Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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neuester Beitrag: 02.03.25 18:08
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neuester Beitrag: 02.03.25 18:08 von: logho Leser gesamt: 6327787
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03.07.08 16:54

15644 Postings, 6507 Tage nekroBackground to Panguna Landowner"s Proposal


ist online (u. das ganz ohne Quellenangabe (grins)

Interessierte werden ihn schon zu finden wissen ;-))))))))))))))))  

04.07.08 02:18

1528 Postings, 6503 Tage CCLSC@1389

Ich lach mich schlapp. Renter meldet zu Posting 1389 oben:

Meldung eines Regelverstoßes:

ID: Rentnerdasein
Zeitpunkt: 03.07.08 23:32
Grund: Es geht hier um einen Kupfer, Gold und Silberexplorer und nicht um Gas!!

Off Topic

Rentners Meldungen sind manchmal echt lesenswert und besitzen unterhaltungswert! ;-)



04.07.08 02:20

1528 Postings, 6503 Tage CCLSCre 1390

Huch, Rentner übertrifft sich heute wirklich. Lach!

Zu 1390 meldet er:

Meldung eines Regelverstoßes:

ID: Rentnerdasein
Zeitpunkt: 03.07.08 23:30
Grund: Off Topic hier gehts um eine mine und nicht um diesen Scheiß, der Typ soll endlich was vernünftiges schreiben, wenn er kann!!
Diesen Mist interessiert doch kein Schwein, kostet nur unsere kostbare Zeit!!

danke, ich haben fertig :--------)))


Das mit dem fertig sein glaube ich allerdings so langsam auch. ;-))))))))

Onkel Willi weiß bestimmt noch nicht einmal, worum es bei der Wahl des Executives für die PLA geht. Tse.... :-)  

04.07.08 06:39

15644 Postings, 6507 Tage nekroEuropean shareholders justify 1724-2586% BCL share

rise ;-))))))))))))))))))))))§ionsource=s0

Dass sogar die PNGindustrynews unsere (ESBC) Beweisführung über das

... (automatisch gekürzt) ...§ionsource=s0
Zeitpunkt: 04.07.08 11:48
Aktion: Kürzung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, vollständige Quellenangabe fehlt - Artikel vom 4. Juli, enthält in gekürzter Form das Wiedergegeben. Kompletter Artikel kostenpflichtig



04.07.08 06:41

15644 Postings, 6507 Tage nekroLet Miringtoro speak for Bougainville

Let Miringtoro speak for Bougainville

I refer to the article “Waigani

... (automatisch gekürzt) ...
Zeitpunkt: 04.07.08 11:41
Aktion: Kürzung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, bitte nur zitieren -



04.07.08 07:00

15644 Postings, 6507 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 04.07.08 11:30
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: beleidigend



04.07.08 07:17

15644 Postings, 6507 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 04.07.08 12:35
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Beleidigung



04.07.08 12:59

15644 Postings, 6507 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 04.07.08 13:53
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Off-Topic - Könntet ihr nicht eure privaten Auseinandersetzungen im Talk austragen?



04.07.08 13:07

302 Postings, 6498 Tage sellongoodnewsLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 04.07.08 13:54
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Off-Topic



04.07.08 13:31

15644 Postings, 6507 Tage nekroBlair Price Friday, 4 July 2008 #1404

Der hier gelöschte komplette Artikel wurde mittlerweile auf der Homepage der ESBC

und im BCL Forum auf

eingestellt ;-))))))))))))))))))))))))))  

04.07.08 13:35

15644 Postings, 6507 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 04.07.08 13:55
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Off-Topic



04.07.08 20:30

15644 Postings, 6507 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 07.07.08 11:28
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, vollständige Quellenangabe fehlt



05.07.08 12:41

1528 Postings, 6503 Tage CCLSCLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 07.07.08 11:33
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Off-Topic



06.07.08 09:44

15644 Postings, 6507 Tage nekroVertrag zwischen Invincible und AGB

kann (nach Registrierung) unter…E25&page=7i gedownloaded werden

Im Post #104 kann man den offenen Brief von Sam Kaouna an die Bougainviller lesen.(ungekürzt,ohne copyrightprobleme u. auch nicht off topic ;-))))

Wegen diesem Brief wurde die Veröffentlichung des Panguna Landowners Proposals (#100)inclusive dem Brief von Jimmy Miringtoro an Michael Somare kurzfristig "aus aktuellem Anlass" gecancelt.

Kurioserweise erscheint Sam's Brief nur in der Printausgabe sowie des Pc als auch des National.

"....deliberate distortion of the facts and condemnation in the papers and forums in PNG on the other."

....da es nur ein einheimisches B' ville Forum gibt,
in dem z.Zt. 368 Members aktiv sind muss Sam auch dort mitzulesen,ansonsten er wohl kaum diese Aussage machen könnte ;-)))))

Wer sich über die Korruption u. Mauscheleien in PNG aufregen will,sollte sich übrigens mal diesen Kurzfilm ansehen u. wird dann schnell feststellen,dass es in der sogenannten "Zivilisierten Welt" auch nicht viel besser ist :-((((((((

RTL - Bericht mit Hans-Peter Martin über Spesenmissbrauch

So......;-))) jetzt aber schnell wieder an die Meldetaste  

06.07.08 09:47

15644 Postings, 6507 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 07.07.08 15:23
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: beleidigend



06.07.08 10:09

15644 Postings, 6507 Tage nekroInv.Gold refinery Arava

Quelle: Private Mail

Mr Steven Tobesi was beaten up by guys fron Kerei on Thursday for reasons only known to them.
Steven Tobesi  boss for security guards for the Invincible Gold Refinery. May security personnel have left because of non-payment of the right amount of salaries.
The refinery also underpays the golds from the customers.
There is nobody buying gold from the people and they are now looking for gold markets in PNG. Any of you know where to sell golds so we can help them to sell their gold.


06.07.08 10:25

703 Postings, 6332 Tage Tom0001Ona and Kabui

Makamui melden sich zu Wort:

Ich zitiere aus Quelle:

"Submitted by

... (automatisch gekürzt) ...
Zeitpunkt: 07.07.08 11:42
Aktion: Kürzung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, bitte nur zitieren



06.07.08 12:42

15644 Postings, 6507 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 09.07.08 14:20
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: beleidigend



06.07.08 13:04

15644 Postings, 6507 Tage nekro@ Tom

Landeigner,PLA,ABG,BRF,BRA,Meekamuis sind nicht jeweils homogene Gruppen,da vermischt sich vieles.

Was jedoch immer gilt ist das Wort der Chiefs oder Elders.

Hier ein Artikel der das teilweise verdeutlicht

(SOURCE: Studies in the Anthropology of Bougainville, Solomon Islands, Douglas L. Oliver. Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University vol. XXIX. 1949.)
A Look at A Bigman: Bougainville

This is a journey into northwest Melanesia - New Guinea and the surrounding islands. Just south of the equator lies the island of Bougainville. Bougainville is about 130 miles long and averages 30 miles wide with an area of about 3500 square miles.

Bougainville Island, like most other islands in the southwestern Pacific, is probably a remnant of a Melanesian continent which once included New guinea and Australia. Two mountain ranges dominate the landscape. In the northern Emperor Range the active volcano Balbi rises to 10,171 feet; while the southern Crown Prince Range rises 9850 feet and contains Mount Bangana which is continually emitting clouds of steam and volcanic ash. These mountains fall away steeply on the eastern and northern coasts of Bougainville. Southwest along the Crown Prince Range lies an extensive alluvial plain. Along the coastal border of this plain there is a continuous strip of black sand beach and immediately behind it a belt of swamp 2 to 4 miles wide. A moat of swamps encircles the lower slopes and isolates beaches from habitable inland areas.

Bougainville is well within the equatorial climate zone but the heat is rarely oppressive. In most coastal areas there is generally cooled by southeasterly winds. Even if the day has been humid and cloudy and without showers, there is always a cool or even cold night created by cold mists that roll off the mountains. There is no marked variation in seasons. Occasionally there are fierce cloud-bursts preceded by violent electric storms. Rain collects in the higher elevations and enormous quantities of water then rush down the streams with a roar.

There is abundant water on Bougainville. Springs and streams abound. None of the rivers, except when they may briefly flood, is more than about 200 yards wide and several feet deep. A few of the streams flow swiftly into the sea; others empty gradually into swamps immediately behind the narrow beaches along the coast. Stream flows can be abruptly changed as a result of frequent earthquakes - some of them violent enough to topple houses and cause dangerous landslides.

The island is covered with luxurious tropical rain forest. Large areas have been cleared for settlements and gardens but it does not take long for the forest to reclaim a deserted village or garden area. So thick is the cover provided by impressively giant trees that few shafts of sunlight penetrate. Sago palms grow in swamps and in marshy patches along the lower slopes. Coconut palms are rare.

Wild pigs, opossums, tree rates and many varieties of flying foxes constitute the largest mammals. Birds in many varieties occur in great profusion. Most of these are significant in native religions.

Villages consist of a series of rectangular houses. The locations of these depends upon a number of factors: defense, proximity to water, available garden areas. It is typical that they will be found on the top of long ridges between streams. There is generally some kind of club-house or meeting house in every settlement. These are usually large, shed-like structures and sometimes contain wooden slit gongs. Other structures into pottery-making sheds, canoe-sheds, and garden lean-to's.

Bougainville natives supply their food needs chiefly through farming and secondarily through fishing, hunting, wild plant collecting, pig raising and fowl raising. Taro is the stable crop grown in fertile alluvian areas. A minimum of 100 different varieties of taro have been noted. In addition to taro, yams, sweet potatoes, bananas, coconuts, almonds, breadfruit are added. Planting of fields in continuous since there are not seasonal changes. The only annuals are the almonds and breadfruit.

Fishing is an important source of food for people living along the coasts, but fishing is hazardous and not very productive. Wild pigs are hunted with spears and assisted by dogs. There are few natives, however, who are skilled enough to provide wild pork on a regular basis. Throughout the entire island, natives hunt opossums by capture and trapping and shoot birds with different types of arrows. The natives utilize a large assortment of green leaves, extract sago, and collect numerous varieties of insects.

Two types of language are spoken on Bougainville Island. These are Melanesian and Papuan. This reflects the position of Bougainville west of the Solomon Islands and east of New Guinea where Melanesian and Papuan languages respectively are found. Seventeen distinct dialects have been discovered on the island.

Bougainville culture is remarkably uniform in comparison to New Guinea for example. Uniformities exist on the material culture, economic and sociological levels. Over all the island descent is reckoned matrilineally. There are totemic clans that possibly derive from a dual (moiety) clan system. The Eagle represents one moiety which the Hornbill or Fish Hawk the other. Natives differentiate between "salt water" and "bush" people. This reflects the division of people living along the coast and those living inland. Relations between these groups can be hostile or friendly depending on different histories. Natives living on the north end of the island practiced cannibalism while those on the south end abhorred the practice. There is also a strenuous initiation cult in the north that does not appear in the south. Both the cannibalism and cult are reflective of New Guinea contacts.

People have a dark pigmentation. Features of both New Guinea and Melanesia can be found in individuals throughout the island.

Imagine a society where you end up in hell if you are miserly and greedy. This is an adventure into such a society. Your goal is to become a renown mumi. The mumi with the widest reputation will be the point of reference when outsiders speak of the people of an area. You are to build followers who will assist you in your endeavor. It is said that a mumi owns a lot of land and crops, possesses a plentiful supply of wealth (shell money and pigs), and maintains a club-house filled with wooden gongs. This is the ideal picture of someone who owns things. However, a mumi is not the riches person in terms of things. For example, anyone can own a wooden gong, but only the man whose prestige is enhanced by ownership is the one who has employed the rewarded large numbers of relations and friends is viewed as a mumi. A mumi is a leader who exhibits unique abilities to lead through his reputation to assemble other people to share in his undertaking to possess things like land, crops, and wealth. This is the world of the Bigman.

The word for "food" is pao; it is also the word for feast. Eating is considered first and foremost a social event and only secondarily a means to satisfying hunger and restoring energy. To eat with a stranger is to show confidence in him, to demonstrate that one does not fear his sorcery.

A feast is held when a child eats its first taro or port or red bananas. Food is exchanged when a young couple is betrothed. it is shared by the bride and groom as a sign of marriage. The critical aspect of mother-in-law avoidance is the taboo against exchanging food. Relationship with the clan totem is stressed by one's refusal to eat it; and clan solidarity is symbolized by participation in a sacred communal meal. Sorrow is most poignantly demonstrated by voluntary food restrictions.

The cultural heroes - Paopiahe, Tantanu, and Panana are endeared because they created good food. In one myth Paopiahe allowed himself to be boiled in a pot and turned into taro and yams.

Honored men are those who organize feasts and provide food delicacies. The feast-giver need not use his own wealth to provide a banquet; he will encourage relatives and friends (supporters) aid him in his endeavors. The significant factor is that the host and not his financial backers receives acclaim even though guests are fully aware of the arrangements that made the feast possible.

A man who is ambitious for social renown generally begins by inducing his village mates to build a club-house for him. This labor is repaid by a feast. Then he commissions the cutting and installation of a wood-gong in the club-house. This gong is used to count his "wealth" at a feast. His renown in the village is not complete until these steps are completed.

A man who is ambitious embarks on a competition. He begins modestly feting a petty chief in a neighboring village. He invites that individual to a feast and showers him with pigs and vegetable pudding. And if the guest cannot repay within a season or two he loses prestige and his "benefactors" look around for another sponsor to aid. An ambitious man can become a mumi who is shrewd in estimating his "victims" ability to repay. He will go just beyond that limit for the repayment must be equivalent to or more bountiful than the original gift. Sometimes two closely matched rivals will compete for years, back and forth until one of them bankrupts himself and all his relatives. After that the victor takes the measure of a more worthy rival and competes once again. There would appear to be no limit to this expansion until one reaches the boundaries of tribal territories.

If you receive a gift, you are expected to redistribute it among your followers and they will promptly dispose of them. Consequently, the recipient cannot simply hoard any gift intact and give it back to the donor. He must repay an equivalent amount with new wealth.

WEALTH (Economics of a Bigman)
Wealth is measured in terms of pigs and shell money. Pigs are valued highly. They are not scavengers, in fact they have their food cooked and fed to them in baskets. Not infrequently one sees women premasticating taro and feeding it to feeble young pigs. The girth of a pig is measured in fractions of an adult man's arm span and the value of the pig is reckoned according in terms of shell money. Pigs of more than average value (worth 50 to 100 spans of shell money) are exchanged and eaten only at feasts. There is always a market for pigs and they can readily be converted into shell money.

Shell money varies in kind and in value. There are crudely pierced and unpolished mussel shells called mauai. These are strung into strings to make a long strand. A span of mauai is assigned an exchange value that is common to all. A second type of shell money is a better made and finely polished mollusc, spondylous or mussel shell strand. A particularly well made span of spondylous is worth fifty to one hundred times as much as the cruder mauai. This type is inherited.

All shell money was made elsewhere and traded to Bougainville in return for pigs, weapons and almonds. Therefore there is a set supply of shell money available on the island.

Shell money can be accumulated through inheritance, by the sale of pigs or pottery, and by interest on loans. Money figures in every kind of ritual and ceremonial. Magical rites are carried out for the purpose of increasing and protecting it. Inhereted money called Tomui must never be used for currency. It is a form of clan heirloom passed down through generation after generation and is protected by ancestral spirits.

Wealth is ultimately measured in having a feast and sharing through ceremony rather than in being "wealthy" by possessing large hoards of shell money and/or herds of the largest pigs.

Men in villages are viewed in different terms. If a man is a mumi, he is really on top; if he is a mouhe, he is not quite so high; if he is a turarurana, he is at the bottom; if he is a mumi's pokonopo, he is in the middle. The word pokonopo is actually translated into a possessive "his" along with "friend". In every village there are a few men who used their own wealth to assist their mumi to prepare feasts and distribute property. They are, literally, supporters. They were either mouhe or pokonopo or more usually both. Turarurana were considered a "thigh" of the mumi in some cases. They would till his soil and would be provided with food and perhaps a wife in return.


(SOURCE: Studies in the Anthropology of Bougainville, Solomon Islands, Douglas L. Oliver. Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University vol. XXIX. 1949.)  

07.07.08 04:59

15644 Postings, 6507 Tage nekroLandowners ready for review   (danach auf der Seite suchen ;-)))))))

Pressemeldung von L.Daveona

THE Panguna landowners are ready for a review of the Bougainville Copper Agreement (BCA).
A proposal is before the National Government on the issue, which is dependent on the Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) returning to re-open the Panguna mine.....................

Um dem Blödsinn mit Meldung und Löschung wegen Copyright zu umgehen hier der einfachste Link ;-))))))))))) (dann auf News)  

07.07.08 06:53

15644 Postings, 6507 Tage nekroDas aktuelle Jahr

Lawrence geht von einer Verabschiedung des neuen BCA noch vor der Publikation der Fesability Studie Ende August aus. ;-)))))))))))))))))))))

Englisches Original abrufbar unter:

Geschäftsbericht,also KEIN Copyright ;-)))))

Übersetzung des Ausblicks aus dem Geschäftsbericht (von Swen Lorenz)

Das aktuelle Jahr

Meine ursprüngliche Hoffnung, dass es schon im Laufe des Jahres 2007 zu einer Überprüfung und Neuverhandlung des Bougainville Copper Abkommens kommen würde, erfüllte sich leider nicht.

Ich denke jedoch, dass es besser ist, die Dinge ordentlich zu regeln, anstatt mit einer überhasteten Aktion den Erfolg des gesamten Vorhabens zu gefährden. Sowohl die Autonome Regierung Bougainville als auch die Landeigentümer müssen erst einige Hausaufgaben erledigen, bevor sie in der Lage sind,sinnvoll an einem solchen Prozess mitzuwirken. Mit den Fortschritten, die mittlerweile in dieser Hinsicht gemacht wurden, bin ich zufrieden. Nach meiner Einschätzung liegt der Schlüssel für den Erfolg dieser Verhandlungen darin, einen Sachverwalter zu installieren, der die notwendigen Prozesse kompetent vorantreibt. Ich bin optimistisch, dass wir mit dem Bergbau- und Minenministerium Bougainville nunmehr einen solchen Sachverwalter an der Spitze der Entwicklung haben.
Die Chancen, die sich aus dem gegenwärtigen Rohstoffboom ergeben, werden naturgemäß nicht
unendlich lange offenstehen. Wenn die wichtigsten Interessengruppen einen allseitigen wirtschaftlichen
Vorteil aus dem Rohstoffpotential von Bougainville erzielen möchten, müssen schnellstmöglich die hierfür notwendigen Rahmenbedingungen geschaffen werden. Während des abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahres wurden weiteren Vorbereitungsarbeiten durchgeführt, um das Unternehmen auf das denkbare Ende des gegenwärtigen Bergbau- und Explorationsmoratoriums vorzubereiten. Gegenwärtig arbeiten wir daran, konkrete Explorationspotentiale innerhalb der Lizenzgebiete des Unternehmens zu identifizieren. Es gibt etliche potentielle unternehmerische Partner, die Bougainville Copper bereits Unterstützung für die Durchführung eines solchen Explorationsprogramms zugesagt haben. Auch der umfangreiche Datenbestand der Gesellschaft wird gerade aktualisiert. Es soll sichergestellt sein, dass die Datenbank auf dem neuesten Stand ist, um sie schnell und effektiv einsetzen zu können, falls eine Wiederaufnahme des Minenbetriebs vereinbart wird.
Die Direktoren sind einer gemeinsamen Vision verpflichtet: „Wiederaufnahme der Explorationsarbeit und Rückkehr zum profitablen Minenbetrieb“, wie in unserem auf drei Jahre ausgelegten strategischen Plan dargelegt.
Unsere Vision einer Wiederaufnahme der Explorationsarbeit und einer Rückkehr zum profitablen Minenbetrieb setzt voraus, dass es unter den Einwohnern Bougainvilles zu einer Versöhnung und einem Konsens kommt. Die Tatsache, dass es nach wie vor zu keiner vollständigen Normalisierung des Lebens auf Bougainville gekommen ist, bereitet uns nach wie vor Sorge. Anhaltende Unruhen sowie die unverändert bestehenden Einschränkungen im Hinblick auf den Zugang zu verschiedenen Gebieten der Inseln schränken die Möglichkeiten der neuen Regierung ein. Dadurch wird auch eine Verbesserung des Lebensstandards und die Durchführung von Entwicklungsprojekten behindert.
Die Unterstützung, die Bougainville Copper von einer breiten Schicht von Einwohnern in Bougainville und Papua Neuguinea erhält, wenn es um die Wiedereröffnung der Mine geht, ist ermutigend. Dort hat sich die Einsicht durchgesetzt, dass die notwendigen Arbeiten für eine Wiedereröffnung der Mine ein Unterfangen erheblichen Ausmaßes sind. Dieses Unterfangen kann nur von einem Minenkonzern durchgeführt werden, der über Erfahrung und die notwendigen finanziellen Ressourcen verfügt.
Aufgrund der Konsolidierungstendenzen in der Minenbranche gibt es immer weniger geeignete
Kandidaten für diese Aufgabe. Der Großaktionär von Bougainville Copper, Rio Tinto, hat uns im abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr aktiv unterstützt. Die gemeinsame Arbeit hat einmal mehr gezeigt, wie wertvoll es ist, Zugang zu den Ressourcen eines solchen Partners zu haben. So konnten wir neue Software und neuartige Untersuchungsmethoden für die erneute Auswertung der alten Datenbestände von Bougainville Copper nutzen. Die so gewonnenen Daten verleihen Bougainville Copper einen Vorsprung von mehreren Jahren, verglichen mit einem theoretischen anderen Explorationsunternehmen, das keinerlei historische Daten über Bougainville besitzt und deshalb bei Null anfangen müsste. Zudem ist es denkbar, dass Erzvorkommen niedriger Qualität – die früher als Abfall betrachtet wurden – auf
wirtschaftliche Weise neu ausgebeutet werden können. Auf diese Weise könnte die Gesamtausbeute der Minen vergrößert und das Minenleben verlängert werden.  

07.07.08 16:30

51 Postings, 6343 Tage DerAnalystThird attempt in Bougainville to hold public ...

Third attempt in Bougainville to hold public meeting over controversial Invincible deal

Posted at 08:13 on 07 July, 2008 UTC

A women’s group in Papua New Guinea’s autonomous Bougainville province is trying for a third time to hold a public forum over the government’s controversial deal with Canadian company, Invincible Resources.

Invincible has been given control of the Bogenvil Resource Development Corporation, which some have called a sell out of Bougainvilleans’ birthright.

The BRDC is a vehicle to encourage economic development, including in mining, and Monica Taga of the Bougainville Interchurch Forum says the talk on Bougainville is of six mining projects.

She says they have called the public forum on Thursday for the Government to explain the deal and how Bougainvilleans, particularly women, will benefit.

“The women really have the right to know who is going to benefit and as to how are they going to benefit, and if they are going to start up mines how do they go about those changes - where do they relocate families that sort of thing.”

Monica Taga.

The first attempted meeting was stopped because the women did not have a police permit while the second was called off after the death of the then President, Joseph Kabui.





08.07.08 03:30

15644 Postings, 6507 Tage nekroBCL must act now

Press Release  20080707-en

European Shareholders welcome Panguna Landowner Announcement: BCL must act now!

“We appreciate very much, that the Panguna Landowners are firmly going forward in the process of paving the way for the re-opening of one of the biggest and richest copper-, gold and silver mines of the world,” said the President of the European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC), Mr. Axel G. Sturm, on Monday in Andorra / Europe. “When I met him in May in Port Moresby, I had been deeply impressed by Lawrence Daveona. He is the ideal mediator in this sensitive issue. He has our confidence and our full support as well. Earlier than others Lawrence understood that the only way of bringing enduring peace and prosperity to the island of Bougainville means first of all getting all parties concerned together,” said Mr. Sturm. “I always told my interlocutors in Port Moresby that, if there is a strong will to find a solution on all sides, the new Bougainville Copper Agreement could be ratified within a very short term. Even a date in August when pre-feasibility order of the magnitude study shall be finished by BCL may be realistic.”  Furthermore, Mr. Sturm pointed out that the ESBC now expect BCL chairman Peter Taylor finally to make a concrete public statement on this issue: “To make it quite clear: It is absolutely not acceptable that our company keeps quiet if there is such positive development on facts in Bougainville!”  

08.07.08 09:50

15644 Postings, 6507 Tage nekroEvidence of small-scale illegal mining

Blair Price  Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Der gesamte Artikel der PNGNews ist nur für zahlende Abonnenten zugänglich.Ein 30 Tage gratis Test Abonnement gibt es hier§ionsource=s0

Video of the small-scale mining activities is available from the ESBC’s website on this link:

Blair hat auch einen permanenten ESBC Link auf PNGIndustrynews implementiert,und bittet über News auf dem laufenden gehalten zu werden.Er möchte eine Fortsetzungsstory über den Fortgang bei BCL schreiben.;-))))))))))))))))

Copyright des Artikels liegt bei den ESBC ;-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

THE EUROPEAN Shareholders of Bougainville Copper claims it has uncovered video evidence of small-scale illegal mining at Australia-listed Bougainville Copper’s (BCL) Panguna copper, gold and silver mine.
Small-scale mining captured in ESBC footage at the Panguna openpit
A still from an ESBC video taken at the Panguna mine this year

ESBC president Axel Sturm told his organisation had sent a camera operator to Central Bougainville to take pictures of the mine and other places in autumn this year.

“Frankly spoken, the pictures are worrying,” he said.

“There are still people in the mine area who try to find gold. We know that there is mercury and other toxic substances used to get that gold. Such amateur gold digging empoisons the environment even far more than modern mining does.

“I am not talking about the small nugget that someone might take home as a souvenir, I am talking about a shadow economy that seems to be established there.”

BCL’s operations at Panguna have been suspended since 1989 due to military and civil strife related to the island’s struggle for independence from PNG.

Rio Tinto Technology and Innovation Group are undertaking an order of magnitude study to look at the annual production of the Panguna mine in a range of 20-50 million tonnes per year along with projected copper and gold prices.

The study is expected to be complete in August. is awaiting a response from BCL about the issues raised in this story.  

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| 58 | 59 | 60 | ... | 983   
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