Talgarth Capital3016:34#3077
"It may be the most corrupt company you’ve never heard of. Yet this opaque firm lies at the heart of the Steinhoff schlenter, and is central to why former CEO Markus Jooste was charged criminally in Germany last week.
Its name is Talgarth Capital, and it was set up by a disgraced ex-banker known as George Alan Evans, 72 — a consigliere to Jooste, who was adept at creating the sort of web of trusts and structures you often see in labyrinthine frauds. It’s no surprise that Evans was also charged last week in Germany"
www.businesslive.co.za/fm/opinion/...ny-youve-never-heard-of/Die Talgarth Capital wurde von George Alan Evans, der heute in OL vor Gericht saß, gegründet.
"Talgarth Capital Limited, a company incorporated under the laws of the British Virgin Islands and registered under number RA000063 598527."
Quelle Bilanz 2017
Was schreibt die B 2017 zu den Geschäftsbeziehungen zw. Steinhoff und z.B. der Talgarth Capital, einem Unternehmen der Talgarth Group?
"The recoverability of any loans and assets with such counterparties has been assessed and where there is no security on the loans in the entity with the liability or where the Group does not have sufficient information to perform a recoverability test, management has deemed it appropriate to impair these assets."
S. 138 Bilanz 2017
www.steinhoffinternational.com/downloads/...L-REPORT-2017.pdf"... wenn die Gruppe nicht über ausreichende Informationen verfügt, um eine Werthaltigkeitsprüfung durchzuführen, hat das Management es als angemessen erachtet, diese Vermögenswerte abzuwerten."
Hat die Gruppe, also die Herren LdP oder TdK, versucht irgendwann mal eine Bewertung herbeizuführen?
Oder hat man diese abgewerteten Vermögenswerte einfach im Verlustvortrag belassen?
Geht ja nur zu Lasten der Shareholder!