cjstocksup Member Level Share§ §Tuesday, January 17, 2012 4:17:50 PM Re: dannyo-nr1 post# 18747 §Post # of 18748 People bought right at the close to take it out however they do not realize if they are a few seconds late it does not show as the close. We took out the last of those .00134's before the close but the MM's used that single bidwhack at .0132 to close us there. It will be interesting to see if anyone notices the last trade is at .0134 and so were a couple buys before that single bidwhack at .0132. The bid then went up to .0138. At least we have moved up slightly green the last 2 trading days on much lower volume. A close above .0132 would have been very bullish and some knew that. Then the next close above .0155 will be very bullish on the charts. The RSI is still low so we have a ton of room to grow ahead on the next leg up when volume and buying pressure do pick up. Today was mostly the players who took profits near the highs last week IMO taking profits from those .01's and .011's they got late last week IMO. Tomorrow the ask should be nice and thin to .015's after we cleaned out alot of shares today just below. AQLV |