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Public Reply | Private Reply | Keep | Last Read Replies (1) | Next 10 | Previous | Next Posted by: lemonhead1de Date: Friday, August 22, 2008 6:06:58 PM In reply to: None Post # of 10752 from yahoo..thanks to qsplurge,,,
good or bad news????
"just returned from Pond Creek/Lower Cedar Grove. I hate to say it because it because some poeple will not read all the way through and will take it out of context. But production was temporarily at a standstill. The reason being that the belt had been overloaded and has failed. When I talked to Bobby on July 4th he said that a new belt was at the top of his wish list. He knew that the belt was a weak link in the operation. There has obviously been a lot going on since I last visited on July 4th. There were several big piles of coal near the belt head. There is all kinds of mining equipment on site. I was unable to take any pictures because my camera had a major malfunction. It would not turn on at all. I talked to Bobby's brother who said the belt had broken. It was too small for the load they were putting on it. There were several guys there working on installing the new belt line. I saw two big new rolls of belt sitting near the mine face. He said they are installing the wider, heavier duty belt and two belt heads to split the load. One in the middle and one at the top. Production is halted while they install the new belt line. I was not worried that I could not get fresh pictures because not a lot is different but it was obvious that they have been busy.
I took the time to walk up to the Lower Cedar Grove mine face this time. Last time the path was fairly overgrown. This time there were fresh tracks. It is further up the hill than I anticipated and the path is a little steep. When I got up there, two guys were working on clearing and leveling the area at the mine face and belt head of Lower Cedar Grove. There was a backhoe and some other equipment up there. It is still pretty rough looking but they just got started recently. The important thing is that work has begun on rehabing this seam.
I am impressed by the progress that is being made. After visiting twice now and talking to the guys who are responsible for this gig I can appreciate the amount of work that it takes to bring a mine to production and produce coal. There is a lot that can go wrong and it simply takes time and finances to fix it and keep it going. I have loaded more shares on the latest pps dip and still holding long. This stock will fly when the company gets production and BK issues ironed out. "
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