erst Dilution... dann wieder ein split "On August 30, 2011, the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of YRC Worldwide Inc. (the “Company”) approved the YRC Worldwide Inc. Director Compensation Plan (the “Director Plan”), effective August 30, 2011. (...) The Director Plan provides for: (ii) following (A) the completion of the reverse merger of the Company into a subsidiary of the Company in which the Company survives the merger, (B) the Board’s adoption of a new equity incentive plan, and (C) the effective date of a reverse stock split of the Company’s common stock, a grant of restricted stock units (“RSUs”) equal to $100,000 divided by $0.1134 (the conversion ratio of the Company’s Series A Convertible Senior Secured Notes), which grant shall be adjusted proportionately to reflect the reverse stock split; (...)" Quelle: hier gehen höchstens Zwischenzocks, langfristig sind die Planungen gem. der filings vermutlich vernichtend für etwaige Longpositionen (nur m.M. - keine Empfehlung zu gar nix!) allen viel Glück und gute N8! |