150.000 AIG Wkn 859520 zu 6,00 GEKAUFT

Seite 14 von 53
neuester Beitrag: 31.07.09 10:54
eröffnet am: 15.09.08 09:53 von: Wernerherzo. Anzahl Beiträge: 1318
neuester Beitrag: 31.07.09 10:54 von: bluhm Leser gesamt: 310522
davon Heute: 84
bewertet mit 37 Sternen

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17.09.08 00:07

53 Postings, 6166 Tage qnizzAIG mess

"1) staat greift ein -> arschkarte für die aktionäre (durch kapitalerhöhung bewirkte verwässerung)"

Falsch, informier' Dich bevor Du grosse Reden schwingst.


17.09.08 00:14

53 Postings, 6166 Tage qnizzInsolvenzverwalter...omg

17.09.08 00:24

1398 Postings, 6479 Tage CosmicTradeAIG zum richtigen Zeitpunkt ein- und aussteigen

>WernerHerzog am  15.09.08 09:53:

"Ich hab mir 150.000 Aktien des größten Versicherungskonzerns der Welt, AIG WKN: 859520ISIN: US0268741073 Symbol: AIG via Blockdeal zu 6,00 Eur gekauft und werde die Aktien O H N E Stop halten."

(wirklich ein tolles Geschäft) Oh Gott die Lemminge sterben eben nie aus...

 Ich habe mir auch 150.000 AIG Aktien zu 1,33$ = 0,93 € gekauft Winken 

und sie 80 % billiger bekommen.

Hab sie aber kurz vor Börsenschluss wieder für 4,33 $ verscherbelt. 


 Y M  




17.09.08 00:31

23 Postings, 5878 Tage Nix wie wegsun rise


17.09.08 00:33

23 Postings, 5878 Tage Nix wie wegtsunami


17.09.08 00:35

23 Postings, 5878 Tage Nix wie wegearly bird !

非常好! 在按  

17.09.08 00:36

23 Postings, 5878 Tage Nix wie wegChao LU


17.09.08 00:38

23 Postings, 5878 Tage Nix wie wegvoltage


17.09.08 00:40

23 Postings, 5878 Tage Nix wie wegLight please

17.09.08 00:42

23 Postings, 5878 Tage Nix wie wegsun shine

做得好!! 暫掛中保持  

17.09.08 00:56

109 Postings, 6095 Tage dennykoCNBC

AIG Increasingly Likely to Get Huge Bridge Loan from Government, Avoid Bankruptcy: CNBC's Faber (More to Come)
Current DateTime: 03:40:39 16 Sep 2008
LinksList Documentid: 26742256  

17.09.08 01:13

79 Postings, 6170 Tage thwicbWerner!! AIG ist kurz vor dem aus

Verkaufe Dein AIG Aktien Packet so schnell wie möglich und besser heute noch falls Du nicht in einer "Penny" Firma
invertierst bist.




17.09.08 01:44

1658 Postings, 6433 Tage Andreano90 Milliarden von der Regierung

Shareholders would be severely diluted by the bailout that involves the bridge loan.


17.09.08 01:49

109 Postings, 6095 Tage dennykoAIG

More Special Reports

AIG to Get $85 Billion Loan, Give Up 80% Stake
Topics:Federal Reserve | Banking
Sectors:Insurance | Financial Services | Banks
Companies:American International Group Inc| 16 Sep 2008 | 07:38 PM ET Font size: American International Group will get a $85 billion bridge loan from the federal government in exchange for an 80 percent stake in itself, allowing it to avoid bankruptcy, sources have told CNBC.

Sources said the loan will be secured and include incentives for quick asset-sales by AIG.

As part of the deal, the government will get warrants for most of AIG’s equity—severely diluting existing shareholders.

AIG has been racing the clock to avoid a bankruptcy filing on Wednesday, making efforts to work out a deal with the Federal Reserve to shore up its finances.

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke were meeting with Senate and House leadership Tuesday night to discuss how to assist AIG, sources said.

The Fed, under pressure from New York state and AIG policyholders, is considering providing some kind of financial aid to the troubled insurer. That would mark a reversal of its decision on Monday to refuse a bridge loan to AIG.

The Fed met with the company's advisers throughout the day and came to a better understanding of what is needed to help the company through its current crisis, people familiar with the negotiations told CNBC.

These people said there is hope that a Fed-funded plan could be reached by the day's end.

If a government bailout is worked out, sources told CNBC, shareholders would get nothing, bondholders next to nothing and policyholders at least some protection.

Bloomberg reported late Tuesday that the Fed was considering some kind of conservatorship for AIG—which would mean bringing in an outsider to run the company. But sources told CNBC that no legal authority exists for such an arrangement.

AIG [AIG  3.75    -1.01  (-21.22%)   ] shares swung wildly all day Tuesday in heavy volume.

Watch David Faber's report on possible AIG deal.

The shares, which are a component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, at one point were down more than 50 percent in the wake of a cut in the insurer's credit rating, which only served to heighten the concerns that it would file for bankrupcy and further upset the troubled global financial system.  

The plunge in AIG shares has been the biggest drag on the Dow this week.

AIG, one of the world's largest insurers, is the latest company to be convulsed by a mortgage and credit crisis that this week led to a bankruptcy filing by Lehman Brothers Holdings [LEH  0.30    0.09  (+42.86%)   ] and the sale of Merrill Lynch [MER  22.18    5.12  (+30.01%)   ] to Bank of America [BAC  29.55    3.00  (+11.3%)   ].

AIG late Sunday asked the Federal Reserve for help, including a possible "bridge" loan to tide it over while it pursues asset sales and capital raising. The Fed refused, but pushed JPMorgan Chase [JPM  40.74    3.74  (+10.11%)   ] and Morgan Stanley [MS  28.70    -3.49  (-10.84%)   ] to try to put together a credit facility of $70 billion to $75 billion for New York-based AIG, a person familiar with the matter said on Monday.

Paulson View Unchanged

The Fed declinded to comment Tuesday on its willingness to assit AIG.

However, a Treasury official told CNBC that the comments of Treasury Sectary Hank Paulson on Monday still stand.

 CNBC Investor Advice:
Who Owns AIG Shares?
What If You're A Client of AIG?
Cramer: Banks Worth Buying!
Non-Bank Stock Picks
Slideshow: Bank Failures of 2008

On Monday, Paulson had said, "We do not take, and I don't take, lightly ever putting the taxpayer on the line to support an institution ... Don't read it as no more; read it as that it's important, I think, for us to maintain the stability and orderliness of our financial system. Moral hazard is something I don't take lightly.''

Time is running short for AIG. The insurer has "a day" to solve its problems, New York Gov. David Paterson said on CNBC television.

Bankruptcy Poses 'Systemic Risk'

Meanwhile, a company run by former AIG CEO Hank Greenberg said it may try to take over the insurer in a proxy fight or tender offer, according to a regulatory filing on Tuesday.

"It's in our national interest that AIG survive," said Greenberg told CNBC. He said there could be "systemic risks" if AIG's trading partners try to get out of their contracts.

Asked if an AIG bankruptcy were possible, he said if the company doesn't get a bridge loan, new capital, or relief from rating agencies, "then there's no alternative, and that would be a disaster."

Greenberg, who has much of his own personal wealth tied up in AIG, said he has written a letter to the company offering his help, but complained that he has been rebuffed.

Watch Greenberg interview at left.

The former CEO has been at odds with the company since he left in 2005 amid charges of financial misconduct leveled by then-New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer and the Securities and Exchange Commission. Greenberg denied wrongdoing.

Greenberg's company C.V. Starr said, in a filing with the SEC, that it is working with its adviser, investment bank Parella Weinberg Partners, on strategic options, including buing assets from AIG, taking it private, or trying to buy it in a proxy fight.

In order to take such steps, Greenberg would have to receive approval from the New York Department of Insurance, given strict laws governing those who hold more than 10 percent of an insurer's stock.

A spokesman for New York Insurance Superintendent Eric Dinallo was not immediately available for comment.


Current DateTime: 04:20:22 16 Sep 2008
LinksList Documentid: 26737121
Cramer: AIG Too Big to Fail
Poll: Should US Bail Out AIG?
Handicapping AIG's Options
Rush to Redeem Policies in Asia
WaMu Surges on Talk of JPMorgan Bid
BofA Buys Merrill for $29 a Share
Farrell: Parsing the Faltering Financials
AIG Pursues Liquidity Plan

Monday's rating downgrades will make it much more difficult for AIG Chief Executive Robert Willumstad to raise cash, and could trigger demands that the company come up with nearly $20 billion.

The insurer has suffered $18 billion of losses in the last three quarters tied to guarantees it wrote on mortgage-linked derivatives. It ended June with $1.05 trillion of assets. Its failure would likely be larger than that of Lehman, which said it ended August with about $600 billion of assets.

Credit Suisse analyst Thomas Gallagher halved his price target on AIG to $3, citing a "heightened probability" of a bankruptcy filing. "While there is a chance the company can work its way through its liquidity problems if it can secure substantial bridge financing, we think this will be challenging to execute in the current onerous credit environment," he wrote.

AIG ended 2007 with 116,000 employees, more than four times as many as Lehman.

Too Big to Fail?

Late Monday, Standard & Poor's cut AIG's long-term credit rating three notches to "A-minus" from "AA-minus," citing "reduced flexibility in meeting additional collateral needs and concerns over increasing residential mortgage-related losses."

Moody's Investors Service on Monday cut AIG's rating two notches to "A2" from "Aa3," while Fitch Ratings cut its rating two notches to "A" from "AA-minus."

The far-reaching influence of AIG in American life. Watch video at left.

S&P told CNBC Tuesday that the key consideration in its ratings changes was the "company's reduced access to the capital markets."

The firm's insurance analyst, Rodney Clark, said AIG has an increasing need to post collateral at a time of diminishng access to capital. And though it is actively pursuing a number of financing options, the situation was "reflecting a lot of risk in its abiity to succeed in putting those solutions in place."

The downgrades mean that AIG's trading partners can require the insurer to post an additional $14.5 billion of collateral, according to an Aug. 6 regulatory filing. They could also result in the early termination of some contracts, requiring an additional $5.4 billion of payments, the filing shows.

"Many people think AIG is too big to fail, but the world will not come to an end if it fails," said Matt McCormick, portfolio manager and banking analyst at Bahl & Gaynor Investment Counsel Inc in Cincinnati.

Despite its problems, AIG has many profitable businesses it could sell, including life insurance, property and casualty insurance, and aircraft leasing. Greenberg estimated the company could raise $20 billion from asset sales if given the time.

On Monday, Paterson said New York would let AIG essentially loan itself $20 billion by shifting liquid investments to itself from some of its regulated insurance units.


17.09.08 05:27

71124 Postings, 5979 Tage FillorkillInsolvenz abgewendet...

85-Milliarden-Dollar-Kredit für AIG

Die US-Regierung kommt dem angeschlagenen weltgrößten Versicherungsriesen American International Group AIG mit einem Kredit von bis zu 85 Milliarden Dollar (60 Milliarden Euro) zu Hilfe. Wie die Notenbank Federal Reserve (Fed) mitteilte, soll der Rettungsplan ein "unkontrolliertes Versagen" des Instituts verhindern. Der Kredit soll eine Laufzeit von zwei Jahren haben. Als Sicherheit dient das gesamte Vermögen von AIG. Die amerikanische Regierung übernimmt knapp 80 Prozent der Kontrolle an dem Konzern und erhält ein Veto-Recht bei der Ausschüttung der Dividende.

Wie die Fed betonte, seien die Interessen der Steuerzahler durch die Kernbedingungen dieses Kredits geschützt. Das Paket sei in enger Abstimmung mit dem US-Finanzministerium erarbeitet worden. In einer ersten Reaktion begrüßte Präsident George W. Bush die Vereinbarung.

Kapitaldecke massiv angegriffen

In den Medien war kurz zuvor eine Insolvenz von AIG nicht mehr ausgeschlossen worden. Experten befürchteten für diesen Fall massive Auswirkungen auf die weltweiten Finanzmärkte. AIG hatte in den vergangenen neun Monaten fast 20 Milliarden Dollar Verluste angehäuft.
Keine Hilfe von Privatbanken

Regierung und Notenbank hatten bis zuletzt staatliche Hilfen für AIG immer wieder ausgeschlossen. Eine konzertierte Rettungsaktion innerhalb der Branche durch andere Versicherer und Banken sei aber nicht zustande gekommen, berichtete die "New York Times". Die beiden Privatbanken JP Morgan und Goldman Sachs waren gebeten worden, einen Kredit bereitzustellen.

Experten rechnen damit, dass die Aktien der privaten Anleger nach der Übernahme der AIG-Mehrheit durch die öffentliche Hand nochmals deutlich im Wert sinken. Die geplante Rettungsaktion benötigt jedoch nicht die Zustimmung der Aktionäre.
something must break ...

17.09.08 05:29

71124 Postings, 5979 Tage FillorkillQuelle : tagesschau.de

something must break ...

17.09.08 06:52
dachte das Papier würde aufgrund der News steigen statt fallen...  

17.09.08 07:05

7297 Postings, 6199 Tage madeinhellKredit von bis zu 85 Milliarden Dollar!

Hallo steigen? Kredit heißt zurückzahlen!  

17.09.08 07:30

71124 Postings, 5979 Tage FillorkillAIG:

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sept. 16, 2008--The Board of Directors of American International Group, Inc. (NYSE:AIG) issued the following statement in response to today's announcement by the Federal Reserve Board that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is providing a two-year, $85 billion secured revolving credit facility to AIG that will ensure the company can meet its liquidity needs:

"The AIG Board has approved this transaction based on its determination that this is the best alternative for all of AIG's constituencies, including policyholders, customers, creditors, counterparties, employees and shareholders. AIG is a solid company with over $1 trillion in assets and substantial equity, but it has been recently experiencing serious liquidity issues. We believe the loan, which is backed by profitable, well-capitalized operating subsidiaries with substantial value, will protect all AIG policyholders, address rating agency concerns and give AIG the time necessary to conduct asset sales on an orderly basis. We expect that the proceeds of these sales will be sufficient to repay the loan in full and enable AIG's businesses to continue as substantial participants in their respective markets. In return for providing this essential support, American taxpayers will receive a substantial majority ownership interest in AIG.

"We commend the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department for taking this decisive action to address AIG's liquidity needs and broader financial market concerns. We thank them for their leadership during this critical time for the global financial markets. We also thank Governor Paterson, Commissioner Dinallo, Commissioner Ario, the other state Commissioners, and the Office of Thrift Supervision for their willingness to assist AIG.

"Policyholders of AIG companies around the world can rest assured that AIG's commitments will continue to be honored."

Quelle: AIG
something must break ...

17.09.08 07:40

641 Postings, 7249 Tage HAMSI_IHallo schenken oder was?

Klar haben wir das so gewünscht. Wir sehen ja auch net die Aktie auf $40 ...
Ich weiss ja auch net wie es weitergehen soll. Auf jedenfall ist das Ganze ein Blutbad gewesen...
Demnächst werde ich viel viel vorsichtiger sein ...

17.09.08 07:43

1367085 Postings, 7569 Tage moyaWernerherzog schon mal über Privatinsolvenz

Gruss Moya

17.09.08 07:49

641 Postings, 7249 Tage HAMSI_IHeisst das, dass die Aktien nix mehr wert sind?

Ich muss sagen, dass ich mir durch diese blöde Zockerei meine Finger verbrannt habe, wenn die Aktie auf 0 geht.


17.09.08 07:50

59 Postings, 7536 Tage biodanivon Kuchen und Kaffee

Der grosse Bär regiert mit der eisernen Faust, weitere Enklaven spüren Aufwind.
Die Fjorde des Kapitalismus trocknen aus,...
Wie war das bei Kant:
Aufklärung ist der Ausgang des Menschen aus seiner selbstverschuldeten Unmündigkeit. Dabei ist wohl das Wort selbstverschuldet zu unterstreichen. Müssen wir uns diese Zeilen alle paar Jahrzehnte aufs Neue zu Herzen nehmen?
Bei Null ist eben schon lange nicht mehr Null, dann bluten eben alle. Aber solange man die eigene Währung atomatisieren kann, interessierts keinen.
Wo sind die unabhängigen Zeitungen? Müssen wir in einer Flut von wertlosem Papier ertrinken?
Mein Kaffee wird langsam lauwarm, er schmeckt mir nicht mehr, ich werde mir jetzt einen neuen brauen und der Kuchen ist auch schon gegessen, schade.  

17.09.08 08:01

3850 Postings, 6765 Tage knuspriNa

L+S sagt was anderes  

17.09.08 08:02

71124 Postings, 5979 Tage FillorkillBeim Zocken...

sollte man besser immer damit rechnen, sich mal die Finger zu verbrennen.  Warum aber AIG jetzt aber auf 0 gehen sollte wüßte ich nicht. Es handelt sich um einen Kredit unter verschärften Auflagen, nicht aber um Verstaatlichung. AIG hat also eine weitere Chance bekommen. Aktuell bei ca 3 € (L&S)
something must break ...

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