ist allerdings ein heftiger angriff:
sunspotter Member Profile sunspotter Member Level Share§ §Friday, January 27, 2012 5:21:26 AM Re: Zeckenhasser post# 19312 §Post # of 19315 "AquaLiv is... a company... with great science"
Another lie from AQLV apparatchik Tracy Bushnell.
AQLV has zero science - just one rigged experiment conducted in their own labs with a magic ceramic ball that equally magically programmed water to kill e. coli. Apparently.
That experiment has not been submitted for publication even though if valid it would revolutionise science. Nor has it been reproduced anywhere else.
There's a reason for that, which is that the "experiment" is a scientific fraud committed by University of Washington post-doc Sean Sleight in AQLV's own laboratories.
What they do have is a series of outrageous and impossible claims that they refuse to support with any evidence or rationale, and a proud boast that they - "they" being Craig Hoffman and AQLV agent Emmanuel Mutisya - have caused ten sick Kenyans to abandon their life-saving antiretroviral medicines in an unapproved, unethical and utterly illegal "clinical trial".
And an entirely fictitious claim that AQLV is going to receive $50 million from an anonymous bank loan to an equally anonymous farmer. In April, obviously not now.
Why not now? Because they need to string this scam out for as long as they can milk anyone gullible enough to fall for it.
Give me a break.
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."
Upton Sinclair
Wäre besser, wenn DAS alles eine lüge wä ja......ob und wie ........ |