"During the quarter the Company received its first orders for BlueGen units. VicUrban, the Victorian Government's sustainable urban development agency, will install three BlueGen units in high profile housing development sites in Melbourne. The first unit was installed before Christmas at VicUrban’s ‘Aurora’ development in Melbourne’s north. The Company is currently finalising safety approvals and arrangements to connect the unit to the power grid and begin generating and exporting power from the unit. Origin Energy, one of the largest energy retailers in Australia, has also joined in the demonstration project as VicUrban’s selected energy retailer. Origin Energy will buy back excess electricity generated by the VicUrban BlueGen units." das Umweltamt vom Bundesstaat Victoria hat 3 Bluegens geordert. Origin Energie, nen Energieversorger, kauft den produzierten Strom (Überschuss oder alles, kann ich nicht herauslesen ?!?!). "Another leading energy retailer, Energy Australia, has also ordered a BlueGen unit for a showcase sustainability house in the Sydney suburb of Newington. The Company expects to deliver the BlueGen unit to Energy Australia by the end of March." nen weiterer Energieversorger , Energy Australia, hat 1 Bluegen bestellt für nen 1 Vorführhaus in Sachen Energiesparsamkeit und Effizienz. Einheit wird ende März geliefert. "In November the Company appointed Neco, one of Australia’s leading green retailers, to distribute BlueGen units in Australia. The non-exclusive agreement gives Neco the right to market, sell, install and service BlueGen units throughout Australia. Neco is currently preparing its BlueGen product 1 offering and a range of purchase options. The Company is also working with Neco to establish the BlueGen product service and support infrastructure. " Neco, Energieversorger mit Schwerpunkt aus erneuerbaren Energien (wohl sowas wie Lichtblick in Deutschland), wird wohl den Vertrieb der Bluegens in Australien übernehmen, d.h. Neco hat das Recht (non-exclusice agreement was ist das ?!?!) Verkauf, Installation und Support/Service in Australien durchzuführen. "In November the Company also received an order for a BlueGen unit from Paloma in Japan. Paloma is a leading global home heating manufacturer and owner of the Rheem, Solahart and Raypak brands. The BlueGen unit will be installed in Paloma’s warehouse and sales office in Sapporo, Japan, by the end of March. " Auftrag von ner Firma aus Japan für 1 Bluegen, Lieferung Ende März. "The Company expects to receive European ‘CE’ product certification for BlueGen by the end of March. Local approvals in Australia and other markets will follow the ‘CE’ approval." CE Zeichen für Bluegen-geräte Ende märz, übrigens Grundvorraussetzung das Gerät hier in Europa zu verkaufen ! http://www.cfcl.com.au/Assets/Files/...shflow_Jan2010_Appendix_4C.pdf So das nen grober ÜBerblick von mir, sicherlich nicht 1 zu 1 wörtlich übersetzt,den Finanzteil schenk ich mir erstmal, muss ich erstmal selber durchsteigen ;) |