weil es im Nachbarforum untergeht... Das hier ist der Telefonkonferenz von gestern entnommen. Die Lumias vor einem Jahr mit Win7 wurden nach dem Salzstreuerprinzip verteilt. Dieses Mal ging Nokia viel gezielter vor. Es belieferte zuerst nur wenige, ausgewaehlte Provider. Zudem gibt es in verschiedenen Ländern verschiedene Strategien. Das hört sich alles sehr durchdacht an und alles wäre gut, bis auf den letzten Satz: Alles muss an die Verfügbarkeit angepasst werden... Also sind wir wieder beim Punkt: Hohe Nachfrage und/oder immer noch die mangelnde Fähigkeit genug zu produzieren? If you remember, Windows Phone 7, we went to a lot of European countries right out of the gate, and we are still in the process of rolling out to various European countries. And then within most countries, the United States is an exception here, and China is an exception here, but in most other countries we were pretty broad with the range of operators and retailers with whom we’re working. So if you take the United Kingdom as an example, the early launch of the Lumia 920 in the United Kingdom was limited to everything, everywhere as a sole operator partner and it was in just a couple of the largest retailers. And it’s only in the last week or two I believe that began to broaden to additional operators in the UK and you will see that pattern form elsewhere. Geographically, it is the case that we’re very excited to have added an operator in the United States so there is broader distribution ramping up with the inclusion of Verizon in the United States. And of course, we are very interested to see how we can work effectively with China Mobile as a second operator partner in China, where today we are working with China Unicom on the WCDMA network and now with China Mobile on TD-SCDMA. So those of the two – there maybe some other countries that are exceptions to the rule, but those are the two most obvious exceptions and then in the rest of countries, it’s clearly a narrow, a distribution strategy to start out. And of course, we are having to meter that and make decisions as we go as the function of the supply constraint. And so we are having to do adjustments and you see some timing adjustments and so forth as a function of supply. Zwischen den Zeilen habe ich noch weitere positive Punkte entdeckt, z.B. # Restrukturierungskosten sind langsam verdaut (we are not expecting very significant restructuring charges going forward") Ist doch was. |