week by the Commander of Wilmo, Philip Busua.

Mr Tari told New Dawn FM that Buin police were investigating the incident and Mr Pusua’s statements were “immature”.

He said that, since the reconciliation ceremony between himself and Damian Koike, peace is slowly returning to Buin.

Mr Tari called on Mr Pusua to join the Buin peace process and reconcile with Damian Koike’s group instead of pointing fingers.

He said he was prepared to work with the two groups for the sake of peace in Buin and the rest of Bougainville.  

27.05.09 14:02

15645 Postings, 6510 Tage nekroThe Autonomous Bougainville Government..........

......aus dem yahoo chat der Bougainviller

........ has established a committee to work on re-opening the Panguna mine,
Mr Penia said within the committee were three sub-committees with
different tasks. He said one is tasked with seeking views and working with
the landowners, the second will liaise with the National Government, and
the third will negotiate with the Bougainville Copper Limited, the owner
of the mine.

The immediate family of late rebel leader Francis Ona of Guava village met
for the first time in Buka recently after 20 years since the Bougainville
The family members were Philip Miriori, Michael Pariu, Thomas Tapuri, Otto
Noruka, Mark Miriori, Severinus Ampaoi and Lawrence Daveona flew in from
Port Moresby.
A statement released yesterday said discussions were centered on the
reconciling the landowners of the Special Mine Lease area of the Panguna
It is believed the crisis was a result of the Panguna landowner's
dissatisfaction over the distribution by national government of the benefits
generated by Bougainvile Copper Limited during its 17 years of mining
Statistics from the BCL annual report showed that landowners were the
smallest recipients of benefits from the mine with K3m in royalty payments
The National Government taking out K919 million (58.4%), dividends for
non-government shareholders was K577 million (36.6%), North Solomons
provincial government took out K75 million (4.8%).
The landowners also received K19million in compensation payments for
restitution of losses.
However, the amount cannot be counted as a benefit because it is a payment
for the losses they have encountered during the life of the mine.
The report also stated that during the mine's operations, for every K1
received by the landowners, outsiders received K500.
The family realised it was time to look foward and felt that they owed it to
the people of Bougainville and their reconciliation must come to reality.
In Papua New Guinea, the autonomous government of Bougainville province
has made the first tentative steps towards reopening the Panguna copper

29.05.09 06:52

15645 Postings, 6510 Tage nekroAgreement signed to get flagship back in service

By Aloysius Laukai

Bougainville’s flagship, the MV Sankamap One, is expected to be refloated by August this year.

That was the assurance given to the Autonomous Bougainville Government by the ship’s new management at a meeting in Kokopo between the Minister for Commerce and Industry, Joseph Watawi, Rabweld manager Arnold Pa’asia and the managing director of the ship’s management company, Nakikus Konga.

Mr Watawi signed a memorandum of understanding with the two companies covering actions by thecompany to get the ship seaworthy, ready to serve the people of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.  

29.05.09 06:55

15645 Postings, 6510 Tage nekroAxel G. Sturm - President of European Shareholder

.......of Bougainville Copper (ESBC)

I completely agree with the President: Within the first three months of Mr. Tanis' government there were a lot of articles published in the press. But since two months the news from Bougainville are more or less rather poor. If there were no news from Radio New Dawn, there were even less information. I suppose that the President is still working hard every day to bring Bougainville forward, but his intensive work is nearly not mentioned in the public. That is very sad. The members of the ESBC and I are looking forward that the ABG improves its information work because we would appreciate to read more news on the positive progress on the ground in Bougainville.  

29.05.09 07:09

15645 Postings, 6510 Tage nekrolandowners could gain from using their land...... the cash economy.

Registering land benefits

By Pearson Kolo

There is good news for customary landowners in Papua New Guinea.
The new land reform is like the light at the end of the tunnel for the 85 per cent of rural Papua New Guineans who depend on subsistence farming, a researcher and mermber of the land reform committee said yesterday.
Dr Charles Yala said landowners would soon be engaged in huge business opportunities which would increase their average income of less that K500 per year to ten times that.
This will be possible after they incorporate their land and allow them for leasing to investors who will develop their land.
“The customary landowners will still be the principal owners but they will lease them to interested investors,” Dr Yala, who is working on the program, said.
“Land reform will provide income earning opportunities to customary landowners where landowners will greatly benefit from their land unlike today,” Dr Yala said.
He said the opportunities would be in terms of lease payment for their land, employment opportunities, large-scale agriculture and business opportunities.
The researcher said the growth in economic activities that would result from land reform was projected to generate 130,000 jobs in the agriculture sector alone by year 2020, after the first 10 years of reform.
Dr Yala said the purpose of land reform was to create the right initiatives and the right framework so that customary landowners could gain from using their land in the cash economy.  

29.05.09 12:46

15645 Postings, 6510 Tage nekroboc invest

Australian Foundation Investment Company Limited (AFI)

Seite 59

Major Shareholders of the Company’s shares as at 16 July 2008 are listed below:

2) Bougainville Copper Limited 6,189,052 Shares  0.64%

Kurs 4.20 AUD Dividende 13 ct

Wert:25.994.000 AUD

Dividende: 804.576 AUD

Kurs zum Bilanzstichtag 3,95 AUD
Kurs aktuell 4,35 AUD

Differenz: 6,189,052 Shares  x 0,40  = 2.475.620 AUD

+Dividende 0,08 AUD x 6,189,052 Shares  = 495.124 AUD

Argo Investments Limited (ARG)

Seite 62

20 largest shareholders

3) Bougainville Copper Limited 2,977,055 Shares 0.52%

Kurs 5.35 AUD Dividende 6 ct

Wert: 15.927.000 AUD

Dividende: 178.623 AUD

Kurs zum Bilanzstichtag 5.34 AUD
Kurs aktuell 5,94 AUD

Differenz: 2977055 Shares x 0,60 =1.786.233 AUD

+ Dividende (4 März) 0,14 AUD x 2977055 =416.787

Brickworks Investment Company (BKI)

Seite 59

The 20 largest holdings of the Company’s share as at 31 July 2008 are listed below:
3) Bougainville Copper Limited 7,297,357 2.51%

Kurs 1,01 AUD Dividende 8 ct

Wert: 7.370.000 AUD

Dividende: 583.788 AUD

Kurs zum Bilanzstichtag 0,96 AUD
Kurs aktuell 1,08 AUD

Differenz: 7,297,357 Shares x 0,12 =875.682 AUD

+Dividende (6 März) 0,03 AUD = 218.920 AUD

Milton Corporation LTD  (MLT)

Seite 45
16) Bougainville Copper Limited 538,015   0.6%

Kurs 15 AUD Dividende 0,88 AUD

Wert: 8.070.000 AUD

Dividende: 473.453 AUD

Kurs zum Bilanzstichtag 14,45 AUD
Kurs aktuell 14,70 AUD

Differenz: 538015 x 0,25 = 134503 AUD

+Dividende (3 März)  0,43 AUD = 213346 AUD  

29.05.09 21:38

12846 Postings, 6633 Tage d007007007Bougainville Copper hat seine besten Tage

wohl gesehen...!!? Das könnte aber auch daran liegen das sich ein User der hier investiert ist jeden Tag neue " Freunde" schafft. Es ist wohl hauptsächlich seine nette, tolerante Art, die er anderen Usern entgegenbringt, die ihn ständig mehr Freunde einbringt..?? Bekommt er selber aber einmal seine Pusherei hier vorgezeigt meldet er so schnell das man es nicht für möglich hält...?! Ich möchte hier absichtlich nicht den Namen des Users nennen, weil ich mich ja nicht auf sein Niveau herablassen möchte. Kann ja auch so sein das sich der entsprechnede User angesprochen fühlt....?? Um noch einmal zu Bougainville Copper zurückzukehren...., wie gesagt nach meiner rein privaten Meinung dürfte hier noch lange nicht der Tiefpunkt in der Kursentwicklung erreicht sein...!! Hier würde ich persönlich nicht einmal zum halben Kurs einsteigen, da mir hier die Gefahr eines Totalverlustes zu hoch ist..!!
Aber das ist natürlich nur meine rein private meinung und soll natürlich in keinster Weise irgend eine Handelsaufforderung an irgend eine user darstellen...!!
Alles was ich schreibe ist meine ehrliche, momentane Meinung und soll nie eine Handelsauforderung an andere User darstellen.

29.05.09 21:42

12846 Postings, 6633 Tage d007007007Löschung

Zeitpunkt: 30.05.09 07:18
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Löschung auf Wunsch des Verfassers



30.05.09 08:13

15645 Postings, 6510 Tage nekro#2317 ziemlich durchsichtig.Unter den Pushern will ich mir übrigens garkeine "Freunde" machen ;-))))))))

Wer hier

u. hier

bis zum bitteren Ende ausharrt kann wohl  eher als Kontraindikator angesehen werden der pausenlos versucht fast bankrotte schweizer Klitschen hier u. auf W:null zu pushen.

Auch diese Frage passt da zu dir:  

02.06.09 07:40

15645 Postings, 6510 Tage nekroChiefs call for new electorate

Chiefs call for new electorate

CHIEFS on Buka Island are pushing for separate electorate for the Buka and Atoll islands of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
This was made known in Buka on Friday by chairman of Tsitalato Council of Elders Joseph Gatana.
He said a delegation of chiefs from his constituency would be flying to Port Moresby soon to present a petition to Prime Minister Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare.
In the petition they will include many things with the prominent ones being K20 million to seal the Buka ring road, Council of Elders getting direct funding from the National Government and the most important one being a separate electorate for Buka and Atoll Islands.
Mr Gatana said they would seek support from all Members of Parliament from the Autono mous Region of Bougainville to have a separate electorate as the population of the area far exceeds that of Manus Island the geographical location of all islands makes it difficult for the current Member of North Bougainville to fairly distribute funds and materials to the outer islands.
“Buka Town is the gateway to Bougainville and we need to make it as beautiful as possible for people to come here and enjoy,” Mr Gatana said.
“Our petition will move Buka to another level and we know we will be successful if all our MPs support us,” he said.
He said they would travel around the island in a week’s time to collect signatures from the people as a show of support towards the petition to the National Government.
Members of the Bougainville House of Representatives recently mooted an idea to support the Buka-Atolls having a separate electorate so that the Autonomous Region of Bougainville has four open electorates and the regional seat.
Member for Selau and Minister for Business and Consumer Affairs Joseph Watawi challenged Member for North Bougainville and Minister for Higher Education, Science and Technology Michael Ogio and Bougainville Regional MP Fidelis Semoso to bring this issue up with the National Government in Waigani.  

03.06.09 16:05

15645 Postings, 6510 Tage nekroBougainville is over-governed says businessman

Bougainville is over-governed says businessman
By Aloysius Laukai

A local businessman Henry Onsa has called on the Autonomous Bougainville Government to abolish the position of Commissioners in the Bougainville Administration.

Mr Onsa says Bougainville is over governed and chewing funds that could be spent on development projects.

He told New Dawn FM that the positions of Commissioners were a colonial way of civilising society and that this time had gone.

He said that too much government was making the COE, the best form of government in rural areas, the poorest form of government.

Mr Onsa said, until such time the implementation agency of the government is properly equipped, people in the villages will continue to suffer from non delivery of goods and services.  

04.06.09 10:17

15645 Postings, 6510 Tage nekro"a community that was until recently part of the..


Würde also heissen dass die No-Go-Zone jetzt aufgehoben ist ;-))))))))))))))

From the "National" - Comments?

Panguna farmer training a breakthrough for Bougainville

The Bougainville Integrated Agriculture Training Programme has been growing and strengthening over the last three years.

In what head trainer Owen Ngala described as a “big breakthrough for the IATP programme”, the first IATP training has been delivered at Biampa village in Panguna, Bougainville.

Experienced IATP private trainers Ray Roberts, Apelis Moveh and Koniel Batil worked alongside a team from Bougainville to deliver training in the three core modules of sustainable livelihoods; land use and soil fertility management; and basic record and book-keeping.

Delivering training to a community that was until recently part of the “no go” zone in post-crisis Bougainville was, Mr Roberts acknowledged, “not easy”.

The IATP team of trainers acknowledged the work of Bougainville division of primary industry officer Patrick Oansi, who coordinated the training arrangements for the Panguna training

For trainer Apelis Moveh, who worked as district regional development officer in Kieta between 1977 and 1979, returning to the area to teach the grandchildren of his farmers was a moving experience.

He understood and acknowledged that participants walked up to three hours each day from surrounding villages to attend the training.

In spite of this, none of the 31 participants missed a day’s training over the two weeks it was conducted.

In spite of the challenges, the participants who undertook the training were enthusiastic and pleased with the training.

They have requested the training team return to deliver the remaining IATP modules, with a keen interest in training that will help revive their cocoa industry and improve skills and knowledge in vegetable growing.

That the training was valuable and relevant for the trainees was probably best illustrated by those who started work on new vegetable gardens in the evenings after the day’s training was completed.

This training continues the partnership between the Vudal University-based IATP programme and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.

With IATP now in its seventh year of delivering farmer training, it increasingly provides resources, direction and skilled trainers to the regional programmes now established thoughout the New Guinea Islands region  

05.06.09 20:10

15645 Postings, 6510 Tage nekroRio Tinto lässt $19,5 Milliarden-Deal mit China...


Die Minengiganten Rio Tinto (WKN 855018) und BHP Billiton (WKN 850524) erklärten brandaktuell am heutigen Freitag, dass sie ihre großen Eisenerzaktivitäten in Australien zusammenlegen werden. Damit wird der seit langem heiß diskutierte Deal zwischen der hoch verschuldeten Rio Tinto und dem chinesischen Konzern Chinalco hinfällig. Die Chinesen hatten geplant, für 19,5 Milliarden Dollar bei Rio einzusteigen und sich damit langfristigen Zugriff auf Schlüsselrohstoffe zu sichern.

BHP und Rio Tinto, d.h. der zweit- und der drittgrößte Minenkonzern der Welt werden die betroffenen Aktivitäten im Verhältnis von 50 zu 50 in ein Joint Venture einbringen und nach eigenem Bekunden so Ersparnisse von mindestens 10 Milliarden Dollar realisieren.

BHP Billiton, das ein Kaufgebot für den Konkurrenten im vergangenen Jahr noch zurück gezogen hatte, wird Rio 5,8 Milliarden Dollar zahlen, um seinen Anteil an dem Joint Venture auf 50 Prozent anzuheben, betonte aber, dass die Vereinbarung zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht verbindlich sei. Rio wird zudem 15,2 Milliarden Dollar über eine Bezugsrechtsausgabe aufnehmen, um seinen Schuldenberg zumindest etwas abzubauen.

Laut Experten sei jetzt für den zukünftigen Erfolg beider Unternehmen wichtig, dass man sicherstelle, über gute Beziehungen nach China zu verfügen, obwohl man den Chinalco-Deal habe platzen lassen. Chinalco hat ein Statement für den heutigen Freitag angekündigt. bietet Hintergrundberichte und aktuelle Kommentare zum Geschehen an den Rohstoffmärkten und verfolgt die Entwicklung ausgewählter Minengesellschaften aus dem Bereich der Edelmetalle, Basismetalle und sonstiger Rohstoffe. Weitere Informationen unter:  

05.06.09 20:53

382 Postings, 6506 Tage centwatchGeplatzter Deal

Ehrlich gesagt habe ich gar nix dagegen, dass der Deal geplatzt ist. Die Chinesen hätte eh nur ein Interesse gehabt über ihren Anteil möglichst viel Rohstoffe billig in den Markt zu drücken und dann selbst abzunehmen...wenn BOC wirklich Kohle braucht und RT die nicht rausrückt kann man immer noch bei den Chinesen wieder vorstellig werden.  

06.06.09 10:25

15645 Postings, 6510 Tage nekroKing of Papaa"la

Zum Wochenende etwas erheiterndes von "King Musingku" ;-))))))))))))))))))

Bei den "Trillions" Reserven sollte jeses Invest aus der Portokasse bezahlt werden können ;-)))

PAPAA’LA CHRONICLES                                    TITLE:         NEW BOUGAINVILLE CURRENCY

By:  David K. Solomon

26th Turquoise 2009 / 26th May 2009

U-Vistract System is set to launch its first trillion dollar hard currency on 08th Jasper (July) 2009 for circulation as national currency for Bougainville Islands. System Director, HM King David Peii II announced this yesterday at a gathering of enthusiastic government members and ministers confirming that Bougainville Kina is now in print overseas.  

“This is our first gold-based hard currency to be printed and circulated here on the ground. We still have 7 more currencies including KM$, KPM, TKP, SPR, NS$, UVG and UV$ to be printed in our new global system” said the King who is also head of state of the region of Bougainville Islands. “Our reserve currency is UV GOLD which is both digital and physical.”

“Our Central Bank allows us to print up to BVK 4.4444 trillion based on our gold reserves but we’ll just start off with BVK 40.00 billion only. As you can see, the amount is too much for our small island nation compared to neighbouring PNG whose annual budget is a lousy PGK 4.00 billion.

”When asked about its convertibility, the King responded “The conventional international banking system has already accepted our currency in principle and is ready to convert it into other currencies like USD, AUD, PGK, SBD, FJD and GBP. That’s why we are now minting/printing it for circulation on the ground” the King explained.

“We have less than 4 weeks to go before the launching ceremony. Our affiliate governments overseas are hard at work undertaking this very important project.” Minting/printing is expected to be completed by end of June, a week before the launching.

It is understood that affiliate regional governments, organizations and nations have been invited to witness the ceremony.


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