Die nächsten Wochen werden interessant. Sollten die beim aktuellen Bohrprojekt in West-Australien was finden, das vergleichbar wäre mit Minen aus näheren Umkreis (12 bis 55 km), wäre das für ADX eine feine Sache (Beteiligungswert). Der Anteil von ADX ist laut Riedel Homepage leider nur noch, aber immerhin noch 25.99%: http://www.riedelresources.com.au/...or-relations/top-20-shareholders Aktueller Artikel von Proactive Investors: http://www.proactiveinvestors.com.au/companies/...ts-in-wa-35709.html >>Riedel Resources drills for copper, gold targets in WA Monday, November 12, 2012 by Proactive Investors Riedel Resources (ASX:RIE) has started aircore and rotary air blast (RAB) drilling to test high priority copper and gold targets at its Marymia project in Western Australia. The project is about 30 kilometres east of the 4.7 million ounce Plutonic gold mine, 55 kilometres north-east of Sandfire Resources' (ASX: SFR) DeGrussa copper-gold mine and 12 kilometres north-east of Ventnor Resources' (ASX: VRX) Green Dragon and Thaduna copper deposits. The current drilling campaign includes over 6000 metres of RAB/aircore drilling to test seven new high priority targets, with the deposits prospective for copper, gold and potentially other base metals mineralisation. The rig could be retained and the work program extended if the results and geological observations are positive. Drilling is scheduled to be completed by end of November with assay results likely before end of December. Riedel has already obtained the Heritage clearance over six target areas as part of two Native Title agreements, with clearance for one area still pending. As part of Marymia project, Riedel has two exploration licences covering an area of more than 425 square kilometres in the highly prospective Doolgunna-Thaduna region.<< http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plutonic-Goldmine |