Einen Guten Morgen euch allen!! Habe wie gestern geschrieben, am Freitag Herrn Lee eine Mail geschickt: Dear Sir or Madam,
I heard, that Asiapac will sign today a contract with the DOE for there 3 mini hydro projekts. Will there be a official statement?
I have another question on the value of the shares. Since an Asiapac share was at the beginning of 2010 about 2€ worth, what value does a share now have. Since there are round about 245 million shares in circulation would that mean, that Asiapac is worth about 500 million €, or less?
Thank you for your Information and best regards Heute Morgen hat er mir wie folgt geantwortet: hi the signing of contract was postponed to either this week or next week, the Dept of Energy will inform us the exact date, it will be in the newspaper and internet once its signed. The shares of Asiapac went up to Euro 2 at one time, due to speculator pushing it up and selling for profit. The company never confirm that price of each share of Asiapac is 2 Euro. However once the contract is signed with DOE, we can start construction. We have discuss already with the bank regarding the project financing too. Soon we can expect good cash flow to come in.
Ich bin sehr zuverscichtlich, dass Asiapac in den nächsten Wochen, oder Monaten steigen wird (m.M.). Dank der anderen sehr angerierter User, wie z.B. eZoo, Archon, Geldschaffler und seit neustem Z3Black (sorry falls ich jemanden vergessen habe), die stets daran interssiert sind, Fakten zu liefern, wird dieser Kurs in die richtige Richtung gehen :-). Euch einen schönen Wochenstart und hoffetnlich eine Grüne Woceh für Asiapac ;-) Marxx |